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Isaac J Smith

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  1. It's always been the case (even with the old hostility missions) that if the battle were in deepwater that deepwater ships could engage shallow ports. This allowed for easy inst-flips on shallows if you could get it in the deep (under the old system). I personally believe that missions against shallow ports should be locked to deepwater ships just like Port Battles are, but it has always been working this way.
  2. Simple solution for a simple problem is the following addition: If (LivingEnemies == 0 && BattleTimer > 15 mins) { PlantSuccessful = true } And disable basic cutters
  3. No. It's frustrating enough as it is to do HDFs to have a chance of getting a flag. Forcing you to do HDFs with certain nations through a mission just adds more complication and takes up a mission slot. Lets keep it simple.
  4. RIP Frigates: 2016 - 2020. Before the patch taking frigates out, despite challenging was at least viable. Now, getting demasted from 42lb spam from 750-1000m is just not fun. No point sailing frigates when more than half the server sailing around in DLC lineships with exactly the guns that demast you with long range spam before you can even close. Is it realistic? Sure, I guess. Does it make the game fun? Not really. Before it was inadvisable to do open-world PVP in anything smaller than a 3rd rate. Now it's basically impossible. All that's left now is hunting traders... who more and more are being escorted by combat lineships, or shallows - where half the frigates can't go.
  5. Probably different item codes in steam's DB between the old version and the current version. They gave trico item code to every player with item code x, but GL forgot item code Y existed so it never got added to those.
  6. I don't play on the peace server, so can you answer the simple question: Can we place contracts?
  7. I think that's exactly what they want. Hand over $60 for DLC now plz
  8. There are better ways than choosing 2 random ports. Only good thing is it has given us 25 wooden chests so far, and we'll get another 25 today (because DK got attacked again). I agree this is a problem, but randomly choosing 2 lowest performing ports in regions will only ever choose non-capital timer ports on the frontlines if a frontline is near. There are better ways to do this that don't force you to do even more PvE on a PvP server. Small nations (EG: DK-NG, even Dutch would be like this) can't afford to grind privateers for flags to even do RvR, defend ports they own, and attack ports all at the same time. So these raider attacks just mean for a smaller nation that if we scheduled a PB the day before, we can't really make it anymore because we have to ensure we defend our port. I would rather see a proper implementation of a way to remove alt/dead clan ownership of a port. Perhaps an item which is expensive in Doubloons or Victory Marks (prevent abuse/overuse to get chests) that allows you to challenge a port owner. This could then spawn the NPC raider mission to attack the port, instead of doing it at random. Could be explained away as the "Raiders saw the building conflict between rival factions over X port, and decided to take advantage of the situation to get what they can"
  9. Ahhhh ok. I agree completely. Added 2 more ships was unnecessary, and the flag drop chance needs to be increased and/or expiry removed. But what will really happen: *Next Patch* - Home Defense Fleets have had their HP increased as they were sinking too quickly. The 2 wasas have also been replaced with 4 Bucentaures to increase the chances of getting a flag from a single battle.
  10. Wasn't RNG at all. If you went in with a valid strategy, they were quite manageable. AFAIK, not 1 port fell whilst AI raids were on PvP last time - or if there were any, can't have been often as I don't remember them.
  11. We took it a month ago, and RVR was disabled a day or 2 later..... such Neglect.... This will ONLY result in frontline ports being raided, because timers are MANDATORY if we don't want to have to defend our port from enemy nations at hello kittying 2am..... Timer = -250k money = poorest port = Raid Or ports in bum-hello kittying nowhere that noone can reasonably attack so noone cares enough to put a timer... Like seriously, do you even think these things through?
  12. Because clearly we weren't having enough port battles causing stagnation on the map. Maybe they need to have the flag battles now spawn a port raid, then we have to fight the AI in a port raid and capture the indiaman to get a new flag, which we then have to sail back to our port to redeem and get a battle totem. Then sail up and place the battle totem on the port by destroying the fort in a battle and then sailing onto the docks. Then we might have less stagnation.
  13. Seriously.... now we have to put hello kittying timers for 5000 million reals on every bloody port. At this point why bother playing...
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