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Upcoming Patch

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I actually kinda been taking a break and playing other games.  I figure I'll wait until they get the next update out before i get to active other than weekends.  That and new job since the Merger has keep me away from the game other than weekends any way.   I'm interested to see how the UI and Tutorial changes work out.   Maybe the balance of the ships finally too.

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37 minutes ago, Christendom said:

my expectations are....

no wasa nerf
no br balance
more unnecessary wind/profile changes
no content

stop being so negitive all the time man. Some of us like the wind changes. Better sailing is also content in a game that is about sailing right? 

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41 minutes ago, HachiRoku said:

stop being so negitive all the time man. Some of us like the wind changes. Better sailing is also content in a game that is about sailing right? 

Agreed, everyone I've talked to loves the way ships feel now. The changes have brought a new meaning to manual sailing, and have taken combat to the next level. 

I also would love some large changes, but I know I'd be very frustrated as a dev if all this hard work on these features was ignored. 

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2 hours ago, HachiRoku said:

stop being so negitive all the time man. Some of us like the wind changes. Better sailing is also content in a game that is about sailing right? 

Aren’t you the guy who’s quit a few times on the forums because certain changes or lack of them?  

Wind changes and new profiles are fun, but not enough to keep fans in the seats forever.  The game needs more diverse content, BR balances and a wide assortment of things that really should happen before we need more wind adjustments.  You don’t pick out the color of the carpet before the house is built right?

it feels like we’re on this merry go round just going in circles over and over. New crafting changes, RVR changes, server splits and merges... but the game never fundamentally changes and it still has the same flaws.  The same 200 people come back every patch, stay for a while and then dip out when the changes get old.  

Edited by Christendom
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9 minutes ago, Christendom said:

Aren’t you the guy who’s quit a few times on the forums because certain changes or lack of them?  

Wind changes and new profiles are fun, but not enough to keep fans in the seats forever.  The game needs more diverse content, BR balances and a wide assortment of things that really should happen before we need more wind adjustments.  You don’t pick out the color of the carpet before the house is built right?

it feels like we’re on this merry go round just going in circles over and over. New crafting changes, RVR changes, server splits and merges... but the game never fundamentally changes and it still has the same flaws.  The same 200 people come back every patch, stay for a while and then dip out when the changes get old.  

I made one topic named Uninstalling as click bait about issues. Mistake of mine I'll admit it but it was once. I've 3000 hours in this game and I bet you have something similar. No game is forever and you cannot ask them for infinite content. 

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finding books....... i can use in upgrades ...

and finally become a equal captain for doing battle on the same terms my opponent is

furthermore i have no expectations anymore  

ohw perhaps just one .....a real dutch vessel even when it is a clump



Edited by Thonys
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19 hours ago, Liq said:

Didn't want to make another thread, here is another sum-up of changes / new additions id like to see... It keeps repeating itself but STILL those things need to be added IMO

  • Nerf thickness of 3rd - 1st rates by about 5-10%
  • Rebalance BR properly, indefatigable has same BR as a wasa? In a world with BR limited Port Battles, this is nonsense; give the bellona an use again
  • Buy contracts for ships?..
  • Paints for pvp marks (They are already made and all, why not let us enjoy them)
  • Make Safe Zones depending on Rank - Midshipman would get to enjoy the current safe zone size; as the player ranks up, his safe zone range shrinks. A Rear Admiral's safe zone should be at least reduced to half of its current size.
  • Remove all speed mods except copper plating and 1 "Speed Trim" (with -10% HP) Upgrades and make them craftable. Was like that prior to the wipe, worked out well.
  • Bring back a duel room; sometimes in an OW MMO things can get hairy, easiest solution to solve issues is a gentleman duel
  • Training room for newbies, no gains, no losses, just for practise (Maybe we'll see something similar with the tutorial?)
  • Reduce mast thickness, greatly increase mast HP
  • exponential reward curve for pvp; regular 100% reward for 1v1 same BR; up to 200% reward for fighting outnumbered 1 : 3+ BR; down to 20% reward fighting 10+ : 1 BR
  • Buff Carronades Penetration values; they are pretty much useless in frigate battles at the moment


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Expectations high !?!?... oh boy oh boy... where to start...

1. Modules, perks and knowledge books reviewed into marginal gains.

1.2. Module/Knowledge slots for specific parts of the ship - no stacking.

1.3. Fully equipped ship never over 8% accumulated benefits at any specific system.

2. Rewards balance - navy vs mercantile - to proper values of the age of sail.

2.1 - trade makes the most hard cash - 8 times more comparing 1:1 cruise

2.2 - navy yields navy board pay and reputation ( and any prize taken )

3. Removal of marks into captain reputation currency - exchange for admiralty honors, non tradeable items. ( special stuff, see number 1 )

4. Removal of Pirate ranks. Every pirate sailing will be simply...Pirate [name]

6. Addition of a Free Port in the Florida Keyes.


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A Constitution model as pretty as the Endymion...

No OW information on ships unless you are with X distance or use the telescope...

UI...  although I think I may have permanently ruined the color blue in my life already....


Edited by Vernon Merrill
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Liq and Rediii already name most of the things i‘d like to see done!

i would ad:

- more ports like Cartagena which every nation wants to battle over

- higher chances for smaller nations to get VMs

- let all ships be reasonably usable (with unique strenghts and weaknesses)

- ... and speaking of it: let the Victory be the best upwind sailor of 1st rates again

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Upcoming patch will get

  • tutorial will be added for testing
  • all npc ships will become capturable (with special debuff making them useless in pvp but still keeping the great quality for pve)
  • a minor change to crafting
  • thickness and hp changes of all vessels and final speed change slightly reducing max speed for all base vessels (that captains can adjust through upgrades)
  • copper city or cities
  • frigate epic event
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