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  1. So while we are waiting for the first core patch to drop I thought it would be a good idea to start talking about Nation gimmicks and see we ideas people have. I'm curious how unique the other Nation are going to be compared to each other. For example the United States could be: Heavy cruisers are less likely to have torpedo's but have strong artillery. US Dreadnoughts are going to be very slow but heavy armor and artillery. The US will be great at open water combat but not as great at costal defense. So what do you guys think of these gimmicks? The third one might make no sense but it's an example. I would love to see what ideas ya'll would have for the Nations and lets hope they'll be added.
  2. I tried revising my old list of the flags of Naval Action, but it is easier to make a new topic. As my ability to upload attachments directly to the forum was revoked, organizing the list is now a rather more elaborate job, as it has to be done manually picture-by-picture, but here we go. The old guide, for reference, can be found here: ============================================================================================================================================= Below I have listed all of the flags found in Naval Action, organised by nation. They include default flags, DLC-flags, and flags bought in the admiralty store for 50k or 100k doubloons. Feel free to share in the comments what flag is your favourite, along with a picture of it flying at your stern. China Commonwealth of Poland-Lithuania Denmark-Norway France Great Britain Neutral Pirates Prussia Russia Spain Sweden United States Verenigede Provincien Port UI flags: Admiralty Flag Symbol Pendants and Signal Flags: Duel room flags: Alternative flags: Map Icons: Other flags: Notes: 1. I was unable to confirm for what nation the Courland flag was added, and placed it with the Commonwealth flags. Feedback or confirmation would be appreciated. 2. There are 2 (actually 3) Emanuel Wynne-flags in the game that are almost completely identical except for slight texture variations. I don't currently have access to a pirate alt with flag-dlc and was unable to check if both of the Emanuel Wynne flags can be selected in the flag UI. Information on this would be appreciated. 3. There are 2 Bavaria River flags in-game with a different Coat of Arms shown. For lack of information to say otherwise I placed both flags with the Prussian collection. Corrections would be appreciated. 4. Some of the newer flags that have been added after the initial DLC-release, as well as some of the Admiralty doubloon-flags may be mislabeled as well as differently ordered from how they appear in the UI. Feedback on the naming of flags would be appreciated. 5. At the time of writing this, no flag from the game should be missing, but if you do find that I have overlooked, misplaced or forgotten one, please let me know so that I can correct this.
  3. @admin it would be helpful for new players to be able to see the map along with port ownership and starting ports PRIOR to them having to select a nation. It is not good for new player retention to have them be surprised after joining a nation. Thanks.
  4. A l’attention des développeurs et nouveaux joueurs potentiels, je me permet après plus de 1000 heures de jeu (pvp) et ma présence depuis l’alpha, de modestement donner les raisons de mon insatisfaction et départ probable à terme de Naval Action. Je sais en effet partager un nombre certain de ressentiments avec de nombreux joueurs, et pour certains qui ont déjà délaissé ce jeu. La première d’entre toutes les raisons est le déséquilibre total existant entre les factions. Le nombre de joueurs étant la première des richesses, il est inadmissible qu’il n’y ait pas d’équilibre obligatoire en nombre de joueurs. Vous avez souhaité réparer cela en octroyant des avantages aux petites factions comme de meilleurs bonus de ports, et les nouvelles fleet IA qui s’attaquent aux grosses factions. En l’état cela ne suffit pas, le curseur est mal réglé et vous intervenez trop tard, regardons la carte et surtout les assauts menés sur les villes par les clans pour s’en rendre compte. Vous pouvez avoir tous les avantages du monde, si vous n’avez personne, vous êtes faibles. Cette première raison est désastreuse et passe à mon sens rapidement l’envie à un nouveau joueur de s’impliquer dans ce jeu. La seconde est votre incapacité à maintenir la communauté de joueurs dans un cadre de règles garantissant à tous un jeu équitable. Et vous me voyez venir, les comptes alts (ou doubles comptes) promettent à n’importe quel joueur honnête de se faire léser par d’autres qui survoleront littéralement les difficultés économiques, de grind, et ne se priveront pas d’utiliser ces alts pour faire de l’espionnage, du dumping commercial, aspirer d’une manière opportune un ensemble de joueurs dans des combats qu’ils ne veulent pas afin de les ralentir ou pour mieux les exposer à d’autres dangers, etc. Vous promettez de donner des avertissements à ces vilains garnements qui s’en contrefoutent ouvertement et continuent, puisqu’à l’évidence l’immunité est la règle, devons nous une énième fois donner et redonner encore les noms ??? Vous manquez à vos obligations et c’est épuisant. Tant que nous en sommes aux joueurs, une mention spéciale aux groupes de joueurs toxiques et expérimentés qui passent leur temps à pourrir le peu de choses viables. Je pense bien sûr aux membres du clan NN (ex-fr devenu russe) qui pour de tristes raisons trouvent leur plaisir dans le ganking, le harcèlement, bref la mise en difficulté de tout ce qui est français dans ce jeu, car s’en étant trouvés eux même écartés pour sociopathie lourde, et qui ne parviennent pas à avaler la pilule. Nous sommes d’accord, vous développeurs, n’êtes pas responsables, mais : 1/ C’est aussi ça la triste population de votre jeu (la France n’est pas la seule dans ce cas, mais avec eux on a du level...) il faudra faire avec, et cela ne vous autorise pas beaucoup d’erreurs 2/ C’est au stade actuel seulement vous qui pourrez réagir, mais pour cela il faut écouter la communauté Enfin, s’il est besoin de le préciser, ce jeu est très chronophage, long au grind et le niveau PvP est élevé pour un nouvel arrivant. Ajoutons que s’il ne joint pas un clan il n’ira pas loin, si ce nouveau joueur rejoint une faction défavorisée, comment objectivement, peut-il vouloir continuer? Sur qui va-t-il s’appuyer? Les anciens joueurs désabusés et fatigués de votre incurie? Nombre d’entre eux n’ont plus la foi. Donc non, il rejoindra une super faction ou désertera le jeu une fois fatigué. Autant de raisons qui concernent les potentiels nouveaux joueurs et à qui visiblement vous ne pensez pas. Et avec seulement 500 joueurs sur le serveur, je ne sais pas si vous vous rendez bien compte du problème (Vos objectifs n’étaient-ils pourtant pas de 4000 joueurs??? Laissez moi rire, puis m’attrister). Cette incapacité à séduire de nouveaux joueurs est un grave problème (que vos dlc payants ne résoudrons sûrement pas). Au lieu de vous atteler à la tache pour enrayer cette situation plus que critique, vos mises à jour portent sur des bonus de vent, des loki et loggbook….. De qui se moque-t-on ? Où sont les nouveaux navires en jeu ? Où est la viabilité et l’intérêt du commerce ? Où est la protection des nouveaux joueurs martyrisés par le premier **** qui passe ? Et encore une fois, où est l’équilibre entre nations absolument nécessaire à la survie de votre jeu ???? Bienvenue aux nouveaux ! Nota Bene : A l‘attention des admin, si ce post (qui n’a rien d’irrespectueux) comme d’autres devait être supprimé, je me ferai un plaisir de le remettre dans la note Steam de NA (c’est mieux, ça s’adresse à des joueurs qui n’ont pas encore acheté le jeu)
  5. Captains, I'd like to share with you some ideas to the past discussions about content/nations and possible server solutions based on the two server model: 1. CvC Server (Clan versus Clan) - No nations, only clans - No safe zones - No grinding (just choose your ship for fight) - Ganking, death match, capture flag etc. - "old" battle system - Target: Clan/player scores, conquests 2. NvN Server (Nation versus Nation) - Only Nations (yes, no clans) - Pirates: no nation to choose, you become Pirate for sinking the wrong ship (e.g. without letter of marque) or delivering the wrong letter/person, highest craftable ship is Pirate Frigate; "abandoned" colonies can turn to pirate or neutral, - grinding and crafting (also trading goods), no ship DLCs - Missions: Delivery missions have an influence on Nations (e.g. riots in an enemy colony) - "new" battle system (from testbed) - only balanced fights (via BR), patrol zones are free fighting areas - Everybody can join a PB - More "content" (missions and incentives): kill, escort fleet, nobility titles, nice ship rewards, spy activities for the crown or to even get married with the most beautiful governor's daughter - Caribbean news for each nation (alliances, political development, port battles, colonies, nation, economy) - tbc Please join the discussion FvB
  6. And we are suggestion dropping the 11 nations thing and go to 4 core nations and 1-2 pirate/privateer nations. We have way to many nations, some of them weren't in this time zone even involved. RUSSIA never had any involvement, Poland had some troops sent there, Prussia 200 years before had a port, but by this time had little to no Navy. So why not make all these special nations a Privateer nation for folks that want to play them? Why just Poland? Why not the other nations that aren't suppose to be here? I don't get...oh cause the few players that wanted Poland aren't active any more and it's a dead nation that maybe 10-20 players are keeping alive? I don't see why we can't combine more than one suggestion on the same basic view of things? PS don't forget to put tags in the post or Admin/Devs won't look at it.
  7. Introduction Building castles in the sky! I have just about 200 hours invested in this game. Most of that during the sea trials phase when there was no open world. I have spend 40-50 hours in the open world now. I have yet to actually win a PVP fight, or buy/craft a first rate. I'm not very high level.Nor have I played any other games similar to Naval Action, or worked on a dev team. Now, having said all that, here are my thoughts on what I would like this game to be in my own personal Utopia. If you agree with any of it, please comment, and maybe we will see it implemented in future. If you disagree, please keep it civil. Nations [N] I understand the desire of many people to sail under the flag of a certain nation. I love being able to fly the flag of my mother country myself, something that I'm not able to do in a lot of games. Having said that, I'm enough of a history nerd that seeing the "wrong" nations present bothers me. I'd like nations restricted to their historical starting positions. See [OW2] for ideas on nations. Having said all this, if we get a Baltic Sea "area" implemented, and the Russian nation decides to sail over and occupy Haiti, that's fine by me. Each nation should have a national government which should be made up of representatives from each of the three organizations. [See N 4-12 for organizations]The national government should have the ability to decide national policies through a voting system incorporated into the UI. This system would enable a player to make a suggestion, with a time limit for his fellow members to vote yay or nay. A majority of yays would mean the policy could go into effect on expiry of the timer. National policies - A limited list of ideas for what these could include: Raise / lower national taxes on x goods by x%. Create / cancel trade tariff of x% on x goods for x nation(s). Declare war on x nation. Sue for peace with x nation. Accept reject peace treaty / alliance with x nation. Offer alliance to x nation. Announce blockade of x nation's ports, making it illegal for citizens to trade with x nation, and making neutral ships within x distance of each port legitimate targets for citizens of blockading nation. Cancel blockade of x nation's ports. Issue warrant for player x with a reward of x for his capture. Each nation should be made up of players belonging to one of three organizations; the navy, the merchant marine or private captains. Clans should not be limited to players of a certain type, but should be able to recruit all kinds of players. The Navy - The navy should have a rank hierarchy. To rank up would need xp gained from missions issued by the ai navy, or from fighting foreign navies, much like xp are gained in-game now. Each rank would allow you to command larger ships, just like it does at the moment. I would like to see a few differences though - each rank should allow you to add more and or bigger ships to your fleet. Also, a navy player should not be able to command the largest merchant ships, and the rank requirements for merchant ships should be higher for each ship comparet to a player in the merchant marine. The ranks would also determine a players ability to initiate port battles and conquests, with larger battles reserved for the higher ranks. Battle and other groups should be limited in size by a player's rank. Players of the highest rank would be eligible for election to the national leadership. The national leadership of the navy would be responsible for setting priorities for the AI controlled national fleet, issue contracts for ship construction, and send representatives to the national government. The size of the leadership would be determined as a % of the number of players belonging to the navy and updated at intervals. AI fleet priorities - These would dictate the behavior of AI warships, and would be set by the leaders of a nations navy within the limits set by the national leadership. They could include trade protection, defensive patrols in x province, blockade duties of x ship type [warships/merchant ships] in x province. The priorities could be set as a % of each ship type assigned to the various duties. The decisions would be voted on by the navy leadership at regular intervals, and decided by a simple majority vote. AI ship construction - The navy leadership would issue contracts for warships, to be payed for using the national budget as determined by the national leadership at regular intervals. The contracts would be open for a set time, during which player crafters could build and sell ships to the navy at the set price. At the expiration of the timer the contract would be filled by AI crafters according to crafting capacity, and assuming the navy leadership set a price per ship that allows the AI crafters to make a profit. Player crafters, of course, could choose to meet orders at a loss, should they choose to do so. Player owned warships - Individual players would acquire their ships by crafting them, buying them on the open market, or buying them from the navy. Ships sold by the navy should be offered at ai determined prices, forcing the national and navy leadership to provide them at a loss, thereby making taxes and tariffs etc more relevant. The Merchant Marine - This organization should have an appropriate name in each nation. For example, the British merchant marine could be called the Honorable East India Company. Ranks in the merchant marine should govern the maximum crew and fleet size, as well as how many and what type of commercial orders can be created by a player. Merchant marine players should not be allowed to command the largest warships, and the rank requirements for warships should be higher than for players in the navy. The highest ranked players would be eligible for election to the board of directors of the merchant marine. Their responsibilities would include setting the insurance rates as a % of the value of the cargo transported by captains who desire insurance. The money made should go into a central account from which any claims would have to be filled. Merchant ship building - Merchant ships should be bought by the individual players from AI or player crafters. Merchant marine escorts- The board of directors would be responsible for issuing contracts for the construction of escort ships to be allocated to AI escort captains or sold to Merchant marine players who wish to take on that role. The ships would be payed for with money made from insurance profits, if available. Private Captains - These captains are free to play what ever role they desire in the nation. There should be no leadership for private captains, apart from the national leadership. Ship availability and crew/ fleet size should be dependent on player rank, and players should be restricted from owning the largest warships and merchant-ships. Letters of marque - These should be available for purchase by private captains, and be required in order for a player to purchase any but the smallest warships. Import / Export permits - These should be available for purchase by private captains, and be required for trade with ports outside the player's own nation. A separate document should be required for trade with each foreign nation. Sailing without a letter of marque / shipping contract - Sailing in a warship without a letter of marque would classify a player as a pirate and make him liable to be attacked by players of any nation as well as AI patrols. Sailing without an import/export permit would classify a player as a smuggler and make him liable to be attacked by a navy player of any nation as well as by AI patrols after his ship has been inspected. Outposts should be build-able by merchant players. Navy players should be able to build naval bases. Independent players should be able to build bases. Naval bases should have increased dock-space, but be unable to construct resource buildings such as farms. Outposts should likewise be limited to more civilian / trade focused buildings. Pirates Pirates should not be a nation. Piracy should be a legal status, as as such anyone wanting to play as a pirate should simply engage in piracy. It should not be possible to start the game as a pirate, although a new character could make himself a pirate instantly by illegally attacking a ship. Pirate havens - Pirates should not be allowed access to normal ports except through the smuggling mechanic. Instead, each island/ selected islands should have a hidden pirate cove. Players would identify these by engaging a mode in-game and sailing near / around an island for a sufficient time. Once identified, a pirate cove would be claimed by a pirate as his base, providing dock & warehouse space. Smaller versions of production buildings would be construct-able in pirate coves, reflecting the illegal nature of society in these places. I'm sure some unique ones could be imagined, making some form of profitable production possible for pirates. A cove could be shared by a number of pirates, such as a clan. Such groups would still not be considered nations though. Progression Different types of players should gain XP in different ways. I have listed the various player types above. Navy players should gain rank in the navy through earning combat XP. I see no reason to change anything about the way such XP are awarded at the moment. Navy players should earn less XP through trade. Let's say a 50% reduction, just for the sake of argument. Merchant players should earn XP through trade. Just like combat awards XP based on damage done, trade could award XP based on profits earned. Not simply on money made through selling things, but on actual profit. This would incentivize players to find profitable trade routes, as well as motivate them to sail farther afield despite the risks of piracy etc. Merchant players should earn less XP from combat. Let's say 10% of combat XP from battles where the merchant was the aggressor, and 90% from combat where the merchant was attacked by another player. After all, we don't want merchants to just linger in the safe zones! Diplomacy See [N 3] for how wars are declared, etc. Member(s) of the national leadership could be designated as a diplomat. A diplomat would use a UI function to propose/demand terms in order to agree a peace treaty. Once the dipomats have agreed terms, they would become available for ratification in the national leadership UI. All this should have real world time limits, enabling offensives, victories and losses to influence negotiations in progress. Diplomats should also be able to hammer out alliances using a similar system. Alliances should enable ships from separate nations to enter battles on the same side when fighting nations they are at war with. National leaderships should be able to define separate tarrifs for trade from allied nations. Intelligence Gathered by spies and networks established in enemy ports. Each spy/network would be able to gather only one type of intelligence. There ought to be four types of intelligence: Military, Commercial, Diplomatic and Technological. Military Intelligence- This would cover the number and type of ships based at the port as well as the number of troops and forts. Commercial Intelligence - This would cover stockpiles of goods, needs, availability and prices. Diplomatic Intelligence- This would cover any treaties, wars, orders, etc. currently in force. Technological Intelligence - This would cover the currently available technology, and perhaps give a chance to acquire same. Employing spies- Spies would be open world NPC's with skill levels and experience. They would be employable by players, nations, and companies. The employer would be charged a salary cost every day/month/year to keep the spy in his employ. Networks- A group of spies deployed in the same port by the same employer would form a network. The larger the network the more information it would be able to provide. The larger the network the easier it would be to detect. Counter-intelligence- A police chief/policemen would be other employable NPCs in the open world. They would limit the amount of intelligence enemy spies can gather, and also give a chance of capturing the spies working in a port. Ports and Capture Port capture should take place in phases. Phase one would require a declaration of war on the nation owning the port. Phase two would be a port battle as they are currently present in the game. In case the aggressor is victorious the next phase is enabled. Phase three would involve landing a force of soldiers to take control of the hinterland. The soldiers would have to be transported in on merchant ships, and there would be a timer for this activity. The troop transports would be intercept-able by defending ships. The number of soldiers necessary would be determined by the size of the target force, as well as any defending troops. If a sufficient number of troops are landed in phase three, the port is considered occupied. An occupied port contributes taxes to the occupying nation, and any buildings/ships are inaccessible to players from the original nation, except as per the smuggling mechanic. To gain permanent ownership of a port, it has to be ceded as part of an official peace treaty. This would slow down & hopefully limit zerging. Each port should have a governor. The governor would be responsible for local taxes and docking fees. He would be able to use this income to construct defenses and improvements. Possible improvements include infrastructure, such as roads which would give a bonus to any production buildings present. Housing, which would give a bonus to population growth. The governor could also invest in crop diversification, or introducing new industries, each of which would result in new production buildings becoming available. Each effort would have a real time implementation period, as well as a resource and money cost, and would have a chance of failure. Economy All ports should have a maximum capacity for buildings, determined by their population. Players should have priority in taking up this capacity, but any unoccupied capacity should be filled by AI producers. All goods should be produced in buildings either by players or AI. No goods should "drop" at any port. Goods should be transported by AI traders to meet first basic needs of ports lacking that good, and secondly luxury & production needs. Goods not produced in the Caribbean (or any other area)should need to be imported to that area from an area where such goods are available. All production buildings should be construct-able by players in ports where production of that good is possible. Production buildings should have needs. These could be basic, e.g. food for the workers, as well as advanced needs, e.g. a sugar farm would need slaves and fertilizer. These needs combined with the needs of the general population of the island would dictate prices in the local market. AI traders and small craft should follow routes designed to meet the needs of the cities. Sinking them should be a means of economic warfare, and protecting them should be important for players. The triangular trade was of enormous importance to the major powers at the time of the game. Thus I'd love to see it represented in-game. In case political correctness is a concern, slaves can be referred to as indentured labor. African indentured labor should originate in Africa, obviously, and Chinese indentured labor should be available from American ports. Historically the Chinese laborers arrived a bit later than the game period, but i suppose that can be forgiven. Players should be able to set up contracts offering loans of all kinds of money which would be repaid with interest determined by the lender. Players should be able to send trading ships on runs under AI control, to help keep important ports supplied. If a ship is lost under AI control it is destroyed. Goods transported this way would be sold to the shop in the target port, or delivered to the player's warehouse, depending on the player's choice when setting up the trade run. It should also be possible to ship owned goods from a warehouse in this way. More than one player should be able to join their AI ships together, creating convoys that sail together. It should also be possible to define the route taken by a convoy, and to drop off ships at ports passed. There should be an option to purchase insurance for any cargo. Insurance rates should depend on a player's history of successful or otherwise delivery of cargoes during his career. It should be possible for players to sell insurance to other players as well, at any rate desired. Crafting & Ships Each nation should rely mainly on ships historically employed by that nation. Blueprints for non-national ships should be more expensive to get - perhaps only obtainable through technology espionage. Upgrades should be craft-able, and dependent upon crafting level, so that only an expert crafter is able to craft the best upgrades. I do like the book system that we have now, so perhaps upgrades could be "learnt" from books, and then require a certain level to craft. Crew/Marines/Soldiers Crew should be recruit-able in ports subject to limitations of population size. Crew should be divided into categories according to skill levels - Landsmen (a small malus to re-load times, sail setting etc), Seamen (no bonus or malus), Able Seamen (a smal bonus) and priced according to their skill level. Lower leveled crew should be upgrade-able once they gain some experience. Crew should require food and water to be carried in a ship's hold. Lack of either should lead to crew deaths. Food and water should be consumed over time, limiting a ship's radius of action without replenishing these supplies from a port. Related to the above, relevant illnesses, such as scurvy, should be modeled, along with preventives, such as vitamin c rich fruits. Marines should be recruit-able for navy captains subject to the same limitations as crew. Soldiers should be recruit-able by port governors for defensive purposes subject to the same limitations as crew, and the availability of defensive buildings with spare capacity. They should also be recruit-able for merchant and private captains, subject to the same limitations as crew, for the purpose of port capture. Soundtrack I would love to be able to listen to a soundtrack of period music, including both instrumental/classical music popular at the time as well as shanties and sailor's songs in general. To make this even better, the soundtrack ought to reflect your nationality, so that a British captain would hear, for example, Hearts of Oak, but a Danish captain would not. Open World (OW) Spotting distance- I would like this to depend on the mast height of your ship, as well as the mast height of the other ships in the area. A cutter would not be as easy to spot as an SOL, etc. Related to this, I would like national flags to be rendered on open world ships, and I'd like the ability to fly a false flag. Just like in history, it should be illegal to fire at another ship while flying a false flag (unless you happen to be a pirate!), and there should be penalties for doing so. This would necessitate the creation of a system like the RN's private signal, or, in modern terms, IFF. A hotkey ordering the crew to hoist the private signal would do. The other ship would then respond, or not. A nice ( and i hope) simple way to introduce some more tension! Further, it would be nice if ships sank below the horizon, or vice versa, rather than pop in and out of view range. Size- this is definitely utopian, but hear me out. I'd like the world extended to the west coast of Africa and Europe, as well as southwards along the coast of South America. This would have several benefits. Portugal could become an in-game nation. The safe zones could be moved to the European coast for most nations. See other relevant sections for more detail. Alternatively a sort of off-map boxes could be used to achieve the same effect without having to create a huge map with all the problems that entails. Such a system could also be used to link a series of smaller maps, or theaters. The Caribbean would obviously be one. The Mediterranean could be another, the Baltic a third. Perhaps the English Channel and part of the North Sea would also be a nice addition. Off map boxes - These should rely on a teleportation mechanic that charges money and is not instant. I.e. to send a ship to the Baltic from the Caribbean could cost 50,000, and take 1 hour of real time to arrive. It should be possible to teleport ships with cargo in the hold when traveling to/from off map boxes. The same mechanic could be used to travel between separate map areas. This teleport should not work directly from port to port. Rather it should create a random-ish exit point on your current map. Once you reach that exit point the UI should prompt you in the same way it does on approaching a port, and by cicking the prompt you'd initiate the teleport. The player should be prompted to return to his outpost, like after losing his ship in battle (if the time delay mechanic is implemented). Winds- I would like the wind to be more closely based on actual weather patterns. With somewhat predictable winds, players will be channeled into certain routes/choke-points where PVP combat will naturally occur. Of course, due to the speeding up of time, real world patterns would not work well in game, but something similar to them, with an element of randomization would be very nice indeed. See here for animated wind map: http://yachtibis.com/caribbean-weather/ Ship inspection - Navy players and AI patrols should be able to perform an inspection by remaining close to a ship in the open world for a certain amount of time. Only after such an inspection is carried out should any smuggler status be revealed to the inspecting fleet. Ports- Each port should have a population. The size of the population would dictate the needs of the port, which in turn would dictate prices in that port's market. Shortage- A shortage of essential goods in a port should lead to a decrease in population in that port. Workforce- the available population should dictate how many production buildings can be constructed in that port. Exploration - The Caribbean was more or less fully explored in the geographical sense by our period. Exploration should follow the idea of the historical artifact good available now. These should be sub-divided into, for example, Mayan artifacts, Voodoo dolls, etc., as well as natural history artifacts, such as new species of insects etc. These should not be available in shops, unless they have been sold to the shop by a player. Instead, there should be fetch quests along the lines of the current sealed bottle mechanic. These should come from buildings available to governors to construct in their port. These buildings would be named after, for example, The National Geographic Society, depending on the nation. They could also be generated by ship's officers, with the relevant skill. Navigation - At noon each in-game day the ships position should be marked on the map. This should be weather dependent and in-exact to a degree. AI ships should spawn at ports, and require resources to build. Hence, if I sink an AI snow, the owning port would spend enough resources to rebuild that ship as it re-spawns it. AI ships should have proper missions. Hunt merchants, escort them, protect an area, etc. AI ships on a protection mission should attack players and other ai that intrude on their turf. There should be enough AI ships in the world to keep the economy going, but not so many that players can make no difference. Not that the role of the AI ships should be to keep the ECONOMY going, so simply to spawn as random targets! NPC Characters All NPCs should have appropriate skills, and be able to acquire more through leveling up. The employing player should be allowed to control the leveling up process, but if the NPC leaves his employ and is subsequently hired by a different player, it should not be possible for the new employer to re-arrange skills already gained. NPCs should be randomly generated and become available to employ in ports according to a logical system. A national capital should have more NPC available than other ports. The numbers generated should also depend on the type of port and the population level. NPCs should be transportable, just like the trade goods representing various persons we have in-game at the moment. There should be employable officers with a portrait and name available. Each ship should have slots for an appropriate number of named NPCs, effectively replacing the perk mechanic. Officer NPCs should give bonuses in suitable areas, according to the experience level of each officer. Each officer should have a chance of death in combat, and in case of capture should have a small chance of becoming available to the capturing player. Buildings should require NPC managers, with skill levels governing the output of a building. Each NPC should have, and gain as they level up, skills relevant to their position. The skills should provide bonuses and maluses, giving the officers a sense of personality. Example skills could be natural scientist, which would generate mini-quests that give the player a chance of acquiring valuable goods such as "insert name of rare butterfly here". More examples to come. Player Characters Avatar - Each player character should be represented by an avatar. I love the art style of the game so far, and I'd really enjoy a full length portrait of my captain wearing the appropriate uniform for his nation, rank and organization. Name - I'd love for each character to have a first name, a family name and a nickname. There should be some form of personalisation or role-playing aspects to a player character. The ability to buy a home in a port, preferably with a nice piece of art to enjoy. To find a wife, even if she is nothing but a portrait. To have children once a wife is present. These children could then grow up to be NPCs in their own right. In-game Encyclopaedia I would like to see one. I would like it to contain entries on the nations in the game, the history of their presence in the area, as well as entries on ports containing a brief history and perhaps basic information such as what production buildings are available there, populations size and type, current owner, etc. Sailing I'd like to see leeway modeled in the open world. I'd like to see the open world ability to sail directly into the wind changed to more realistic behavior. PVP I can't state strongly enough the belief that artificially encouraged pvp doesn't work well in an open world game. If you want merchants for pirates to attack you need an economy with appropriate game-play loops for traders to engage in. Rewards to motivate people to take the risk of being attacked by pirates. The economy is the bedrock on which the rest of this game should rest. Damage & Repairs In addition to sail damage I'd like to see rigging damage. To repair this would necessitate a new type of consumable. Crew damage should be split up into the various crew types outlined above, and dependent on hit location. Thus, chain to the sails and rigging would be much more likely to kill topmen. Damaged and destroyed cannon don't seem to have any impact after a battle at the moment. I'd this to be changed. I'd like to see weather damage to rigging and sails, as a consequence of raising too much sail in strong winds. Missions Passenger mission. Port to port. Fishing contract. Catch x amount of fish. Issued by ports lacking in food and at risk of population shrinkage. Ships Fishing vessels. Ability to convert traders cargo space to horse/cattle transport. Add passenger capacity to all ships. Ability to convert cargo hold to troop transport I'm done for now. I reserve the right to add more ideas, should any occur to me.
  8. Let me explain ... the free State of "Puttanelle". To be part of it you have to: 1. Do not engage your little brain in too difficult reasonings, do you see an enemy colored in red? Sink it, board it, make it what you want (if you can). 2. Gank and become ganked it does not matter, tackle the battles as they arise and avoid complaining and insulting your opponent if he sinks you (this is the purpose of this game). You want a "fair" fight? Before explain to me which is a "fair" fight and after that go and play another game (Legends?), because 90% of fight in NA are ganking. 3. You must have a Bellona (better one in each port)! But this is only a piece of advice 🙂 4. Play with your friends and captains you can trust and avoid telling tales and liars, and absolutely avoid those captains who call themselves pro (are they maybe paid to play?). You are interested? No? I do not care! The important thing is to have fun and not take this wonderful game too seriously (even if it could be better with further efforts). Fair wind!
  9. Suggestion: Step 1: Introducing a new starting nation like "North South Company". The starting nation gets an own "Carezone" that makes seal clubbing and other forms of ganking impossible Crafting in the new starting nation only up to lvl 2 shipyard no clans in the new starting nation are allowed can and can be attacked in ow no RVR for this nation Step 2: creating a clan lets the creator pick what nation flag the clan should fly. (A few might remember the flag choice in NAL that only had cosmetic effects to the flag on your ship but did not effect what player side you end up) Every clan is at war with every clan (like in NAL the flag is just cosmetic 2 clans that picked the spanish flag will be able to fight each other for each of them the enemy will fly pirate, US or whatever just like in NAL) A clan can have up to 2 friendly clans. (makes an alliance of 3 clans) to become a friendly clan following rules apply combined clan member strength can not exceed 250 members (might be lowered for low population) Benefits of a friendly clan access to ports of friendly clans Only able to join battles on friendly side if friendly clan is involved Able to join pb of friendly clans Details: ROE: Only able to join battles on friendly side if friendly clan is involved Friendly clans get dragged into battle if they are together in the circle (just like same nation would be) Able to join pb of friendly clans All clans can fight each other except they are friendly to each other Starting nation is hostile to every clan Joining an ongoing battle is possible on every side except a friendly clan is involved. No info is giving who is fighting who except friendly clan is involved Battles show: Side 1 = 300BR vs Side 2 = 500BR (no friendly clan involved) Side 1 = 300 BR vs ESEL =500BR (if friendly clan ESEL is involved) RVR: RvR is not allowed for the new starting nation (but cant lose ports) Every clan can attack a port of an other clan except they are friendly to each other Ports can be set as "Clan" (only access by own clan or smuggler), "Friendly" (only access by them + friendly clans + smuggler) or "open for all" (access for everyone) Starting Nation: all new accounts start in that nation can build shipyards up to lvl 2 ship crafting has no chance of rng ship inbuilds or more then 3 mod slots can not RvR no clans within the starting nation are allowed players of starting nation can not be sunk in their carezone by pvp cannot have outposts outside their carezone Clan: Leaving a Clan puts a player into a 7 day cooldown till he can create or join an other clan Leaving a clan add the player back to the starting nation Rework of forged papers: forged papers let you change your player name every 30 days + reduces not able to join clan cooldown to 0 once every 30 days 😉 Pros: RvR pressure = limited ports and limited friends more targets to fight clan based gameplay nations dont matter anymore meaningful RVR ports matter small scale RVR = easy access freetowns, open for all ports become trading hubs possible to introduce more nations like Portugal for example alts for access to eco become less important due to restricted members and access to port easy nation hopping Cons: nations dont matter anymore RvR pressure 250 member rofl stomper to meaningful no historical interpretation
  10. I have listened to the different takes on how to make RvR more attractive. We all want to get people more involved in RvR and this way, have them understand the beauty with this game. Have to say that suggestions are many and some are quite creative, one thing stands out thow, and that most of us agree that we need a clan based solution. Here is my suggestion. Suggestion My suggestion is based, and is quite similar to the competitions in the game of Football. That is within every nation there will be a constant competition between clans to get to the top three. The national competition is flag based and requires that every clan should have an own outpost. Like so: Clan A pulls a flag for Clan B. Clan B attacks Clan A defend at Old Providence and the outcome Clan A wins. Clan A gets 3 points. Then Clan A attacks Clan B defend at Turneffe and Clan B wins. Both of them have 3 points and the national competition continues until all the participating clans have battled each other. The next step is that the top three clans will participate in the world domination competition. The rules are the same only that this time the theater of war is the whole map. Now I know that I said 3 clans from every nation but that gives 33 clans and that’s not a good number. So my suggestion is that the lowest points do not participate. And so we have a world domination competition with 32 clans. I understand that it is a bit trickier to duel other nations especially when it requires countless hours of sailing around the map. But, maybe adjustments can be made to accommodate this idea. Who knows… Implementation Most of the algorithms required for this idea, already exist within the game and have been tested at one point or another. Not a lot of new programing is required, even for a small team of developers. The only new programing that is required is the competition framework and a counter that keeps tabs on the points from all the battles. Conclusion I believe that this idea have the potential to remove griefing from the RvR and give us a clear winner and champion with every iteration. Tks!
  11. Hello guys, im new in this game and just wondering how to change nation, because i picked France, but everyone in chat just spamming french and I do not understand anything, so i would like to switch to some english speaking nation. Unfortunately dont have the forged papers because I bought the game 2 weeks ago. Thx for any help.
  12. Hi there, The recent national rework that saw most ports revert to neutral control was perhaps logical for PvP but makes little sense for PvE where port conquest is not an option. My perception is that PvE is more of an environment for players who generally operate outside of clans/groups and on their own--much as single cruisers (frigates, sloops of war, commerce raiders) did in the Age of Sail. As such, the national structure is more important to PvE than PvP, which is now experimenting with a much more clan-centric model that explicitly requires conquest. It would be great if the PvE server could see ports revert to national control and orient itself around the activities of cruising warships rather than battle fleets. This could harness the open world by including historically realistic trade routes (the British, for example, sent their convoys outbound from the British isles to Barbados, to Jamaica, and homeward bound from Jamaica to Belize, around Cuba by the Florida Strait, and across the Atlantic by way of Nassau and Bermuda) for commerce raiding, and adding new categories of missions like convoy escort and attack (which would encourage players to take more full use of the open world map by sailing longer distances), and single/multiple-ship (i.e. not fleets) port raids (which would deliver goods and prize money, and possibly ships in the case of a cutting-out expedition). These would require the restoration of national control over ports, and in the case of the long-distance commerce-related missions, a means of plotting positions on the chart with a similar resolution as can be accomplished with a sextant and chronometer in open ocean (so something similar to, perhaps slightly less accurate than the previous GPS-like system, but much more accurate than the current, rather unhelpful dead-reckoning only method). Many thanks--
  13. You could perhaps even do away with all the random capture points as result of predictable winds making several points little to obnoxious, instead permitting capture of port after demolition of fort which anchors attackers so that they don't always start upwind, and successful defense so long as fort isn't taking damage. You could perhaps even make the whole thing zen by requiring that certain amount of damage is produced against the fort depending on enemy fleet size as apposed to defending fleet size (by cannon poundage), which means you don't need to go as clan somewhere just because you have to and be there for that same reason- in a clan. In small enough port (that is small winds) you could probably could disturb first rate enough that he would fail. It sure enough could still lead to attackers trolling defenders, but I trust you could come up with some math that would ensure that theres equalibrium with variables like firepower involved and such. In addition instead of hostility system you could require that fort is rebuilt requiring resources proportionate to amount of pounds of cast iron demolition took, requiring that there's also a fleet of indymans somewhere nearby lest defenders chose to regroup and kill of defenders with indyman having to travel through battle instance towards the port. I suppose that with supplies required to solidate capture of fort trolling defenders becomes less so practical but a timer could still be required unless you want to let defenders build up the fort again to which only requires that you check back in every so often in case some lonewolf did decide that he would both destroy the fort and bring the supplies to actually capture the fort. Either way necessity to escort a trade vessel requires frigates either in screening fleet/convoy or in actual port battle instances. Reference to sailing physics and winds come from first several sentences of this post.
  14. Introduction and facts The new system of conquest is coming. With that, the middle of the map is supposed to be RvR ON while around the map the RvR is supposed to be OFF. Capital from the center on the map are supposed to be put away like the brit who may spawn on Bridgetown. On PvP Europe, we can see on "Conquest competition" that 3 nation are fighting in RvR and 5 surviving. Swedish, Danish and british are alive. Dutch, pirate, french, US and spanish have not conquest port from years. On PvP US, we can see on "Conquest competition" that 3 nation are fighting in RvR, 4 surviving and one have been erase from the map. Pirate, GB and DK are playing in rvr and the others one are dead. Number of player provides by admin about his charts show a big difference with what people feel and see ingame and on TS. There is a difference between people in RvR and people in global. Clan war may help to have a better view on who is in rvr or not but with clan war limited to nation only it not going to solve the problem What is happening When a nation is in a bad move, some people on this nation : => Stop to play because they feel useless as they are missing the rvr aspect on the game => Use forget papers making the difference between nation biggers. We can see that with french and spanish clans moving to DK to make more RvR on europe server. It reinforce the stronger and it make more weak the weaker. The weakest nation are then in a snowball. Less player mean less to join and finish their levelling mean les resosurces means more to forget papers means to be weak etc etc. Solutions Delete forget papers. Forget papers is an egoist tool that allow people to change nation but that break the balance for all a nation. If people want to be able to change, they have to make it with the hard way by creating a new character. We are not supposed to fight someone that was our friend yesterday and that may be back our frient tomorrow (most of people have 2 forget paper in redemable). I prefer to see a people leave the game and not play it anymore that seeing a nation perish because the departure on the player improving the difference between the nation he leaves and the one he joins. That make all the nation irrevelant to play anymore. Forget papers improve Unbalance in player population Modify Forget papers : After every map victory, forget papers is possible for 48 hours but only to join on the 3 worst nation. It will change the flew of people moving to win in a flew of people moving to help and find new challenges Decrease number of nations. We can see that on both server there is basicly 3 nations that are active in RvR and all the other one which provide ports to the ones activ in rvr. There is few hope for the bashed nation to be able to counterattack thoses who stole their ports due of people leaving the games and players switching nation to winning side. We have actually 7 nations +pirates. 3 nations are really activ atm per side in RvR. I suggest to use the remaning time on Alpha to test a new setup on nations. It will allow devs to change the time on the game wich is setup on a time where sweden and DK were present in caraibe when in thje immigation on most players they were not in the area on this time. I understand the necessity to have "neutral nation" that will be joined by thoses wich are neither french, british or spanish but it seems to early and not really helping the game. It's the case now and it has been the case before even with 1000 player online. We never seen 8 nation rvring on the same time. Adding portugese for exampe may solve the things. I think that at least 2 nations have to disapear to make the game better for everyone. Introduce Alliance in Clan war or beeing able to add not nation to clan to a clan war : Clan war is a setup that make people interest in rvr to focus on it while the rest of the population on the nation make pvp around or pve. It's going one more time to improve population unbalance with the winner more winning and the loose more loosing. If alliance is possible between clan war or if we are able to add not national clan in clan war, it will make the clans fixed in a small nation able to make rvr again and to enjoy the game withouht been limited by the rest of the population on the nation. It will then make the not in the wish to leave or to change nation to make rvr as they will be able to make rvr into their war corporation Capital, spanwn and nation As said, i'm really thinking there is too much nation to balance the game in term of population. There is more difference in 20v50 than in 80 and 110. Anyway the capitals. Actually, we seen many capital into the antilles and some other placed on the rest of the map creating a big unbalance in the game as the antilles nation are block in rvr almost from start in a direction. With a new system of rvr it may be painless with noone been able to make rvr around capital but as seen from the last wipe a huge zerg around the capital on the weakest nation may burn them from start. I suggest 2 things Balance the map even if it's not historical accurate. if you want to be accurate, change the time on the game and replace Sweed or Dk by portugese or just delete this nation to make a 6 nation game even if 5 may be enough Noone understand at start why these or thse nation is supposed to be hard or easy if you are not explaning why. The number of region as start is not a good point as even with a big territory (spain), if you are weak you can't defend it. Spain is for these rease one on the harder nation but there capital, with no capital on west make it easy. Noone can contst you exico golf if you are enough to defend. Same for brits are there capital in the center. They are hours away from anywhere in any direction. Capitals have to be more balance, you put all of them together to improve pvp on a port of the map that is not RvR (meaning the guy who want to be more quiest will have to move away at start) or you spread them in all the direction you can with equql distance between them to balance the things. Ty for reading, i tried to make it clear and easy to read
  15. Looking at how the main nations people choose in the game seem to be the United States and Great Britain (with Pirates coming next probably) people have been looking for a way to encourage people to play the "smaller nations" such as Sweden. While I believe we still should keep thinking of ways for people to be encouraged to choose the smaller nations I think there is one simple thing that could be done as a start. When I first joined the game I looked at all the nation descriptions to see which I liked the best. I of course saw the US was labeled as Easy and when I was just starting I didn't want to learn this new game by being thrown into the deep end so I joined the US. After about 2 weeks I felt I had learned enough to go to a harder nation and went with Sweden. I expected some sort of difficulty change but I found none. The only difficulty we had was a smaller population. I feel this part of the description is misleading and should be changed. While not top priority it seems like an easy fix and could be a good step towards keeping nations somewhat balanced. I will also attach the current nation descriptions for the US and Sweden and a possible idea for how to change them.
  16. Da meine Text zu unverständlich war und ich deshalb zensiert wurde, probier ich es anders um Missverständnise zu minimieren. Wir bitten Euch abzustimmen in welcher e u r o p ä i s c h e n Nation ihr aktuell auf PvP- ONE EU spielt . Falls ihr die Beweggründe wissen wollt warum wir Euch bitten, dann lest folgende Aufzählung: Es steht Ende April ein Wipe an! Deutschsprachige Ankündigung von komplettwipe Freund und ich überlegen dieses Ereignis zu nutzen und vielleicht zu einer anderen europäischen Nation zu wechseln. Wir wollen definitiv nicht Piraten spielen. Wir sind überzeugt worden Piraten als europäische Nation anzuerkennen! Immer ein handbreit Wasser unter dem Kiel für Euch alle! Gysendorf P.S: Ich hoffe das ist jetzt verständlich genug.
  17. This might only work in conjunction with a reputation system, but what if players could craft and trade Letters of Marque. They would temporarily assign the creating nation's flag (with its restrictions on who is an enemy) to the player holding the letter. There are a few options how this might be interesting: 1. Only Nats could make them and only Pirates could get them. 2. Or since alliances are being "turned off" perhaps one Nation could give it to another Nation's player. They would not be free to make and presumably whoever accepts the letter will want some sort of payment as well. A player could only hold one letter at a time I'm sure there are other ways this could play out but it seems like it would have positive impact for low pop nations while avoiding alliance entanglements and provide a mechanism for pirates to do some privateering. Please discuss.
  18. W.I.P. history on Naval Action will be coming when EA hits. Preparing at the moment, maybe ill get some pre-EA pilot posts but nothing worth looking at. Read this topic for additional info http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/7975-is-there-a-way-to-curb-these-english-devils/ .
  19. I believe that the biggest balance issue, and part of the reason for the gank fleets, if not the whole reason, is simply player numbers in said nation, and or pirate "nation." To balance this issue i would suggest some sort of player limiting factor per nation that could be implemented by percentile. Depending on others opinions on how that percentile could work every nation should have a +- 0-5% of an even percent of the total players on the server that have logged on in the past X amount of time, allowing for an active nation. OR it could be a somewhat uneven balance more historical to the nations historical presence in the area, i.e. spain with a bunch of population followed by britian, america, dutch, swedes/danes, and pirates. This would limit the pirates, and make them also behave like pirates more than what they do now. However this is a game and that might not be very popular, or it could be very popular. Opinions, more implementation ideas, etc. all welcome.
  20. I am not one to argue for the nerfing of pirates, nor to demand that they are made “no longer a nation”. I don’t argue against either of these positions either. I don’t have an opinion either way, and I’m not particularly invested in the outcome. I am sure that whatever the developers come up with for the pirates, with input and correctives from the testing community, will eventually serve its purpose. However, I have been contemplating a lot on the implementation and the implications of the regional conquest system, and I got to thinking about how the pirate faction will fit into this, both strategically and in terms of gameplay. And I wish to offer my thoughts and suggestions. So, I think there have been multiple posts by devs, arguing that historical pirates did own ports, and that the devs want them to be able to do this in the game. I have no objections to this. Regardless I think it will be interesting to have pirates be able to own ports, and should they be limited, basically, to open waters only, that would be a significant drawback to the faction. They should be able to attack ports at least, be it in the future only to raid ports or to capture them. Yet now that the regional conquest system is beginning to take form, I wonder how the pirates should fit into this. Did pirates ever really conquer an entire map area with infrastructure and a capital city - i.e a region? (I haven’t read enough about it to say either way, feel free to enlighten me) Suggestion for Pirate conquest So how about if pirates were not able to conquer regions the same way as every other nation will be able to? How about if pirates were left the only faction that would still be able, after the new system, to conquer individual ports (quite similar to the current conquest system) - rather than regions? What if pirates were able to raise hostility/conquest meter in a region just like any other nation, but where other nations then have to attempt to capture every port of that region, or lose it in its entirety, pirates would have to choose one port of that region and assault that one (the owning nation could be left to guess until the last minute which specific port would actually be assaulted)? If pirates won the assault, that individual port would then be owned by the pirates, despite being part of a region held by another faction. The pirate port would be immune from reconquest by the owner of the region for the same length of time that regions will be immune (if even) from reconquest by nations after changing hands, or possibly twice as long. After that the owner of the region would have to raise hostility outside that particular port to open it up for reconquest. Pirates would be able to hold more than one port of a region, but only by raising hostility once - and taking a port - and then raising hostility again to take another port (and so on). Pirates holding a port in your region would mean extensive raiding of trade and resources in the region, and result in a percentage loss to trade income and resource production in the entire region for the nation that owns it. Pirates conquering a port of a region, would make a good base for them to raid the resources and raze the infrastructure of that region, probably also weakening it severely in case a neighbouring faction then decided to invade that region. Pirate conquest would be completely unrestricted by proximity and distance. Pirates, from Mortimer Town, could raid Tampico in the Gulf of Mexico, Tulum in the Yucatan, or Lagunillas in the Lago de Maracaibo, and own ports in each of the four corners of the map. Pirates could conquer deep into national territories. No economic zone or PvE-area of a nation would be safe from invasion and conquest by pirates. ----------------------------------- I believe this proposal could work to make pirates something distinct and different from nations, while maintaining them as an interesting faction. It could make pirates truly the joker of the map, while avoiding that they would be just another nation competing for dominance of the map and with an advantage in both strategy and numbers over many of the nations.
  21. please note i started writing this around 3 in the morning i apologize for any grammar mistake and i rarely go on the forums and if there were any ideas that someone else wrote i apologize in advance. I bought this game on day one of steam release and i have really enjoy the game . I have few suggestion for this game. Hopefully this is a balance approach to many thing . Garrison of ships and troops: the garrison of ships,ammo, soldiers/sailors/marines and guns at ports that Lord Protector can buy. This give merchant captains ( a mission for Merchant captains to do ) to send resources to a given port.With building added to the game and having to pay gold to take out material, that gold than would be use to buy (garrison) / pay merchant captain ( the gold would not go to the lord protecor but to the ports bank if want to call it that ) who help deliver ( or have an AI convey set) The Lord Protector can use his/her money to buy garrison force if he/her chose to. With the garrison it is to help defend with port attacks/ raids if you build to many ships (25 is the cap) and there is a port battle the defenders will only have AI ships but if you build less than 25 (depending on the number of defenders) than you can call reinforcement or have it part of the defending fleet. Also one last point to recruit soldiers/sailors/marines it can only be done at capital/ regional capital which reinforces the idea that nation needs a merchant fleet to send supplies and man power to hold territory. Also to add at the start of the game (day one on steam) nations already had control on some port ( spain had alot) there should be default garrison of ships and troops enough to challenge players. Raids on port: can be called any time to help reduce the influence of another nation and gives you access to that port for one hour. If there is a garrison of ships and troops you must destroy most of the defenders to gain access Influence meter: In short it is what a port thinks of other nations.To lower the meter a nation must conduct raiding operation.Also to take the port the influence meter must be low to start a port battle for pirates it has to be close to zero.Pirates have the daunting task of getting the influence meter very low, reason being pirates never could keep many territories and keep order but at the same time this is a game and nerfing the pirates to a point that makes it un-playable is not fair the mind set of the influence meter is to prevent one nation from steam rolling another nation. You could say an end goal or a reason to have ports is for a nation to have is the most influence in the Caribbean each port world have influence points that could add up not sure how many would be needed to be called winner or how long it would last but it gives purpose to taking ports. Port battle timers : should have a set time/day and can only be attack once per week if a nation attacks a port ,that nation also must defend it (counter attack from the nation that just lost it ) before the new owner can change the timer/ day in there favor (they should have 24 hour to defend with the original timer/ day) . Port battle : I believe forts are in the works but the main point i have with this is marine landing. On top of destroying tower/forts and the defending fleet the attacker must have troop ship to land marines into the fort (if still alive) and town. granted someone may say if you destroy the defending fleet and tower/fort what is the point and having a troop ship my point is you have to destroy the garrison in the town if there is one. Also the color or the marines upgrade that is in the game now would give the quality of training for marines and price for recruitment Sailing races in naval action "Regattas" :in short you start at one point and race to another with the fastest time you can race with other player or try to beat a certain time that someone else has. you cant have any guns on your ships and cannot be attack. this is something to have fun and test build of your ships/ skills. Also just like having a conquest flag/ calling a port battle you can host a regatta and anyone who attends it will have a race flag above there ship anyone from any nation can join. Food and Water: With this point you can safely assume its it meant for sailing long voyages which it is but also for your port as well. to produce food building can only be built at certain ports two big ones are regional capitals and your nation capital and then some in between . (to note food building at regional and nation capital can have all the assorted food types while the other port can only have what that port produces). to note this is towards feeding garrisons in ports Pardons should only be granted by lord protectors and any nation can give them except pirates . The ideas are ways that i think would make this game have that immersive feel to it .its not to give one nation advantage but to challenge every player. . It also give reason to take ports. At the moment ports have no meaning or reason to take, its mostly bragging rights. Also some player strictly focus on crafting and trading which adding the ability to supply ports gives incentives to players who only want to focus on trading aspects of the game.
  22. Dear Devs, I like and love the game in its status. Because of its working progress, I want to give you my feedback. I play Pirate. In every game, where a Pirate system is able to be played, i love to do so. And yes, I joined Pirates in NA aswell. But I didnt know, that they are a Nation - which is a totaly wrong understanding of what pirate was in the 16th to 18th century. If someone had told me before, that I can choose the "Nation" Pirate, I were joined france frist, scam all the Clans and players, kill some friendly mates and become pirate then. Because this is, what pirates did in those centuires. They never fight to own a harbour. They fight harbours to own more stuff. So here are my points: 1) Pirates shouldnt be able to own Ports. They only should be able to "raid" them for getting stuff out of it. Only 1-3 Hideouts which are only shown on Pirates map, should be owned by pirates. Not more not less. Because being a pirate is kind of a political statement. ATM Pirates are "friendly" to each other because they have to. This is FAAAAAAr away of beeing authentic. So here is the Idea: No Port Capture or battle for owned ports. 2) Be a Pirate : When I capture a ship from e.g. the Great Britains, I will steal the Flag and sail under my new fake flag. As long as i dont attack anyone - to get somethings like a criminal timer and be detected as "fake" Great Britain - i should be able to use every port / facility / chat or more from the Nation, i fake to sail for. Only when i get criminal flagged and or get killed, the flag should be gone. 3) Pirates should not be able to craft ships. They can dock at every harbour (fake flag at Point 2 explains why) and they can buy ships there or get into "deals" with clans of any nations to get ships. Also they should focus in raiding fleeds and capture ships. But Pirates should be able to upgrade or optimize their ships. e.g. enhance Speed and crew, better boarding abilities for fast travel Boardings at 6kn or something similar. Pirate ships should be a very scary thing in open world fights. And i dont mean, that they should be tanky or overpowered. They only need to have things, which nation ships dont have. 4) Turning into "Pirate" should be a penalty for players. So they should be thrown out of their "safed" life in a 150 member clan into a deep community of ugly, angry and beard people who kill each other for no reason, when the rum rations ran out. Learn how to sail, steal, fake flag, keeping morales up and get away with slaves / captured ships should be horrible hard for a normal player. But this should be all, what pirates should be able to do. Sitting in MT to craft things is dumb. No Pirate of our history books ever sit in a port and craft a plank for a ship. They all raid a port and take those ready build ships and the wife of the guy who crafted it. 5) Give pirates some capturing advantage but for. eg. let them be attacked from npc's aswell, when they get a criminal timer. Those timer should be there for 1-2 hours. 6) A Pirate need to learn everything new. Sailing Routes, noone know and all stuff like that. So take away the teleport to capitol function for Pirates. IMPORTANT: Pirates shouldnt be a Nation as they are atm. They should not have any friends in their own "Pirate faction" expect their Clan or ally mates. They should be able to fake flag. They should not be those pve focused Trader / Crafter / Labor hour seller as atm. Take all of the pirates harbours. Give them Hideouts. I saw so many pirates sailing around, who are no pirates and acting like Nation People... Organize political Port capturing Situations shouldnt be able... The Pirates atm are by far not authentic. Everyone who dont see this, should go back in the history lesson (no offense) Added Ideas by other players: From Hethwill: A successful raid by pirates should blast a city morale ( citizens are simply left to their own designs with the feeling their overlords cannot save them ) and turn it unaligned for a full maintenance cycle [ 1 full day after maintenance the port gets blocked to all actions, no entering the port ], and then returns to nation control as normal.
  23. This collection of suggestions refers to: ---- Nations must be shaken by the fear of dissidents and rebellions ---- The lenient and somewhat social status of Nations might be shaken by groups not wanting to go along with the flow, as we have seen before and will see in the future. The options at the moment is to change nation or to go free mode with the black flag without any problems to the original nation except the loss of a member. What if that actually hits hard in the established flow of a nation ? These suggestions make sense after a map wipe given the necessity for neutral ports and initial nations expansion. >>>> As we have it, all Ports, after conquered, are assigned a Lord Protector. Nice and dandy. Suggestion #1 - For healthy distribution of power amongst a Nation's clans and organizations >>> any player status as Lord Protector to a maximum of 3 ports. Now that we have established various interests across the realm, with ports being under the protection of different Lords, we can move onwards. Suggestion #2 - Lord Protectors themselves can only craft flags against other Nations from their own Protected ports. Exception for Flags aimed at Neutral Ports, these can be crafted from anywhere. This will enable a more diverse and elastic expansion while relying on a solid social and community driven Nation. A Naval Action Nation must work together and not be reliant on one or two big clans or two or three Lords only. Eventually the Nation will expand, wars will be fought and treaties will be signed. Council meetings, consortiums, accords, meetings of lords, and all that stuff that some people love. >>>> But... what IF one group completely condemns a resolution and really wants to rebel ( basically changing nation ) ? What then ? Suggestion #3 - Loss of a port due to rebellious Lords Port will change to Neutral when a Lord Protector changes nation resulting also on a return to default state of Conquest regarding the Port. ______________​______ Think the game as a whole without concerns for this or that nation nor considering your own interests. Read, connect, think and improve. Let's discuss.
  24. Hello all, Just a few things i was wanting some input from the player base. First off I personally feel like the entire game is headed down the same path as Pot BS. With that said the developers seem to be trying to make a certain group or player base happy, and not focusing on the game mechanics as a whole to make everyone equally happy. Lets take a look at port battles, who can organize in just a few short minutes and then only have 2 mins to join after that. Nothing like that even makes any sense. You would think that the developers would want to see a fair fight for that port in general but instead all you see is this one sided battle that get blockaded by the bigger force leaving but a 25 ship battle vs 5 towers. Is this even a fair mechanic? Every nation is left out of their own ability to participate in defending this entirely. DEVELOPERS rework this please! There should be a count down with a 24 hour timer so all the time zones can coordinate to defend properly. and the defenders should have the ability to teleport directly to the battle to defend since you are not giving us any other means to get there. The mechanic as it stands is the bigger force gets there prior to the flag being pulled and blockades it then pulls the flag with an equally sizable force and a screening fleet. How are we even suppose to get to the battle? this leaves the bigger nation the ability to take as many ports as they want. There is ZERO balance to the port battle system and it needs to be reworked seeing how this is the only way we are able to even craft ships period is through conquered ports and trading between them. How is a nation suppose to even exist when u make it so easy for the biggest nation to sweep and mop up the all the smaller nations. Maybe make it more and more expensive to pull flags after you conquer so many ports? That would slow them down enough to let the beaten up nation regroup at least a little bit. But this last min 45 min flag timer has got to go, you are leaving no room for all the time zones nation wide to participate and make arrangements, It would be nice to "accumulate points" either from sinking traders, or players to initiate your intentions to raid that port. Once there is enough chaos in that area they can start the conquest and have a 24 hour period to begin. that would slow the conquest of the map down considerably and make these port battles actually worth something besides a 100 xp and 2k gold power house sweep for these overpowered nations. Port battles are a huge deal, you are stripping a nation from their property, people live in these cities operate business' and live life, is it really realistic that a port can change hands 10 times in a week? Really now this is not a realistic concept that should be embraced by our development staff. Again, make port battle a great feat!!!! Make people want to be there, Make it a worthy spectacle and let others who cant join be able to spectate!!!! that would give the game alot more meaning in my opinion. What do yo all think?
  25. Hello captains, idea is to have government orders, generated by game, to ship certain goods to Europe. Luxury resources located in Western part of the map (Central America, Gulf of Mexico) would need to be obtained, captured from Natives, crafted put on ships and escorted to Eastern border of the map. Once completed, all participant of escort would be rewarded. Mechanics: - cargo has to be shipped by players within specified time limit; - we're talking big here, 6+ cargo ships would be required as minimum + escort ships - part of the cargo can be lost to complete quest but for lower reward (you get 100000 tons of cargo, you can lose 35% of that on your way to Eastern border) - goods are only available in Western part of map, that would encourage all the nations to expand, fight for these lands or make alliances; - goods cannot be send in free ports, have to be shipped by player ships - such large convoys of ships can be spotted by other nations or Pirates and captured by organized parties; - large enough payment in gold or in form of high quality modules/ships to encourage large shipments of good at such long distances; - missions can be done only every few days; - goods captured by other nations cannot be sold on local market or traded to other nations, but shipped to Europe ir required by that nations capitol; - only pirates can sell captured goods on black market; - pirates cannot run these missions, but see point above; What are your thoughts?
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