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Anne Wildcat

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Everything posted by Anne Wildcat

  1. If you want, I'll give you all my Ships, other than the rattlesnake, but I used my gold & XP.
  2. Omg, that sounds fun (the pirate vs pirate part). Thanks for all the fixes, the redeemable wrong pick was annoying. Need to redownload the testbed. Does anyone know how to do it in steam so that I do not have to redownload every time I switch between beta and regular?
  3. Yes, I was talking about finding open world battles before the port battle, not joining the port battle.
  4. I wish they would let pirates join OW Nat vs Nat battles like it used to be. That way we could help screen for the little guys. Although I'm not sure how much help I'd be in my surprise lol.
  5. Why do you think port battles are the only way to get PVP? Wish people would stop trying to get PVP handed to them (scheduled PVP events, port battles) and go out looking for a fight. It's too time consuming? Eveything in this game takes time.
  6. Fox, I agree with your first two sentences. We don't have the pop. Imo, battles & sailing take too long to satisfy most gamers. Here is my suggestion for you @fox2run, if you want to find fast combat (no I'm not going to mention small/large battles, said that enough). Look at the conquest information on the map, see where there is a port battle at a time when you can play. Sail to the nearest free port to that port & set up an outpost. Tow your ship there. Then an hour before the battle, go looking for a fight. I guarantee you will find one. Forever open timers doesnt work with teleports & fast OS speeds.
  7. I'll probably be yelled at for suggesting but it would be nice to maybe have yearly asset wipes. Starting out on the test server brand new was fun. I played that day for a longer period of time than I have done in a long while. Maybe add a few redeemable ships and some redeemable gold every time there is a wipe.
  8. I loved when first starting out, getting lost, sailing close to a port to see the port name, and the using my map to figure out where to go. Imo, coordinates are only helpful in finding shipwrecks.
  9. Ok, here are my thoughts for trying to balance nations. It's an idea, probably not a good one, and needs the Devs to do more coding. How about when a new player starts, they don't select their nation, but start as nuetral. They start out in the rookie zone in a neutral capital (not Pitts but make one of the rookie zone ports neutral). As neutral, they can only attack pirates. They start with missions to sail to the different rookie zone national capitals & meet a rep from each one. The rep will tell nation stats such as large pop vs low pop, most active times, number of ports, allied with, etc. When the player chooses which nation to join, they become a privateer for that nation, and before they can completely join they have to do so many battles against that nation's enemies. The more popular the nation, the more that has to be done to join that nation. Once they completed their tasks they need to sail to the nation capital, not the rookie one, to get their citizenship. They will not have access to nation chat, just global or maybe even a new player chat, until they become the national. I'm not sure how pirates would fit in.
  10. Anne Wildcat


    I'm waiting for Sea of Thieves to come out in December.
  11. I see on the testbed if you click to redeem one item, it redeems the top item. I tried to redeem gold & XP but instead got the Victory, or whatever was on top. Edit now it seems i can chose what to redeem.
  12. Monkey, can you adjust question 1 so the choices are good, bad, not sure. Right now you are asking good or bad with choices of yes or no, it doesn't make sense.
  13. Maybe to help the off balancedness the game should start all new players as neutral. Maybe they have to earn national status. Maybe the larger the nation the more you have to do to become a citizen? There used to be a neutral faction before Steam release so that part is in the code already. They will have to get rid of chose your nation and add code to becoming a national/pirate. Just an idea.
  14. Yes, they are sexy. Although I chose France bc it wasn't in the Britain/US alliance and I wanted to try national play as an underdog.
  15. So I decided I would try the national thing, I created a French character on PVP 2 just to try it. That lasted 5 minutes. I sailed from the capital (not the rookie one) to collect fish and hit enemy AI to build money. There was I believe 2 pirate AI but nothing I could hit in a basic cutter. The nearest enemy waters are probably an hour sail away. Imo, the reason people say OW PVP is dead is because everyone is friends with their neighbor! On both servers, DN, Sweden, and France are allied. Maybe the rookie zone was a good idea; any new player to the game from one of those factions is bound to get bored in Eastern Antilles. I guess I like pirate bc I'm lazy. ? I like not having to sail far to be in enemy waters. As soon as I can remake that character with that name, I'm choosing pirate on PvP2.
  16. Um Vicious, I'm not defending them but I remember way back when pirate green on green was allowed. We, Sorry, were attacking a shallow water port in the Gulf and you had us attack each other to hide from the US. Not just DN uses game exploits.
  17. @Yar Matey Sounds like you are looking for a MOBA. Not even in POTBS is there event driven pvp. There if you are in the red zone, a contested area, you can be attacked. Here every area of the map is like a red zone, no safe place.
  18. You boys and your big guns. How about including some xebecs.
  19. Give the guy a break. Russian is probably his native language.
  20. Right now there are 4 ways to get PVP, add to this list if I missed something 1) Duels/Small Battles/Large battles from mission tab. The quickest way but unfortunately not popular. 2) PVP events. 3) Sail around the OW and look for PVP, my favorite but time consuming as it's hit or miss. Recently I've been able to find PVP in areas where port battles are scheduled. 4) Attend a port battle/port battle screening I agree they need to work on PVE content but do not see PVP as requiring missions. What I think would help in finding PVP is a heat map, showing which areas of the open world have activity although it's not realistic.
  21. I'd like to see more sloops and more trade ships with side guns.
  22. I like the idea of trying to move PVE more to OW. I hope though they break up those huge fleets into smaller groups. What I would also love love love to see is more rare fish, or other collectibles, and collections of these that can be traded in for something, at the least paints or rare mods but sail customizations would be nice too, something to show off I sailed around and collected all these. I'm really OCD, have had to try to have everything in POTBS (still working on Black Point sail pattern and jury rigged barrel lol), and collections would suit me. .
  23. Imo, every nation needs to have some clan as a coast guard. Unfortunately since ship crafting has moved away from capitals, capitals have become dull. it has been very easy as a smuggler with a trade mission to get into various nation capitals. ?
  24. I kind of like the idea of AI attacking on the open seas, no more AFK sailing. What I do not like is AI being able to enter a battle, if I read it right.
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