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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/2016 in all areas

  1. As you can read in the Title im here to suggest a clan dockyard. The reason is simple: i want to help other players in my clan out by providing ships they can use for missions / trading / PvP / whatever. It could work similar to the clanwarehouse, just with the fact, that you can choose (as an officer) what ships can be taken by everyone or if they are just available to officers. A log of what was taken out / stored in the dock by whom would be really helpful as well or if a ship lost a dura or even sunk completly. it doesnt even have to be many slots. 5-10 would be plenty in my opinion. Also clanships can only be sold or broke up by officers and are tagged as a clanship in its description. Would like to see what you guys think about this. John Reet
    6 points
  2. Описание региональных бонусов в формате название: бонус описание Regional Explorer: 2% к скорости корабля в бою и ОМ. Regional accuracy bonus: 5% к точности орудий. regional reload bonus: 5% к перезарядке орудий. Regional thickness bonus: 5% к толщине корпуса. Regional speed bonus: 2% к скорости корабля в бою и ОМ. Regional morale bonus: 5% к атаке и защите в абордаже. Regional build strength: 5% к прочности корпуса. Regional close hauled bonus: 4% к эффективности стакселей. Regional running bonus: 2% к эффективности прямых парусов (эффект лиселей). Regional pump bonus: 5% к эффективности помп. French refit: 10% к точности орудий, 2.5% к перезарядке орудий, 1% к скорости корабля в бою и ОМ. British gunners: 5% к перезарядке орудий, 5% к точности орудий, 1% к маневренности корабля. Nassau boarders: 50 к морали команды, 10 к подготовке к абордажу. Agile hull: 10% к маневренности корабля, 10% к ускорению корабля, 10% к замедлению корабля. Strong hull: 5% к защите корпуса от структурных течей, 5% к прочности корпуса, 7% к толщине корпуса. Strong rig: 10% к прочности мачт, 10% снижению урона по парусам, 7% к толщине мачт. Spanish hunter: 5% к маневренности корабля, 5% к эффективности прямых парусов (эффект лиселей), 2.5% к точности орудий. Pirate refit: 10% к эффективности прямых парусов (эффект лиселей), 25 к морали, 5 к подготовке к абордажу, 2% к скорости корабля в бою и ОМ. Northern carpenters: 10% к ремонту корпуса и парусов, 5% к эффективности помпами.
    6 points
  3. 20 ти секундному таймеру входа в бой посвящается: Уважаемые разработчики, не сочтите за дерзость или троллинг. Однако за последний год, в течении которого я спрашивал " Почему 20 секунд" мне настойчиво отвечали "Потому что",всмысле реально "потому что", без каких либо объяснений. Увы аргументированного ответа я не получил и не понимаю почему разработчикам нравится система тага, при которой корабли не только могут успеть разойтись встречными курсами, но и более быстрый корабль может обогнать жертву настолько, что она выйдет за круг с другой стороны, не меняя курса. Ну и собсно я уже молчу про те пляски с бубном которые приходятся устраивать при атаке и про то, что внезапная атака просто сведена на нет.
    3 points
  4. Scheinbar bist du noch ein Neuling in diesem Spiel, also hier nochmal für dich erklärt. Was wir ingame haben ist alles durch eine masse an Stunden durch uns verdient worden. Wenn du nun diese Sachen - und ja auch Farben zählen hier zu, da diese in den Events Erkämpft werden mussten (standartmäßig so circa 3 Std. pro Kiste und dann auch nur wenn du schnell genug warst). Das nun alles zu "löschen" bzw zu vernichten bedeutet, das du investierte Zeit vernichtest. Ich bin mir immer bewusst gewesen am Release ein Wipe vermutlich stattfinden wird - Das ist kein Problem. Das Problem hierbei liegt darin vorher einen Wipe durchzuführen, ohne irgendwelchen ausgleich zuzusprechen. Würde ja reichen wenn Sie sagen, hey leute alle Permanenten Upgrades haben wir beim Wipe wieder als Redeamables euch Zurückgegeben. Zum Thema Versenken - Äh, bisher haben wir immer nur das Gegenteil mitbekommen. Problem ist vieleicht hier das du zu neu bist um die Spieler zu kennen die momentan einfach nur kritisch Beobachten.
    3 points
  5. There was multiple voices that said that the gank folk would use them as well and that the fleets option would go inflated. This is the result. a 5+10 vs 5 is not the same as a 5v5.
    3 points
  6. One of the things I have noticed in the game is the AI inability to use the road system when reinforcements appear. the AI travels across country at all times often slowing regiments down for rough terrain where the route following the road system would be far quicker. No army goes cross country until the very last minute so as not to exhaust troops unnecessarily.
    2 points
  7. All Curse level crafters do not benefit from this feature since XP points are no longer tallied. I would suggest that the "5% off all combat earned on that ship" be converted to XP crafting hours giving the builder incentive to build more ships.
    2 points
  8. I'll do even better... i'll trigger 4 just to see if the brits can defend all
    2 points
  9. requested many times...admin devs plz take note
    2 points
  10. No sé, yo creo que es de logica, si queremos tener a los mejores capitanes, tambien tendriamos que tenemos los mejor almirantes....no???
    2 points
  11. Верните ПБ в каждый порт !!!...И вообще, разрабам надо меньше идти на поводу у игроков, всем не угодишь...мы то знаем, что такое демократия...от этого одна боль и страдания...соберите яйца в железный кулак!!.. ну или там сожмите как то..
    2 points
  12. Я не вижу гемороя в сборе ресов. Можно раз в три дня сходить убрать плантации, жмакнув пару кнопок. Твой вариант именно добавляет гемороя. По идеи твои очереди почти то же самое что очереди по контрактам, о чём тут все плачут, ты в том числе, как много занимает время искать файн вуда, прыгая по аутпостам обновляя контракты. Система с лаборхоурами вполне хорошая, только она не работает как надо, потому что города продают ресурсы. Всех вайпнуть, у НПЦ убрать продажу ресов, лабоур хоуры привязать к количеству городов и всё будет в порядке, и стимул захватывать порты появится.
    2 points
  13. Given both PBs and OW fights were full and aplenty it was a success to everyone involved in the sense of everyone having a go at pvp combat. Regardless of timezones the alliances are covering each other, I see no issues.
    2 points
  14. It didnt happen ;p Was all a bad dream;p
    2 points
  15. Hi Louis, I've primarily played from the CSA campaign during testing but regardless of your losses, you will be given the opportunity to replenish them and continue building your army. Consider you are building an army at the start of the war, so you are provided with men and money as you progress. You will lose the entire campaign if you suffer too many defeats, and actual losses of men will affect your ability to fight the next battle. Winning battles provides greater cash/men, and if you invest in politics you will receive even more cash/men after a battle. You CAN suffer enormous losses and still win a battle, but you will realize that this is not sustainable long-term. You'll be forced to replace losses with rookies, you'll lose weapons and have to replace them with cheaper ones, etc. You won't gain new skill points to invest in things like politics or medicine, which help offset losses. So, there is a very real penalty for losing a lot of men. When you see your favorite veteran brigade get decimated, you'll cringe. Replacing 1000 veterans can cost upwards of 30k for a single brigade, or more if they're using expensive weapons. And as your army expands from being 7k strong to 30k strong, replacing 15k men will be cost prohibitive if trying to do so as veterans. The majority of your replacements will be rookies, who will perform far less effectively.
    2 points
  16. Ok, so moderators and volunteers will get special unique ships. So what? If someone spends his time doing something why shouldn't he be rewarded? It's not like they will get an invincible dreadnought with "I WIN" button built into it instead of guns. Also, if they decide to put in game shop with different ships for real life currency, so what? Most of the online multiplayer games have that today and it didn't break the games. I, as someone who works almost 10-12 hours every day would like to be able to buy a good looking ship without having to waste hours of my limited game time on sailing and grinding resources. Why would I be limited to grey ships or low quality common ships just because I have real life and have to work long hours? As long as all the ships are balanced what do you care if I bought it or crafted it? Also, I wouldn't mind buying some good looking cool ship for real money if it keeps developers fed and more game content coming into the game. As long as things bought in the game shop are not giving unfair advantage to their owners, I couldn't care less for that.
    2 points
  17. Hi, Not sure if there is anywhere specific to post work on 3D models but here goes. I've been playing Naval Action for a little bit now and felt it was time to try and get back into 3D modelling after an 8 year break. The first plan I found in these forums was the French Frigate Arethuse so decided to give that a go to ease myself back in. Not sure what model resolution the game takes (or if it would ever be worthy) but this 'test' run will probably be of average resolution. Should be an interesting learning curve using Blender (after coming from Maya). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_frigate_Aréthuse_(1792) Early start. The first 2 were just using the picture plans as is. I had no idea how the rear was made so after this start had a look at a load of reference material and website where people were building models. Pictures 3, 4, and 5 show progress after taking the plans and creating vertical reference image slices along the hull. I was surprisingly close in shape for most of it but was quite out at the front. Oh and ignore the gun holes in the hull, they will be filled in for now - I just wondered how it might look so far More progress when I get the time Simon
    1 point
  18. Ultimate General: Civil War has been released on Steam Early Access. You can read useful information about the game in this blog post: http://www.ultimategeneral.com/blog/ugcw-release-early-access You may provide your feedback in this thread. We hope you will enjoy the game! The Game-Labs Team UPDATE: 28/11/2016 http://www.ultimategeneral.com/blog/ugcw-patch-068
    1 point
  19. Капитаны, мы бы хотели поделиться с вами планами на следующее обновление (ориентировочная дата - конец ноября). Во время тестирования игры в раннем доступе, мы пришли к выводу, что некоторые реалистичные элементы геймплея, которые хотели игроки, в результате снижают интерес и удовольствие от игры, или вовсе не работают. Но тем и хорош ранний доступ, где можно опробовать различные элементы и выяснить их последствия. Мы будем убирать подобные элементы. Что попадет в обновление: Земля в портовых сражениях. Это экспериментальная идея, которая может сделать портовые битвы более интересными или наоборот, сделает их хуже. Портовые сражения будут проходить в гавани региональной столицы данного региона. Поменяются условия для победы - захват объектов, вместо текущих разрушения форта или накопления необходимой разницы в боевом рейтинге. Контроль над объектами дает вашей стороне очки для победы. Три объекта будут расположены на определенной дистанции друг от друга, что, возможно, потребует разделения флота и координированных действий. Роль быстрых кораблей поддержки увеличится. Потенциальное злоупотребление механикой портовых сражений полностью исчезнет - нужно лишь захватить и удержать определенное время необходимые объекты. Единственный спорный момент в этой механике - это земля, которая может оказать существенное влияние на ход сражения. Захват некоторых городов может быть нетривиальной задачей из-за удобной естественной гавани. Изменится вход - обе стороны (атакующие и защитники) будут появляться в сражении исходя из положения в открытом мире. Мы не уверены, стоит ли также синхронизировать направление ветра с открытым миром, в данном случае атакующим нужно будет подобрать правильный момент для атаки. Глобальные события. ПВЕ события. Добавиться новая комната, где нужно будет утопить максимально возможное количество НПЦ за отведенное время на заранее определенном корабле. Данное событие будет активным на протяжении недели (или нескольких дней, решим вместе на тестах). Топ 10 будут получат в качестве приза корабли, модули, редкие материалы и окраски кораблей. Тип корабля будет каждый раз меняться после окончания текущего события. ПВП события. Цель - топить игроков в открытом мире. Под это будет отведена специальная территория, событие будет проходить 3 раза за день для каждой временной зоны (Дальний Восток, Европа и Америка) в течении нескольких часов. Счетчик побед (потопления кораблей) будет работать только на этой территории. Игроки с наибольшим количеством побед в своих временных зонах получат в качестве приза корабли, модули, редкие материалы и окраски кораблей. Предлагаемые территории для данного события: мелководные - песчаная отмель на Багамах выше Кубы (два свободных города на севере и юге), глубоководные - у Эспаньолы (три свободных города на севере, юге и западе). Изменения в механике нанесения урона команде. Нелогично, когда всю команду на корабле можно убить картечью или ядрами, т.к. часть команды может быть на мачтах и реях. Мы возвращаем старую механику: после вывода из строя 70% команды, наносить ей урон будет все сложнее и сложнее, а после вывода из строя 90% команды, нанести ей урон вы не сможете вовсе. Урон от ядер все еще находится на рассмотрении. В качестве тестирования добавится команда Brace - она позволит занять матросам места в укрытиях, снижая тем самым урон. Однако, сам корабль в это время будет испытывать проблемы с боеспособностью - проблемы с залпом, остановятся перезарядка орудий и починка корабля, перестанут работать помпы и судовой руль. Управление реями останется. Что возможно будет добавлено: Магазин Адмиралтейства. Добавится новая валюта, которую можно получить за ПВП победы и успешные портовые битвы (как для атакующих, так и для защитников). В базовой реализации, игроки смогут менять данную валюту на редкие материалы и модули. Остальные изменения. Мы считаем, что изменения, связанные с добавлением древесины отличного качества и в целом со строительством кораблей, заставили игроков меньше внимания уделять сражениям и больше - производству и транспортировке. Изменения в последнем обновлении были предложены игроками - мы все думали, что эти изменения сделают строительство корабля более захватывающим процессом и добавят глубины завоеваниям на карте. Однако, как показало тестирование, эти изменения возможно отняли отведенное для ПВП время и, ввиду возросшего риска, сделали игроков более осторожными. Изменения в правилах боя - мы считаем, что окончательная механика должна быть воплощена на основе старых правил и новой системы с двумя кругами (с некоторыми корректировками). Обновится и вернется умение Social - зайти будет можно за сторону с меньшим боевым рейтингом до того момента, когда рейтинги уровняются.
    1 point
  20. Very well. Go ahead and do it or even one up it. Perhaps then the developers will finally see the absurdity of being able to run hostility from 0 to 100% in moments. I can see the point of War supplies contributing towards hostility. I think the ability to drive hostility from 0 to 100% at one fell swoop by using War Supplies is extreme. Abuse the mechanic to the point of absurdity until it is finally fixed
    1 point
  21. Предлагаю ввести прописку игрока. Игрок прописывается в какой нибудь захватываемый регион или город своей нации. Все его деньги на счете, автоматически находятся в "казначействе" этого региона. При портовой битве за этот регион деньги встают на кон). Ну не все, а процентов 20-30. Когда регион захвачен, то денюжка переходит победителям в виде добычи. Целиком 100% конечно же нельзя, будет много нытья, а вот часть- почему нет? Прописка делается на каждый месяц вперед. Оставить какую то нетеряемую часть, 20-30% для тех, кто надолго выбыл из игры. Ввести возможность или сразу видеть, т.е как то выделять на карте, обьем богатства того или иного города).
    1 point
  22. The smallest brigade you can make is 500. The game doesn't really distinguish between regiment and brigade. Some troops that come on the battlefield are regiments from a brigade and can be combined to the brigade but in terms of functionality, only size matters. Edit for some corrections from my phone.
    1 point
  23. Wenn schon zitieren, dann auch ganz. "Players will be rewarded by other means with the opportunity to influence the development being the main." Heißt soviel wie: Spieler werden auf andere Art belohnt/entschädigt werderden, die Möglichkeit die Entwicklung des Spiels voranzutreiben/beeinzuflussen als Übewiegende. Edit: Du und deine Farben. Kann sein oder auch nicht dass ihr die als redeemables bekommt. Die werden wie es aussieht im Rahmen des "admirality store" und Events früher oder später zugänglich gemacht - in welcher Form auch immer. Man kann sich auch echt einen auf Schiff-Skins runter*****. . Spiel das Spiel oder nicht, Es gibt haufenweise Skins in der Mache - zumindest weisen die verfügbaren Daten darauf hin. Freu dich also lieber auf neues als die ganze Zeit deinen Pixeln nachzutrauern.
    1 point
  24. Не успею утопить всё накрафченное, там на все случаи жизни)))...а просто сливать тоже не дело.Но вопрос в другом, нафиг всё это тестить, когда на основе всё будет другое и причём кардинально.Я понимаю, когда развивается одна линия и следующие патчи это поправки, а сейчас метания из крайности в крайность, не успев в полной мере потестить предшествующий патч.Я сомневаюсь, чт кто- то может дать полноценный ответ в чём приемущества того или иного рег. бонуса+ комбинация новых модулей+эффект этих комбинаций в зависимости от породы дерева.Короче-Париж-Дакар на месяцы, а тут бац !!! ... и вторая смена...распродам всё нафиг и буду на кутере рыбку ловить)))
    1 point
  25. I've noticed as of late there is a lot of changes coming to how ships are to be built. We now have regional bonuses and fine wood needed for making top of the line ships. It's planned to have grey and gold ships only down the line. This is due to players only wanting the easiest to obtain or the best of the best. We currently have a decent number of historical ships in game. People tend to gravitate toward certain ships that fit their play style or situational ships. Many ships are passed over because they are not top of the line for that tier or another ship fits a role better that another ship. The current crafting system allows you to make ships with a decision on what kind of regional bonus and one "trim" to put on your ship along with a wood type. The players then decide what kind of mods they want to put on the ship and what officer perks to go with. Players gravitate towards certain mods/perks in the same way they do for ships. This makes for stale decisions on load outs. Sandbox games need more variety. In my opinion sandbox games needs to allow you to go anywhere you want, give many options for players to enjoy the game, allow players not to be cornered into one class/role, and most importantly to become famous/infamous. The game lets you go anywhere and there are no classes. You can fight AI, trade, craft, look for solo/group pvp, or take ports in pvp. The problem comes with making a name for yourself. The game already has great battle mechanics that can set one player apart from others. As far as the crafting system they currently get their name on a cookie cutter ship that many people could make. Since the game seems like it's going for a semi-realistic set up maybe it's a good time to back away from these historical ships and look towards unique ships. Especially considering there was only one of these ships in existence and not hundreds. How about spend the time to make a ship blueprint system based off of the type of ship. So instead of having a ship from history we have a sloop of war, brig, corvette, frigate, or ship of the line base that people build on. They would all have lengths, widths, and heights within parameters based on historical ships of that class. You can include many different designs based on features from historical ships. Decks would have a defined poundage they could hold for guns. Crafters would have to allocate space for guns, provisions, crew, cargo, and the like. They could choose size/mix of sails. They could choose thickness for armor and wood type for different parts of the ship. Spacing of cannons would be up to the crafter to make many small or fewer large. This could be in the form of sliders and check boxes. All settings would give you a color based on the average for that ship type showing positives/negatives to speed/armor/cargo/crew/turning/roll/guns/wind angles. You could then save and name that ship subclass kind of like the Trinc was a Leda class frigate. It would then tell you the materials needed and you could start it if you have the mats. The player can then decide the paint and name the ship which all could see. This would pretty much do away with most upgrades and make them permanently in the ship. The ship should only have crew based upgrades or a system that allows crew to level to pick up perks or maybe in officer perks. All ships should be 1 dura and since there's no ship mods everything would transfer over to any player that caps that ship. If a player chooses to they can refit a ship to change anything on it, but it will take real time and ingame cash/materials to complete it. Maybe in port the player can choose division of regular crew to marines to see how it would affect the ship's performance(would be nice if marines did something besides play cards until boarding starts). The actual sub-component crafting can use a little help. Maybe a system where all resources aren't the same. Give them some stats like weight and resilience. Make them port specific or dynamic. Also some kind of skill system. Someone who has made 100+ rigging parts or even first rates should make better quality than the guy that makes their first ones. I don't mind RNG rolls as long as there's modifiers like skill modifiers or bonuses for notes or something to push that number more towards where you want it. Definitely keep AI store bought ships at the lowest end of ships. In the end this will allow crafters to make something unique. Players can change their ships later if they want. No unrealistic multi-dura ships. Capping that ship truly gives you everything on it. Before only capped 1st rates were useful. Not having to have a small chance of getting fine wood and cornering you into having to produce or search for that wood. There won't be a color difference between ships. Premium ships will become ships people travel all over the map to get the highest quality resources to make. This post is based on a comment from Admin that players don't know what they like till it's given to them. I'm not even close to the brightest guy on these forums, but I do know what I like and I know that I want to see this game succeed.
    1 point
  26. Weil es einfach so ist. Du wusstest was du kaufst. Ein Versprechen nicht mehr und nicht weniger. Sinkende Spielerzahlen sind normal bei Ankündigung eines ansteheneden wipes. Fass dir doch an die eigene Nase: Genau das Rumgeheule bewegt Spieler dazu eine Pause einzulegen bis sie wieder Pixel anhäufen können. Je näher die wipes, desto weniger Spieler. Zusammen mit mit dem letzten patch kommen wir eben auf eine geringe Spielerzahl. Auch hier wieder. Es war klar das ein wipe kommen wird und die devs haben sich vorbehalten theoretisch zu jeder Zeit einen angekündigten wipe durchzuführen. Ich zitiere hierzu mal admin vom Dezember 2014: Schon da war klar dass entwicklungsbedingt mehrere wipes kommen werden. Also mach einfach eine Pause bis release wenn es dir nicht passt. Aber hör auf hier zu jedem Thema den gleichen Senf dazuzugeben. Hier kann ich dir nicht ganz folgen. Meinst du mit Content "deine" Schiffe? Wenn du mal bei Greenlight schaust, hast du Anrecht auf Das hast du gekauft und bekommen. Die Roadmap hat sich seither immer wieder geändert und erweitert, zu großen Teilen auf Basis von Vorschlägen. Wenn du aber auf meine Aussage anspielst, mit "Neuem" meine ich hier nicht zwangsweise Content, sondern auch unterliegende Mechaniken. Aber um diese abzuändern ist es manchmal notwendig die darunterliegende Technik aka Datenbankstruktur oder Beziehungen inherhalb zu editieren. Das neue Format macht die bestehenden Daten unnütz und daher werden diese Assets einfach resetet - letztes Beispiel bei den Produktionsgebäuden die auf den produzierten Rohstoffen basierten. Produktionsgebäude waren unkritisch und konnten leicht mit Gold ersetzt werden. Selbiges kann und wird aber ersatzlos mit allen Besitztümern passieren - zu jeder Zeit. Deal with it. Denn alle die rumjammern weil sie ihre Pixelerrungenschaften verlieren sollten sicht nicht auf einen EA-Titel einlassen.
    1 point
  27. Зашёл в игру, попрыгнул по аутпостам, встал в очереди и пошёл играть картошку. Зачем нужно то что ты предлагаешь? Что это решит и зачем? Не надо создавать проблемы где их нету.
    1 point
  28. La idea es balancear la posibilidad de la flota de venganza (como la llaman ellos a la que espera a que salgan de pantalla) sin permitir que salga 1 a ver si hay alguien fuera y se desconecten el resto y, por el otro lado, permitir que si alguien se tiene que ir se pueda ir. Por eso las ideas que he puesto. Aunque yo personalmente obligaria/incentivaria al jugador a ir a puerto para desconectarse o al menos penalizaría de alguna forma al que lo haga en "alta mar". Por ejemplo con una penalización a crew y vida del barco en cuestión si estás por encima de un minimo. Si no puedes llegar a puerto a tiempo planteatelo antes de salir de puerto y si es un imprevisto puedes hacerlo sin perder el barco. Si permites que el jugador vaya a puerto tras la batalla... ¿Donde esta el riesgo? Con la cantidad de flotas de IA los exploits aumentarán y será imposible encontrar/pillar a nadie.
    1 point
  29. There are no civil war focus testers in this thread
    1 point
  30. I really am about done with this game. I dont feel the need to play it and I dont feel excited about it. Nothing about the game is fun anymore, everything is a chore, and I haven't had good PvP in months. I really hope you get it right with the PvP system, and I really hope you get the right balance with ship building, to where basic ships are still useable and exceptionals are more rare. If the combat system sucks, this game will die If shipbuilding sucks, people wont be able to use even the best combat system effectively and this game will die.
    1 point
  31. we were told they were hired by spain to screen out us XD We fight you all the time, I for one had yet to fight OCEAN. And lets be honest we will be fighting you in Bermuda again next week. I'm sure your war supply's are already in the port on an alt
    1 point
  32. Not a bad start Hull shape on the second model looks pretty good, could use some cleaning up of the meshflow but getting there. You can afford to go almost as high resolution as you like on the base hull mesh, well worth the result and makes up only a few percent of the finished ship's polycount. Here are some much more detailed plans for the Arethuse, should help with the stern and other details. A link to more plans including upper deck details. http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections.html#!csearch;searchTerm=Arethuse Best of luck with building this ship, looking forward to seeing your progress
    1 point
  33. repost, but fits here. Original animation: Birdbox studios. captions and fucked up timing: me.
    1 point
  34. Este no es el foro de la nación española sino de hispanohablantes, lo siento pero es así. Quiero decir, los no hispanohablantes no lo van a leer. Os sugeriría atrasarla y avisar a los clanes "extranjeros" en ese tiempo (1 día es muy justo) y hacer la reunión por escrito para que se entienda mejor (los rusos hablan peor inglés que nosotros) y que quede constancia de lo dicho (y se puede re-leer en caso de duda). dicho esto, yo no puedo estar ni me siento representativo de nadie. *editado por moderacion* referencia despectivas a usuarios sin relacion con el resto del post
    1 point
  35. But do you have gank mates? The reason AI fleets were brought back is because gank mates were making it completely unbalanced against solo players. And now, all I see are all the complainers of AI fleets are actually using them also...along with their gank mates. You cannot have this both ways. I feel we deserve to command a small fleet and not just a single ship.
    1 point
  36. You can definitely lose battles and continue. You will still gain some cash and men even with a loss, but you will lose reputation. Lose too much reputation and you will be relieved of command (game over). In fact, its imperative to know when to retreat/withdraw from a battle you know you are no longer able to win. Don't continue losing men if there's no chance of winning. This is where a good General swallows his pride to save lives but lose reputation. They can live to fight another day and hopefully win that next battle.
    1 point
  37. Player Ai fleet should only be avaible for traders. Fleets are out of control right now. I'm playing on a PvP server but yet i have to fight ai in almost every battle. Please do something against this.
    1 point
  38. Ultimate General: Civil War has been released yesterday (16/11/2016) and we owe its polish and quality to a small group of volunteer testers who helped us enormously, with continued reports, detailed feedback, screenshots and videos, over a 2-Month Closed Beta time period. We would like to mention those who excelled and thank them again for their gentle contribution to our game: Ultimate General: Civil War Elite Testers Team Koro "Nikolaj Roesen" (Active) Col_Kelly (Active) Lincolns Mullet/Zordfish "Tim Scott" Fellvred CSA Watkins (Active) GeneralPITA Mr. Mercanto (Active) VegasOZ LyciaPintella YueJin SidChigger Wright29 (Active) Andre Bolkonsky (Active) JonnyH13 (Active) The Soldier (Active)
    1 point
  39. Everyone, Even though the PVP server says PVP, all it means is that it allows for PVP not that it is a PVP only server. As a person who plays mostly PVE, Both should be allowed on the PVP server for guys that enjoy the occasional PVP. This PVP vs PVE discussion is senseless, lets get back on topic.
    1 point
  40. As the devs are relutant to implement exploration role in game, i think a way to mitigate the lack of it and warm the economy plus helping new players to grind their ranks: 1) first of all, i believe that reseting the perks of captain only can be done in a port where the player had outposts; 2) to work (and to prevent players to exploit game mechanics) must be created an explorer perk at high points cost (6 or 5); 3) players that the perk is enable gain x2 XP for travel reward (this can be balanced acordly community feedback); 4) when the perk is enabled, at the shop window, hidden goods related to fauna and flora species, etc, pop up and the player can buy it (as that goods are rare, the costs must be high, but the profits too) to sell only at nation ports or capital regions; 5) these itens dont showed up in trade tool, so the player must go OW and seek them at ports; 6) to loot these special itens, the captain must be equiped with that perk, otherwise the goods (species, fauna, flora) remain with its previous owner. I think it is easy to implement this cuz it will use the same mechanics already set in game.
    1 point
  41. I was, and yes, that is what it used to be like to be a pirate. In fact I was always very much on the side that being a pirate should be harder. But it's not harder, its just stupefyingly boring now. You used to be able to find enough traders (AI and Real) that even owning a resource hub was unnecessary, you used to be able to rely on AI outpost production purchases to fill the gaps, and you used to be able to supply your own needs from any countries starting resource construction abilities. That's what I am saying. With every change they have made to make the economy part of the game "more realistic", and "challenging", they have eroded the game being fun. They are also making it more impossible, less action, more sea trucker, and far less appealing. I just watched my third guild completely disintegrate and have no more active players, with long time players/acquaintances handing off resources and ships to me, because they know they are not coming back. I won't bother to do that with the upcoming wipe, even if I could find one of them online. Just this week I had a couple of spare hours, and chose to watch "Fantastic 4" rather than log into this game. Mother of God, how bad must it be that I figured I would get more entertainment from that POS than NA? Let me repeat that in case you missed it. Fantastic 4 has more appeal to me now than playing NA. It's the Job of the developers to make a game fun, and put that fun in the hands of the players, not fight against human nature at every turn to try to create the "experience" they seem to be wanting players to participate in. Whistle past the grave all you like, and keep finger pointing at the players being the problem, but the end result will be the same. No players and no game. Shame really, because the idea has such potential.
    1 point
  42. while i feel they must suffer a tiny bit in the depth, i do however have high hopes that the battles will be amazing. As for my favorite feature, hmmmm well i like the idea of minor skirmishes, and commanding your army for reals this time, not that your weren't doing it in the previous title, but now you've got an administration type deal going on. and it's nice, because it reminds me slightly of the way Hearts of Iron 3 had there divisions set up(not really though, two completely different games) while adding the factor of being able to watch and control the battle
    1 point
  43. сам то понял что написал ? я предлагаю или отменить постройку в городах нации или увеличить количество до 10-15 , играть в симулятор дальнобойщика нет никакого желания а сейчас как ты перемещаешься между ними ? вы с Гамовером как космонавты , вам какие то банальный вещи говорят что жрать нечего а вы про работу изотопных реакторов в зоне притяжения Марса )
    1 point
  44. насчет аутпостов на данный момент пообщавшись и игроками пришел к выводу что ни мне не другим активным игрокам не хватает их, возможно ли сделать так что в городах нации не нужно будет делать их , только по фритаунам , или добавьте количество слотов , реально не хватает )) тут война, тут контракты , там девченка живет .. проводить в море по 3-5 часов катаясь перенося аутпосты как но очень сильно вымораживает
    1 point
  45. Besides fishing, they could be used a trader. Most of the ships are known to be multipurpose, atleast the ones i am going to cover. The only ship that is a direct descendent of a trader is de Groenlandsvaarder, they were a variantion on the Fluyt
    1 point
  46. The problem is not finding, that is what player organisation (forming a fleet, using scouts) is for. The problem is once found, the enemy sit in battle screen after using un-attackable alts in Basic Cutters to scout the OW. So the defending fleet can either sit there waiting, move away and let them come out and jump into port and hide or sit on the battle hoping the attackers come out while other attackers elsewhere grind up hostility. This is the issue right now which need to be addressed.
    1 point
  47. Here is the thing. I could teach you how not to get ganked and you will probably no longer get ganked 80-90% of the time. It's not really a game mechanics issue. It's mostly a player awareness and personal skill set issue. When you demand hard coded mechanics to force 1v1 what you do more than stop ganks is destroy the war simulation for everyone else. Obviously you don't play for the RvR war or you would understand the necessary relation for war tactics to generate off sided battles. No general or admiral in history makes plans that generate fair fights. That is the stuff of gladiatorial gamesmanship and not war. "If you should find yourself in a fair fight then understand that your war strategies must suck."
    1 point
  48. You know that over used Office meme everyone posts when someone suggests a really really really bad idea? This is where that would go if I were motivated,honestly trying to motivate myself to be nice here. So.....being nice and all. NO! You've been given every chance to survive,national chats with intel,clans to do the same,personal/clan/NPC fleets,forts and towers along coasts,bad weather/fog,timers effecting tagging and of course the fact battles now close instantly thus preventing more hostiles from piling in on top of you! Oh and then there are the sailing characteristics of the various ships,what point of sail were you using with what ship,every ship has it's best point of sail,this isn't a press W and go game and speaking of point of sail,you'd do well to exploit the fact there are no realistic trade winds,you're given an even chance at predictable (counter clockwise) intervals to use the wind to your advantage and against the enemy. The other players are being responsible in the fact they're representing their national interests by sinking you while avoiding being sunk at the same time. Quit asking to make PvP servers PvE servers! If I take my Vic out roaming alone and I'm suddenly jumped by a 5 Pavel or Bucentaure squadron of the Black Clan how is this justification for changes to the game to favor me? I will have made the decision to risk a highly specialized and vulnerable dinosaur of a ship afterall! Sorry Black don't get your hopes up,I won't be roaming around in a Vic or other 1st rate for your easy picking pleasure anytime soon. Here is where I give you advice: Stick to the PvE server if you don't want to face attacks by multiple attackers (which is historically accurate) and when you want your 1 vs 1 you can open the Missions tab and select Duel. OK the not nice me is about to snarl so unless you want your feelings hurt you should STOP and mind you,this isn't directed strictly towards the OP but those of like mind in general...If you aren't willing to make efforts to learn to deal with threats,if you are unwilling to live with looking over your shoulder and you're unwilling to pay attention to and exploit your environment and you're unwilling to live with having lost a ship(s) then you deserve any and all bad things that happen to you. I am here for PvP,I came here to experience a dog eat dog world that was real naval combat where shit went down that was rarely FAIR. All nations lost ships to roaming "gank" squadrons and the like,there was no chat room or teamspeak for real Captains of the period to share intel. USS President is a prime example of this. You and everyone else who whines about this needs to grow up. Some days you're the dog,some days you're the fire hydrant. I've been both and that is what keeps me coming back.
    1 point
  49. I'm so sick of the word "gank". Really anything short of a one on one with identical ships is called a gank by the more timid sailors on the high seas. If you want fair one on one fights challenge people to duels. Don't expect everyone to sail around and attack solo because that is what you choose to do. If you do not want to be attacked than don't put yourself in a position to be attacked. Know your ship and know your enemies ships and use the best point of sail to escape them which is now easier than ever with the new wide circle tag mechanic. I play solo 99% of the time and always in enemy waters and I honestly couldn't tell you the last time I have been "ganked" without being able to survive to tell the tale. This game already has (too) many ways to avoid being attacked as is without adding more. If you do not enjoy being attacked than I would suggest playing on the PVE server rather than trying to place even further battle restrictions on the PVP server.
    1 point
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