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Patch 11.0: New ships, Unity 5, Improved clan based conquest, and many other changes.


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5 hours ago, AxIslander said:

We need to stop getting to attached to modes and other pixels and just play the game. Last patch i got a consti with croked hull/bonewind/coppar plating and realized that this is going to be more a cause to worry than to have fun. So i gave it away;).

So what i want to say is, use things u can afford to loose.

Enough with the stupid Don use it if you can't afford to lose it. There are two types the this game PVP AND PVE why are player of PVP so fixsaded with what go on in PVE with are  econ and gold and what were doing .play your side of the game and don't try to screw up are side . and having more mods and add ons is what make the game challenging and fun and yes we get atched to are ships .if you don't like mods that's your problem don't use them as you said . most player like them and agree we need more options and content the game is not strictly about PVP combat ,it.  About the age of sail ships and what went on with them . and there is 2 ways to play it. 

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15 hours ago, Rebrall said:

Why not let us melt down the canons we get from missions now that would be far more useful 

The same to break down mods you don't want, I have so many pumps in our clan warehouse it's just silly.  Not even sure why we keep these, but would be nice to break down things like all the medium cannons that we don't want to use or can't sale in the shop cause every one else has a billion of the same types and get a little something out of them.  Even saleing to the AI isn't worth the little you get in return from them so I would prefer to just break them up for some iron back.

9 hours ago, AxIslander said:

We need to stop getting to attached to modes and other pixels and just play the game. Last patch i got a consti with croked hull/bonewind/coppar plating and realized that this is going to be more a cause to worry than to have fun. So i gave it away;).

So what i want to say is, use things u can afford to loose.

Are just fight like it's your last day and have fun, ships and mods can be replaced.  You be surprised how many fights you actually win when out number and gun when you fight like you don't care to loose the ships and they can be easily replaced (even when they might not be).  When you fight to run to save your ship you tend to loose more than you win.  Cause I'm going to promise you that guy that fights like he doesn't care prob has better mods or slots open than some one that always runs to save their ships/mods.

8 hours ago, Peter Goldman said:

The limit probably does not apply to neutral ports, I believe that it is 3 per nation.

This is why I been asking almost every day @Ink or @admin to give us as hotfix patch notes of what they been tweeking.  Haven't seen any hotfix notes since the patch was dropped.  Would be nice if they actually inform the players of things like this.

8 hours ago, Quineloe said:

All Upgrades should come from the workshop, and the materials should be reasonably easy to obtain. This Cartagena Tar, special gunpowder and all that ultra rare stuff sound more like something from a korean grind MMO.

This is actually what I thought the workshop was going to be like, that you make all the mods/refits and extra stuff with it not just cannons.

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9 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

The same to break down mods you don't want, I have so many pumps in our clan warehouse it's just silly.  Not even sure why we keep these, but would be nice to break down things like all the medium cannons that we don't want to use or can't sale in the shop cause every one else has a billion of the same types and get a little something out of them.  Even saleing to the AI isn't worth the little you get in return from them so I would prefer to just break them up for some iron back.

Are just fight like it's your last day and have fun, ships and mods can be replaced.  You be surprised how many fights you actually win when out number and gun when you fight like you don't care to loose the ships and they can be easily replaced (even when they might not be).  When you fight to run to save your ship you tend to loose more than you win.  Cause I'm going to promise you that guy that fights like he doesn't care prob has better mods or slots open than some one that always runs to save their ships/mods.

This is why I been asking almost every day @Ink or @admin to give us as hotfix patch notes of what they been tweeking.  Haven't seen any hotfix notes since the patch was dropped.  Would be nice if they actually inform the players of things like this.

This is actually what I thought the workshop was going to be like, that you make all the mods/refits and extra stuff with it not just cannons.

We would be able to craft all things like before or buy it like before .and not wait for thing to drop or just get lucky 

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1 hour ago, Peter Goldman said:

1. You have zones without RvR (that means there is less RvR impact on the nation)

2. Coal is available in safe zones and more available everywhere

3. EU Trader is back. You can get any resource without a problem

4. Gold and silver is now in most regional capitals

5. Earning gold is easier

6. Materials for ship building weight less now 2-3 times (less trips needed to build a ship)

7. Ship costs were balanced according to 5 dura old system convertion to 1 dura

8. You got reinforcements around non-RvR areas


I think you are playing just a different game. This became very pro-casual. Just quit spreading your bs on forums, you know nothing. No one is listening to you here, soon you will get ignored by everyone.

All those posts and this is the most cogent response you can come up with.  If anyone is going to get ignored it would be and individual who is actually contributing nothing to this thread.  But thanks for trying.

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To the Developers!

This patch is the best from all. First time i  think, u going on a good way, i hope its not too late. I still think system what i suggest before should be better for this game, but this is fine aswell. I think only 2 problems need to be solved in the new system, and it should be succesfull, and all the 2 problems can be solved with a small change.

Ur main problem is, that player base income not so strong enough to compansate the rule. Small clans just doesnt feel good, because they dont strong enough to get port, they not envolved of actions. The main problem above unsaccesfullness is that they have to rearrange thier fleet to help the big ones, but they feel out of action now.

After ur patch old backcomers just realize, that they can now live easier in the game, but lots of them just sick of OS sea travel time.

The solution should be that in my opinion.

Admirality should have captains for hire to make captains life easier. Thiese captains should use for rearrange ships between outposts without any cargo. 1 captain should be 30 combat mark, and can be usable for 1 route. This should help to keep players wanna get rid of that long sailing time, and should make a hard combat mark loss at players, what is good for the economy, i think. Big guilds can give out this captains or combat marks for small clans to help them getting involved in thier war.

I have another suggestion, but its not that crucial. U should make 1st rate prices higher, else fights will be mostly wasa and first rate fights, and thats a bit boring after a while. Like LaOcean 250, Santi 230, Vic 200, Bucc 100 combat mark, and evrything below is good.

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16 hours ago, Sven Silberbart said:

Noooooo please not. Buying ships with combat marks is the worst thing. It heavily hurts the economy. No need for ship builders is a very very bad thing.


Since LGV and shallow water traders can be captured, the market for crafted ships just went down. That was truly a bad idea...

Now just buying ships with combat marks could ruin the market totally. The costs for crafting all ships up to 3rd rate should be significantly lowered, so players have a motivation to craft and sell those.

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11 hours ago, Mrgoldstein said:

On the right way with this patch imo,player numbers on the rise again..over 650 tonight..keep it up devs!

Playing finaly feels rewarding atm

Yes the right way to go away from hardcore and let the players some room to breath.

But there are some things need to do:

- Combat/Fleet Missions are instant closed. Great thing wich stops the hated missions jumps. But also gives an escape spot. Implement a little timer (maybe 30 Secs) before joining a instance could easily solve that problem. Similar to Logout Timer at open sea.

- Reinforcements. That could kill privateer and pirate gameplay if the reinforcement zone at some nations are absolutely too big. Needed to be lowered.

more other, but that a my favorites

Edited by Sven Silberbart
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2 hours ago, fox2run said:

No. Pirates needs to be in remote areas. Open battles provide more action. We need more not less action. 

That wasnt action, that was only a reason that leeds players to quit the game. Players need the ability to do a mission because they know they havnt much time to play. Those a mission is planable in time it needs. Pvp isn't. Also on a pvp server. Why you aren't wait for NA Legends? This is the action you are looking for.

Edited by Sven Silberbart
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After playing a few days with the new patch I can give a proper initial feedback, as well as suggestions to what we can add or improve.

Overall This patch is awesome, I know I have been critical in the past even to the point of not wanting to play this game for a period of time, but this patch has made me love and enjoy Naval Action again. Here are my thoughts

1. Hostility/Port Battle -- It feels right, I think there could be some improvement to allow players in a nation to know when someone is pulling missions on a particular port, but otherwise thank you. This has really streamlined the whole thing.

2. Rewards -- As you said, they aren't at the levels they were last year, but from the poor rewards we had last patch it is a true "godsend" to the casual friends I have and they love playing again. I can now actually extract resources from my buildings and still have money leftover for cannons or ships or anything. It has significantly improved the Economy for my group and they are all enjoying it.

3. Port Maintenance (Tax) -- Was an awesome decision and I stand by you with having us pay taxes for ports. I am however seeing improvements or other options we could add that would further make this even more awesome (more later).

4. Combat Marks/Admiralty Store -- I think it was awesome to give the option to trade combat marks in order to get ships (hermione and Wasa) and I think this should be expanded on in the future.

5. Clan Diplomacy (Friendly Clans) -- again, another great decision and love the addition to the game


Things I would want added or at least considered

1. Clan Tax -- It seems that port maintenance goes directly to the owning clan's warehouse, but I think having a mechanic for clan tax would be a nice addition

2. Admiralty Ships -- I think the Hermione and the Wasa are not the correct ships to be in the admiralty store, BUT I do like this option. I think you can look at ship data and find which ships are note used as often as other ships and then determine which ships to put in the admiralty store. What I man by this is that instead of the Hermione and Wasa being redeemable via combat marks, I would suggest the Belle Poule and the Ingermanland. Those are just an example, but I definitely say not to take this out. Expand on it!

3. Port bonuses -- I think the bonuses we have to owning ports is awesome, but I feel we can expand on this, make the bonuses better, or create new bonuses please :). I also would like to see Resource production Buildings produce more in "capturable ports" and be affected by the bonuses. I definitely feel that we need more incentives to take ports.

4. Forged Papers -- Could it be an item in the admiralty store that is incredibly expensive?

5. Port maintenance part 2 -- I feel that port maintenance could be adjusted. If a nation controls a whole region of ports, There should be a tax "deduction" to create an incentive for groups and nations to control ports that aren't as valuable as others, for the reason of being a strategic assets (or generally to lower tax on other ports). This will create more uniform expansion and you could even see strategic attacks against nations from outsiders by taking one port in a region so the home nation "loses" the tax deduction bonus.

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On 15/09/2017 at 11:32 PM, admin said:

now we need to increase iron supply a bit and maybe add more options for ships-for-combat marks.

Well why not just remove all the iron all together and make all the ships available for combat marks, no one is crafting or using anything else. Except for first rates which no doubt we'll be buying victories for combat marks before the end of the month, all you see sailing around is Wasas (stupidly OP and cheap for its class) and Hermiones. I understand why you have made the choice you have, but you are ruining the experience for the players who like to craft. I understand you need to increase the player base by encouraging new casual player to buy the game but the direction you are taking the game in is a massive kick in the balls to players that have stuck with you from the beginning.

Yes, it took me a while to get to the point that I am as a solo player but I took pride in the fact I had worked my way to it. Now I see players coming in and are sailing 4th rates (Wasa) by the third of fourth day.


My final point on the economy, I don't understand why you felt the need to dramatically increase the combat mark rewards as well as dramatically lower the cost in the admiralty store, one or the other would've been fine but doing both has made it way too easy. Combine that with the recent nerfs to upgrades (which I agree was a good idea) and the upgrades are becoming worthless because almost everyone has the blueprints to craft them now.

Edited by NethrosDefectus
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41 minutes ago, Rebel Witch said:

The devs are starting to win again, great expansion or patch this go around. now please fix the missions , remove the rate limits so players have more freedom to do what THEY want not want you want them to do.

People would abuse that, just look at what they are doing with hostility missions. You can do the 6th rate ones in 1st rates. That's a point, @admin is this something you intend to change? It should take a well organised group to flip a port, not one person.

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44 minutes ago, NethrosDefectus said:

People would abuse that, just look at what they are doing with hostility missions. You can do the 6th rate ones in 1st rates. That's a point, @admin is this something you intend to change? It should take a well organised group to flip a port, not one person.

@admin has already said about putting a limit on them much like the epic events have which is a good thing 

Edited by Rebrall
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Patch update message (main post updated too)

Hotfixes done over last week (including today)

  • Cities set as neutral by clans will have their own unique marker
  • Cities set as neutral by clans allow outpost construction and placing contracts
  • Port battle attack limit set as 3 per enemy nation (it was temporary remove during last weekend to give some more freedom). Previous limit of total 3 port battles was too small. 
  • Production bonuses now work both on trading resources (more trading resources spawn in the city) and on production in buildings (more volume can be mined or grown) 

Other fixes

  • Hostility quests disappear from the list of available if your nation has already set 3 port battles for one enemy nation. 
  • Teleport is allowed to free towns
  • Forge papers allow usage in free towns and neutral towns
  • Nation descriptions and difficulty levels added player creation description.
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10 minutes ago, admin said:

Patch update message (main post updated too)

Hotfixes done over last week (including today)

  • Cities set as neutral by clans will have their own unique marker
  • Cities set as neutral by clans allow outpost construction and place contracts
  • Port battle attack limit set as 3 per enemy nation (it was temporary remove during last weekend to give some more freedom)
  • Production bonuses now work both on trading resources (more trading resources spawn in the city) and on production in buildings (more volume can be mined or grown) 

Other fixes

  • Hostility quests disappear from the list of available if your nation has already set 3 port battles for one enemy nation. 
  • Teleport is allowed to free towns
  • Forge papers allow usage in free towns and neutral towns
  • Nation descriptions and difficulty levels added player creation description.

good stuff

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3 hours ago, NethrosDefectus said:

Well why not just remove all the iron all together and make all the ships available for combat marks, no one is crafting or using anything else. Except for first rates which no doubt we'll be buying victories for combat marks before the end of the month, all you see sailing around is Wasas (stupidly OP and cheap for its class) and Hermiones. I understand why you have made the choice you have, but you are ruining the experience for the players who like to craft. I understand you need to increase the player base by encouraging new casual player to buy the game but the direction you are taking the game in is a massive kick in the balls to players that have stuck with you from the beginning.

Yes, it took me a while to get to the point that I am as a solo player but I took pride in the fact I had worked my way to it. Now I see players coming in and are sailing 4th rates (Wasa) by the third of fourth day.


My final point on the economy, I don't understand why you felt the need to dramatically increase the combat mark rewards as well as dramatically lower the cost in the admiralty store, one or the other would've been fine but doing both has made it way too easy. Combine that with the recent nerfs to upgrades (which I agree was a good idea) and the upgrades are becoming worthless because almost everyone has the blueprints to craft them now.

The old way was a massive kick in the balls to the new players, learn to adapt, this patch encourages the new players so the experienced players should have an even easier time. Let's be honest, the new players will be no longer new by the time they sail in a Wasa. There is plenty of crafting needed especially for the new players, the game is going the right way, the increase of rewards (gold, combat marks) and introduction of ship notes regulates the prices on crafted ships. I have seen players asking 360k for a regular snow now imagine if they would be the only source available and/or have an agreement with others to keep the price there. I think all ships should be available via ship notes and crafting so the players can choose which works the best for them.

Again, good job with this patch and hopefully the trend continues down this path.

Edited by Robert
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4 hours ago, Demsity said:

I love this patch and its fantastic to see the player population this high again!

@admin are there any plans on marking the enemy reinforcement zones? It is impossible to go hunting in enemy waters because you don't know where their reinforcement zone ends.

Now, let's prey on them in their own waters :huh:. I don't think that's a good idea, the new players are still learning the ropes so they are unsuspecting it should be more so for the experienced players that try to gank them. The experienced players will come after you or not call the reinforcement if on even grounds, besides that it will encourage camping the safe zone borders. Nice try though :)

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1 hour ago, admin said:

Patch update message (main post updated too)

Hotfixes done over last week (including today)

  • Cities set as neutral by clans will have their own unique marker
  • Cities set as neutral by clans allow outpost construction and placing contracts
  • Port battle attack limit set as 3 per enemy nation (it was temporary remove during last weekend to give some more freedom). Previous limit of total 3 port battles was too small. 
  • Production bonuses now work both on trading resources (more trading resources spawn in the city) and on production in buildings (more volume can be mined or grown) 

Other fixes

  • Hostility quests disappear from the list of available if your nation has already set 3 port battles for one enemy nation. 
  • Teleport is allowed to free towns
  • Forge papers allow usage in free towns and neutral towns
  • Nation descriptions and difficulty levels added player creation description.

awesome stuff

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1 hour ago, admin said:

Patch update message (main post updated too)

Hotfixes done over last week (including today)

  • Cities set as neutral by clans will have their own unique marker
  • Cities set as neutral by clans allow outpost construction and placing contracts
  • Port battle attack limit set as 3 per enemy nation (it was temporary remove during last weekend to give some more freedom). Previous limit of total 3 port battles was too small. 
  • Production bonuses now work both on trading resources (more trading resources spawn in the city) and on production in buildings (more volume can be mined or grown) 

Other fixes

  • Hostility quests disappear from the list of available if your nation has already set 3 port battles for one enemy nation. 
  • Teleport is allowed to free towns
  • Forge papers allow usage in free towns and neutral towns
  • Nation descriptions and difficulty levels added player creation description.

All great stuff devs.


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