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Anne Wildcat

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Everything posted by Anne Wildcat

  1. If there has to be a server merge, for some reason, why not merge PVP1 onto PVP2? Then the Aussies will not have the very bad ping & the ping shouldn't be too bad for EU players. Being from the US, I play on PVP1 only bc I started playing before early access when PVP1 was the only PVP server. Playing from the US on an EU server, I haven't had any problems.
  2. it would be nice to have the enemy nation, and pirates, to be able to deter conquest. Maybe have some way to gather Intel on where assault fleets are being made. Transporting of supplies should be done by players on OW so enemies can attack. Maybe instead of a 25 limit, have a BR limit (with a number cap limit to avoid cutter spamming & bad lag) based on port size and number of outposts built in that port, or something that shows importance (maybe average daily shop purchases) so that both small and large ships can be important to the battle or raid. Besides reworking pbs, ports need to have importance to their nation.
  3. Sounds awesome! Cannot wait to fish. Hopefully it's something more than just click fishing like in POTBS. POTCO had some easy but interactive I seriously hope no new buildings are required in ship construction. I only have 1 pirate outpost, the rest in free towns with 3 shipyards in Freetowns for when we can no longer send ships to outposts. Just a suggestion, with new production buildings, maybe increase the building limit to 8. PVP leaderboards, meh. What would be nice is some type of reputation & bounty system. Also, Please rework boarding combat. Oh, and please bring back intel reports, whatever they were called, but change the time to maybe 15 min ago, not 3 hours ago.
  4. Saw a group of 5 US there last night. Tried to get a group together to fight but failed finding a group. I wish people were not so afraid of losing their ships. PVP fights are fun. I just use a junky surprise bought from NPC seller.
  5. I'd be fine with adding captured ships to fleet & sailing them back. What would be nice is keeping the ability to tp brand new, crafted, ships to outposts. Otherwise when/if the crew management gets implemented, I'm going to have to build shipyards in free towns in enemy territories.
  6. Be like a pirate, put outposts in enemy waters & hunt their players.
  7. It would be nice if on the warning screen they put the port name.
  8. I saw a post somewhere that admin mentioned money from damage will be removed.
  9. You are right, it's a ship building material only. Just thinking of other ways food could be used instead.
  10. That seems a little too complex; I would not want to buy food supply for ships I'm not using or for time I'm not logged on, but buying food prior to sailing for the expected days I may be at sea, outside of battle, could be interesting.
  11. What would also be nice is some sort of in game bounty/rep system. The more enemies players you sink, the higher the price on your head. Maybe that will come later. Right now there is other stuff more important that needs working on.
  12. Bitter you got sunk the other day by La Tortue?Just messing with ya
  13. Bounty missions, like in POTBS would be nice (i.e. Sink 10 British captains) What would be better is some sort of Intel on enemy locations. There used to be ship reports, but nobody used it. However with the smaller population, IMO, ship reports should be brought back.
  14. Agreed. I know this is super unrealistic, so it will not be liked, but maybe a midpoint would be being able to replenish crew via health kits, just like there are repair kits? Still require having to sail captured ships back and so if you have a fleet, your crew is divided.
  15. You do not have any idea of the ships you are facing. Unless you go with a group, you do not know who you will be fighting with and if they will communicate There is no way to escape early, you must be in the battle the whole 30 min, for small battles. (Never did a large one) And the numbers themselves for small battles are fading, last time I did it, it was a 1v1 Not to mention the number of cutters in there if the numbers are larger I like open world PVP better, even if I get ganked.
  16. For a lot of players, including me, doing missions solo that are at the same rank they are seems impossible. Once you get to a level where you can sail larger ships, get a larger ship and do missions a few ranks below you. Best thing to do now is to ask in nation chat for a group doing missions. Let them know what rank you are. Find a clan to join.
  17. Agree 100% that for the PVP side, rank isn't that important. But for those that are into conquest, leveling up fast, now to the point where you can crew an Ingermanland, is important.
  18. That right there. IMO, before fixing pirate mechanics, conquest mechanics need fixing.
  19. Not my idea but a good one to add; someone posted the other day port consumption should be player supplied and if not met, the port turns to a neutral port.
  20. I believe he means not AI fleets on the OS but AI fleets tied to players.
  21. You don't even need to reroll to see other areas of the map, sail there. You don't need to do it in 1 session, maybe sail 10 min, log out, log back in, sail more, repeat. If you want to get there quicker use a traders Lynx or basic cutter. The Sweedish/French area has some pretty ports. But I agree, it would be nice to have more immersion when sailing on the open world.
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