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Anne Wildcat

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Everything posted by Anne Wildcat

  1. I am so freaking sick of all the cry babies on here! Pirates shouldn't capture ports Pirates shouldn't craft ships Pirates shouldn't sail large ships Blah blah blah The only frikin reason it bothers you is because with even numbers in port battles, you (Brits, US, whoever) have trouble capturing our ports. Stop crying on the forums & work to improve your nations!
  2. Pirates are the only nation where members can battle other members. That is what makes us unique. Stop trying to change pirates!
  3. My suggestion would be since server 1 is always high, lock it, so no new players can join server one when early access is over.
  4. I'm not defending cutters, but, if you are in a large ship, why are you sailing alone?
  5. Just curious as to the number of male players to female players. If you are in fact female, please reply with a hello as I'd like to know the other female players.
  6. Good ideas. I love sailing in unfriendly territories looking for trouble even though I'm still only rank 2.
  7. If you don't want to lose your ship, then keep to the basic cutter.
  8. Kind of off topic, I'm curious what math was used to create the OW? Are we sailing on one big 2D plane or a 3D globe?
  9. +1. I have had to trash so much nice loot bc all I have is the yacht.
  10. Great group of people, yarr! Come hang on the Team Speak channel.
  11. And also, you can be attacked on open sea by npcs & other players so traders missions do involve risk. I'm all for missions involving trading and exploring.
  12. A compass is not needed on the map. You have a OS compass and if you are going from port to port, you should be able to judge angles. For those who can't, it's a good math lesson.
  13. Noob here When you take a screenshot with P or F9, where is it saved?
  14. They extended the log-in period to the weekend, another post said. You should have your ship or ships after that.
  15. I'm against adding constant markers on the map, as I like not knowing exactly where I am, but having hired one time navigators, which you pay for with gold, to show where you are isn't a bad idea. Not everyone enjoys finding their way.
  16. Welcome to Naval Action!
  17. Just so others know, when you hit f11 you can see your coords (imo should be removed) so if you are utterly lost, use the map above to help find where you are. The Google map, under the maps part of the forums, also lists coords for ports.
  18. I like not being able to see where I'm going & having to find a port to figure out the directions. It is hard to see at night or in a storm, so I stop until I can see the distance better.
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