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  1. Starving your crew to get extra speed is cruel and a human rights violation. We ask you as nicely and with no offense intended that you cease starving your crew lest we hide in our safe space and pet our emotional support animal until you see things our way.
  2. That is exactly how it used to be. I like the current system but really there needs to be a limit on how far the ship sinks or how fast. The window for 1-3 rated hulls is too narrow. Honestly I think sinking to the point one cannot later return to salvage is a bit much. It's a game. I would like to add to this very important issue,I nor anyone else playing this game really needs skill books from the Admiralty or Den to drop in a mission. If I want that skill,I'll buy it with combat marks. There are a ton of skill books we all need and not just Gunnery,Art of ship Handling or 5 Rings. Plenty of other skills based upon ship class. I would also like to push for a change to cannon drop type and rate. x15 32lb medium guns from a wreck is near useless filler material,crap we either let sink seconds later or we just trash or drop into a clan warehouse for...reasons? Really Devs we need a change. A change to all gun types and weights but far fewer of them would be a welcome change. I can see a Santisima or Victory dropping a single 42lb long gun or a carronade. Maybe a pair of 24lb longs. Or maybe a single 24lb medium.
  3. What is the policy regarding fleet ships lost when an attempt to join a battle results in being booted to OW while at the join screen?
  4. I hope you aren't planning to sell pre made ships or notes that insta create ships. I can see real cash for Admiralty ship permits for 5th rates that aren't otherwise available. A 5th rate wouldn't be game breaking and no one can make a legit claim to pay to win,any rating where one has to earn marks however should be off the table,paints,bronze gun skins and ship names excluded.
  5. Ah there is a glimmer of hope. Not bad then,in fact you just made my day! If I have a small hope to find these on an LGV or Trade Snow then I'm all set. Drives up costs with RNGesus at the controls and I'm game with that. Thank you!
  6. Eh so in other words the usefulness of the print is extremely limited and source being regional means all but unobtainable with a 4 hour trip from Charleston in the hopes to get there before someone else does. I'd rather have sold my PvE points. Oh well. I don't mind them being rare but at least if an LGV dropped them on occasion there might be a glimmer of hope on dark seas. Careful what you buy with your points people,you may never get a ROI and use a real trader tool not the in game version. It might save you a headache and an 8 hour round trip better spent doing something productive with your game time.
  7. I've a simple question related to the Bridgetown refit. Do the Greenheart logs required for this refit actually spawn at Bridgetown or am I going to have to go on a highly impractical wild goose chase for French LGVs?
  8. I wasn't aware we needed an overhaul but if you're offering we certainly won't look a gift Exceptional in the mouth so to speak.
  9. You know that over used Office meme everyone posts when someone suggests a really really really bad idea? This is where that would go if I were motivated,honestly trying to motivate myself to be nice here. So.....being nice and all. NO! You've been given every chance to survive,national chats with intel,clans to do the same,personal/clan/NPC fleets,forts and towers along coasts,bad weather/fog,timers effecting tagging and of course the fact battles now close instantly thus preventing more hostiles from piling in on top of you! Oh and then there are the sailing characteristics of the various ships,what point of sail were you using with what ship,every ship has it's best point of sail,this isn't a press W and go game and speaking of point of sail,you'd do well to exploit the fact there are no realistic trade winds,you're given an even chance at predictable (counter clockwise) intervals to use the wind to your advantage and against the enemy. The other players are being responsible in the fact they're representing their national interests by sinking you while avoiding being sunk at the same time. Quit asking to make PvP servers PvE servers! If I take my Vic out roaming alone and I'm suddenly jumped by a 5 Pavel or Bucentaure squadron of the Black Clan how is this justification for changes to the game to favor me? I will have made the decision to risk a highly specialized and vulnerable dinosaur of a ship afterall! Sorry Black don't get your hopes up,I won't be roaming around in a Vic or other 1st rate for your easy picking pleasure anytime soon. Here is where I give you advice: Stick to the PvE server if you don't want to face attacks by multiple attackers (which is historically accurate) and when you want your 1 vs 1 you can open the Missions tab and select Duel. OK the not nice me is about to snarl so unless you want your feelings hurt you should STOP and mind you,this isn't directed strictly towards the OP but those of like mind in general...If you aren't willing to make efforts to learn to deal with threats,if you are unwilling to live with looking over your shoulder and you're unwilling to pay attention to and exploit your environment and you're unwilling to live with having lost a ship(s) then you deserve any and all bad things that happen to you. I am here for PvP,I came here to experience a dog eat dog world that was real naval combat where shit went down that was rarely FAIR. All nations lost ships to roaming "gank" squadrons and the like,there was no chat room or teamspeak for real Captains of the period to share intel. USS President is a prime example of this. You and everyone else who whines about this needs to grow up. Some days you're the dog,some days you're the fire hydrant. I've been both and that is what keeps me coming back.
  10. Aliens: Colonial Marines comes to mind. We saw something flashy and went oooh and aaah and then it turned out to be COD Black Ops with Aliens. Man that was painful.
  11. I suppose this ship falls into the same area the Belle Poule falls into,maybe a super Belle? I hope that blue and gold trim stays on her in game,I like black and white checkering but that sexy blue and gold is something else!
  12. Just for clarity does this mean we'd start with 1/1 and have to add mass to attain the full 3/5 upgrade slots?
  13. A trade off system is nice This might just be the ticket. I'm running the idea of increased weight in exchange for upgrade slots through my head,the cargo hold won't matter on a fighting ship but weight especially a lot of it could have an impact. I'm not too sure how far one can take it though as it is counter intuitive to add weight and sluggishness to an upgrade intended to counter exactly that. I'm still of the opinion the UPGRADES offer tradeoffs to the hull,rigging,crew and guns. The slots themselves don't need downsides,the upgrades themselves do. An Improved Magazine adds X? tons of weight but the obvious improved reload rate,resistance to DETONATION is missing!!!. Pellew's Sight's offer the obvious improvement to shot dispersion but reduce ROF or increase aiming time by X? Aiming for accuracy always slows ROF,remember slow deliberate shots count. Extra Hammocks clutter deck,reduce ROF or crew transfer to other positions of the ship,slow transfer to repair/survival? Same as Marines? Copper Plating...this one is a tough one. Ships had to have these or shipworms ate the ship. Any speed boost was a secondary benefit. Ships bottoms had to be CLEANED to keep speed. Cleaning is hardly an upgrade! An added maintenance expense for sure. Remember one of USS Constitutions commanders called her a slow sailer,the next Commander cleaned several tons of sea life from her bottom and she was once again fast. No one could answer why the previous commander had failed to comprehend and address the problem. Lightweight Ropes and Blocks X? reduction to weight and hitpoints. Optimized Ballast...-X to heel and +X weight added to the hull,-X reduced speed and -X response time to rudder input and manual sail. Should probably be a permanent upgrade or a variable slider the Capt can adjust in port at any time in exchange for labor hours. Ballast wasn't something to be taken lightly,improper adjusting by inexperienced Captains could lead to damage or capsizing. Muskets and Pistols X weight and reduced Magazine capacity for main batteries. Optimized Rudder X reduction to hitpoints. The slots themselves should be of no consequence in terms of ship mass. What is added to them however should have an impact. What of the opposite to the current upgrades? Lightweight ballast -X weight reduction +X to ship heel,speed and acceleration. Reinforced Rigging -X to sail deploy and and turn +X to hitpoints. Lightweight planking -X to hull HP and +X leak +X speed Wood type does this and an upgrade to the effect would be redundant. ECT ECT... To keep it simple and sum it up,for many current upgrades there needs to be an opposite model. Obviously there is no opposite to Extra Hammocks,Marines or Powder Monkeys. And I still think Basic ships should still have a 3/5 slot layout. If the Devs want to be truly creative and allow the players a little personal touch to their creations they could implement slider bars to adjust a variety of ship qualities both in the initial build and at ANY time throughout the ships service. It would also knock out some of these upgrade/slot issues and place ultimate accountability for build and balance on the shoulders of the Captain. A slider that adjusts plank requirement and thus either increases or decreases hull thickness. A slider that adjusts frame requirement thus effecting weight and hull HP values. The ballast could be something adjustable in port at any time at a cost of labor hours and/or gold. Give the Captain more realistic control over one's ship. The ability to trim the ship out just to said Captains liking,if the Capt overloads the ship with ballast and guns the risk of sinking before cannonball holes can be plugged is increased drastically.If he loads too light the ship could heel over and as mentioned,capsize A nice and realistic variable tradeoff can be had. No one can say it's over powered! Perhaps rigging can be a port based slider too? Increase or decrease rope count and sail weight and crew required and hitpoint +/- at the cost of labor hours/gold to the Captains liking? Again using a slider system with major tradeoffs that can apply in various ways cannot be called over powered or imbalanced. You made the choice,live or die with it!
  14. Tom Hanks musta came by in his Jeep dropping off packages he talked to for 4 years...
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