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Anne Wildcat

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Everything posted by Anne Wildcat

  1. I do like like the trade mission. Haven't done many as that is a lot of sailing if you are just using a traders lynx. It will be sad to see them go. DN guys, I have some trade missions still for your capital so watch for me.
  2. @Yar Matey There is already a system for duels, under the missions tab, duels. Groups can form & do small battles (although dur is lost with those). I just think those need improving upon.
  3. I really don't care for PVE but do think Devs should consider how these changes will effect the PVE server (some players do not want PVP). Without missions, or with just dailies, I think they will just have to sail to find bots to fight. Maybe that's a good thing?
  4. Thank you thank you thank you for bringing back pirate vs pirate I really hope smuggler flag isn't removed. Its used to get mats where they are more available, to sell goods when a trader is captured, and for trade missions to get into enemy capitals.
  5. So, I planned to move my outposts around a bit so when no one else was on I could do some trader raiding. It was a little frustrating using the in game map to see where the gold, silver, and copper producing ports were so I took a screen shot of the map and created my own. Thought I would share it even though it is not very useful. Yellow means gold, white is silver, and brown is copper.
  6. I like the idea, it will make 1st rates more rare, but don't sail SOLs so my opinion isn't very valid.
  7. @otto kohl, I know a few people who sail renomees. Add the area control perk and you have a sweet ship that can keep people in a fight or easily run if needed. Tanky ships are not always the best. Anyone with that mindset is bound to get stern camped sometime.
  8. Sometimes I have an issue where hitting escape will not bring up the menu. I check to make sure I'm not in chat. Not sure if that fixes it or not.
  9. Um, thanks for sharing. Now the other nations will go after the Bahamas for sure. Lol
  10. Even simpler than that. I've seen people in the help chat ask how to load cannons.
  11. There needs to be a tutorial too. For now it's fine but on release you don't want new players logging in, seeing the port screen, and have no idea what to do.
  12. What would be nice is text boxes to enter the amount instead of sliders.
  13. Regarding fire barrels, devs have already implemented the brace command to help those being stern raked, I don't really think it's needed. Just do not sail an SoL alone, you will get stern raked. Although the idea is an interesting one Regarding captain perks, please no. We already have mods, regional bonuses, officer perks. The game is becoming more and more imbalanced. Yes, this is a game but what is nice about it is that it strives to be a historical game. The current imbalances need fixing.
  14. I first heard of NA from a POTBS friend. He told of a massive OW where you could be attacked anywhere and you would want to hide in coves on the OW to avoid being attacked. So I envisioned this massive OW with combat on the OW and people running into ports to avoid combat. What I would like to see for NA2, no combat instances, combat on OW, slower OW speeds so it can take hours or days (as the guy said) to get to enemy territory. There would be fleets on the OW but not like it is, you would see every ship sail together. Clicking on a combat button to enter a battle instance seems so old school. Maybe have different servers for different areas of the map, once you get to the border the game switches you to the new server. So players seem to all be on the same server but unless they are close by they are in fact on a different one. Although that probably wouldn't keep players bc you would first need to sail somewhere to find enemies. Maybe add a storyline?
  15. Just on #8, do you know you have the ability to turn the aiming lines and I believe status bar (but may be wrong) off? I don't remember what key it was. Maybe they need to come up with 2 servers, one more sim (no tp, 1 dur ships, manual sails on OW, slower sailing times, no repair kits in battle or replenishing crew on OW ...) and 1 more combat game (tp allowed, multi dur ships, ability to chart your course and have the AI sail for you, repair kits and replenishing crew, etc) just an idea. I think I would play both being somewhere in the middle. And on that combat server, make a heat map where you can see what regions have the most current activity.
  16. Maybe give the option to sail the OW at regular speed or to set a course that speeds it up. I know I'm in the minority as I like sailing the OW. Currently touring it in a surprise. I also like hunting, looking for ships, while sailing. I would believe you would also need the ability to dock at any port, maybe with a cost. Without send to outpost or add to fleet the cargo hold will fill up quickly if you are hunting traders in enemy territory.
  17. Just a suggestion, probably not very good: National ports require upkeep. Any player that has an outpost in that port helps pay upkeep, automatically. If upkeep drops below a certain level, a PVP zone is created. Whichever nation sinks the most players in that zone can have a pb there, if regional capital, or raid. While the port is contested, anyone can use it for resources and building ships up until the port battle. If no one shows to defend or it's unsuccessfully defended, the county hostility is raised, if it's not a capital, or that county is captured by the other nation, if it is a regional capital. Of course there also has to be a way to capture ports that are upkept
  18. Maybe for PVP events -- move them to the small/large battles. Ow PVP event circle seems so arena-ish. Although I would like to see points & a store for any OW PVP victority (maybe no points if overwhelming BR).
  19. IMO, pirate rework & rvr rework are most needed. Somehow ports need to have importance for nationals. Regional bonuses started to do this. Maybe there should also be maitenance costs for port upkeep? I'm in the minority, so far, believing SOLs should be more rare and paints should not be craftable. Edit I guess I'm in the majority w/ SOLs
  20. I would like to see raids added as a side to pbs, not to replace pbs, on individual ports, not counties and not regional capitals, which flips the port for a day or 2 so whoever raided can use that port and get the resources and regional bonuses.
  21. Why in the world do you need 100 ship slots? Ship deeds would be something like coins, little weight and takes little room. It would be also nice to capture a trader and see them carrying deeds. And maybe you can build them anywhere but only redeem them at the capital? Just a suggestion.
  22. I like what POTBS did. Instead of crafting ships, you craft ship deeds which can be saved or turned into ships. Then when you get down to 1 dur, you can use a deed to add 3 dur. The only downside is that mods would only need to be crafted once. Although in POTBS, I believe, anytime you sank you lost the permanent mods but not regular. That would stink here as mods such as copper plating are so expensive to replace.
  23. XP and crafting level are tied to steam, so I do not believe they can be wiped. But I agree we need a full wipe and should have had more wipes during alpha.
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