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Charles Caldwell

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Charles Caldwell last won the day on March 27 2020

Charles Caldwell had the most liked content!

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  1. Just a note to all the new players arriving in GB. The SLRN are still one of the most active, most populated Clans in Game, and very much recruiting for 2021. Those wishing to take Naval Action to the next level, reach out and grab any SLRN member in game and we will start the recruitment process rolling..... God Save the King!
  2. To be replaced by what is the question, a new Evil Empire or benevolent Rebel Alliance? 😉
  3. What? Is this you utilising your insights again... I clearly said its when 'I'm' - 'me alone' is hoping to return to the game, not anything other than that. So still holding back on your in-game name though, shame!
  4. I've seen lots of discussions from GB leaders, thankfully now from the wings, however the ones that shouted the loudest seem to have left GB, so perhaps now a calm will descend on the GB leadership and we can all move on.
  5. I tend to agree, consolidation for GB isnt a bad thing!
  6. No, from the encounters I've had with the original Swedish players, they are skilful and excellent seaman. a real force in-game... however, as I say, those who want to jump on the bandwagon can with little or no effort. Just merely port across to who's winning, and they become by some warped morality, winners also!
  7. I agree 100%, add to that the ability to flip nations on a whim with Prolific Forger, its a recipe for disaster. Have a grudge against someone or some clan, flip, hurt them, flip again!
  8. lolol so thats clear and resounding 'hide' then. However, im surprised your insight never extended to my shore leave & absence from the game since June due to an operation and my childrens holiday. Due back end of August, and can't wait, but you knew that surely with your insights?
  9. .... ..... C'mon tell us who you are in-game, then we'll see why I have the honour of being in your Book of Grudges. Or you could just hide behind some Random name!
  10. Sadly this cannot be disputed, I only hope that Sweden is saved from the baggage & personalities that they bring. I'm proud to call myself GB form the start, and I'll be GB at the finish. So Sweden do your worst, because GB will endure in one form or another. o7
  11. Never liked the Prolific Forger DLC, is so open to abuse its now just a joke... and sadly its making the game for some, unplayable!
  12. Its a tradition in the British Military to salute the fallen with the last post, in Seeferkel honour o7! RIP
  13. Thank you, I've been back since March helping the SLRN get back on its feet.... I must admit I'm loving the challenge, its been great fun!
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