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5 minutes ago, Spikes said:

Is that the George's Town PB? I wouldn't say whooped...it was a fun battle IMO. Bear in mind that battle BL4CK was supposed to screen but didn't sail more than 10 ship lengths from the docks.

You cant depend or hope that other clans will screen out others so you dont have to fight.

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22 minutes ago, HoneyBaddger said:

You cut a deal with WO to not take your golden crafting port! Let's not get it twisted. WO whooped you in one PB and was screened outta Morgans by BL4CK. You got scared and ran into the Gulf, like the cowards you are!

You’ve been salty since we kicked you out of VCO dude   

The golden crafting port we just dismantled?  Is that what you’re referring too?  Perhaps not so golden.  At least we fought at GT against WO and only lost because Louis apparently doesn’t sink. BL4CK refused to even fight in that port battle.  Still shell shocked from global where WO made your clan quit for 2 years.  You also screened out WO in surprises we had to build for you since you guys were incapable.  A day later Koltes was begging us to build his clan 1st rates to fight in Nuevitas.  True story.

All in all.  Some solid out maneuvering.  BL4CK now having to spend 1000 marks + lord knows how many dubs to rebuild a port.  Also on the cusp of being down ranked. WO off in another game and we’re still sinking Dutch in their waters AND more importantly I get to make fun of Potemkins politics in TS.  

We win. 


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Edited by Severus Snape
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5 minutes ago, Severus Snape said:

You’ve been salty since we kicked you out of VCO dude   

The golden crafting port we just dismantled?  Is that what you’re referring too?  Perhaps not so golden.  At least we fought at GT against WO and only lost because Louis apparently doesn’t sink. BL4CK refused to even fight in that port battle.  Still shell shocked from global where WO made your clan quit for 2 years.  You also screened out WO in surprises we had to build for you since you guys were incapable.  A day later Koltes was begging us to build his clan 1st rates to fight in Nuevitas.  True story.

All in all.  Some solid out maneuvering.  BL4CK now having to spend 1000 marks + lord knows how many dubs to rebuild a port.  Also on the cusp of being down ranked. WO off in another game and we’re still sinking Dutch in their waters AND more importantly I get to make fun of Potemkins politics in TS.  

We win. 


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You actually think I was there because I liked you guys, lol.


And where are these said screen shots of you guys sinking Dutch?

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8 minutes ago, Severus Snape said:

You’ve been salty since we kicked you out of VCO dude   

The golden crafting port we just dismantled?  Is that what you’re referring too?  Perhaps not so golden.  At least we fought at GT against WO and only lost because Louis apparently doesn’t sink. BL4CK refused to even fight in that port battle.  Still shell shocked from global where WO made your clan quit for 2 years.  You also screened out WO in surprises we had to build for you since you guys were incapable.  A day later Koltes was begging us to build his clan 1st rates to fight in Nuevitas.  True story.

All in all.  Some solid out maneuvering.  BL4CK now having to spend 1000 marks + lord knows how many dubs to rebuild a port.  Also on the cusp of being down ranked. WO off in another game and we’re still sinking Dutch in their waters AND more importantly I get to make fun of Potemkins politics in TS.  

We win. 


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You dont say shit in ts, ive been polite for the sake of the team spirit. What are my politics anyway?

*ronpaul 2020

Edited by Potemkin
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18 minutes ago, Potemkin said:

You dont say shit in ts, ive been polite for the sake of the team spirit. What are my politics anyway?

*ronpaul 2020

Your missing a trick mate,if you want him to speak in TS, first summon him,then request he bends the knee.

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49 minutes ago, HoneyBaddger said:

Things havent changed. You still suck! 

Oh, but things have changed. BL4CK has been out of the game for too long, and has gotten rusty. If the most they can manage out of this fight, having more BR than us, is to sink only a DLC boat and an oak/crewspace 3rd rate, then I fear you best curb the trash talk before you embarrass yourself further. 


I look forward to seeing how long it takes for BL4CK to figure out how to play again.


Oh, and feel free to duel me anytime and prove what terrible players VCO are. Everyone knows I'm literally trash, I lose to AI all the time ;). Surely you would defeat me.

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39 minutes ago, William Death said:

Oh, but things have changed. BL4CK has been out of the game for too long, and has gotten rusty. If the most they can manage out of this fight, having more BR than us, is to sink only a DLC boat and an oak/crewspace 3rd rate, then I fear you best curb the trash talk before you embarrass yourself further. 


I look forward to seeing how long it takes for BL4CK to figure out how to play again.


Oh, and feel free to duel me anytime and prove what terrible players VCO are. Everyone knows I'm literally trash, I lose to AI all the time ;). Surely you would defeat me.

Do you think we brought our best ships to a screening battle against HAVOC. You guys wouldn't even have fought there if Havoc didn't bring 1st rates. 

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Aye :) That's the scene where Captain Aubrey is whining about the enemy having more time to play and managing to craft a bigger ship with tons of modules and having a bigger ship and telling the cerw he's gonna call quits.

Unless i'm reading a wrong transcript.



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15 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

Aye :) That's the scene where Captain Aubrey is whining about the enemy having more time to play and managing to craft a bigger ship with tons of modules and having a bigger ship and telling the cerw he's gonna call quits.

Unless i'm reading a wrong transcript.



so the Acheron had port bonuses?

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Port Battle of Pointe-à-Pitre, between France (defense) and Sweden (attack)


A second battle occured after the pb, to see the destruction of escaped swedish edit: and many french (exept a Saint Pavel, from what i know).

Well done all o7

Edited by Guillaume de Longueheuse
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Compared Roseau and Point à Pitre is dishonest. We've got many players in vacancy during Roseau, also we learn a lot from it, and "water has flowed under the bridges" since then.

Dont make the same things as people you are sarcastic with, dont complain.


edit: Also, if your only reaction when you saw a nation grow and fight back is beeing sarcastic, go for that, but its disappointing.

Edited by Guillaume de Longueheuse
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13 hours ago, Severus Snape said:

so the Acheron had port bonuses?

Same as la Pomone. But as the story goes she was ganked and captured ( the enemies wanted to check what mods and bonuses she had ).

In that famous scene of the movie you can clearly hear Aubrey saying she is made out of white oak, not fir fir.


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What one can see as recent RvR events :


- Empire of Russia includes an impressive additional clan, the HAN, with well equiped players !

- The United Provinces is top three super power in territory, have they built up respectful heavy fleets to defend their expanded lands ? 

- Spain is active, would they manage to set an alliance with its neighbourgs to breath deeper and increase wealth as well as strength ?

- Swedish has waken up and extended their territory in Hispaniola !

- Danes have settled firmly in Puerto Rico lands.

- Prussians have kind of vanished from RvR theater, have they still the courage to defend their fragile possessions ? will the Spanish wait any longer to recover by force those historical Filipina lands ?

- GB is... there, not very noisy but still as super power. give it a few weeks more and their fleets will become threatening again.

- France is under pressure for a good while, there is no better occasion to inspire their players to fight side by side and defeat their oppressors ! 

- USA seems to have a strong playerbase. The day will come when this Faction (from its damned map corner) will cooperate with its neighbourgs, it will become one of War server heavy weights.  

- Pirates are quietly becoming a significant force ruling the central map area. Who will stop chaos & anarchy ?! rumors say that british civilians are packing back to Europe !!

- Poland is still owning their Basse Terre Principautée. Will there be new polish settlers to confirm Poland's colonial ambition ?  

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