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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/11/2016 in Posts

  1. Because why the hell not! Tried my best to re-create my beloved Essex in the good o'l world of Minecraft. I think she pays tribute to the Essex well. In-game, she's the HMS Essex, in the service of the Royal Navy of an MC Roleplay server I've been a member of for the past 2 1/2 years. Shameless plug is shameless. Construction: Hull and Furnishings: Completed Product:
    17 points
  2. Соглашусь я Ясом, и немного дополню, игрок начинает играть за любую нацию, а если захочет стать пиратом он должен убить свою репу до пирата и тогда он становиться пиратом, но если он например захочет вернутся в нацию то он должен поднимать репу той нации в которую он хочет вернуться, ну типа помилования, также было бы не плохо если бы пиратов можно было нанимать типа покупать их услуги на определенный срок через игровой механизм а не насловах, и давать им патенты от нации чтобы они действовали в интересах той или иной нации, вот тогда пиратегам придется не только ганкать, а еще и доказывать что они могут участвовать в боевых действиях, и это оплачивалось бы лучше чем тупой ганк.
    8 points
  3. If there's one thing this game really needs atm then it's differing sea states between instances, as sailing around in the same moderate sea everytime gets pretty annoying and dull in the end. I'd suggest at least 4 different sea states to be randomly generated for instances, such as: 1. Calm (No waves, just ripples) 2. Moderate (1.5 to 2 m waves) 3. Rough (2 to 4 m waves) 4. High (Storm, 6 to 9 m waves) Would add a lot to the immersion and fun of the game.
    6 points
  4. Hanoi, República Socialista de Vietnam. 11/10/2016 Estimados Sres. Capitanes. Por si se comenta en tabernas y mentideros, y con el ánimo de que la verdad prevalezca, quiero relatarles lo acaecido ayer en las aguas entre Jamaica y Cayman Brac. Los actos que ayer realicé me valieron el apelativo de traidor, y quizás lo sea, pero por lo menos quiero dejar constancia aquí de qué hice exactamente, y por qué hice lo que hice. La Santa Hermandad organizó ayer una pequeña flota corsaria para ir a castigar las costas de Jamaica, algo que parece haberse convertido en el pasatiempo principal de todos en el juego, menos de los ingleses, hasta que llegue ese maldito Wipe. Surcábamos las aguas entre Por Morant y Port Antonio y habíamos capturado ya dos veces al mismo inglés con una Gros Ventré, que parecía disfrutar viniendo hacia nosotros y rindiéndose. Sedientos de batalla, viramos hacia un inglés en una Snow, con flota de Snow, que parecía estar siguiéndonos para reportar nuestra posición. Su grado era de Master and Commander (Capitán de Fragata), por lo que parecía presa de ley (no solemos tocar a los novatos que andan por ahí haciendo misiones). Una vez en desigual batalla de 4 (mi Renomee y 3 Rattlesnakes), contra sus dos snows, el inglés se defendió bien, pegándose a la costa para dificultar mis maniobras y bajándome velas con tesón. Su otro snow de flota se quedó dando vueltas sin dar ningún apoyo, como suelen hacer. Una vez reparadas las velas, posicioné mi Renomee, en su banda de estribor, y suavemente, empujé su barquito contra el viento para pararlo. El abordaje fue rápido y cruento. Mis marines morados acabaron con su tripulación en dos asaltos, en los que el inglés ni siguiera le dio a defender. La maniobra fue impecable, el abordaje de libro de texto... pero para nada me sentí satisfecho. Aquello había sido como estrangular a un gatito recién nacido. No me sentí bien. Así que, cuando nos volvimos a encontrar al mismo Capitán inglés saliendo con sus dos Snows de Port Morant, le felicité, sin malicia, por haber luchado bien, a lo que me contestó con un, muy inglés, "Fuck You". Evidentemente, estaba molesto por lo que acababa de sucederle. Le expliqué que esto mismo nos pasa a nosotros en la Habana todos los días, a manos de capitanes ingleses como él, y que las reglas del juego aplican por igual para todos, a lo que contestó llamándome abusón y "asshole". Al parecer, el Sr. inglés tenía un mal perder, pero esto no me hizo sentir mejor, si no todo lo contrario. El caballero era, pese a su rango, un capitán bastante novato y, por su actitud, seguramente bastante joven. Así que, poco a poco, y con diplomacia le fui calmando, le expliqué que no debía insultar a otros jugadores y le convencí de mi sinceridad al felicitarle por la batalla. Mi conciencia no me permitía dejar las cosas así, por lo que le ofrecí compensarle por el barco perdido, para evitar rencores y mala sangre. Le dije que le esperaba en Cayman Brac. El pobre no tenía outpost allá, ni un clan que pudiera mandar a alguien a recoger el barco, y me contó que ni siquiera está en el TS inglés, por lo que no podía pedir ayuda a otros capitanes. Le pedí que viniera navegando en un Cúter. Le compré una Surprise gris de esas que venden allá, y la armé con cañones que había sacado de otros barcos, cuando llegó a Cayman, abrió un outpost y le transferí la Surprise. Una vez cumplido con mi conciencia, como soy así, le ofrecí escoltarle un rato hacia Jamaica. Gran equivocación. Nada más salir del puerto, nos encontramos con una escuadra de capitanes españoles que, lógicamente, se precipitaron sobre mi inglés. Lo metieron en batalla una primera vez, tras explicar la situación, los Sres. Capitanes, muy caballerosamente, renunciaron a la presa, se lo agradezco aquí, públicamente. Mi inglés, demostrando una vez más su inexperiencia, salió inmediatamente de pantalla gris, para encontrarse con otra escuadra, aún mayor, de prestigiosos y conocidos capitanes españoles, que lo estaban esperando. Salió huyendo, esta vez con el rumbo correcto y buen viento, y su Surprise gris, nuevecita, volaba sobre las olas. Los capitanes españoles que perseguían al inglés se preguntaban, con razón, por qué navegaba yo con mi Renomee a su lado, sin meterlo en batalla. Algunos aceptaron mis explicaciones y renunciaron a la presa, otros no, y me parece muy bien lo que hicieron en ambos casos. La persecución se prolongó hasta las costas de Jamaica, donde el Inglés tuvo que cambiar de rumbo, perdió velocidad y fue metido en batalla por sus tenaces perseguidores, con un tagueo que, a decir verdad, no fue muy bueno, ya que aparecieron demasiado lejos. Por supuesto, no podía interponerme ni entorpecer el fuego de los capitanes españoles, por lo que me limité a encontrar el mejor viento posible, colocarme delante de mi inglés, perseguido de lejos por los otros españoles, y recordarle que se quedara en pantalla gris cuando pudiera escapar. En ningún momento emprendí acción alguna que entorpeciera a los compañeros de facción, y mucho menos les planté batalla, pese a los poco amistosos comentarios que me llegaban por el chat. Una vez escapado el inglés, un célebre y admirado Capitán Español que se quedó en la batalla, me pidió que diera la vuelta y me reuniera con él, no sé con qué intenciones, cosa que, cumplidor, hice con gusto, deseoso de explicarle esto que les relato. Afortunadamente para ambos, el Capitán se marchó de la batalla antes de que yo pudiera alcanzarlo para intercambiar impresiones. Los señores capitanes Españoles se marcharon muy enfadados, con algo de razón. Les pido disculpas por lo que hice, aquí, públicamente. Pero lo que hice lo volvería a hacer ahora y mil veces por los siguientes motivos: - Porque tengo una conciencia, y esta conciencia me deja con mal sabor de boca cuando gano un combate tan desigual. Me gusta dormir bien, y ayer me fui a la cama muy contento (y muy tarde, porque la historia ésta me mantuvo pegado a la pantalla hasta las tres y media de la mañana de Hanoi). - Porque ahora, en vez de un inglés cabreado, que odia a todos los españoles, hay por lo menos un inglés menos cabreado que odia sólo a algunos capitanes españoles, que sabe que no hay que insultar a otros jugadores, y que se ha dado cuenta de que este juego es sobre mucho más que pilotar barquitos y hundir otros barquitos. Este juego reproduce una época donde los capitanes enemigos se saludaban de barco a barco con un sombrerazo antes de soltarse una andanada, un tiempo en el que la gente sabía vivir, luchar y morir con valentía honor y nobleza. Este juego, se ha convertido para algunos de nosotros en un refugio del mundo asqueroso en el que vivimos, y por lo tanto, queremos que este pequeño mapa del Caribe sea cada día un poquito mejor. Hay días para joder a los ingleses, y hay días para ayudar a un inglés. Para mi, ayer, era uno de esos días. - Porque con mi dinero, caballeros, hago lo que me da la gana. Ayer España no salió perjudicada, no pasé información estratégica, no traicioné ninguna maniobra, no hablé de la situación de la facción. Simplemente le regalé un barco a un novato inglés, lo mismo que he hecho muchas veces con novatos Españoles. Mi amigo el Gran Capitán Churruca, temido por las hordas de herejes y maleantes de todo el CARIBE CONOCIDO, me dijo que, en la guerra de verdad, me habrían fusilado por algo así. Menos mal que esto no es la guerra de verdad. Es un juego, y además, es un juego que cada día pierde más jugadores, por el maldito wipe, por las guerras eternas que reducen a las facciones a un puerto, por el gankeo de jugadores novatos. Lo que hice ayer lo hice por el juego, y en consecuencia, por la facción Española y por los capitanes que ayer me llamaban traidor. Ahora tienen una Surprise inglesa más, para capturar o hundir, y un capitán inglés que, espero, ayer aprendió una o dos cosas. Por último, quiero ofrecer a los Sres. Capitanes que ayer nos persiguieron al inglés y a mi hasta Jamaica, una compensación económica por el montante de la Surprise que no pudieron capturar, unos 60.000 de vellón, o algo así. Estoy seguro de que, convenientemente repartido entre todos, les será de gran utilidad. Ya he confesado mis pecados en persona al Sr. Arzobispo Botijo, y obtenido la absolución. Aquellos capitanes que deseen presentar quejas formales, o solicitar compensación económica, sírvanse hacer llegar sus instancias al Jefe de Escuadra Príamo a la siguiente dirección: Cuartel General de la Santa Hermandad. Palacio Arzobispal, planta baja, oficina 320. Habana Reciban todos un cordial saludo. Jefe de Escuadra Navarro, el traidor.
    5 points
  5. The sad part is you guys actually think you did good there.... I bet you pated your backs after this "fight" and went about on how you showed that evil Vicious his place... I loled at your ignorance.... i would recomend less propaganda or forum bashing/pvp and more actual in game training, maybe if you were able to sail coherently as a fleet you would not have to use 3rd world tactics or overwhelming number superiority. PS. I would also recomend stepping up with amount of content and editing quality you put down here(this is more less for everyone in national news). I do have a feeling that we devolved in terms of amount of work put into each topic. Check Charles Caldwell forum pvp, you might not agree with what he wrote but he did provide quality entertainment. I would not say such about yours last 3 national news topics. They were at least lacking.
    5 points
  6. ¡Cáspita! Ha creado usted la guerra económica inversa. Enhorabuena, ha superado a nuestros grandes estrategas en la materia. Hubo un tiempo en el que este comportamiento no era una excepción. Le felicito sinceramente, Don Sancho.
    4 points
  7. I tip my hat to you Sir, your act of mercy and gentlemanly behaviour in your conduct with this lower level player is to be commended. Your furthur understanding that this is alpha testing of a game, and how we are ALL community members of this great adventure called Naval Action. Kudos to you, I always end every match with a GG, win, lose or draw. When I see you out in the OW I will salute you, as I sink you or get sunk by you.
    4 points
  8. Ну либо просто убрать Пиратов как нацию! запретить крафт 1-2х рейтов, только через захват, забрать у них порты, базы только во фритаунах с возможностью грабить порты других наций, без захвата, и атаковать всех. И тогда увидим что они станут "изгоями", ибо играть за них будут лишь истинные хардкорщики Чтобы не говорили, пираты никогда не были нацией, крупные походы это лишь единичные случаи в целях наживы, в целом они были разрознены и не организованны.
    4 points
  9. эти два десятка могут дать больше полезной информации, чем пятьсот фармолюбителей (так их назовём)
    3 points
  10. No veo la traición por ningún lado............ Esto es un juego, y no solo se destruyen nuevos jugadores reduciendo una nación a un puerto..... Gracias a tu acción tenemos un nuevo jugador en el server..... Mis respetos Don Sancho Navarro, con mas jugadores como tú, este juego ganaría mucho.
    3 points
  11. 10.10.2016 (prev) captured / owned ports 81 / 82 - Great Britain 59 / 62 - United States 43 / 44 - España 40 / 41 - France 35 / 36 - Pirates 27 / 28 - Denmark-Norge 21 / 22 - Verenigde Provinciën 15 / 16 - Sverige Top 3 Lord Protector11 - HMCS Warrior 9 - Coraline Vodka / ARI / sveno / Gooneybird 7 - Stephen Decatur / Vernius Top 3 defend time20-22 - 82 ports 18-20 - 79 ports 02-04 - 45 ports Resources available to a nation *if this post get 6 likes until 16.10.2016 then i will publish next report
    3 points
  12. I don't know if it's my settings or my puter but I can not read any purple text in this game , does anyone else have this problem ?? I.E. Like if you have purple Speed Trim on a Vic , you really have to squint to read it , this might be nit picking but maybe they could make Mastercraft red or orange on final release
    2 points
  13. 2 new wood types confirmed in new patch. All wood characteristics will be updated soon. -Bermuda Cedar -Mahogany Bermuda Cedar Juniperus Bermudiana is the generic name of the variety of cedar tree indigenous to Bermuda which was growing most abundantly on the islands of Bermuda when they were discovered in the 14th century. Early settlers and their descendants thereafter used cedar to construct everything (cedar cradle to cedar coffin and everything in between). Bermuda Cedar was even exported to England for ship building. The exotic perfume aroma of the wood is heavier and more complex than its North American cousins. In 1944, the oyster shell scale and the juniper scale, two parasites, attacked the cedars and within ten years, 90% of the original cedars were dead (about three and a half million trees based on a density of 300 trees an acre growing on Bermuda's 13,000 acres). During the 1950s as many as 75,000 dead cedars were cut down and the wood stockpiled as re-forestation took place. Many more were cut down as Bermuda rapidly developed and have either been destroyed or extravagantly used to make beautiful furniture, house doors and windows, ceiling beams, floors, and the like at great expense. The wood has become a rare treasure indeed and getting harder to find each year. The Bermuda Cedar items that you buy are made from small pieces of old stockpiled wood and can only be made when such pieces become available to our craftsmen. Because newly planted trees are protected, this old cedar represents the last of this treasure. We are fortunate to have a little of it for our customers. ----------------------------------------------- Mahogany Mahogany is a kind of wood—the straight-grained, reddish-brown timber of three tropical hardwood species of the genus Swietenia, indigenous to the Americas, part of the pantropical chinaberry family, Meliaceae.
    2 points
  14. Hello! first and foremost, cheers for the great game, loving it so far, however nothing is perfect so I have added a few suggestions that I have. I am only post captain so far, but have a few ideas which will add gold sinks and also improve "Quality of Life" in-game. In no particular order; - Clan outposts Allow a clan to place outposts across the map, one officer has to make the sail and tag it as an outpost, add a long cooldown to change an outpost (im talking 4+ days here), upto 5 outposts and add an ONGOING maintenance cost. So the more outposts a clan has placed, the more maintenance in gold it would cost. For clan members then to teleport to said outposts, they would have to teleport from the CAPITAL ONLY. They can also keep their individual outposts. REASON - There was nothing more daunting for me as a player, when I joined my first clan, to be told I needed an outpost in X location. I was a new player, the outpost required of me was 3 hours away... i NEEDED that to get involved in the clan actions. I actually said screw that and re-rolled to the Brit nation instead. Travel is good, but that sort of time travel doesn't add anything. To counter and get more travellers then increase the travel Xp. This idea would be a fantastic gold sink to the game and help counter inflation in the economy too. - Storms and PVE missions Allow markers of Missions to be visible in storms as usual, so keep the poor visibility on everything else, just not the mission icons. REASON - I love how it makes travel difficult, especially for scouting, but I do not see why this should effect your ability to easily find a mission, they are tough enough to navigate too using latitude and longitude (that's hard enough after a few beers). I've actually been grouped with people who said no thanks, just because of finding a mission in the storm. It eats into ones personal gaming time, without adding ANYTHING. - Throw hold and cannons overboard during battles I want an ability for flight, I want to have an option to throw my hold or cannons overboard (or an option for both also) in order to gain a speed advantage. Hold would be lost forever so would all your cannons and make it 1 random upgrade also gets lost if you activate this ability. Obviously once this has been activated you will not be able to fire any more cannons during the battle, and will have to dock in order to re-equip. REASON - They actually did this in the age of sail, especially in extreme circumstances, in this game I've only been jumped once so far, vs 4 enemy ships, some much larger than mine. I was eventually sunk after a 50 minute battle chase, and losing my sails etc. I just think there should be a system in place to give you a helping hand. The advantage doesn't even have to be great, but if you know that you will never win, then there should be other options to you and not just to pro-long the inevitable, which was all I could do in my encounter. - Grouped players missions display on map for everyone Not rocket science. Simply if you are in a group with someone, their missions will also display on your own map, coloured differently to your own REASON - This is a simple QOL change, allowing players to navigate and operate more efficiently when together. - Crows nest camera view option I would like a camera hotkey, which allows to switch to a "crows nest" view point on my ship. Simply to add to immersion and also add a cool vantage when making videos. REASON - For coolness. - Disable and enable ship lights at night via a toggle - Enabling lights grants a greater "other ship" vision but also makes you easier to see. Disabling lights grants a much shorter "other ship" vision but also makes you harder to see. REASON - Obviously as a pirate you would want to sneak up on your pray as best you could, whereas a trader would want maximum view distance on other ships, Risks vs rewards and allowing players more control. - Marines musket fire when at extremely close range Add a separate combat action option for crews to fire their small arms, possibly even make it an increased rate of fire when the "boarding" action has been enabled, as more crew are ready for combat. REASON - obviously this range would have to be shorter, especially considering musket accuracy but would just add that little bit more to the combat. Well there is my list, I am sure as i continue playing there will be others. So I will bump and add to this list as I continue my adventures in Naval Action. Do comment and provide your opinions, try and make them constructive please and add a counter argument Fair winds and happy sailing. Rigan.
    2 points
  15. Pedro cay, 29.09- 5.10 1716 We were hunting at pedro shallows again, then suddenly an armed trader crossed our paths, aperently unaware of my famous beard she havent changed course. So we chased her down to bugle cay. She put up a short fight, tried to fire chain into our rigging, but we countered with ballshot into her mast, and after a half hour of fighting she was demasted and we were throwing the hooks onto the ship the fight was short but bloody, after the deck calmed down me noticed an aweful smell. As we checked the storage we knew what it was, the hold was full of fish, ugh. sailed by captain oldgitt - Sir Lancelot Holland, tradersnow, escaped jake Stone, Mercury, sunk twice Crafty Hen,Traders Brigg, Captured Valorm8,T.Brigg,Captured Sir Lancelot Holland,Rattle,sunk Valorm8,snow,captured Hazzard,Cherubin,captured Noddle,Cerberus,captured Fowler1414,gunboat,captured John Oaks,Cherubin,captured 7.10 After severel engagement in pedro cay the coastguard showed up with severel rattlesnakes, gunboats and a snow, leaded by Valor m8 Me demasted and captured Valors snow, then procedded on escape, but the [Ron] guys wanted to keep me away of pedro, while they havent the cannonballs to actuel tag me properly me escaped 3 times before me tagged a group of 2 rattles and a snow, also leaded by valorm8. Me my ships, a rattle and a niagra that hs been one of the prices from a few fights ago, took the fight. While their group was focusing on me me cannons focused on their boradsides, they were going for me rigging, my mates (ai) were focusing one of the Rattles. The timner flew as me and Valor were trading broadside to boradside. sddenly scream of agony mixed with the fire of the cannos sweeped over the deck, grape, 40 crewmember were just swept away. Me were just firing a broadside to finish Valors side and he started to take watr, "get on distance me yelled but alredy to late, the wto rattles were comming near, graping me deck while valorm8 sunk to the button. every ship was heavily damaged. my mates were trying to help but to late, the grape finished my crew off, "leave the ship" me yelled. Ship got ghosted, me mateys were trying to sink the heavily damaged rattlesnakes but without chance, they escaped. i think that was a tie 8.10 Captured 5 Cherubin Frigates, of varius captains who didnt known their place or who me is, well hope they know better now. 10.10 Got attacked by a wired guy think islander was his name, Master and Comander his rank he sailed an ingermanland, after severel attempts to sink me and me escaping i took the fight with my friend Donnershock He shot chain after chain at us, most of them were dogeable, but one salvo got me canvas good but to late, making use of my 32pdr carronades to slow him down, while donnershock goes for her stern, after graping her down to 60 crew Donnershock was boarding her and took the ship as price. after severel fights we had a small fleet together, jumped on a Trinc and a renomee, but sadly reinforcement just spawned on me head:( Me secured the escape of me friends and then surrendered me ship to the enemy, sadly that i loose a ship because of a mechanic, maybe also greed. Dont get greedy then PVPing it will make you do mistakes.
    2 points
  16. I tip my hat to you, Sir. For displaying this spirit of gentlemanly sportsmanship which the English are so fond of claiming for themselves. And also for keeping your patience and contenance explaining your actions to the Spanish captains, who understandably will have been irritated by the situation. I do not envy you the acrimonious language to which you seem to have been subjected. Congratulations again for bearing it with dignity and writing such a balanced report. I will consider myself honoured should I ever have the chance of sailing with you. Don Cristobal Sotavento, WTCOM
    2 points
  17. I know this is trivial, but it'd be nice to see how many cannon are on each deck. Maybe just a number before those in brackets that show what caliber of cannon are permitted.
    2 points
  18. Let us courteously assume you're referring to governor Henry Clinton, because any other reference here is unlikely to trump the attention of the mods.
    2 points
  19. This topic is ment to be FRIENDLY and to promote and applaud friendly rivalries between players, clans , friendly or enemy. It would be cool to keep this thread going for a long time sorta like a newspaper of "historic confrontation " between enemies. Ill start by naming Rear admiral Willis of the United States. As a man who fancies himself a " real pirate" trying to earn an honest wage along the Atlantic coast i find one captain who thwarts my attempts every time i see him. Captain Willis and my self have had some magnificent 1vs1 20vs1 and 1 vs 20s and the outcome has varried . He is one of the few who has sent me to the bottom more than once but i do like to thinki have escaped him more than not making it back to port to drink my riches away, thus giving myself the advantage in our face offs. Hes always been a good, clean, witty opponent who likes to have friendly banter. I look forward to the next and any time i escape his grasp. If anyone would like to share a similar style post please do as often as you want. It would be cool to see all the small games going on in the midst of the larger game. Just PLEASE keep it clean and toxic free.
    1 point
  20. Hey no offense but you national players on pvp2 need to start helping your new players. Im a damn pirate and i see a constant flow of noobs on your coast and often talk to them. They have zero clue on how to play or how to level and basic things are oblivious to them. Ive found myself over the last two weeks spending hours telling them the basics after they try to attack me or sail next to me etc having no clue whats going on. Ive even started giving them bottles, ships, gold, basic upgrades etc because they say nobody will help them or talk to them. This is US and British newbs (i dont spend much time fighting other nations ) and its not a rare thing so it seems rather epidemic for your factions. Im not accusing the veteran players here on the forums but hoping you will pass this along to your player base. As a pirate i see our faction taking great care of any new player we have. Guiding them, helping them and inviting them for xp etc and i seldom see a ratling who is completely lost in game. Its time for everyone to help thier noobs.
    1 point
  21. Great idea... NO with this alot of players will leave
    1 point
  22. Agreed. Would be nice if this would come with a different wind system. (http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/16583-idea-for-new-wind-system/). Atm this is too much of a routine and too predictable. I would really love to see a system where there is a change these conditions change during the battle. This way when you are losing you can always hope for the wind/sea state to change. And when you are winning you always have a fear the wind/sea state change. Instead of knowing what will happen. Great idea!
    1 point
  23. Moving not necessarily means alive, im like rest of brit community zombie...
    1 point
  24. For me it would be whatever idiot made world round.....so I am in a timezone 11 hours from the biggest and most fun biffo.
    1 point
  25. Just a tip of the olde hat to the PODW guys, they come, they pick off folks daring enough to sail around in small fights, I saw them cap 3 1sts in about 2 hours...but then they don't hide, they keep coming out and fighting bigger and bigger groups until inevitably the meet either a well organised group or an overwhelming group (or both !) and they eventually get a doin. As far as I can tell, they sail into enemy waters looking for lots of fun and fights...I never saw any particularly bad trash in battle chat/global. I am all up for that. Pixels is Pixels...fun is fun. o7. (and when I say PODW I know they have some mateys along from other clans...just the 'good' bad guy behavior I saw was predominantly PODW in these examples.).
    1 point
  26. Yeah and ive noticed the ship doesn't ride the waves we have , it just cuts through them all with hardly any up and down movement.
    1 point
  27. Уже давно идёт разговор о том, что бы убрать у пиратов нацию и сделать им свой не менее интересный геймплей, но видно у разрабов пока руки не дошли или боятся, что народ ливнёт из игры если пираты перестанут быть нацией. А так то ждём, ждём.
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. the key issue right now with crafting and mods is that the crafting system needs that overhaul that has been talked about before. There are to may things in this game that need to be able to be crafted and the cost of some of those mods needs to be adjusted to fit the usefulness of the mod and the type of mod (perm/reg). If these were put in then the 1 dura ship and "my gold mods" would be a mute point
    1 point
  30. "Золотые слова, Юрий Венедиктович... золотые слова" (с) НР очень бы хотелось сразу из пыльного чулана достану "Весёлого Роджера" ))
    1 point
  31. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/254842804695275250/D6525D0586459B8DC88B6746BCD23EB0FA9EFCBA/
    1 point
  32. You got talent . 2 topics in national news created and both of them are own goals.
    1 point
  33. New map is up; view the top spoiler for activity during last week. So, this week should be the last of the PB flag system before the possible update coming this Thursday. Let's certainly hope. This previous week showed a resurgence of the Brits, as they retook ports from the Pirates who vowed to crush the Brits to their home port. According to reports in the Global Chatter, loudmouth bashing will lead into yet another thrashing. And while the Pirates are focused on the Brits, this left plenty of time for the US to soak up some ports, including the secret island. Onto the others: Spain remains invisible; France has reports of a possible population spurt coming; Swedes make an announcement to attack anyone, except the Pirates and Danes, yet have not made a move yet; Danes are working closely with the Pirates against the Brits and to prevent the expansion of the Dutch; and the Dutch slowly expand their territories westward. What will this last week of insanity bring on PvP2? All I know is I have plenty of popcorn. Here is the current tally after a week of PBs: PI - 96 v 23 ES - 5 - 0 FR - 15 - 0 GB - 18 ^ 14 VP - 27 ^ 1 DN - 44 - 0 SV - 1 - 0 US - 125 ^ 8 If you find any of this interesting and maybe even enticing, join us on the PvP2 server. And if you're already on the PvP2 server with a clan not listed and linked to in this OP, please reply with your clan's info in the following format: Nation: [Clan Tag] - Clan Name: Clan website or game-labs recruitment thread: Active Member Count: (And as always....if you don't have a recruitment thread or clan signature banner, msg me and I can make one...for an in-game price )
    1 point
  34. Дело не в 5ти прочках Сандаль) Я же предлагаю ввести 1 прочку но всем, а разница должна быть в цене, а не в количестве этих прочек. Модули в идеале заменить на улучшения на верфи. Улучшить фрегат стоит 100 досок и 50т рублей, а улучшить линкор 1000 досок и 500т рублей(да и еще не на каждой верфи), а не так, что обшить медью что Линкс, что Вику - все одно Мне бы очень понравился Крафт в реальном времени, это я уже описывал в соответствующих темах и судя по всему не видать его как своих ушей без зеркала Ну и тд и тп, не хочу в очередной раз это мусолить.
    1 point
  35. The Crafting gods, 6 ships built 5 2/4 1 2/5.
    1 point
  36. Flag exploits will be irrelevant in a couple of weeks, just sayn'......
    1 point
  37. I haven't made any comments heretofore regarding the addition of these two 1-Dura ships, but it seems to be important to a lot of you here so I'll add a passing comment. Preface the 1-dura comment with this: I don't know what kind of player the officially appointed group of labelers here would judge me to be, but I get tired of them puffing up their chests and telling everyone exactly who they are: carebear, casual, hard-core, etc etc on and on, and by their self-cast official definitions. Reminds me of kids on the playing field appointing you to an assigned team. For myself, I simply play this game in whatever fashion makes me happy that day. But I think for those of you who like to put people in labeled bags I would be considered casual. So,,,for the 1-dura ships, and if you consider me casual, just saying I would love to capture one of those and use it to test it out against someone else, win or lose. I don't care about losing the ship and I don't care about the effect on the crafting economy, I don't care if it's gray or blue or mastercraft, or about mods or upgrades or any of that crap. I would like to just see how it does in battle, and should I lose it, simply go get something else or find another one. For the life of me I can't understand why that is such a big deal to some of you. You win some you lose some, who gives a hoot. Go get another ship. In the end, and has been stated in post number 1 here, we are testing it. So test it and move on. It's pretty much free if you capture it anyway. And if you don't wanna test it, then don't. Seems pretty simple.
    1 point
  38. My employers would like to inform you that the aforementioned incident proceeded quite differently as far as they are concerned, but they are nevertheless thankful for your cooperation when it came to making sure the British scoundrels in question were indeed sailing with legal documents and were not stowing any amoral and/or illegal goods. It is a pity that our joined, exceedingly thorough investigation showed that our initial suspicion about the veracity and legality of said British shipping was correct but such is the life of those committed to fair and legal commerce and entrepreneurship.
    1 point
  39. Back in the Day it used to be Lord Roberts from the British SoB clan way back in the early days of PvP2. Now? I would have to say Loco Bandit. Someday I'll sink him 1v1
    1 point
  40. Cecil Sealous ... shakes fist !!! I shall never forget that dreadful day ... The attack was well planned and the tag was perfect... except the lookout didn't count for the heavy frigate speed. We, me crew and I, make haste and jump aboard the trader schooner finding a exorbitant amount of silver and started preparing he for a fast retreat off the scene. But captain Cecil had to interfere and send a party to get on the trader and therefore deny us the silvery glittery prize. ( everything happened in the same battle instance. I go fast and get the trader to strike colours and cecil comes forces me away and denies me the full capture ) We made a hasty escape under those massive guns and cursed the silver he just denied us. The only way to break the curse was to return it to the trader. As much as we know the silver is still out there, every single coin piece used.... ... so if you find yourself under suspicious circumstances that almost seem like black magic, you ship or modules most certainly have been built using one of the cursed coins. Captain Cecil we shall meet again...
    1 point
  41. Ellis... bcs he always atacks me when im drunk...and my masts are extra flimsy than
    1 point
  42. LOL... pretty much any of the RAE guys. It started off pretty toxic, but I think we've developed a healthy respect for each other.... O7!!! edit: good thread topic, by the way!
    1 point
  43. I think you can safely just implement some small limits, only letters, and just prevent people from using obvious words like f*ck and s*x etc... or just don't limit the use of certain words and just use a report option for inapropriate names. So the devs can just judge if its ok or not. Bit like insulting on chat works atm.
    1 point
  44. was the most boring 2 hrs of my time playing naval action ...pirates turn up a KPR for a fight ...refuse to attack seeing as they are out gunned ...post a few insults that brit fleet are cowards and will not fight ...pirates sail away and decide to gank 3-4 frigates with their fleet off carlisle ...unaware that brit 1st rates have followed them ...brits jump in ..what follows is one and half hours of pirates running away shooting sails and crying in chat that its not an equal fight ..yes you turned and sank one ship that had strayed too far in the last 5 minutes ,,,but so what ...dont know what you mean by GF ....GOOD FUN ...GOOD FIGHT ...it was neither .....it was pathetic
    1 point
  45. Aucun BP ne devrait être distribué lors d'event occasionnels favorisant une population de joueurs disponibles 100% par rapport à des joueurs indisponibles. Tittre de gloire, couleur pour les bateaux, pourquoi pas. Tout ce qui influence l'equilibre du jeu comme les fits et les recettes devraient etre disponibles pour tous de la meme maniere via l'académie et non pas sur un coup de roulette.
    1 point
  46. http://postimg.org/image/ocemy8hxh/ PolandBall themed
    1 point
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