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[PvP] France-Spain / Declaration


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Suite à la concertation des vénérables capitaines de la nation (Equipe de jour seulement), nous avons décidé à la majorité d'une position vis à vis de la nation Espagnole pour les prochains jours.
Nous ne voulons pas d'une guerre contre nos alliés historiques. Nous comprenons que certains clans Espagnols n'ont pas une habitude représentative de la nation Espagnole. Nous ne pouvons admettre une ingérence de ces clans dans les combats contre nos ennemis.
Pour tenter de laisser une chance à la paix, nous avons décidé d'éviter les combats contre les capitaines Espagnols dans leurs eaux, par contre nous ne tolèrerons plus de bateaux de guerres Espagnols dans nos eaux que nous attaquerons à vue et nous répliquerons aux attaques orchestrées par les Espagnols sur nos territoires.
En tant que nation unie, nous défendrons tous les ports français quel que soit le clan propriétaire.
Toute flotte de screen Espagnole se mettant entre nous et nos ennemis lors qu'une bataille de port sera considérée hostile.
En revanche, nous ne serons pas à l'origine d'attaque contre des ports Espagnols mais nous nous défendrons en cas d'agression et reprendrons les ports attaqués et capturés après cette communication.

After the concertation of the venerable captains of the French nation (Day crew only), we decided at the majority of a position towards Spanish nation for the next days.
We do not want a war against our historical allies. We understand that some Spanish clans do not have a representative behavior of Spanish nation. We cannot allow this clans to interfere in the fight against our enemies.
In an attempt to give peace a chance, we have decided to avoid fighting the Spanish captains in their waters, but we will no longer tolerate Spanish ships in our waters, which we shall attack on sight and respond to attacks orchestrated by the Spaniards in our territories.
As a united nation, we will defend all French ports regardless of the owning clan.
Any Spanish screen fleet putting themselves between us and our enemies in a port battle will be considered hostile.
On the other hand, we will not attack Spanish ports, but we will defend ourselves in case of aggression and retake the ports attacked and captured after this statement.

Después de la concertación de los Venerables capitanes de la nación francesa (sólo tripulación de día), decidimos en la mayoría de una posición hacia la nación española para los próximos días.
No queremos una guerra contra nuestros aliados históricos. Entendemos que algunos clanes españoles no tienen un comportamiento representativo de la nación española. No podemos permitir que estos clanes interfieran en la lucha contra nuestros enemigos.
En un intento de dar una oportunidad a la paz, hemos decidido evitar luchar contra los capitanes españoles en sus aguas, pero ya no toleraremos los barcos españoles en nuestras aguas, que atacaremos a la vista y responderemos a los ataques orquestados por los españoles en nuestros territorios.
Como nación unida, defenderemos todos los puertos franceses, independientemente del clan propietario.
Cualquier flota de pantalla española que se ponga entre nosotros y nuestros enemigos en una batalla portuaria será considerada hostil.
Por otro lado, no atacaremos los puertos españoles, pero nos defenderemos en caso de agresión y retomaremos los puertos atacados y capturados después de esta declaración.



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7 hours ago, LADY CASSARD said:



Suite à la concertation des vénérables capitaines de la nation (Equipe de jour seulement), nous avons décidé à la majorité d'une position vis à vis de la nation Espagnole pour les prochains jours.
Nous ne voulons pas d'une guerre contre nos alliés historiques. Nous comprenons que certains clans Espagnols n'ont pas une habitude représentative de la nation Espagnole. Nous ne pouvons admettre une ingérence de ces clans dans les combats contre nos ennemis.
Pour tenter de laisser une chance à la paix, nous avons décidé d'éviter les combats contre les capitaines Espagnols dans leurs eaux, par contre nous ne tolèrerons plus de bateaux de guerres Espagnols dans nos eaux que nous attaquerons à vue et nous répliquerons aux attaques orchestrées par les Espagnols sur nos territoires.
En tant que nation unie, nous défendrons tous les ports français quel que soit le clan propriétaire.
Toute flotte de screen Espagnole se mettant entre nous et nos ennemis lors qu'une bataille de port sera considérée hostile.
En revanche, nous ne serons pas à l'origine d'attaque contre des ports Espagnols mais nous nous défendrons en cas d'agression et reprendrons les ports attaqués et capturés après cette communication.

After the concertation of the venerable captains of the French nation (Day crew only), we decided at the majority of a position towards Spanish nation for the next days.
We do not want a war against our historical allies. We understand that some Spanish clans do not have a representative behavior of Spanish nation. We cannot allow this clans to interfere in the fight against our enemies.
In an attempt to give peace a chance, we have decided to avoid fighting the Spanish captains in their waters, but we will no longer tolerate Spanish ships in our waters, which we shall attack on sight and respond to attacks orchestrated by the Spaniards in our territories.
As a united nation, we will defend all French ports regardless of the owning clan.
Any Spanish screen fleet putting themselves between us and our enemies in a port battle will be considered hostile.
On the other hand, we will not attack Spanish ports, but we will defend ourselves in case of aggression and retake the ports attacked and captured after this statement.

Después de la concertación de los Venerables capitanes de la nación francesa (sólo tripulación de día), decidimos en la mayoría de una posición hacia la nación española para los próximos días.
No queremos una guerra contra nuestros aliados históricos. Entendemos que algunos clanes españoles no tienen un comportamiento representativo de la nación española. No podemos permitir que estos clanes interfieran en la lucha contra nuestros enemigos.
En un intento de dar una oportunidad a la paz, hemos decidido evitar luchar contra los capitanes españoles en sus aguas, pero ya no toleraremos los barcos españoles en nuestras aguas, que atacaremos a la vista y responderemos a los ataques orquestados por los españoles en nuestros territorios.
Como nación unida, defenderemos todos los puertos franceses, independientemente del clan propietario.
Cualquier flota de pantalla española que se ponga entre nosotros y nuestros enemigos en una batalla portuaria será considerada hostil.
Por otro lado, no atacaremos los puertos españoles, pero nos defenderemos en caso de agresión y retomaremos los puertos atacados y capturados después de esta declaración.



We miss you Cassard... 

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What's this with this  'historical allies'. It's a game that's a few years old. Big part of the current  'historical allied' Spanish fought you when they where 'historical Dutch'(7up).

You sound like some other French 'diplomat', only denying yourself content. Atleast Raxius and the 'nightly crew' is having fun.

And historical,after 1807 the French and Spanish allied forces went to war with eachother. So it's finally 1808. And Spain should ally themself with the Brits..to make a 'historical' ally and fight their historical foe France in the Peninsular war..



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Early-mid EA france and spain worked to help each other where and when we could. Many of the old guard from both playerbeses are gone now. Any agreement based on that nostalgia is precarious at best. This should be understood, however disheartening,  as they were very loyal friends for a long time.

Edited by Potemkin
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1 minute ago, staun said:

Well it was a short war. Guess Spain can go back and fight GB. With the help of there friends. All back to normal mode.

Honestly, who cares either way at this point. Ill settle simply for fun battles at sane hours.

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49 minutes ago, Batman said:

The game would be much more fun if some people would stop playing it with history-mode on ...

You mean Spain didn't control and defend a vast colonial empire that extended from the Floridas to the Guyana !? 😮

Or that Curacao wasn't once taken by one single RN frigate !?


Or you mean "in game" storyline ? 

http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/5977-petition-to-rename-this-game-to-all-vs-british/ (


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11 minutes ago, Sir Hethwill the RedDuke said:

You mean Spain didn't control and defend a vast colonial empire that extended from the Floridas to the Guyana !? 😮


Or you mean "in game" storyline ?


I mean the game is much more enjyobale if you give f all about ports and alliances with "historial background".

Last summer we had an amazing alliance with EDR, it worked really well, the rest of France didn't like it because GB being a historical enemy. Furthermore a big French clan worked with Brits against Spain, their historical common friend ...

So the rest of France allied with Spain (again), effectively destroying EDR (Biggest French clan back then - they could field their own PB fleet + screeners). They either stopped playing or went to pirates (FP clan). @Aquillas can probably give a better insight, if he really wants to.

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14 hours ago, LADY CASSARD said:

On the other hand, we will not attack Spanish ports, but we will defend ourselves in case of aggression and retake the ports attacked and captured after this statement. 


What about Bensalem, a spanish port, you took few days ago from your historical ally?

That looks like you already broke your promise. Untrusty diplomacy at its best.

Edited by Poryv
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20 minutes ago, Batman said:

I mean the game is much more enjyobale if you give f all about ports and alliances with "historial background".

Last summer we had an amazing alliance with EDR, it worked really well, the rest of France didn't like it because GB being a historical enemy. Furthermore a big French clan worked with Brits against Spain, their historical common friend ...

So the rest of France allied with Spain (again), effectively destroying EDR (Biggest French clan back then - they could field their own PB fleet + screeners). They either stopped playing or went to pirates (FP clan). @Aquillas can probably give a better insight, if he really wants to.

and where is the problem now?

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36 minutes ago, Poryv said:


What about Bensalem, a spanish port, you took few days ago from your historical allie?

That looks like you already broke your promise. Untrusty diplomacy at its best.

Stop reading one word about two.

This is not diplomacy, this is a statement of what the day crew will do now and for the next few days, not a week ago. If you have a problem with Bensalem, deal with night crew (UWS-WO-BLANC) but if you read correctly day crew will defend if they can.

Beside that, people who are not Spanish or French, keep your advices for yourselves, we don't care. Opinions are like assholes, everyone got one :)

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@Batman, I don't really want to give all details here. My movement from France to GB gives my conclusion.


This alliance with Spain was never clear. It destroyed the best organised French clan, for a very tiny result for the French faction (including this destruction of EDR, which was one of the declared targets of some other French clans).

Situation today:

- No coherence between EU and US French clans.

- France is allied with Spain, Spain is friendly with France.

- France is in war with USA, Spain is allied with USA. 

- It was the same with Russia until last week and NAVOC move.

However, all the best, congrats and bon courage to @LADY CASSARD, and her mates to try and sort something positive from that (no irony here). :)

Edited by Aquillas
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38 minutes ago, Graf Bernadotte said:

 To avoid further attacks France can only declare unconditionnel surrender to commend their destiny in the hands of Spain on grace and disgrace.

« Merci, c’est bon de rire »...🤣

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15 hours ago, LADY CASSARD said:

En tant que nation unie, nous défendrons tous les ports français quel que soit le clan propriétaire.

As a united nation, we will defend all French ports regardless of the owning clan.

Como nación unida, defenderemos todos los puertos franceses, independientemente del clan propietario.

Asi que: Los franceses nocturnos, nos pueden conquistar puertos sin la intervención de los franceses diurnos. Pero nosotros no les podemos quitar puertos a los franceses nocturnos puesto que los franceses diurnos intervendrian.

Usted cree que esto es asumible?


Donc: Les Français la nuit, on peut conquérir des ports sans l’intervention du diurne français. Mais on ne peut pas enlever les ports de la nuit française depuis que le diurne français est intervenu.

Croyez-vous que cela est supposé?


So: The French at night, we can conquer ports without the intervention of the French diurnal. But we can not take away ports from the French night since the French diurnal intervened.

Do you believe that this is assumable?

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5 minutes ago, CeltiberoClearco said:

Asi que: Los franceses nocturnos, nos pueden conquistar puertos sin la intervención de los franceses diurnos. Pero nosotros no les podemos quitar puertos a los franceses nocturnos puesto que los franceses diurnos intervendrian.

Usted cree que esto es asumible?


Donc: Les Français la nuit, on peut conquérir des ports sans l’intervention du diurne français. Mais on ne peut pas enlever les ports de la nuit française depuis que le diurne français est intervenu.

Croyez-vous que cela est supposé?


So: The French at night, we can conquer ports without the intervention of the French diurnal. But we can not take away ports from the French night since the French diurnal intervened.

Do you believe that this is assumable?

« Por otro lado, no atacaremos los puertos españoles, pero nos defenderemos en caso de agresión y retomaremos los puertos atacados y capturados después de esta declaraciónn »

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