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Anne Wildcat

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Everything posted by Anne Wildcat

  1. I think you may be in the minority. I absolutely love the lack of cooldown between outposts. It gives those that do not have hours to play more flexibility. If, for example, you are hunting traders and there are none around, you can tp elsewhere & find battle & not have to wait 4 hours.
  2. Is there a way to fix it so that if the attack is in front of port, the one circle will not be on land causing one team an inability reinforce?
  3. Yep, I've used it. Thank you.
  4. I like how on the PVP server there is a chance to be attacked anywhere. Do not bring PVP flags into this, maybe somehow bring politics to the pve server.
  5. Maybe they were referring to the largest ship they can fully crew at their rank?
  6. At least for those nations whose capitals consume compass wood. They will have to learn to sail with their compass wood like everyone else who sells compass wood for profit. Oh dang, nvm. Did not see that point about ports stop buying resources. Oh well, willl just have to get back to selling gold coins.
  7. Ugh, stop trying to take away free ports! Have you even tried sailing in enemy waters?!? The only ports to dock & sell goods you capture are at free ports. I have an outpost at a free port in French/Sweedish territory that I tp to & sail in my ship to hunt. There is no way I'm sailing back to Mortimer from there.
  8. I think this is supposed to be a recruitment thread. Stay on topic.
  9. I started as a pirate in the game POTCO. After Disney shut that down, my guild moved to POTBS but only a few stuck with the game. Then through the POTBS pirate nation teamspeak, I heard about Naval Action. PVP is so much better in Naval Action than in POTBS (no classes and skill sets) although POTBS avcom was always fun. When picking a nation, I liked how pirates were a central part of the map. And since I did not care about conquest in POTBS I figured the same would be for NA & so chose pirate.
  10. In POTBS what was fun to do as a pirate was find ports that were being flipped by other nations & go with a group & wreak havoc on their attempt. There was little pirate interest in conquest. However, with such a large OW map & small windows (i.e. buy a flag & sail to the port to start battle) that's hard to do here. Add more free ports, remove tp cooldown timers, and rework how port capture is done & maybe you will see more pirates being piratey
  11. It's cool to see other girls in this game Originally thought I was the only one when playing it during Alpha.
  12. The one thing I don't like is the idea of capture zones, makes me think of tank battles in War Thunder and doesn't seem appropriate to an age of sail game. But this is just alpha, so we will see. I like the idea of forts to destroy, read that somewhere but can't remember.
  13. While crafting traders Lynx to work on crafting level, I have once in a while gotten a low grade note with it.
  14. I'm not condoning what they did, but it's an exploit that just needs to get fixed. Remember, this Game is still in Alpha.
  15. From http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/13693-timer-warning-please-repost-in-nations/?p=251411
  16. So in strong winds, will large ships that accidentally sail upwind sail backwards fast?
  17. I had a problem earlier today connecting to and loading Steam. After restarting my PC, it worked fine.
  18. Please don't remove chasers or add chasers to all ships. The benefit of a snow, for example, is its chasers. If it had no chasers or all other ships had chasers, there would be no reason to sail it. Wind strength sounds cool but will make the game more complex. Keep it simple, keep as is.
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