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admin last won the day on July 21

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About admin

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Squadron Admiral

Squadron Admiral (13/13)




Community Answers

  1. Question to a history buffs Where any generally accepted cannon position numbering system during age of sail for crew management and commands? For example battleships all turrets had unified specific letters (british) or names (german) (often corresponding to letters) SMS Blücher Turret Names - Alsen, Bautzen, Cezilie, Düppel, Eylau, Fehrbellin. So captain could tell command to only Alsen Turret (turret A) How would a captain command to fire a 2nd gun and fourth gun from the bow for example? How would they report back that they are loaded?
  2. \ We tried it in UBOAT and did not like it at all (you have to come to every crew member personally EVERY every time you need something) - its fun for first couple of times, later it turns into a chore. Silent hunter 3 system is 10x better.
  3. Dear Sea Legends Royal Society Members. Thank you for pre-ordering Sea Legends and your support. We happy to inform you that we are closer to the start of the closed beta testing and that's why we deliver this message. The world situation has changed our perspective on life and the future. War in Ukraine caused a lot of pain and suffering to our employees located in danger areas. We do not really know what will happen in the future and cannot build promises around it knowing that. As a result, Sea Legends’ scope and features have undergone significant changes. There will be no live service elements, there will be no lengthy “will add in the future” roadmaps, there will be no DLCs or future packs, there will be no co-op or multiplayer elements. Sea Legends is going to be an extremely deep and exciting niche old school simulation experience. Sea Legends is going to be only Single Player. You can see what the final game will look like on our website and our youtube channel. If you like what you see and want to continue supporting the creation of the best Age of Sail single player simulator – stay with us. Royal Society members will be able to participate in all stages of testing, have direct contact with the developers, and will receive some unique rewards for this pre-order. If you are not happy about it we fully understand it – if you have hesitations or are no longer interested – please contact Xsolla support for a refund. How to join Please register on this forum Once you registered – please send us an email to info@game-labs.net and add the Xsolla invoice if you have one if you don’t have one add the email you used for purchase so we can find your transaction. Thank you again for supporting the development of this unique beautiful game.
  4. This is a thread for your questions on Sea Legends. Feel free to ask anything
  5. Hello Captains Royal Society forums will open soon for all pre-order buyers. Discord is great for chatting but not so great for feedback and deep discussions. Thank you for your attention.
  6. i need the download link again because i got a new pc and deleted the gmail link


    1. fallenanglx1993


      my gmail is fallenanglx1993@gmail.com

  7. Please, add an Option in Steam to Buy the Game or make it as DLC, so it give an Option to play on Premium-Server (War-Server). A lot of Players want to Change to War-Server.

    You can make it as One-Payment or like as Monthly-Payment.


    But please, make it

  8. 300 spam bots were banned. Registrations were off temporarily for 1 day. We increased security for the forums Now all users get the ensign status first and then move to Members once approved. Ensigns cannot use pm or cannot post without approval.
  9. agreed we might need to bring it back in some form (with some friendly moderation)
  10. Captain, you have to activate the DLC in the redeemables box available in any port (R button by default or click on the top right part of the port screen). for fast answers please use naval action discord https://discord.gg/WsxaUse
  11. National news, Tavern and Guild recruitments are now locked Please proceed to respective topics on steam forums Server news - https://steamcommunity.com/app/311310/discussions/21/ Guilds and recruitment - same section. Tavern is abandoned.
  12. Seems like users have run out of memes. Locked. Memes could be restarted by an adventurous captain on steam, but we doubt it is going to have such impact.
  13. Goals: UAD discord is not a replacement for UAD forums. But a supplement. Some players prefer live conversation, and this would be very useful in terms of live (somewhat) support especially for common issues (like payment issues) Goals of the discord Main goal : Support with technical and game issues Other goals: Live discussions on gameplay and historical issues. The discord server is raw but will grow and improve over time. https://discord.gg/wUYafUG
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