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National Reputation Persistence (Karma) - Entry to enemy battles.

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36 minutes ago, admin said:

Hey. I asked for a change because this is an MMO (with coming RPG) 

Here is an example where player jumped to one battle first and then the next battle joined another side to interfere (passively without formally breaking the rules).

We growled about behavior and want community to act more often: kick people who exhibit bad behavior from clans and alliances, dont take them to fight at sea, and report en masse. Belfast was kicked by @Anolytic but such cases are extremely rare.

If we cant ask nicely for some players to behave honorably, we are now taking action ourselves and forcing the honorable behavior by game rules. False flag will be possible only once, which will make tribunals like the one posted by @Mr Kemosabe impossible. That player would have locked himself from other battles by joining on the kemosabe side.

As the creator of the Magic the gathering said - don't change the players,change the game. The speed of the platoon depends on the slowest member same with honor. The quality of the community is judged by worst cases.  We are removing those worst cases. 

You don't need to change all the game just for some trolls.
You want community follow better the rules? , be more strict.

Lot of time i report in tribunale player for griefing , insutling (rascime/irl injures), false battle , green to green alt farming

Most of time just a warning...

The risk is low for them , cause they know they have few chance to be perma ban in game.

And even for insulting , some player get perma ban chat , say srry to you ( not even to the men who get insulted) and come back in chat , keep insutling (i don't want give name)

Just be more strict on the rules, stop give a lit warning.

You break the rules , you get ban.

You want play again? pay the game again and will be more chance they stop breake the rules again cause of money fact

24 minutes ago, admin said:

Thats exactly happening because there is no persistence and no consequences. 

We are changing that. Choices will matter
(the cost to clean up reputation would be almost impossible)


Pvp player will have very hard days. Lot of pvp player just go in battle depending the BR , 1v3 brits vs spain , ok i help the solo brits  player that will make 2v3.

Next day, 3vs 1 brits vs spain , oh i can't help him , well he will die in a gank cause i can't help him when we can have a good battle

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  • Will ship log give me information in advance to be able to choose if it worth to waste 30 IRL minutes to go to a fight I cannot join?
  • If I joins IA combat side against any nation, did I get Karma minus or is it only players VS Players? because its allready hard to find game content on that PVP server, and if you give limit my possibility to fight PvP, I'm not sure i'm fine with this...
  • trying to limit abuse and exploit is alway a good idea, but making drastics changes like that in a games is quite surprising, is it still a Beta?
  • And by the way, I still need to be moderated before publicing after a post I made 1,5 years ago with a valid question (about the obsolesence of DLC ship without seasion woods) 
  • Cheers
Edited by Gibz2
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1 hour ago, admin said:

If member of your clan (For example British) attacks a spanish (assuming you are in the same nation, as being in the same clan from different nations is impossible) you dont get negative rep. Because you are both British. and you are joining YOUR nation.

The post refers to joining OTHER enemy nation battle. For example if you (AS A BRITISH) join Swedish battle against the Spanish. You will no longer be able to join Spain as support. Because this will be a hostile false flag act. Spain will name you a sworn enemy and the only way to clean up would be to pay a huge fine.


Is is all understandable and even makes Kind of sence if u think about it but please don't make it in the Patrol zone!! 

The PZ is an area we're sometimes u only get content and good fights if u join other battles! 

That is even good for the ppl in battle 

Lets say 3 Russians attack one British player and I jump in with a mate on the British side so it's 3v3 good fight for everyone! If later I see a fight 3 brits vs 1 Russian and we jump on the Russian side its again good for all players Cuse u get a good fight and more PZ DMG for everyone! 

Of corse its crap if there is a fight 3 Russians vs 1 Brit and then I join the Russians! 

Mabey consider to keep the PZ as a everybody can fight everybody Cuse that's the whole purpose of it anyway!! 


Swedish Berserker 

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In the proposed system, what happens in the uncommon (but certainly not rare) case of your target initiating a battle vs AI to escape/delay pursuit in the open world?

Will the karma system only work when joining a battle between two players? Or will following your target into an AI battle result in karma loss?

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3 minutes ago, Swedish Berserker said:

Is is all understandable and even makes Kind of sence if u think about it but please don't make it in the Patrol zone!! 

The PZ is an area we're sometimes u only get content and good fights if u join other battles! 

That is even good for the ppl in battle 

Lets say 3 Russians attack one British player and I jump in with a mate on the British side so it's 3v3 good fight for everyone! If later I see a fight 3 brits vs 1 Russian and we jump on the Russian side its again good for all players Cuse u get a good fight and more PZ DMG for everyone! 

Of corse its crap if there is a fight 3 Russians vs 1 Brit and then I join the Russians! 

Mabey consider to keep the PZ as a everybody can fight everybody Cuse that's the whole purpose of it anyway!! 


Swedish Berserker 

the PZ must be changed to even numbers. Say you can only join battle until number of ships is even. PZ is the most uneven battle place ever. When was last time u saw even PZ fight?? 

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2 hours ago, Raxius said:

say i want to be allied to sweden (just an example) we cannot join battles on swedish side if we are sinking their AI.. great news.. i will attack russian ai... wait what if we want alliance with them later??? this mechanic is garbage

your example shows that you did not understand the new karma mechanic. Please read the initial post by admin and the following explanation before you complain. The mechanic in your example would indeed be garbage. But this is NOT the mechanic announced by admin.

Edited by Suppenkelle
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9 hours ago, admin said:

This change is a first step to a proper karma reputation systems

This sounds really good. From the very beginning I was convinced that players choices should have consequences. Players who fight bravely should get a bonus over players which run - Any war court would have given high punishments for cowards .... I am curious what this will lead us all to .... keep up the good work.

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Nations will still be enemies of each other.

Players will still be able to attack enemy player from all nations. They will not be able to JOIN battle on the side of a enemy nation they before JOINED against.

I'm not getting the confusion that seems to be arising.

Enemy player will still be enemy player.

Nations will not be allied.

Players actions will be their own, so yeah they might get locked, so clans better get their manure together.

(better put your alts all in one nation, like lenin god of alts does, and not the crap cross over nation alts everywhere you guys do and then cry when some changes to the game hit them alt usage)

Thanks devs.

Edited by Hethwill
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this mechanic is confusing.. not to understand it.. but for players who play together.. when only half or less your group can engage in the content due to bad karma or good karma ... which inevitably forces players to attack specific nations and join specific sides in order to not be affected by the karma mechanic... so if alliances are forged it wont matter because half the fleet cant help the ally.



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1 minute ago, RepairyMcRepairous said:

With all these random spammed updates, you'd think we were testing mechanics for something.

Something similar that's also being worked on.

Something with mostly the same name.

Sea Legends?

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2 hours ago, Lt Sekiro said:


Pvp player will have very hard days. Lot of pvp player just go in battle depending the BR , 1v3 brits vs spain , ok i help the solo brits  player that will make 2v3.

Next day, 3vs 1 brits vs spain , oh i can't help him , well he will die in a gank cause i can't help him when we can have a good battle

This may be the way you play the game, but for a lot of players it is the other way around, they see 1v3 Brits vs Spain they join Spain for easy kill and possible loot so it becomes 1v4, at least this will stop that happening too often and loot stealers from a third nation will not be so keen to enter battles.

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5 hours ago, Gregory Rainsborough said:

Let's limit PvP on the PvP server, I'm sure that'll keep folks playing.

Eh, the joining of already established battles is small dick energy PvP.

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44 minutes ago, RepairyMcRepairous said:

With all these random spammed updates, you'd think we were testing mechanics for something.

Something similar that's also being worked on.

Something with mostly the same name.


Calm down with the straw-man!

How can sandboxMMORPGmultiplayer anti-griefing measures be used in a single-player game with possible lobby rooms?

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2 hours ago, jodgi said:

Eh, the joining of already established battles is small dick energy PvP.

Dammit.  You beat me to this.....   If nothing else, it should cut down on the ridiculousness of "battle joining" in a time compressed OW....

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8 hours ago, Gregory Rainsborough said:

Let's limit PvP on the PvP server, I'm sure that'll keep folks playing.

Look at it from a new or casual player experience. Having a Snow jump into your battle and stern camp while trying to gain XP vs NPC for a lot of people isn't PVP  but griefing and just another reason why many folks do stop playing.


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Could we bring back the attack your friendly nation and you become a pirate?   Or if you get way to much bad rep you turn into a pirate?   Can only be cleared with forge papers, but of course after paying a hefty fine.

Cause what is a Pirate?  A privateer without a job.


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15 hours ago, Archaos said:

I do not see what your issue is with this. If you, as a pirate attack every other nations vessels then you are declaring that all other nations are enemies, so why would you want to join one of their battles to help one of them? You still have full freedom to attack other nations ships and help other pirates in battles, so you are the owner of your actions.

My issue is this. Since this game only has 300-600 players online (specifically on the lower end during my prime playing time) it greatly limits me of finding targets to attack. This might come as surprise for someone, but about 1/3 of my engagements are joined someone else's battles. I dont really care which side I join. I only care to get a kill. Exiting battle I might re-engage my "ally" and kill him too. There were nights where I couldnt find anyone and all I saw where already started battles. Since everyone is an enemy this means that as a pirate I will never be able to join any battles if there are no pirates involved.

Any hard coded mechanic that limits or grants players some kind of ability or inability will only cause more issues on the other end let alone finding way to exploit it. One of the things comes in mind for exploit is picking up an alt that is enemy of your enemy and attack him in OW to prevent being attacked.

Easy solutions to complex problems DO NOT exist and will never work.
What works for Fallout 76 with their online average of 30k players will kill rest of the PVP for solo hunters in NA with its 600 online players.

That is my issue

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13 hours ago, admin said:

I dont care 
I care about 10 rookies who get upset because some assholes ruined their day by blocking or "accidental" chain, under false flag.

I beg to differ

You should never stop carrying about players who make the game glorious. They are those people who carry this game through time. You remove them by making their game less enjoyable and rookies will exit the room soon as they entered it. 

Instead of bringing everyone to rookies levels you should bring rookies to everyone's level.

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Make all battles free-for-all. Everyone join under their own flag.

Let players to police themselves. If British guy cause damage to British player in a battle he gets reported to players and soon the traitor will find out the hard way that the whole nation will start hunting him down. No pvp denied to anyone. Players take matter to their hands. No more green on green tribunal posts. Issue solved

During green on green in pirate nation that made nation chat the most friendly chat pirates ever experienced

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9 hours ago, mikawa said:

Players who fight bravely should get a bonus over players which run - Any war court would have given high punishments for cowards ...


About this... 

Post forthcoming


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