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Patch: Welcome to the Caribbean Part 3 - Improved RVR, ROE and New player mission


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8 minutes ago, Louis Garneray said:

I think some left because of the RvR situation. And since the new patch is mainly about RvR maybe some of them will come back?

Indeed, i think so too. But the rvr situation is russia dominating the map. Only reason any rvr left is because russia allow it to be, but always under their control. Flag system won't change that. Players screwed rvr, and now they want game mechanics to "balance up" rvr again. 

I just don't see how this can be done.

Soon every nation are russian alts. 

Edited by Kejsaren
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1 hour ago, admin said:

What if this is the end of Naval Action this time AGAIN.
Hey mate. Perhaps you should have already seen the pattern you know. You have been posting links to this chart once a year ;)
It falls to 400 then it goes to 1000 then it falls to 400 and then it goes up to 1000.

But you keep on watching .. Please report your discoveries as you find more information. 

ok i do it for him


i goes up and down for a reason


goes up when u do things right

goes down when u do things wrong


chart correlates with game updates/changes pretty accurately 

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2 hours ago, Kejsaren said:

It won't come back.

It will go up and down as it has, but that's it. The game is finished and the playerbase you see is the playerbase we have.

That's what I mean... Get an increase for a few week before we go down to lower numbers.

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Getting pulled in a battle accidently by a fellow nation player who just tags a ship sailing by ( its not possible to see if he is tagging or not in order to evade) is now ultra annoying cause of the long battle timer + cannot leave.

Edited by z4ys
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16 hours ago, Urchin said:

@admin  Thank you for the new light ship Privateer fleet and speed changes. I was able to escape in a basic 13.5 kt ship with no mods, but not without some skill and chaining.  The balance now seems  just right.  👍


Kinda cool it even had a DLC ship in there?   I can see solo these in a bigger ship for some of us that don't have big groups of friends or have some pretty bad online times.

13 hours ago, admin said:


focus on

  • Investments and other patch features.. 

Avoid off topic - off topic posts will be removed. 

For the investment part, I think there should be a cap that no port can go above, or your going to have a power creep problem and only the biggest and richest clans will have the perks.  I don't think any port should have over 55 points.  This will allow weaker and smaller nations to invest in there ports and maybe make one a 55 point port to be on equal grounds as some nation that might own one or more 55 point port.

11 hours ago, Comrade FrosT said:

PvE grind should be for PvE server, not for PvP server. 

It's not a PvP only server.  It's a PvE server with PvP.   I mean why else would we have all them AI ships on the OW to fight and level up with?


11 hours ago, erelkivtuadrater said:

imo permits arent needed on the wrong ships etc trinc (meta), imagine how many different ships we would see in OW if say the Cherubim were the only 5th rate that wouldnt need permits

But not every one wants to sale the meta, if I want to sail a Reno I should be able to.  Same with other ships.  Hiding all the permits between random loot drop has all ways been stupid.   Random loot drops should be a source to get them for free.  They should be for purchasee or rewards for speical missions or bosses.

11 hours ago, Malcolm3 said:
  1. There is no Malabar Teak in list of Resources available for putting contract.

I know these new woods are still not patched properly, but, please clarify

wasn't it a resource at one time?


7 hours ago, Louis Garneray said:

I'm watching closely that chart...


And so far I don't see any excitement in the player base... Let's see what happen over the weekend.

Uh cause it's been nothing special.  So I get a redeem able Trinc I can't even redeem.  I all ready have 5 trincs in my docs built how I want them built.  I an pop one out any time I want.  Why not give us soemthing special that can't be crafted.  I would say something like the Diana would of been more logical.    Hell where is the AdR in another event since it won't be craftable.  Where is the Combat Indianman?   I just can't see anything really intersting right now to catch folks interest to come back.


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The money locker makes little sense to me, something meant for inflation control should never stop being used. Like having admiralty sell some of the upgrades for reals and some for marks, for example. Once all the ports are upgraded the feature becomes useless. A rich nation like Russia will barely even feel the effects of it, while its a huge burden on the smaller nations. You just keep making it easier for those already on top to stay on top. 

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On 5/28/2020 at 12:03 PM, admin said:

1 New Imported ship added to the game

  • Victory 1765.



Naval Action was a great skill-based game about gain and loss, with long character and economical progression. Now it's a game about some ships.

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2 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

But not every one wants to sale the meta, if I want to sail a Reno I should be able to.  Same with other ships.  Hiding all the permits between random loot drop has all ways been stupid.   Random loot drops should be a source to get them for free.  They should be for purchasee or rewards for speical missions or bosses.

wasn't it a resource at one time?

I dont think we are on the same wavelength, of course its ok if you want to sail the renommé i togally get you, its a pretty ship, but also its competitive with hercules and surprise due to hull shape, also better hp then hercules so this evens those ships out.

But deep water frigates all you see is either hercules or trincomalees. Why are we never seeing essexes, pirate frigates, or belle poules? Because they are simply inferior ships toward the trinc and since you can craft it easily, why sail something that probably looks better, but 99 out of 100 times would lose a engagement with a ship that required equal or less effort to craft? 

Is that fun? Knowing when you go into a battle that the chance for you to survive is that slim, because you know for the fact that its gonna be a fast ship, with fully decked out 32pd carronades, alot tough er hullwise and will just angle away your puny longs as he approaches you on an angle? This is what you dont get in any other rate, 6th rates for instance has the Niagara with permit, of course the strongest ship in its class, but it required a permit to get crafted so if you want the best you have play or as of now pay for it.

Because of the 5th rates what can really match the trinc is an other trinc, endy or Diana, but with carronades, or just the 32pd snow. 

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On 5/28/2020 at 12:56 PM, rediii said:

The community made the way free for big DLC ships by buying the redoutable on mass. Financially its a success so I get why the add more and bigger DLC ships but for the game its very very bad.

Played 1 week ago and in my 5/5 inger with elite spanish etc I had to run away from a redout for 50 Minutes because it was faster sailing downwind. Thats the state of gameplay right now and you described it pretty good but it wont change anymore. Draw your own consequences from it

I didn't and I am part of the community. Most of you just complained and played along anyway. Do you know how much I would love to sail some of the new DLC ships? Its not easy just looking at pictures of them. 

Edited by HachiRoku
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On 5/28/2020 at 9:23 AM, van Veen said:

Seriously, the Trincomalee DLC will only be used for scrapping and farming seasoned woods. The crafted version with port bonus will be the preferred choice. If any player above 380 cares to sail frigates in the first place. Meh.

I mostly sail frigates, and only once the Trinc. getting it as a DLC 'gift' ship, is a let down. The only reason @admin that the trinc is used so much is it is the heaviest 5th rate that is not locked behind an inaccessible permit which is extra super rare, (Endy and the like), or "reserved for events", (Diana, Santa Cecilia), which just plain sucks as these ships are very nice, but unobtainable.

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2 hours ago, Urchin said:

Why on earth are so many crying about the Trinc, bunch of whingers.  Be happy the base price of the game is being lowered which will hopefully attract more players.  

Those are tears of joy and gratefulness ...

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On ‎5‎/‎28‎/‎2020 at 12:56 PM, rediii said:

The community made the way free for big DLC ships by buying the redoutable on mass. Financially its a success so I get why the add more and bigger DLC ships but for the game its very very bad.

Played 1 week ago and in my 5/5 inger with elite spanish etc I had to run away from a redout for 50 Minutes because it was faster sailing downwind. Thats the state of gameplay right now and you described it pretty good but it wont change anymore. Draw your own consequences from it

so you took a super-meta-ship for easiest kill and run, and suddenly there is an even bigger super-meta-ship for easy hit n run. would you also complain about the fact that this ridiculous, old wood heap Inger can run down many much smaller, modern-shaped vessels?

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