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9 hours ago, Hethwill the Red Duke said:

Will never be bigger than War, but given before it had like 60 tops... make your assumptions. Plus I am sure if you stay there a bit and check chat you will recognize a lot of names ;) 

Everything's perfect, right? 

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19 hours ago, Hethwill the Red Duke said:

Will never be bigger than War, but given before it had like 60 tops... make your assumptions. Plus I am sure if you stay there a bit and check chat you will recognize a lot of names ;) 

I popped all my chars on last night as I played CK2.  Apparently I never redeemed the doubloons and a few accounts did have Diana’s but no classic Connie’s.  Zero money and I think a few might not even have come to redeem.  It was 125 peek us time but didn’t recognize any names than the norms I seen over there.  My issue is I don’t like that all ports are neutral.  They should allow to attack the port,  take it from AI and keep it a week or just make them all traditional owned by historic nation and set them open to all.  It would look better than all the neutral dots that you can’t do anything with.  I’m sure they would love to have AI vs player port battles that way.  Hell even test out resetting the map every 3 months over there to give folks things to do.


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9 hours ago, AngryPanCake said:

It looks like the thread turned into a duel here.

But the issue is the lack of NPC targets in Patrol Zones. Not sure how it is in the PvP server, but on PvE many players doing the Patrol mission complain about the lack of NPC's.

Speaking one of the PVE names.  Would you think something like I described abouve would be good for the PVE server to give y’all more content?   Allow y’all to have port battles against AI and since you can’t take ports from other players the map resets every 3-4 months?


if this was done I’ll honestly come over until numbers pick back up one PvP or they fix the capital camping of noobs and casuals and prob could drag a dozen or so players with me.  It would give the guys tired of being beat in all the time a break and something fun and new to do.

@admin could something like this be set up one PVE server?

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On 12/8/2018 at 6:13 AM, Hethwill the Red Duke said:

Acting like doomsayers helps nothing at all. It isn't the end of the world and the apocalypse is not coming to the Caribbean.

Setting sail and conducting age of sail experience in the game is what it is about, be it in the Peace or War servers.

A visible thing is undeniable - arena oriented players login for a couple hours in the zone and then logoff having their battle of NA done.

Fair and square and they know best what amount of time they want to dedicate to the game.

Others enjoy the OW sailing with "imminent" unknown, the chances of finding a enemy and engaging - it happens less often than fighting in the zones but it happens nonetheless as there's equal or more players that enjoy OW grand age of sail more than arena.

Thing is... zone is small, so easy to get combat. Map is big so OW aficionados have a bigger "arena" to explore.

Again, naysaying is naught, meaningless, void. Getting to grips with the game is what it is.

This new development phase brought all types of players more to the even table. Access to everything has been made possible to both PvE and PvP crowds. There's no more distinction, especially with the missions, as both can be fulfilled with both forms of combat. Meaning both have access to the same chances of getting drops, equipment, books, etc.

The necessity of having a squadron sailing together is another great feature. No more a distant tagger and a fleet sailing for minutes. No more hiding in port. No more hiding inside a battle waiting to set a amubush with a tagger. So, sail together or risk not being able to enter because "if entire game was 1:1 scale you'd never be there to participate".

There's a lot of AI in where a nation ports meet other nation ports. But you can't expect to be like the old Belize, for example, with enough AI to feed thousands of players across the day in the same spot. Nope. Captains are expected to project sea power, not sit in port waiting for targets.

Capture of 5th rates has filled the gap as well. They are good enough for a casual to go it capture one and then use it. No need for extreme crafting, but if one wants to go to high endgame Conquest, then one is expected to participate more into the game.

Hope the game gets even better in delivering a nice age of sail experience. Even in Peace server the spectacularity of the game is undeniable.

so basically no point being a pvp player no real incentive there. not to mention that declining player count, captured 5ths why does the pve server have the ability to cap firsts but not a war server. u'd think it be more logical to have that reversed as in war any ships was worth taking as ur own. be more incentive to see first rates and what not being caped in battle if u had the chance and ability to do so. the sea is pretty empty given we have about 250 players online on a server that supports 2500 players, a tenth of what the server supports and is getting smaller all the time. yes they could of gone with a 1:1 scale map but then no one actually sails and pays attention on long runs most players multitask they line themselves up with their destination and go do other things till they get there. if they get jumped thats a miracle considering how few are left looking for pvp. 
we dont really see capital ships anymore bellona is about the highest u see in pvp no one wants to waste their firsts now even tho we can replace them pretty easily now because there is no reason to outside of rvr which doesnt happen much anymore.

the game is dying the seas are becoming barren and not much is left to do in this game for the vets, were swimming in dubs and reals. what can the devs provide that would give anyone here an incentive to keep playings what can NA offer that no other game in its genre can. 

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On 12/8/2018 at 7:20 AM, Hethwill the Red Duke said:

It is great to read another's player expectations. Refreshing and sobering. Glad not every player plays the game the same way and that is good. Sandbox.

How to bring the population to 3 servers full ? Simple. Give all ships all the time everywhere with full hold of repairs. No need to convolute too much.

Snappy salute.


lol u wouldnt even be able to fill 1 server with that idea, the game would need to go Free to Play before i can see even 1 server being full

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On 12/8/2018 at 8:37 AM, Grundgemunkey said:

the question to ask is why has RVR died ....

the answer is .. its too expensive or difficult to replace the ships you might lose ... the time and effort to build a ship is not proportionate to the fun sailing and fighting with it ..


its more about the point of it no one wants to take ports because it gives the nearest enemy capital more ai in their area of other nations

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Many players requested for ships of the line to be more rare (first rate spam) and more expensive. 
The implemented design systems achieved the desired result - there are less first rates at sea. This gives me great confidence that designs are not random and actually work (it just works) achieving intended goals. 

But games being very complex interconnected systems and less first rates might interfere with other systems that worked before. 

ps: do not understand why players like @Intrepido do not spend their doubloons on first rates to dominate his opponents?
Why no-one challenges and captures Nassau that seem to be giving amazing tax income in reals allowing even more ships and fleets to be funded. 

This could be the root issue. Any theories? 

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1 hour ago, admin said:

Many players requested for ships of the line to be more rare (first rate spam) and more expensive. 
The implemented design systems achieved the desired result - there are less first rates at sea. This gives me great confidence that designs are not random and actually work (it just works) achieving intended goals. 

But games being very complex interconnected systems and less first rates might interfere with other systems that worked before. 

ps: do not understand why players like @Intrepido do not spend their doubloons on first rates to dominate his opponents?
Why no-one challenges and captures Nassau that seem to be giving amazing tax income in reals allowing even more ships and fleets to be funded. 

This could be the root issue. Any theories? 

Although I agree with the design decision to lessen the proclivity of 1st rates on the map, the lack of RvR can only be blamed on lack of sustainable reward for taking a regular port or ports out of the way from the general routes. The ports of Nassau and Carteg have been contested by the best warriors this game has, the victors have been elevated to such a power than it would be an effort in futilism to challenge said clans, as it could spell doom for your nation.

On top of that RvR needs a general overhaul, more options and scenarios. The current way of hostilities are unappealing and the fact you have to set aside a very specific hours on a specific day to have these massive battles means that only a few % of players on any given day can participate.

Edited by Slim McSauce
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8 minutes ago, admin said:

This could be the root issue. Any theories? 

Just happened. A clan in Prussia attacked a British port. The attacking clan was told to not attack said port. But not by Brits. This was request by other Prussian clans because this port is used by multiple alts of Prussians that are placed within the British nation. As long cross nation trade is so easy there is no RvR pressure because its much easier to use alts than capture ports.

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9 minutes ago, admin said:

Why no-one challenges and captures Nassau that seem to be giving amazing tax income in reals allowing even more ships and fleets to be funded. 

This could be the root issue. Any theories? 

Nassau right now. Think there only is 1 nation that can fill a Pb of the size of Nassau and challange the brits. 

But you are right when it comes to BR and ships the shallow could be an interesting place to be. Why not then. My guess most of those guys that could make it happens, just don’t play much right now. Those that are back of content maker, well my guess they see little value in 1 port. They win it in a fight, But what then. Nobody are going to try get it back.

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12 minutes ago, admin said:

Any theories? 

Without the Wipe to test the new eco, what need is there for RvR at the moment?

Materials, Reals, Doubloons - all those hardly matter the RvR core players who all have a bunch of PB ships laying around. I bet with a wipe and port reset, RvR will come back since ppl have to establish all the crafting stuff again to be able to build good ships.

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10 minutes ago, do not say dlc said:

I have one:

There are not enough players, in any single clan, in any single nation at the requested set timer ready to challange srupl or rediii. I dont remember who ownes nassau...

It’s a havoc port just like little harbor.  With a lot of the big hitters rolling Brit suddenly not many EU can take them on right now.  Same issue we had in US prime time with the French.  to many heavy hitters rolled French or refused to fight them and buddy buddy that no one can flip the ports or even get agrow.  Its hard to flip a port when 5 nations come out and jump into your missions and sinks you.  Most of them not the nation your doing Afro so sinking them doesn’t even effect the hostility.  

We honestly have way to many nations:  Spain, GB, French and Dutch (yes I dropped US) with pirates being a nation with no ports they can be hard core mode. (Maybe give them Nassau or Kidd’s).

With this I would merge US with GB.  making US coast GB second zone like French and Spain have.  

Edited by Sir Texas Sir
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4 minutes ago, z4ys said:

Just happened. A clan in Prussia attacked a British port. The attacking clan was told to not attack said port. But not by Brits. This was request by other Prussian clans because this port is used by multiple alts of Prussians that are placed within the British nation. As long cross nation trade is so easy there is no RvR pressure because its much easier to use alts than capture ports.

blocking trade between enemy nations in ports will cause huge outrage but might fix the problem. 

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I have an other one: The given mechanics for RvR are very time consuming. Combined with the low playerbase it is not only the risk-reward relation (why should I own a port when it gets flooded with alts immediately) that does not work, it is the "time to spend - action" relation, too. In OW PvP I need hours to get one fight, too (often it ends up in a gank and run).

Edited by Sir Loorkon
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14 minutes ago, admin said:

blocking trade between enemy nations in ports will cause huge outrage but might fix the problem. 

How about taxing the trades between nations by 1000% (read this idea recently) or give only those clans access to the produced goods that captured the port? If you only block trade in ports, alts will trade at sea in front of the port.

Edited by Sir Loorkon
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I think the most important thing to do is to focus on what YOU, as a player, think is best - stop wondering what others may like. That will only get us haf-arsed suggestions and solutions.

The player number problem as I see it is (All numbers are fictitious):

1st release: 3000 players, 

  • Major patch 1: 30% dislikes changes, 70% likes them
    • Player count = 2100
  • Major patch 2: 30% dislikes changes, 70% likes them
    • Player count = 1470
  • Major patch 3: 30% dislikes changes, 70% likes them
    • Player count = 1029
  • Major patch 3: 30% dislikes changes, 70% likes them
    • Player count = 720

The reason for this negative development is that without an influx of players liking the new changes, you will only weed out players who dislikes them. This is perfectly reasonable for a game that is currently in the testing phase. I personally believe that this negative development in player numbers will stop once we're at the final release version. Remember that with release comes marketing, thus creating a public awareness of the game that it hasn't seen since it was initially put on steam as an Alpha.. (2015?) a long time ago.

Lower player-numbers during testing does not mean a decrease in product quality, it merely means that the game is moving forwards. It's a very niche game and cannot be expected to generate the same attention as many well established titles can.

I can GUARANTEE you that another patch will see player numbers drop even further, regardless of it being the best or worst patch yet. Without incoming new players, the only development in numbers you will see is the one cause by a minority disliking the changes - someone will always oppose change.

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- Ships of the Line - Remove the excess Dubloons needed but ramp up the resources needed accordingly ( if 9k doubloons needed in addition to the Permits - permits are already worth doubloons - something like 450% more resources needed, no idea something like that to balance it out ). That way you keep the logistics going and retain the need for Permits for the Grand Fleet ships. 

- Add ALL 5th and 4th rates as Admiralty rewards.

I agree with too many Nations. But that's just me, sole Impossible nation should be Pirates but I also see the nice communities of Kingdom of Brandenburg-Prussia ( can we have the name changed ? ), Russian Empire and Commonwealth of Poland Lithuania.


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1 minute ago, Intrepido said:

This is one potential solution.

Less natios means more people per nation which higher probabilities of a group-clan wanting a fight.

Most of the NA nations are empty. Without enough people is impossible to fill PBs or flip a port.

The less nations option is interesting but there are problems with it and taking away the US would be a bad idea for the simple reason that there is a huge potential player base of yanks who would only sail under their own flag(s).  One of the mitigating factors for less nations is the Flags DLC, which would allow Devs to combine nations and still allow players to sail under a treasured flag.  I believe that sailing under the correct flag is very important to many players and I don't see letting the US player base go without their flag as a viable option.  Besides, everybody else loves to sink them...

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9 minutes ago, admin said:

Many players requested for ships of the line to be more rare (first rate spam) and more expensive. 
The implemented design systems achieved the desired result - there are less first rates at sea. This gives me great confidence that designs are not random and actually work (it just works) achieving intended goals. 

But games being very complex interconnected systems and less first rates might interfere with other systems that worked before. 

ps: do not understand why players like @Intrepido do not spend their doubloons on first rates to dominate his opponents?
Why no-one challenges and captures Nassau that seem to be giving amazing tax income in reals allowing even more ships and fleets to be funded. 

This could be the root issue. Any theories? 

It takes time to leave old and accept new. Many are just passing of denialangerbargainingdepression and acceptance stages.

It is a common rule in gaming industry to never take back what you have gave before, but it should be ok in beta/alpha stage of the game.

I think combining simulation with multiplayer sandbox game have its complexities. NA is very heavy skill and experience based game, not all have time and patience for it. Additions to  simulation and immersion part of the game keep adding to these levers. If you are not up for that competition you have 2 options, sailing MUCH bigger ship than your opponent or have an ALLY better than your opponent. Cheap 1st rates fed that cycle nicely. With expensive ships, experienced captains won't want to waste, risk their time, fame and ships carrying the REST. Sadly RvR is the main content in the game and without few individuals carrying it there is no content for the REST. They can't jump on Santi to countergang few 5th rates and they can't sail 5th rates alone searching for enemy.  

You either need to provide proper content for the REST(which is majority) or change the game to arcade for RvR action. 

For myself I hope you stick with simulation, at least that is why I bought and played this game so long.

In addition I really think it is a mistake to force players to PvP as soon as the start playing. PvP should be an option not necessity. Give players time to grow up in safe environment, don't push them to die as soon as they are born. 

That much said, talks about wipes do not help at all. We are all tired of testing.

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