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Anne Wildcat

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Everything posted by Anne Wildcat

  1. Determined defender is a quirk perk, I agree. You should be able to board anyone you slow down, even if it's suicidal to board them. Area control is more of a fix for combat instances. If a ship was near you, they would not have been able to vanish. I do agree they should shorten the range. #nofleets
  2. How about instead of a duel week, add better rewards if you win fighting even BR and the more uneven the BR the lesser the rewards. Do something not to remove ganking, but discourage it. Ganking traders will still be viable as the loot itself is the reward.
  3. Maybe if small/large battles from the mission tab didn't lose you a dur when you sink or surrender, people will be playing those more often for quick action? I quit doing small battles bc of all the basic cutters.
  4. I think it would be nice if there was some variety to distance & upgrade types. The longer the sailing distance, the better the upgrade.
  5. Thanks for removing the image, could not load page on my IPad. The port changes sounds good. Really really curious as to what is going to come to Free Ports in October as those are the only outposts I own.
  6. Got to get to work on creating my dueling ship. Most of my ships are for groups and would sink very quickly in a duel.
  7. What I don't like is unless you are using a smuggler flag & getting mats from enemy ports, smaller traders are useless now. Any player can store more on a warship than on a small trader. TL:DR Going to miss small trader hunting.
  8. How about adding PVE missions directly accessible from the port menu and not requiring sail? That way there is both PVE & PVP (small battles & duels) for those with less time. Just an idea.
  9. Got a first hand look at the social perk yesterday when ganking a US player. Our small group was able to escape. IMO, it's not a bad idea, let people eat up their points with the perk, but the other players spawned right in the middle. Since it took time, they should spawn farther away IMO. A BR limit would be nice but not necessary. Although I am part of a gank group I ~love~ to see even fights. Would have done the 3v3 (even though I think their br was greater) in our light frigates until we saw that Santi arrive. Then we tucked tail and ran.
  10. I saw someone post a note yesterday in nation chat with the location being the West Indies. But it was dated 8/20 so it was a little confusing. I think Admin posted somewhere that they are at random locations and times (don't quote me) so I assume there will be more.
  11. Yeah, pirates can vote, but I don't think it has any effect. Just needs a hot fix Missed out on the Deadman's chest event but looking forward to the next one. Although a lot seem grumpy, it's a good idea Devs.
  12. That should change as they are reworking port captures next patch. Hopefully that's still the plan.
  13. Admin is just trying to get people together for PVP. Joking aside, cannot wait to get home from work this afternoon and check out what is going on.
  14. Cannot wait for the gunboat. Who is up for some gunboat wars?
  15. Is radio KPR ever going to go global? +1 for Hans Zimmer should have won an Oscar. Off topic, but on the topic of music, +1 if you believe Pat Benatar should be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
  16. I smell something fishy. Are you sure this wasn't done so they could easily swap ports?
  17. +1, the leader should have the option to promote a member to group leader.
  18. Sorry, I don't have screenshots but just recently I was stern camping a trinc in my surprise. Was maneuvering really well, got right up next to the stern, and missed every shot as I fired too early. Lol
  19. You have to make sure you have the correct guns. Under the gun on the equipment screen it will show something like [6-8]/[8-9] The first group is the long/medium gun size the ship can hold (from class 6 to 9) The second is the cannonade gun size the ship can hold (from class 8 to class 9 in this case) When the guns go back to your warehouse, you tried to load the wrong size. When shopping for guns be sure to select the right class. You can find gun sizes the Brig holds on the Naval Action Wiki http://www.navalactionwiki.com/index.php?title=Brig Someone please correct me if I mixed this up as I'm not in game
  20. I, as a pirate, operate out of free towns, need no pirate ports, and will never surrender.
  21. I literally said 'Oh, my gosh' out loud. My husband was wondering what happened. Seriously, what is with all this peace!? Is it going to be everyone vs pirates?! Yay, more fun for me!
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