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Anne Wildcat

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Everything posted by Anne Wildcat

  1. You could find spectators to add to your group that will not battle so there is no ai.
  2. Come on, US. When is the Revolutionary War going to come?
  3. So some people are super rich from PVE or tabacco farming. It would be nice to have some way to steal their money and not just their cargo or ships. My suggestion, have blackjack or other gambling games at free towns. What do you think?
  4. If you get a bottle on the way to the wreck, open it up after picking up the loot from the wreck. The new location may be closer to an outpost you have.
  5. There are already small battles under the missions tab. I haven't done one in a while (too tired of seeing all the basic cutters). What do you feel should be changed about those? I'd like to see a skirmish lobby like the one in POTBS.
  6. Destraex, maybe set up an outpost in a Freeport in enemy waters, like the one in the middle of DN country, and let people chase you instead of you trying to chase people? Or go to La Tortue like the US do? There are always people around Freetowns. I don't know, just a suggestion. Also, have you tried the small battles under missions?
  7. If pirates can no longer own ports but are restricted to free towns, perfectly fine with it If pirates are restricted to 5th rates and lower, same as above as that is what I only use now If pirates can no longer craft ships, I will not be happy but will still stay pirate However if there is some huge nerf, not sure what it would be, I may consider switching nations but I'm not sure who would want me lol. Although I do believe there should be some in game mechanism that allows nation switch with a long cool-down.
  8. Not sure if this will help on Fench ports. It's from the app History, Maps of the World.
  9. Oh cool, wish I'd seen this earlier, would have gone. I'd say sail the Niagra.
  10. I like OW and ow speeds as is but do believe more content needs to be added for players that do not have an hour or more to play each time. Fishing was added and that is something to do during a quick session. So something else besides small battles & fishing would be nice.
  11. Not looking forward to the wipe but the cutter fights will be fun.
  12. No battle instances, only OW battles. Avcom for boarding Maybe port building & Port upkeep needed or the port is destroyed Exploration missions
  13. They should add to the programming if you haven't received a bottle in the last so many hours on the OW, your chances increase, if you have received a bottle, your chances decrease. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I guess some people are just lucky
  14. 6 on 6 doesn't guarantee fair fights. For example, 6 SOLs vs 6 light frigates.
  15. Lol. I think the increased bottle rate is a myth. Sailed from Bensalem to Calciseau (or however it's spelled, that free port in the gulf) in my traders Lynx to set up an outpost. That whole journey, 1 bottle! Plenty of fish though.
  16. Thank you for the info As the original post was edited, I needed to infer from replies.
  17. Imo, if you couldn't see the battle location when it started, you should not be able to see the crossed swords. That and get rid of one of the map ordinates (was it longitude that was hard to calculate?).
  18. ^^ that, and who wants to renter OW when there are 10 ships waiting at the crossed swords.
  19. What is with all these peace treaties?! This is a naval 'combat' game. Soon people will get sick of the peace & more nats will turn pirate. :/
  20. Already a topic on this. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/15332-suggestion-for-removing-ship-durability-from-the-game/ Actually multiple topics, but cannot find the other one. :/ And IMO, please do not remove durability.
  21. Lolol, please do so monitor the Bahamas. There is never anyone there when I'm shopping for resources with my smuggler flag.
  22. Not sure how making medkits is, but shipbuilding without many ports is not hard, there is an over abundance of resources in enemy ports, bc the ports are rarely visited, that you can buy with the smuggler flag on a trade ship. Just look at the website Naval Action Craft under the tab 'Shop Prices' and you can find where to go. Off topic, I wish that once you conquer a port, there has to be some upkeep otherwise it turns nuetral. Every port a nation owns IMO needs to have some meaning. Right now with the low-med server pop, there are too many dots on the map.
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