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Anne Wildcat

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Everything posted by Anne Wildcat

  1. This was an idea I had as well. Why not let players do lower level missions? Even if there is no gold or XP rewards they could still capture ships.
  2. Dang, never knew about that. Thanks.
  3. I use a Lenovo Yoga Y50/70. It works nice. The display can seem dim in sunlight & the keyboard can get hot, other than that I like it.
  4. Of the very small ships, I love the red of the privateer. Comparing the snow, brig, navy brig, and Mercury, I love the Mercury for her gold trim and sails The larger ships I haven't sailed them all to compare them
  5. Add me to the noob of the year, lol. When battling enemies, I like to do a little trash talking, nothing very bad. I just found out last night that anything blue is our side only. So my apologies to any pirates I've insulted over the past 4 months lol.
  6. I know people in my clan will probably hate me for saying this but Let the pirate nation be a nation but create a new pirate faction that Can only build outposts in free towns Can only raid ports for resources And with only outposts in free towns, can have shipyards but without conquest and with only raiding, doesn't have much need for large ships. Pirates switch to this faction by attacking other pirates. Then also add letters of marquee so players who wish can switch to other nations
  7. It would be nice if during small battle you are able to exit, you could exit before the timer ends.
  8. I do believe there are many pirates that play like just another nation but this is not the answer. The part about hiding in open seas, anyone can do by hitting npcs. XP and Gold farming by hitting eachother I really don't believe happens. It would be faster to just fleet with a group.
  9. There used to be a neutral faction before early access, it was deleted.
  10. We are still recruiting and have members from all across the globe. Come join us.
  11. No, as posted before players are from all over and some may have different life schedules and not be available their prime time.
  12. Checking the forum regularly, I have the New Content, By time period set to Content I have not read but sometimes included in the list is content that I have already read (that has not been edited at all). Has anyone else experienced this? It's no big deal but I thought I should bring it to the moderators attention. To view the forums, I use Safari on my iPad Air.
  13. Trader galleons holding more loot than brigs or snows would be nice.
  14. I think Sacapus makes a good point, only the Open World PVE choice benefits both the PvP and PVE players. Therefore it should be the priority.
  15. I may be wrong, but I don't think a screening fleet, unless it contains SoLs itself, will have the BR to attack 25 SoLs all sailing hunched up together.
  16. Please remove the battle timers from the small battles. When getting beat, you run and you end up getting stuck running for 10 minutes because you cannot leave the battle. Once you can leave (after not being hit for 2 min or whatever) you should be able to.
  17. Although arranged pvp would be cool, I voted for what IMO is needed most, open pve. Adding epic battles, larger trade ships, more missions (including hopefully exploration missions) would maybe keep more of the player base since there seems to be a lot of complaints about grinding & lack of different things to do. I think adding war & peace mechanics and national alliances is going to get more people dissatisfied with their nation and end up turning pirate.
  18. Maybe instead of 25 vs 25 the limit is set by BR? Once a certain BR is met, no more ships can enter. I don't know, just a suggestion.
  19. 1) Trying to get into Lorimers, a shallow water port, with a Surprise. 2) Getting caught upwind in a battle (still happens) 3) Buying a traders Lynx
  20. I guess I don't get it, this game has been out 2 months, why does everyone feel they have to be the highest rank? Sinking PVE fleets with friends for an hour here and there is fun PvP is better Do what you like to do & eventually you will level up. I can understand that for conquest reasons your nation needs players to sail SoLs but if grinding isn't for you, don't do it.
  21. My last word, and yes I've backread If you want hardcore pirate, set it as your play style. Don't complain about pirate mechanics if you play nat, you have no voice here. Realize the devs needs to satisfy masses, which unfortunately include pirates who for some unknown reason play like nats.
  22. What would be interesting to see is what the pirate only answers were. I'm sure many nats took this poll.
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