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Anne Wildcat

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Everything posted by Anne Wildcat

  1. Took the quiz Ugh attachment did not work Top 3 motivators Competition Excitement Community Bottom 3 Power Design Story
  2. I don't think you should abandon colors on modules. If you use a captured ship, you want to put junky modules on. And in the case of modules such as marines, gold isn't always the best. I often use green or blue. Other than that, absolutely love the idea. No to 1 dur ships.
  3. As said before, if there are exceptional ships everyone will want them. Get rid of different qualities altogether.
  4. Here is my suggestion, which many will not like. I have not thought it completely through so it will probably need tweaking. Pirates can raid ports for resources but not capture ports. The only ports pirates can own are free ports, which is a hinderance to crafting as there are no regional bonuses. If they want a ship with regional bonuses, they need to capture it. However, maybe let pirates have Kidds area so they can build a pirate refit. They can dock warships at free ports. Now as nationals are for conquest, they can only have trade ships in their dockyard at free ports. They will need to fight on fronts. If they want to earn hostility at an area not near them or an ally, they will have to sail there. Edit Another suggestion would be, no one can dock warships at free towns, but maybe have more armed trade ships and maybe some which are pirate only?
  5. Have you looked at the trade missions? They all are take so & so goods into this enemy capital. That would not be possible without smuggler. Also, when attacking a trade ship, it's nice to take command of that ship, hop into the enemy port, and sell the goods.
  6. I also believe to truly test Econ, an asset wipe is needed. Maybe I'll try to play on PvP2 & see how it goes.
  7. IMO, they need to increase the amount of traders of all nations. Or maybe I'm unlucky and cannot find them lol. I know the loot has increased, maybe that is why the number decreased?
  8. What are your plans for ship blueprints in the future? Why is it hard to find AI traders after this patch? Would it be possible to bring more back but reduce their loot? What are your thoughts on the new ROE? Pirate mechanics, what are your plans? Will there ever be expedition missions, as once proposed, maybe for collectibles? Are paint schemes going to become craftable or is there any plans for ship or sail color customization? What are your ideas for/plans on changing the home screen UI? Now that the pull circle pulls AI and land has forts, any thoughts on getting rid of player fleets? What does pray do? This will probably be edited to add more questions.
  9. Exactly, open an outpost in a Freetown in enemy waters & missions & enemy ai are right there. My bucenture, which I have only used to level my officer, is stuck in Mortimer whereas my light frigates I can easily teleport from Coqubaccoa to Jamaca or the US coast by having a traders Lynx in my fleet and hitting enemy AI right outside port.
  10. I just wish there was a Freeport in/near the Bermuda area. How many crafters are actually going to take the time to sail there and back?
  11. I'm sure there are a bunch of players who are really into Econ that like the new Econ. I preferred the more relaxed Econ where 1 player, using the smuggler flag, could get all the mats & build a ship (yes, I know it's unrealistic). The trade missions are a nice add. But until the markets fill up with resources, if I lose all my duras on the few ships I have, I'll just buy a cheap ship from the NPC shop or cap one & buy cheap green mods from the NPC shop.
  12. Maybe set a limitation on ship size pulled in? Let's say if you are attacking a 6th rate, only 5th, 6th, and 7th rate can be pulled in? Just an idea.
  13. Thanks admin, hopefully pirate perk gets fixed somehow. I also suggest with the ROE, enemy AI only gets pulled in if in the small circle or maybe in outer circle until even BR. Something. I'd also like to see foreign trade ships back in friendly waters. Just took my rattlesnake out near Shroud Cay area to hit AI traders to relax & I found 1 Brit AI by Nassau, a fleet I would not be able to battle solo, every trade AI in the area was pirates.
  14. Likes The map looks nicer with the different font & such Trading missions The look of forts Dislike Fine wood needed for ships. I know realistically not 1 person can make a ship, but this is a game. I hope NA Econ does not go down the line of POTBS Econ. NPCs no longer produce mats. Watch ship prices inflate! Makes it harder for those that rely on smuggler to buy mats for ships. Forts in OW combat instances, save them for pbs Pirate perk nerf, unless a pirate uses all classes of ships, there is no use to it now. Haven't tried the ROE yet but with the new ROE & forts, traders just need to stick to coasts. Bye bye trader hunting.
  15. Just logged on, update looks interesting, will have to explore later. Cannot wait for patch notes. I see building gold fir frigates requires fine fir. Are there going to be ports that produce it that I will be able to smuggle from just like I smuggle fir & coal now when needed?
  16. I'm actually looking forward to the wipe even though it will take me many months to rebuild. Cannot wait for the cutter wars like back in January.
  17. Yes, I know only the new ships are 1 dur. But if we turn to 1 dur ships what I see that will do is 1) promote more ganking 2) hurt crafting First, I am a casual player, been playing since before Steam Early Access release, have, I believe, 400 some hours in game, have done enough crafting to be able to craft a gold LGV, am at the rank to fully crew a third rate, and do mostly PVP. Yesterday I was with a group of 3 Renomees. We were leaving the Jamaica area after our fourth member captured a Indianman headed into KPR. He sold the goods & was headed back to Lle Vache in a basic cutter. Part of the revenge group was still around, 2 surprises. We attacked the one, the other one fled. During the battle I decided to board the surprise with the intent to disengage. Having green marines I thought I could but with gold marines, he counter attacked me to death. So my lovely 3/5 fir build strength speed Reno is down to 4 dur, no big deal. I still have my regular mods & enough time to work on crafting a new Reno & get mats for the permanent mods. I still will fight in this 4 dur ship. What would be the case for me if the Reno was 1 dur: I would have lost all my outfittings. I would have not wanted to use my gold fir surprise without the steel toolbox & extra pump. As I only had that one set, I would have just bought a grey ship from the npcs to use with my gank squad. As I only have 2 mil & do not farm tobacco. I could see me coming broke quick having to make a new ship & new mods when I lose them. I run in a gank squad but love even fights & try to solo hunt when no one is on. With 1 dur, I would not want to try even fights as I'm still a noob at PVP.
  18. Maybe the lack of people buying or producing them increases prices? I haven't made a ship recently, but I think the selling cost of my last surprise was 140k on pvp1. And I do not have any resource farms, all mats were bought from ports, NPC sellers. Now I don't include labor hours in sale price, only mark the price up 15% to make some money.
  19. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/15737-rules-of-engagement-feedback/?p=295365
  20. Some people only play on the PVE server, they have no interest in PVP.
  21. And of course awesome for pirates but it seems like pirates might just be a nation without alliances. That's why I'm looking forward to outlaws. I'm all for a pirate rework.
  22. Cool idea. Hopefully something like this will be set for the admin mentioned outlaws.
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