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  1. LMB in Sweden PvE are recruiting and we are an international clan from different nations, we are looking for active players to join us and have fun, and to fight fleets, and much more, we own ports such as (Shipyard Base and Warehouse port Oranjestad) and Basseterre Town and would be fun with more players to join us and fight in HDFs and much more, contact me if any interest comes up,
  2. LMB in Sweden PvE are recruiting and we are an international clan from different nations, we are looking for active players to join us and have fun, and to fight fleets, and much more, we own ports such as (Shipyard Base and Warehouse port Oranjestad) and Basseterre Town and would be fun with more players to join us and fight in HDFs and much more, contact me if any interest comes up,
  3. Привет. PvP сервер. Вот какие идеи я бы хотел применить на мой взгляд и какие неудобства отталкивающие игроков от игры я заметил. Боты: Снизить силу ботов низкого ранга (7-ой и выше) в миссиях 1vs1 против бота. Клан и группа: Создать меню поиска клана где отображается список кланов и количество участников в них, а игрок мог отправить заявку на вступление. Добавить во вкладке клана в полоске участника информацию в каком порту он находиться а если он далеко в море то в какой его части. Добавить возможность заполнить информацию о участнике клана, какие аванпосты и постройки у него есть или что он производит. Добавить меню где игрок может собрать группу и отображается названия порта, цель сбора группы, игрок нажимает кнопку присоединиться. Патрульные зоны: Создать какой нибудь процесс позволяющий без вреда игрокам доплыть до патрульной зоны не будучи атакованным. Новые цвета для парусов: Черный цвет, какой нибудь оттенок белого и красного. Торговля: Предлагаю сделать так чтобы цену купли/продажи товара в других портах можно было посмотреть в том же меню где товар покупаешь. Спасибо за внимание!
  4. Bytt nation? Precis börjat spela? Söker du gemenskap? Vi ser helst att alla medlemmar hjälps åt med resursproduktion där målsättningen är fri tillgång på skepp. Vi pratar givetvis 100% svenska och spelar såklart i Sverige. Skriv till någon av oss officerare in game: Rigge, TraxxxoN, Tjomb eller Demsity Åldersgräns 20 år - Då våran medelålder ligger på cirka 35. Vi har heller inget aktivitetskrav. Men vi ser gärna att du tittar in då och då! Vi finns på PVP servern. Välkomna!
  5. Good morning, I am James Daegin on the PVE server and I have started the 501st Flotilla under the United States. We are brand new and looking for friendly clans to ally and work with.
  6. Hello I was wondering if anyone could provide some details on what happens or what to expect when doing a PvE port raid mission (PvP server)? How do ships spawn in against one another? Can enemy players join? Are enemy players notified? or can they see the battle in OW? how much does the raid chest weigh? etc etc. Many many thanks! Uni~
  7. Arrr! Ahoy! Arr ye seeking a Pirate crew worthy of sailing amongst to pillage and plunder thee West Caribbean!? If so, yar in thee right haven! K33N’s pirate code is simple: Fly thee Jolly Roger and show no quarter to those whom stand in ye way. Thee Pirate life is for me. Is it for ye? Join our discord today!
  8. Hello, every time i enter the combat mode in PvE i receive the message "connection lost- you will be disconnect from server" and i have to re-enter the game. During the time my opponent is obviously not freezed so i receive damage and have not the possibilty to defend myself or attack the enemy. Has someone a solution for this? I also reported several in game bugs for this topic but haven´t not received an answer, yet. Thanks in advance
  9. Kameraden! Our beloved king, the König von Preußen, wants to make an announcement to his loyal subjects regarding the recent unsettling news in the New World. His Majesty, feels that the interests of our glorious Nation in the neuen Welt might be in danger. Therefore, his Greatness has decided to increase the presence of our ambitious Navy in the West Indies. All seamen, experienced and inexperienced, captains and ambitious landsmen willing to start a new life at sea are hereby invited to appear to the nearest Königlich Preußische West Indische Compagnie and enlist. Seine Majestät promises adventure, fame and the pay to be delivered accurately every week! His Majesty is also willing to grant Letters of Marque to all vessel owners who are willing to pursue a career of a privateer against the enemies of our glorious state. General info and Requirements: Laid-back attitude Decent knowledge of seamanship (game mechanics) EU timezone Main language = English. Current secondaries: German, Greek and Dutch Goals of ROVER A Clan playerbase of around 6-10 active players engage into commerce raiding engage into trading/crafting/escorting PVE as Port Raids / Privateer Fleets If you are interested feel free to contact Z4ys or Sella ingame or here in the forum for more information.
  10. So just had a battle that a LOKI popped in. After he disengaged from boarding while I was dealing with the other AI he ran and escaped. I heard that they been doing this a lot along with surrendering to deny a fight. Should this be allowed?
  11. @admin Давайте поговорим о старых багаже и фичах, которые давно можно и нужно подправить: 1 - нельзя передать больше, чем 9 999 999 за 1 раз в меню трейда игрок-игрок 2 - сундуки (пвп / пве / мертвеца) не складываются друг в друга т.е. имея 20 сундуков на складе / корабле 20 ячеек на складе / корабле 3 - все выглядит одинаково визуально не отличишь 4 - рефиты на мачты -визуально все одинаковые 5- модули на пробитие / даблы / чарджи / книги 6 - модули на мушкеты все на 1 лицо но ттх разное 7 - модуль вуден шеттинг выглядит как купер плейтинг 8 - во время обмена игрок-игрок не может передавать те вещи, которые есть в кораблях из флота / дока на обмен пишет - "игрок такой, что он не принадлежит" 9 - нота ганбота с адмиральского сундука !!! 10 - бутылки переделать 11 - дублоны стакаються по 10 000 на складе ЧТО как я вижу нужно исправить: 1 - исправить, чтобы не было ограничения 9 999 999 - если это возможно, не особо кретично 2 - добавить возможность их складывать в 1 стак до 1000 к примеру 3 - ввести цветовую рамку: -серая рамка - миссион чест - серебрянная рамка - сильвер чест - золотая рамка -голд чест - дедман честный - чёрный рамкой или чёрной рамкой Вуд честно / приват честно. 3 - для пвп сундуков изменить картинку или дорисовать: Честно говоря, вы видите только уменьшенную картинку сверху и внизу. адмирал честно-та же самая сундук адмирала с золотой рамкой + адмиральская шапка + уменьшенная картинка пвп медали 4 - рефиты: Ремонт французской буровой установки - флаг Франции Элитная французская буровая установка - флаг Франции + золотая рамка Ремонт Пиратской оснастки - добавить флаг пиратов Элитный пиратский риг ремонт - флаг пиратов + золотая рамка Ремонт буровой установки - флаг Голандии Британская буровая установка - флаг Британии Элитная британская буровая установка - флаг Британии + золотая рамка Испанский ремонт буровой установки - флаг Испании Элит Испанский риг ремонт - флаг Испании + золотая рамка не менее 1/4 картинки внутри круга. 5 - модули в мешках Книпеля - к мешку с книпелями добавить рисунок книпеля Двойной заряд В этом случае вы можете найти только 2 единицы заряда. 6- мушкеты, много разных, и они разные. 7 - рисунок вудден шеттинг сделать деревянным т.е. плитки раскрасить в другой цвет 8 - не разбираюсь в игрострое. 9 - убейте всех, кто не знает, что такое книга, а не пермита. 10 - я считаю, что это может быть только один игрок, и если он проиграл миссию пропала т.е .: - заходит в бой игрок и там ничего - 1 корабль боевой затонувший и его нужно облутать - 2 корабля торговцев которые можно или захватить или утопить - 4 корабля пиратов до 3 ранга включительно пускай рандом поможет тому кто зайдет .... 11 - добавить стак дублонов до 100 000 или если нельзя то побольше 10 000 т.к. при накоплении они занимают много места З.Ы. Я думаю, что я забыл ... Дополнил: (по состоянию на 16.02.2020) увелечение функционала кнопок интерфейса: - стандартное поведение для TAB и Enter - SHIFT + drag'n'drop = перенос и разделение в одно действие - SHIFT + ALT + клик = разделение и перенос на корабль / склад игры для удобства - Вся эта возня с флотом откровенно раздражает. Сделано бы что ли - Alt + 1 + клик - в трюм второго корабля и т.д. - Кнопка автоматического пропорционального распределения команд. Колесо мышки при распределении экипажа работает. - команда автоматической настройки и пополнения команды после захода в порт. - Чтобы увидеть, сколько нужно денег, чтобы вы были в экипаже на 4, - там же можно посмотреть, какие стоят пушки. - Если добавляешь корабль во флот, то книги слетают и потом их надо восстанавливать. Это может быть связано с тем, что миссию доставляют только из активного корабля. В итоге приходится все время переключаться и заново ставить книжки. - Если товар перегружен в магазине, то товар не падает по аналогичному товару. - Когда нет выхода в порт, где нет выхода, есть ли корабль, чтобы отправиться в порт, где есть возможность отправиться в порт, где нужно выйти из порта с открытым исходным кодом - добавить возможность сдачи в открытом мире? - сделать стаки пушек по 1000, а лучше по 10 000 - введено пушки теперь имеют стак 1000 - лабор контракты стак 25 -нужно увеличить вместимость пачки корректировка отображаемой информации: - Сделать так, чтобы в бою не было ни одного штатного БР. - когда стреляешь с океана попадаешь себе в бушприт и паруса - Когда ты делаешь ядро? фичи которые давно просились: - добавить возможность выпадения с элитной записки кораблей из S дерева введено, теперь и непись в открытом мире может быть из s дерева - чат, клан список
  12. Dear captains of Naval Action.💗 this is very awkward. i have been a part of the danish-norwegian community since i started playing for about 3000 hours ago. i have my share of portbattles, screening, ganking, pvp hunt, and pve. i have had a extremly fun time and i loved it, but i think its time for me to try something new. i need a clan that has active players on Teamspeak, players that love to speak and laugh. a clan that is not afraid of supporting the nation in RVR or PVP i have much to learn and im willing to learn. i would like to find a clan with only norwegians, but thats impossible. the main language need to be english( or almost english) I dont use alt because i think its crap. i am online mostly daytime and after kids asleep. i cant join a russian clan, if BF suddenly ask if i would like to join i say yes, ( they are extremly good sailors) i can join other danish-norwegian clans. i hope for positive feedback i dont need to leave my nation, im good here, but i want more.
  13. Currently, when a NPC captures a player ship, they leave it with zero crew in battle instance and it is gone, if you don't have someone capturing it back for you in same battle. For obvious reason, this is impossible in solo fights and I would figure there it happens most of the time and less so in team fights. Now what I want to propose is, NPC would not only transfer decent number of crew to a captured ship (and use it in battle!), but also take the ship with them into OW once the battle is closed (and they win/survive). Why? - Because it would mean a nice challenge to capture your ex ship back from NPC. It creates hope. Your ship may be a gold ship with premium upgrades on it and what not in port boni and seasoned woods. The NPC formation you fought would take that ship with them, repair it and crew it to max, just like it were a standard NPC ship. So it will be hard to capture back in any following battles done with that particular NPC fleet. And other players may discover that ship earlier than you back in OW and also capture it. Nice surprise - you find a strange ship in a NPC group, unexpectedly, and you know it used to be a player ship... you may keep it for yourself or give back/sell it to original owner, if he claims it in chat... I imagine there would be a time window for your ex ship to sail around with that NPC group, like two hours. And then really gone for ever. Or make it stay with the group until next maintenance. Ex player ship will not spawn again with that group, it will be a unique one-time addition free for the taking. Perhaps DLC ships would need to be exempted from that because of possible exploits in changing hands. Optional: surrendering working the same way: ship joins NPC group until retaken later by yourself or another player, or destroyed by another player, or expired with maintenance. -- Idea is primarily for PvE peace server, you PvP heroes will know if it fits your server or not.
  14. Strength in Unity! That is our motto, and we play to it. You need to play Games like Naval Action together with friends like us, to get all the fun out of them! All Captains are Welcome to apply to the Saint George Squadron! We are steadily growing, and are always actively searching for new members to join our great society! We try to shine amongst other clans by our gentleman-style rules, respect to others, ranking system, wikipedia, out of game rewards, achievements, cooperative actions, training and much more! The Squadron has already existed for over 15 years! Hip hip huzzay! We only require you to cooperate with our naming policy on our forums, where all the small roleplay and management of the Squadron takes place. Also, we do not accept ingame nicknames that are tasteless, violating or in any other way seen as unfit to the Squadron. Ask our officers if you are unsure! We will find solutions if you really are interested in our forum activities. http://www.st-george-squadron.com https://www.st-george-squadron.com/sgs/board/index.php We do not require you to be a hardcore gamer, or online most of the day. We have a system where you need to be active in our Forums or Discord only once a month AFTER you have passed the Patronage period. We also have our own wikipedia that is almost its own game universe already! Ours is a great clan for those who are taking it easy and just love to explore different areas of the game! For voice communication we have moved from Teamspeak to Discord. The invitation links to our channel can be acquired on our forums, or through any of our officers. S! Captains! The ‘St George’ Squadron of the White is a society dedicated to Captains of His Britannic Majesty’s Royal Navy. Squadron is already 15 Years old and still going. The oldest members still playing have been in the squadron almost long as the Society has existed. We are naval enthusiasts, gamers, keen role-players and above all passionate patriots. We will in-game play our parts with good natured professionalism, ruthlessness and chivalry. All qualities that we admire in people who may wish to join this growing Squadron. Our squadron is built on the principles and traditions of the Royal Navy. Our inspiration is of Britain's long naval history, great naval heroes and the doctrine in which they lead their men and fought their battles. We pride ourselves on our professionalism and reputation. Every member of our Squadron from Gentlemen to Sea Lords are important to the success of our Squadron, and each are imbued with a sense of belonging to a “Band of Brothers” in the great tradition of Nelsonic philosophy. Our team spirit is highly relished, and any member who has joined so far will tell you that the friendships they have gained by joining will no doubt be friendships for life. We are a diverse group, of many nationalities, cultures and ages…..but as a society we are one, and that togetherness will be our success. The Squadron was founded in February 2004 by 6 original members who met of the forums for the game Pirates of the Burning Sea. From the start they decided to build a small guild of friends rather than a large super guild. It was decided to base the Squadron on the sprit of the Nelson era as this was a time of courage, honor and allowed captains a level of initiative not seen in the rigid battle lines of the earlier period. SGS Naval Action Constitution SGS Home Page Forums
  15. Sine we won't see the servers tied back together like they use to be linked to steam accounts. I would suggest that we be allowed to transfer our current chars on War server to Peace serve so we can keep all our books and learned ship knowledge if we decide we want to play on that server instead after wipe. I mean why is it fair they get to keep all this and we on War that worked hard don't get to keep anything? The other thing would be to tie you xp learned on each serve to our steam account again. So some one can level upon Peace server if they want and than go war over on war server. The only problem with this is that you would have to completely wipe Peace server to work.
  16. Earlier this year, devs announced aggressive NPC would come to the game, including PvE Peace Server. Then the idea got canceled. Lately we hear admin mention "limited aggression" would come, in context with protecting noobs (assumedly in home waters at the capital). I welcome aggressive NPC anywhere, considered they estimate when they have a chance and if positive, decide to hunt players. But I know part of the PvE Peace Server community is against aggressive NPC or want to decide themselves, when the battle is happening and when not. The best solution for this dilemma is an individual decision taken by every player. So, just like in the suggestion I made earlier about the 'consensual duel' thing between players, I think a switch in game settings can solve this. So players find in their game settings two sliders which let them determine if and by whom they can get attacked NPC-wise (and still, you can combine that with the mentioned other idea about duels, in same interface). First slider lets you chose: - I allow no NPC to attack me, ever - I allow only 7th rates to attack me if they see fit - I allow 6th - 7th rates to attack me if they see fit - I allow 5th - 7th ... - I allow 4th - 7th ... - I allow 3rd - 7th ... - I allow 2nd - 7th ... - I allow all ship rates to attack me if they see fit Second slider in conjunction with first slider (which gives precondition) lets you chose: - I allow only single ships attack me - I allow 1 - 2 ships attack me - I allow 1 - 3 ships attack me - I allow groups up to 6 ships attack me - no restrictions on NPC group size attacking me The decision to play with NPC aggression being switched on may result in rewards being added to the standard pay-off in case you succeed. Like random mission chests being awarded or for people with all ship rates and all group size aggression being allowed may receive even gold chests as random reward after such battles (not everytime, just a chance you can hope for). Your slider settings don't prevent you from joining fights other people may have with NPC enemies, they only work for initiation of battle on yourself.
  17. Is it possible to increase the size of the patrol zone? Many times I've discovered and tracked NPCs too close to the edge of the zone and ran out of space to engage it for the combat medal rewards offered inside. Increasing the size will at least give more time to catchup, tag and engage the AI ships.
  18. Hi Devs. I'm going to keep this short. Facts: 1. Llolarry11 and I (andrew maldovard) (English) engaged an elite Santisima last night with Spanish players valheres & Maulwurf112. 2. Together we worked on the Santisima and then Llolarry11 boarded the vessel & was engaged in boarding procedures. 3. The Santisima's crew was down to 293, and then 120 when the incident took place. [Note: llollarry11's comment. Also note valheres ship to the right of mine, and the position of llollarry's vessel - with sails tied down.] 4. Player valheres positioned himself between my vessel and the Santisima and pushed Llolarry11's vessel away terminating boarding by distance. [Note: valheres posts the loot in the Santisima and the final location of his ship is directly against Llollary11's (see arrow).] 5. Valheres then immediately boarded the Santisima, captured the vessel and any loot - or note if present. 6. Finally, both valheres and maulwurf112 make comments post battle which make testament to their actions (additional files attached - red underlined). Conclusion: This was the second occasion that evening of a similar event that took place. An elite L'ocean was captured by them before in a similar manner. This time I thought to document their behaviour. A recommendation to solve this problem would be to lock boarding vessels together for the duration of the boarding procedure (i.e. replicating the effect grapples would have). I will leave this decision with you and will note your silence on the issue as reason to believe this behaviour is acceptable in PVE.
  19. On the PVE server access to repairs and rum are really scares. Very few ports drop repairs and rum while guns are accessible in every port. This does not make much sense since guns is not something you need to supplement once your ship is outfitted. So if your are about to venture far away from your home port and consider taking som prizes or sink som NPCs on your journey, you will have to be sure to stock up with plenty of repairs and rum since you will not be able to buy them in any port on your way. Suggestion: Limit gun availability to the home port of your nation or a few ports in each region of the map and make more ports drop repairs and rum, so at least a few ports in each region has them (prices should be set at a level higher than the cost of crafting them of course). Another idea would be to let each NPC carry a few repairs and a couple of rums, that could be looted when you cap or sink them.
  20. Are there any plans of any shape or form for a single player mode with some kind of story mode and character development using this games mechanics and gameplay?
  21. And we are suggestion dropping the 11 nations thing and go to 4 core nations and 1-2 pirate/privateer nations. We have way to many nations, some of them weren't in this time zone even involved. RUSSIA never had any involvement, Poland had some troops sent there, Prussia 200 years before had a port, but by this time had little to no Navy. So why not make all these special nations a Privateer nation for folks that want to play them? Why just Poland? Why not the other nations that aren't suppose to be here? I don't get...oh cause the few players that wanted Poland aren't active any more and it's a dead nation that maybe 10-20 players are keeping alive? I don't see why we can't combine more than one suggestion on the same basic view of things? PS don't forget to put tags in the post or Admin/Devs won't look at it.
  22. Would it be possible to add some "in-between" boarding mechanic. Some mechanic where you aren't boarding yet, but are in combat at close range and low speed. As an example : if you have boarding turned on and prep is high enough, have an option to fire muskets. This could kill crew depending on where they are located. I.e. if they have lots of crew on boarding then they are exposed and will be easily hit, or if there are lots of crew on sailing/ repairing sails, then they would be more exposed and more crew would get hit. The accuracy could depend on speed of both ships, roll, when you fire, angle of ships etc etc. Just an idea for improving the whole boarding experience. Of course this could also be things such as throw grenades etc. Then for the actual boarding instance it would be the same. Of course it is would be a big change in gameplay.
  23. We all know boarding mini game is not the best part of wonderful Naval Action. It is a bit difficult to understand, not enough guides or tutorials, too many books and mods to change outcome. Thus leading to frustrations amongs players time to time. Boarding is mostly a game of last second attack/defend/muskets etc. I remember capturing Bellonas, Agamemnons with our 6th rate ships with my mate, when I was fairly new to this game. Only reason those guys did not have idea of boarding game. So developers introduced the fake “Determined Defender” perk to counter these problems, to bypass the boarding game etc. After some time DD perk was also nerfed. I purpose it even to be removed. Remember that time in PVE (or PVP) that second your speed falls back to 3,5 knots for a half second, you already started accelerating but you are pulled instantly ! Your ship still sailing away but you are in boarding game already. REMOVE INSTA-PULLING, it looks weird, feels weird, does not fit into beatiful NA combat. A cheap way to win a battle (hello le req) Bring timers to achieve a succesful grappling, A GRAPPLING PHASE. IDEA is, it requires some time which ships are at or below a certain speed, inside grappling distance. Only after this conditions, grappling is successful and boarding starts. Easy to grapple a smaller ship, primary conditions fullfilled for 3 seconds. Grapple similiar ship, conditions fullfilled for 5 seconds. Grapple a bigger ships, takes 7 seconds. * Times required to grapple are examples, they can change. * As purposed earlier, musket, grenade damage starts when in grappling range. Bigger ship hurts more. Hugging is punished for smaller ships if long time hugging. * In this system you can increase maximum boarding speed a bit more, as you can avoid now. * You have to really damage that ship, so she can not evade you, so you can grapple. * No more insta-pull by AI ships or Rage Boarder players.
  24. Hi guys its been a few months since i have last logged on to my PVP account and even longer still when i actually went out with some mates and did anything, mostly due to the fact that just about all of my friends playing this game have either moved on , or life/circumstances have changed and are no longer available to play the game, as such i was wondering is there a way to have my account transferred from the PVP Caribbean server over to the PVE one? i am from Australia and the times that i get to play this game are obviously in the evening after work and there are little more than 50 or so people online during that time for PVP. would it be possible to have my PVP account transferred over to PVE? i have made a new PVE account but i dread having to start from scratch again, i will , but i thought i'd ask to see if that could be avoided. cheers
  25. Introduction Building castles in the sky! I have just about 200 hours invested in this game. Most of that during the sea trials phase when there was no open world. I have spend 40-50 hours in the open world now. I have yet to actually win a PVP fight, or buy/craft a first rate. I'm not very high level.Nor have I played any other games similar to Naval Action, or worked on a dev team. Now, having said all that, here are my thoughts on what I would like this game to be in my own personal Utopia. If you agree with any of it, please comment, and maybe we will see it implemented in future. If you disagree, please keep it civil. Nations [N] I understand the desire of many people to sail under the flag of a certain nation. I love being able to fly the flag of my mother country myself, something that I'm not able to do in a lot of games. Having said that, I'm enough of a history nerd that seeing the "wrong" nations present bothers me. I'd like nations restricted to their historical starting positions. See [OW2] for ideas on nations. Having said all this, if we get a Baltic Sea "area" implemented, and the Russian nation decides to sail over and occupy Haiti, that's fine by me. Each nation should have a national government which should be made up of representatives from each of the three organizations. [See N 4-12 for organizations]The national government should have the ability to decide national policies through a voting system incorporated into the UI. This system would enable a player to make a suggestion, with a time limit for his fellow members to vote yay or nay. A majority of yays would mean the policy could go into effect on expiry of the timer. National policies - A limited list of ideas for what these could include: Raise / lower national taxes on x goods by x%. Create / cancel trade tariff of x% on x goods for x nation(s). Declare war on x nation. Sue for peace with x nation. Accept reject peace treaty / alliance with x nation. Offer alliance to x nation. Announce blockade of x nation's ports, making it illegal for citizens to trade with x nation, and making neutral ships within x distance of each port legitimate targets for citizens of blockading nation. Cancel blockade of x nation's ports. Issue warrant for player x with a reward of x for his capture. Each nation should be made up of players belonging to one of three organizations; the navy, the merchant marine or private captains. Clans should not be limited to players of a certain type, but should be able to recruit all kinds of players. The Navy - The navy should have a rank hierarchy. To rank up would need xp gained from missions issued by the ai navy, or from fighting foreign navies, much like xp are gained in-game now. Each rank would allow you to command larger ships, just like it does at the moment. I would like to see a few differences though - each rank should allow you to add more and or bigger ships to your fleet. Also, a navy player should not be able to command the largest merchant ships, and the rank requirements for merchant ships should be higher for each ship comparet to a player in the merchant marine. The ranks would also determine a players ability to initiate port battles and conquests, with larger battles reserved for the higher ranks. Battle and other groups should be limited in size by a player's rank. Players of the highest rank would be eligible for election to the national leadership. The national leadership of the navy would be responsible for setting priorities for the AI controlled national fleet, issue contracts for ship construction, and send representatives to the national government. The size of the leadership would be determined as a % of the number of players belonging to the navy and updated at intervals. AI fleet priorities - These would dictate the behavior of AI warships, and would be set by the leaders of a nations navy within the limits set by the national leadership. They could include trade protection, defensive patrols in x province, blockade duties of x ship type [warships/merchant ships] in x province. The priorities could be set as a % of each ship type assigned to the various duties. The decisions would be voted on by the navy leadership at regular intervals, and decided by a simple majority vote. AI ship construction - The navy leadership would issue contracts for warships, to be payed for using the national budget as determined by the national leadership at regular intervals. The contracts would be open for a set time, during which player crafters could build and sell ships to the navy at the set price. At the expiration of the timer the contract would be filled by AI crafters according to crafting capacity, and assuming the navy leadership set a price per ship that allows the AI crafters to make a profit. Player crafters, of course, could choose to meet orders at a loss, should they choose to do so. Player owned warships - Individual players would acquire their ships by crafting them, buying them on the open market, or buying them from the navy. Ships sold by the navy should be offered at ai determined prices, forcing the national and navy leadership to provide them at a loss, thereby making taxes and tariffs etc more relevant. The Merchant Marine - This organization should have an appropriate name in each nation. For example, the British merchant marine could be called the Honorable East India Company. Ranks in the merchant marine should govern the maximum crew and fleet size, as well as how many and what type of commercial orders can be created by a player. Merchant marine players should not be allowed to command the largest warships, and the rank requirements for warships should be higher than for players in the navy. The highest ranked players would be eligible for election to the board of directors of the merchant marine. Their responsibilities would include setting the insurance rates as a % of the value of the cargo transported by captains who desire insurance. The money made should go into a central account from which any claims would have to be filled. Merchant ship building - Merchant ships should be bought by the individual players from AI or player crafters. Merchant marine escorts- The board of directors would be responsible for issuing contracts for the construction of escort ships to be allocated to AI escort captains or sold to Merchant marine players who wish to take on that role. The ships would be payed for with money made from insurance profits, if available. Private Captains - These captains are free to play what ever role they desire in the nation. There should be no leadership for private captains, apart from the national leadership. Ship availability and crew/ fleet size should be dependent on player rank, and players should be restricted from owning the largest warships and merchant-ships. Letters of marque - These should be available for purchase by private captains, and be required in order for a player to purchase any but the smallest warships. Import / Export permits - These should be available for purchase by private captains, and be required for trade with ports outside the player's own nation. A separate document should be required for trade with each foreign nation. Sailing without a letter of marque / shipping contract - Sailing in a warship without a letter of marque would classify a player as a pirate and make him liable to be attacked by players of any nation as well as AI patrols. Sailing without an import/export permit would classify a player as a smuggler and make him liable to be attacked by a navy player of any nation as well as by AI patrols after his ship has been inspected. Outposts should be build-able by merchant players. Navy players should be able to build naval bases. Independent players should be able to build bases. Naval bases should have increased dock-space, but be unable to construct resource buildings such as farms. Outposts should likewise be limited to more civilian / trade focused buildings. Pirates Pirates should not be a nation. Piracy should be a legal status, as as such anyone wanting to play as a pirate should simply engage in piracy. It should not be possible to start the game as a pirate, although a new character could make himself a pirate instantly by illegally attacking a ship. Pirate havens - Pirates should not be allowed access to normal ports except through the smuggling mechanic. Instead, each island/ selected islands should have a hidden pirate cove. Players would identify these by engaging a mode in-game and sailing near / around an island for a sufficient time. Once identified, a pirate cove would be claimed by a pirate as his base, providing dock & warehouse space. Smaller versions of production buildings would be construct-able in pirate coves, reflecting the illegal nature of society in these places. I'm sure some unique ones could be imagined, making some form of profitable production possible for pirates. A cove could be shared by a number of pirates, such as a clan. Such groups would still not be considered nations though. Progression Different types of players should gain XP in different ways. I have listed the various player types above. Navy players should gain rank in the navy through earning combat XP. I see no reason to change anything about the way such XP are awarded at the moment. Navy players should earn less XP through trade. Let's say a 50% reduction, just for the sake of argument. Merchant players should earn XP through trade. Just like combat awards XP based on damage done, trade could award XP based on profits earned. Not simply on money made through selling things, but on actual profit. This would incentivize players to find profitable trade routes, as well as motivate them to sail farther afield despite the risks of piracy etc. Merchant players should earn less XP from combat. Let's say 10% of combat XP from battles where the merchant was the aggressor, and 90% from combat where the merchant was attacked by another player. After all, we don't want merchants to just linger in the safe zones! Diplomacy See [N 3] for how wars are declared, etc. Member(s) of the national leadership could be designated as a diplomat. A diplomat would use a UI function to propose/demand terms in order to agree a peace treaty. Once the dipomats have agreed terms, they would become available for ratification in the national leadership UI. All this should have real world time limits, enabling offensives, victories and losses to influence negotiations in progress. Diplomats should also be able to hammer out alliances using a similar system. Alliances should enable ships from separate nations to enter battles on the same side when fighting nations they are at war with. National leaderships should be able to define separate tarrifs for trade from allied nations. Intelligence Gathered by spies and networks established in enemy ports. Each spy/network would be able to gather only one type of intelligence. There ought to be four types of intelligence: Military, Commercial, Diplomatic and Technological. Military Intelligence- This would cover the number and type of ships based at the port as well as the number of troops and forts. Commercial Intelligence - This would cover stockpiles of goods, needs, availability and prices. Diplomatic Intelligence- This would cover any treaties, wars, orders, etc. currently in force. Technological Intelligence - This would cover the currently available technology, and perhaps give a chance to acquire same. Employing spies- Spies would be open world NPC's with skill levels and experience. They would be employable by players, nations, and companies. The employer would be charged a salary cost every day/month/year to keep the spy in his employ. Networks- A group of spies deployed in the same port by the same employer would form a network. The larger the network the more information it would be able to provide. The larger the network the easier it would be to detect. Counter-intelligence- A police chief/policemen would be other employable NPCs in the open world. They would limit the amount of intelligence enemy spies can gather, and also give a chance of capturing the spies working in a port. Ports and Capture Port capture should take place in phases. Phase one would require a declaration of war on the nation owning the port. Phase two would be a port battle as they are currently present in the game. In case the aggressor is victorious the next phase is enabled. Phase three would involve landing a force of soldiers to take control of the hinterland. The soldiers would have to be transported in on merchant ships, and there would be a timer for this activity. The troop transports would be intercept-able by defending ships. The number of soldiers necessary would be determined by the size of the target force, as well as any defending troops. If a sufficient number of troops are landed in phase three, the port is considered occupied. An occupied port contributes taxes to the occupying nation, and any buildings/ships are inaccessible to players from the original nation, except as per the smuggling mechanic. To gain permanent ownership of a port, it has to be ceded as part of an official peace treaty. This would slow down & hopefully limit zerging. Each port should have a governor. The governor would be responsible for local taxes and docking fees. He would be able to use this income to construct defenses and improvements. Possible improvements include infrastructure, such as roads which would give a bonus to any production buildings present. Housing, which would give a bonus to population growth. The governor could also invest in crop diversification, or introducing new industries, each of which would result in new production buildings becoming available. Each effort would have a real time implementation period, as well as a resource and money cost, and would have a chance of failure. Economy All ports should have a maximum capacity for buildings, determined by their population. Players should have priority in taking up this capacity, but any unoccupied capacity should be filled by AI producers. All goods should be produced in buildings either by players or AI. No goods should "drop" at any port. Goods should be transported by AI traders to meet first basic needs of ports lacking that good, and secondly luxury & production needs. Goods not produced in the Caribbean (or any other area)should need to be imported to that area from an area where such goods are available. All production buildings should be construct-able by players in ports where production of that good is possible. Production buildings should have needs. These could be basic, e.g. food for the workers, as well as advanced needs, e.g. a sugar farm would need slaves and fertilizer. These needs combined with the needs of the general population of the island would dictate prices in the local market. AI traders and small craft should follow routes designed to meet the needs of the cities. Sinking them should be a means of economic warfare, and protecting them should be important for players. The triangular trade was of enormous importance to the major powers at the time of the game. Thus I'd love to see it represented in-game. In case political correctness is a concern, slaves can be referred to as indentured labor. African indentured labor should originate in Africa, obviously, and Chinese indentured labor should be available from American ports. Historically the Chinese laborers arrived a bit later than the game period, but i suppose that can be forgiven. Players should be able to set up contracts offering loans of all kinds of money which would be repaid with interest determined by the lender. Players should be able to send trading ships on runs under AI control, to help keep important ports supplied. If a ship is lost under AI control it is destroyed. Goods transported this way would be sold to the shop in the target port, or delivered to the player's warehouse, depending on the player's choice when setting up the trade run. It should also be possible to ship owned goods from a warehouse in this way. More than one player should be able to join their AI ships together, creating convoys that sail together. It should also be possible to define the route taken by a convoy, and to drop off ships at ports passed. There should be an option to purchase insurance for any cargo. Insurance rates should depend on a player's history of successful or otherwise delivery of cargoes during his career. It should be possible for players to sell insurance to other players as well, at any rate desired. Crafting & Ships Each nation should rely mainly on ships historically employed by that nation. Blueprints for non-national ships should be more expensive to get - perhaps only obtainable through technology espionage. Upgrades should be craft-able, and dependent upon crafting level, so that only an expert crafter is able to craft the best upgrades. I do like the book system that we have now, so perhaps upgrades could be "learnt" from books, and then require a certain level to craft. Crew/Marines/Soldiers Crew should be recruit-able in ports subject to limitations of population size. Crew should be divided into categories according to skill levels - Landsmen (a small malus to re-load times, sail setting etc), Seamen (no bonus or malus), Able Seamen (a smal bonus) and priced according to their skill level. Lower leveled crew should be upgrade-able once they gain some experience. Crew should require food and water to be carried in a ship's hold. Lack of either should lead to crew deaths. Food and water should be consumed over time, limiting a ship's radius of action without replenishing these supplies from a port. Related to the above, relevant illnesses, such as scurvy, should be modeled, along with preventives, such as vitamin c rich fruits. Marines should be recruit-able for navy captains subject to the same limitations as crew. Soldiers should be recruit-able by port governors for defensive purposes subject to the same limitations as crew, and the availability of defensive buildings with spare capacity. They should also be recruit-able for merchant and private captains, subject to the same limitations as crew, for the purpose of port capture. Soundtrack I would love to be able to listen to a soundtrack of period music, including both instrumental/classical music popular at the time as well as shanties and sailor's songs in general. To make this even better, the soundtrack ought to reflect your nationality, so that a British captain would hear, for example, Hearts of Oak, but a Danish captain would not. Open World (OW) Spotting distance- I would like this to depend on the mast height of your ship, as well as the mast height of the other ships in the area. A cutter would not be as easy to spot as an SOL, etc. Related to this, I would like national flags to be rendered on open world ships, and I'd like the ability to fly a false flag. Just like in history, it should be illegal to fire at another ship while flying a false flag (unless you happen to be a pirate!), and there should be penalties for doing so. This would necessitate the creation of a system like the RN's private signal, or, in modern terms, IFF. A hotkey ordering the crew to hoist the private signal would do. The other ship would then respond, or not. A nice ( and i hope) simple way to introduce some more tension! Further, it would be nice if ships sank below the horizon, or vice versa, rather than pop in and out of view range. Size- this is definitely utopian, but hear me out. I'd like the world extended to the west coast of Africa and Europe, as well as southwards along the coast of South America. This would have several benefits. Portugal could become an in-game nation. The safe zones could be moved to the European coast for most nations. See other relevant sections for more detail. Alternatively a sort of off-map boxes could be used to achieve the same effect without having to create a huge map with all the problems that entails. Such a system could also be used to link a series of smaller maps, or theaters. The Caribbean would obviously be one. The Mediterranean could be another, the Baltic a third. Perhaps the English Channel and part of the North Sea would also be a nice addition. Off map boxes - These should rely on a teleportation mechanic that charges money and is not instant. I.e. to send a ship to the Baltic from the Caribbean could cost 50,000, and take 1 hour of real time to arrive. It should be possible to teleport ships with cargo in the hold when traveling to/from off map boxes. The same mechanic could be used to travel between separate map areas. This teleport should not work directly from port to port. Rather it should create a random-ish exit point on your current map. Once you reach that exit point the UI should prompt you in the same way it does on approaching a port, and by cicking the prompt you'd initiate the teleport. The player should be prompted to return to his outpost, like after losing his ship in battle (if the time delay mechanic is implemented). Winds- I would like the wind to be more closely based on actual weather patterns. With somewhat predictable winds, players will be channeled into certain routes/choke-points where PVP combat will naturally occur. Of course, due to the speeding up of time, real world patterns would not work well in game, but something similar to them, with an element of randomization would be very nice indeed. See here for animated wind map: http://yachtibis.com/caribbean-weather/ Ship inspection - Navy players and AI patrols should be able to perform an inspection by remaining close to a ship in the open world for a certain amount of time. Only after such an inspection is carried out should any smuggler status be revealed to the inspecting fleet. Ports- Each port should have a population. The size of the population would dictate the needs of the port, which in turn would dictate prices in that port's market. Shortage- A shortage of essential goods in a port should lead to a decrease in population in that port. Workforce- the available population should dictate how many production buildings can be constructed in that port. Exploration - The Caribbean was more or less fully explored in the geographical sense by our period. Exploration should follow the idea of the historical artifact good available now. These should be sub-divided into, for example, Mayan artifacts, Voodoo dolls, etc., as well as natural history artifacts, such as new species of insects etc. These should not be available in shops, unless they have been sold to the shop by a player. Instead, there should be fetch quests along the lines of the current sealed bottle mechanic. These should come from buildings available to governors to construct in their port. These buildings would be named after, for example, The National Geographic Society, depending on the nation. They could also be generated by ship's officers, with the relevant skill. Navigation - At noon each in-game day the ships position should be marked on the map. This should be weather dependent and in-exact to a degree. AI ships should spawn at ports, and require resources to build. Hence, if I sink an AI snow, the owning port would spend enough resources to rebuild that ship as it re-spawns it. AI ships should have proper missions. Hunt merchants, escort them, protect an area, etc. AI ships on a protection mission should attack players and other ai that intrude on their turf. There should be enough AI ships in the world to keep the economy going, but not so many that players can make no difference. Not that the role of the AI ships should be to keep the ECONOMY going, so simply to spawn as random targets! NPC Characters All NPCs should have appropriate skills, and be able to acquire more through leveling up. The employing player should be allowed to control the leveling up process, but if the NPC leaves his employ and is subsequently hired by a different player, it should not be possible for the new employer to re-arrange skills already gained. NPCs should be randomly generated and become available to employ in ports according to a logical system. A national capital should have more NPC available than other ports. The numbers generated should also depend on the type of port and the population level. NPCs should be transportable, just like the trade goods representing various persons we have in-game at the moment. There should be employable officers with a portrait and name available. Each ship should have slots for an appropriate number of named NPCs, effectively replacing the perk mechanic. Officer NPCs should give bonuses in suitable areas, according to the experience level of each officer. Each officer should have a chance of death in combat, and in case of capture should have a small chance of becoming available to the capturing player. Buildings should require NPC managers, with skill levels governing the output of a building. Each NPC should have, and gain as they level up, skills relevant to their position. The skills should provide bonuses and maluses, giving the officers a sense of personality. Example skills could be natural scientist, which would generate mini-quests that give the player a chance of acquiring valuable goods such as "insert name of rare butterfly here". More examples to come. Player Characters Avatar - Each player character should be represented by an avatar. I love the art style of the game so far, and I'd really enjoy a full length portrait of my captain wearing the appropriate uniform for his nation, rank and organization. Name - I'd love for each character to have a first name, a family name and a nickname. There should be some form of personalisation or role-playing aspects to a player character. The ability to buy a home in a port, preferably with a nice piece of art to enjoy. To find a wife, even if she is nothing but a portrait. To have children once a wife is present. These children could then grow up to be NPCs in their own right. In-game Encyclopaedia I would like to see one. I would like it to contain entries on the nations in the game, the history of their presence in the area, as well as entries on ports containing a brief history and perhaps basic information such as what production buildings are available there, populations size and type, current owner, etc. Sailing I'd like to see leeway modeled in the open world. I'd like to see the open world ability to sail directly into the wind changed to more realistic behavior. PVP I can't state strongly enough the belief that artificially encouraged pvp doesn't work well in an open world game. If you want merchants for pirates to attack you need an economy with appropriate game-play loops for traders to engage in. Rewards to motivate people to take the risk of being attacked by pirates. The economy is the bedrock on which the rest of this game should rest. Damage & Repairs In addition to sail damage I'd like to see rigging damage. To repair this would necessitate a new type of consumable. Crew damage should be split up into the various crew types outlined above, and dependent on hit location. Thus, chain to the sails and rigging would be much more likely to kill topmen. Damaged and destroyed cannon don't seem to have any impact after a battle at the moment. I'd this to be changed. I'd like to see weather damage to rigging and sails, as a consequence of raising too much sail in strong winds. Missions Passenger mission. Port to port. Fishing contract. Catch x amount of fish. Issued by ports lacking in food and at risk of population shrinkage. Ships Fishing vessels. Ability to convert traders cargo space to horse/cattle transport. Add passenger capacity to all ships. Ability to convert cargo hold to troop transport I'm done for now. I reserve the right to add more ideas, should any occur to me.
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