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Seasonal Patch: The Missing Links Part 1


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7 minutes ago, Never said:

Ships without the fireship upgrade should not have the ability to turn off firefighting/survival. 
If your ship wasn't made to explode and it's fully crewed, then the crew should always be forced to fight the fire. 


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14 minutes ago, Cetric de Cornusiac said:

And that auto loot after battle sounds great.

For PVE sure. But for PVP Server: how does it work? Makes it easy for loot stealers to steal your loot by pressing the key faster than yourself?

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18 minutes ago, mikawa said:

For PVE sure. But for PVP Server: how does it work? Makes it easy for loot stealers to steal your loot by pressing the key faster than yourself?

Players stealing loot is a problem that also exists in PVE.

As another hypothetical example, there could be players in PVE that participate in fleet activities that leave the heavy fighting to others (heading upwind, out of the fight) and then go around looting and sailing away when their holds are full all the way to the bank. If long range looting becomes a thing, these guys and more would join in an Indiaman from a safe distance and wait.

Oddly specific example? Yeah, quite oddly specific.

Edited by Eduard L'Aquila
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3 hours ago, admin said:
    • Mission to capture ports added. 
      • Requirements
        • Capture several ports from neutrals or top 4 nations
        • Must be all in different regions
    • Front line change:
      • You can now take hostility missions for 2 nearest ports AND 1 nearest port of top 3 nations.

I fear these changes will only have the effect of making the 2 strongest nations even stronger. I very much doubt that is what was intended. I also expect the medium sized nations will now be involved in a frantic downsizing competition to get out of the 3 and 4 spots, and put another nation in the firing line.

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2 hours ago, Eduard L'Aquila said:

This is a little worrisome as it could enable loot stealers.

Assuming looting distance would be done away with when a battle ends (what I guess would be the simplest implementation), what would stop a mischievous player from joining a HDR battle, for instance, in an Indiaman, staying far away and, as soon as the battle ends, looting every single ship they can see?

My concern as well. Maybe add another single requirement for looting after the end of battle: you have to at least have dealt 20 percent of hull damage to a ship to be eligible for looting that from far away. 

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1 hour ago, Eduard L'Aquila said:

Players stealing loot is a problem that also exists in PVE.

With loot stealers we deal on PvE discord by making them public and warning everybody.

The constant complaining about not getting the loot in time is much more frequent than complaining about loot stealing, so in the sum this is definitely a 'quality of life' progress.

For loot stealing there is still the tribunal if reputation damage alone isn't working.

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Dear Devs,

Please change the looting system. Can't loot while the battle is still going is not very nice as when you are doing big fleets, You cannot loot the ships under the sea.... So basically you do a +10 fleet ? Well Can only loot the last 2 you have sunk.
Looting from any distance is really sweet but encourages loot steal. Please Imagine a guy that comes into your battle and is 3km away but steals the loot... Not so much fun.

Kind Regards,

Paulo de Antigua

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16 minutes ago, Cetric de Cornusiac said:

With loot stealers we deal on PvE discord by making them public and warning everybody.

The constant complaining about not getting the loot in time is much more frequent than complaining about loot stealing, so in the sum this is definitely a 'quality of life' progress.

For loot stealing there is still the tribunal if reputation damage alone isn't working.

I honestly and deeply appreciate your faith in dealing with this on Discord but it's wishful thinking to believe that it will stop players from engaging in this activity, especially when there are players that cannot be on discord for whatever reason, opt to not participate or just despise it.

I will, however, wait and see what happens - perhaps I'm being overly worried or cynical, though I'm not too sure that's even possible.

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21 minutes ago, Paulo de Antigua said:


Dear Devs,

Please change the looting system. Can't loot while the battle is still going is not very nice as when you are doing big fleets, You cannot loot the ships under the sea.... So basically you do a +10 fleet ? Well Can only loot the last 2 you have sunk.
Looting from any distance is really sweet but encourages loot steal. Please Imagine a guy that comes into your battle and is 3km away but steals the loot... Not so much fun.

Kind Regards,

Paulo de Antigua

can you explain/?
i don't get it .. do you mean that you cannot loot during battles now? if yes its a bug. 

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5 hours ago, admin said:

Economy and looting

  • Looting: You can now loot from ANY distance after battle is over.


To avoid exploits, could it be possible to have:

  • Looting: You can now loot from ANY distance after battle is over by the player who got the kill?


  • Looting: You can now loot from ANY distance after battle is over by the closest player to the wreck?
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@admin here is your explanation - If this is a bug then please fix this ASAP

The first 2 pirctues: Going looting from anywhere now -even from very large distance - battle is over




3rd picture: in battle - cannot loot the one behind me - battle isn't over - yes these screenshot are from the same day - was going at 3 knots if you are wondering


And you are wondering - we couldn't loot any of the ships till the battle was over...


Edited by Paulo de Antigua
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On 8/13/2020 at 2:01 PM, Despe said:

no idea "friend", but if you can demast the bottom section af indefatigable with the guns of cerberus this is not a playable game.

Yes it is.  Accounts abound of demasts and other rigging casualties in the opening shots, which very often decided the issue.  Masts are incredibly vulnerable and are under a great deal of stress, and you can lose one just from losing one or more of the stays even without any damage to the actual mast itself.

It should not be easier to sink the entire damn ship than it is to demast it.  The challenge to demasting should be the difficulty of hitting them, not an artificial, gamey, and entirely excessive buff to mast hp or thickness.

The problem with your line of thinking is the underlying belief that since the Indy is further along the linear progression of ships, the Cerb shouldn’t be able to hurt it.  Boring linear gameplay is bad game design.  Skillful seamanship (and marksmanship) by a Cerberus skipper who knows his boat and is good at fighting her should still be able to beat a lubberly-handled Indefatigable.  Not being able to hurt the thing just because it’s a higher class and the artifical numbers of its masts and hull are higher than the artificial performance numbers of your guns is stupid and arcade-y.

Edited by William Carrow
Slight clarification
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4 hours ago, Christendom said:

is there historical precedent out there of ships going to board while intentionally on fire with the intention of blowing up and killing the crew off both ships?  I’m curious.  

Paying my respects to global chat boys.  


First one to come to mind: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_van_Speyk

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until patch 10 we had a post-battle-screen, where the loot was automatically distributed after the battle. according to kills

bring that back would solve all problems and annoyances, which exist with the lootmechanics

... anyway, I'm glad you are still working on it, thanks.

Edited by Holm Hansen
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52 minutes ago, Paulo de Antigua said:

@admin here is your explanation - If this is a bug then please fix this ASAP

The first 2 pirctues: Going looting from anywhere now -even from very large distance - battle is over




3rd picture: in battle - cannot loot the one behind me - battle isn't over - yes these screenshot are from the same day - was going at 3 knots if you are wondering


And you are wondering - we couldn't loot any of the ships till the battle was over...


Old system works DURING battle. It rule set did not change.

Once battle is OVER distance requirement is removed. All other rules still in place. 

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I have taken long holidays from this game and only came back this year around a month ago.

I have to say, as it stands at this moment in time, I love the new patch.

Looting has become what it should have been from the start. Maybe add an auto loot to the players that have sunk the boat, to stop the loot thieves?

I love the new wind mechanics in battle, players might have to learn to sail using the yard more, but I bet a lot of players were already using this technique already.

Guns, I don't know yet along with new thickness buff, I need to test for longer time line first, but otherwise, it all feels very good.


NOW, just add the mixed fleets back in and we are golden.


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RIP Frigates: 2016 - 2020.

Before the patch taking frigates out, despite challenging was at least viable. Now, getting demasted from 42lb spam from 750-1000m is just not fun. No point sailing frigates when more than half the server sailing around in DLC lineships with exactly the guns that demast you with long range spam before you can even close. Is it realistic? Sure, I guess. Does it make the game fun? Not really. Before it was inadvisable to do open-world PVP in anything smaller than a 3rd rate. Now it's basically impossible.

All that's left now is hunting traders... who more and more are being escorted by combat lineships, or shallows - where half the frigates can't go.

Edited by Isaac J Smith
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4 hours ago, Macjimm said:


Gotta agree with Tac.  I still like this game, and will not play it if I stop enjoying it.

I've never accepted the grind, and never will.   I can't understand the mindset that would sit at a computer for 5hrs, disliking a game.

Some people keep sailing and trading even when they are bored.  I won't  keep going if it's not fun.   ... I like sailing and trading.

That's your business. When players do 5 hours trade sails it's not your business.

You see, I don't mind, if you don't do that grind. I didn't ask to implement it into game, but I will do what is required to get the best ships. As long as you don't complain that my ships are better than your DLCs everything is fine. But as soon as the whining starts, you should think twice about your idea to just play a game which fits more to your play style.

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2 minutes ago, Isaac J Smith said:

RIP Frigates: 2016 - 2020.

I will hold off until more testing but I suspect anything less than 3rd rates will be useless in ow pvp now except for shallow and PZ or ganking defenceless traders and then running away. Wind Shadow might have been interesting but to increase large caliber penning and at the same time reduce mast thickness is madness or a cynical ploy to sell more Vic DLC? The cycle continues: the more this game is worked on the worse it gets.

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