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Marked with the Black Spot - Caribbean

Bloody Hound

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Ahoy Mateys! Do ye fancy making some Gold or Marks? There be some Scallywags causing trouble for us Gentlemen o' fortune.

I want these Scurvy dogs sent t' Davy Jones' Locker! or if ye capture der ship! Ya can keep it! Just send the Captain to us honest folk to be keelhauled!


Aslong as ye get them in the open sea! No Port battles! and show the evidence of t' demise here! Ya shall get the gold by one of t' free ports!

You can't sink someone of ye own nation! Unless pirate ofcourse! But if someone in the Nationals Sinks one of these Scurvy Dogs I be a honest pirate n' pay up!


With me returning to the game and with a good number of requests to start the black spot again i thought why the hell not? so this is the new version of the Old Marked with the Black spot on PVP1.  I'll also try to keep this one more crisp and clean this time around.

(If someone wants someone else on the list PM me the guys you want on the list and the amount or give me the gold to remain anonymous or post here and ill throw them on and the price you be offering for the death has to be atleast 500,000 gold or PVP/Combat Marks. Everyone listed is not marked by just me but by a group of people so just because your on here does not mean i want to attack you)

For more Bountys on various other people visit SALTY Discord which has been running a bounty system on it for the past 6 months invite here: https://discord.gg/4dPCwBa


Some Rules:

-No Port Battle Kills

-No Green on Green

-Post here a images of there demise or PM me ingame of the images etc and ill try and get in contact ASAP to reward ya! 2 Images prefered them taking damage, and them sinking/with the leaderboard.

-If you end up dying in the engagement aswell it does not count (Fire ships/explosions)

-Any added requirements by the person who sets the mark will have to keep track of it and will dictate the reward i'm just putting the Mark to show they're targeted and how much you'll ATLEAST get. 

- Only 1 person at a time can set a mark on someone, that means multiple people can't stack onto one mark. This saves the guy who kills the mark from going to 3+ different guys for the reward.  (Encourages higher bounty's also  or pooling the reward onto 1 person.)

Optional: Also If people want and trust me, give me the gold and i'll pay the guy who completes the mark upon completion. If they mark is cancelled i'll refund the Gold.


Kill on Sight Bounty's

Simply Kill these guys to get the reward no strings attached.

(Would highly suggest paying me the reward in advance so i can pay out as soon as they're claimed)




More Specified Requirement Bounty's

These bounty's require some additional requirement, be it "1v1 only or 5th Rates Only etc"




Edited by Bloody Hound
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A simpler list of the Targets, Rewards and who to contact upon completion


If Anonymous contact me instead.

Kill on Sight List

Target                                 |                                 Reward                                               |                     Person who put the Black Spot                 |

Graf Bernadotte                :                          1 Victory Mark                          -              :                                   Anonymous

Jan Marten                         :                          40 PVP Marks                                          :                            @vazco

Otto Kohl                             :                          30 PVP Marks                                          :                            @HachiRoku

Jon Snow Lets Go            :                          20 PVP Marks                                          :                           @Abram Svensson @rediii

Sir Henry Durnin               :                          10 PVP Marks                                          :                            @Salty Sails

Captain Cid                        :                          10 PVP Marks                                          :                            @Salty Sails

Eric Shun                            :                          10 PVP Marks                                          :                           @Trashumi Fujiwara

Fumadrago                         :                          10 PVP Marks                                          :                            @tonyxyx  

NameTBA                           :                          10 PVP Marks                                          :                            @Mikocen      

Green Mr                            :                          10 PVP Marks                                    -     :                            @Roronoa

Wariorz                               :                          10 PVP Marks                                          :                            @ScipioTortuga

Bloody Hound                    :                          5 PVP Marks                                            :                            @Capt Trashal Early

Captain Yarrrrr                  :                          2 Million Gold                                           :                            @Trashumi Fujiwara


Specfied Requirement Bounty List

Target                                 |                                                        Added Requirements                              |                 Reward                  |      Person who put the Black Spot      |

Havelock                            :      Kill/beat him in a 1v1 duel                                                                      :                 20 PvP Marks       :                @Palatinose


Edited by Bloody Hound
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6 hours ago, Christendom said:

but but hachi....I thought we were buds.  

Hey christen ... let's make a deal: I'll sink you in a port shop lynx, then we share the bounty 40 for me (I get the PVP mark)/and 60 for you. Agreed?

(eve veteran here, that knows perfectly why bounty system does not work in MMO games :D)

Edited by victor
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1 hour ago, victor said:

Hey christen ... let's make a deal: I'll sink you in a port shop lynx, then we share the bounty 40 for me (I get the PVP mark)/and 60 for you. Agreed?

(eve veteran here, that knows perfectly why bounty system does not work in MMO games :D)

I'll see you in null sec

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