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Celtiberofrog last won the day on September 13 2019

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    : France, Grenoble

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  1. Naval Action is managed by Game-Labs, all players should assume "Labs" means Laboratory 8)) From EA to now, long after final release, constant experiments are being implemented. It's amazing but little worrying...
  2. Hey there, Could we explore, since gunneries are being modified, a change with canister shots ? Some codes to combine efficiency (crew letal) between range + ship height difference. Corvettes & frigates were extremely exposed (the close range rifle shots from crew to be added, like in Ultimate Admiral) when getting too close to a 3rd rate or higher vessals.
  3. No matter who fought this battle, but I wonder what type of ...improvement after 4 years of NA developpment when seeing that kind of spam shallow battle setting. Dev's, was your project initially including these fancy battles ? could there be a light layer of coding to allow more historical realism in PB's ? Like each port/PB having a maxi number of ships per classes and per types. Today a full spam first rates PB is fun but it allows also spam setting of other ships like above. cheers
  4. In past Swedish got bored after being zergs Russians do not get bored, that's all. Rusian group is revealed as being the most effecient solution to deal successfuly with the current server mechanics. Rusians are not the one to blame but the War server available mechanics. If only diplomatic options were available in War server, the zerg issue would be tackled easier.
  5. This pic was not meant to be a screenshot, it's in a wooden frame standing on his mantelpiece, with lightened candle beside
  6. Ojala las cosas se puedan aplanear con Rusia & Prusia, asi tendreis una autopista abierta para pelearos con los GB y perpetuar la actividad favorita de la Faccion 8)) Suerteee
  7. "Many thanks to everyone on both sides who put the time in to make this an interesting (Even if sometimes salty) war. Spain in particular, best allies you can ask for - Highly recommended!" Pues esto es lo mas importante de todo : A pesar de todo los follones que puedan existir en la Faccion Española, el grupo Español siempre ha sido honrado con su palabra dada. La Faccion es todo lo que quieres, pero es sobre todo un grupo fiable para sus aliados y eso tiene mucho valor en el War server. Gracias por perpetuar esta tradicion de lealtad, es solo un juego pero hay actos que significan mucho. (no veo porque Suecia se molestaria a mencionar este hecho si no fuera la realidad) Aqui esta el real valor de la Faccion y es muy bueno que el servidor lo reconozca.
  8. It's been a good while since we saw a 25 slots battle filled by a single clan, not 25 shallows... Gentlemen, Prussia looks as the most impresive Faction growth from the wipe thx to the KRAKE clan. Good stuff for the server. What is the secret of KRAKE's to gather so many players and keep them unified on long run ? Rusia managed to federate several clans on same stream while Prussia has managed to build up a really consistent single clan. Chapeau !!
  9. Hey all, As I try to comply the campaign in General division level, which is very serious !! In order to preserve soldiers life, we know that every single step in campaign are extremely sensitive with huge consequencies. That's why I come here to ask about the necessity or the reason to keep the first battle stage (not the small skirmish to cross the bridge) of Chancellorsville. With a specially built division of the Avant-guard, (the mission is to take 2 Southern confederate positions) I can capture those 2 positions in time, see screeny below: Why should the battle continue further if I fullfiled the mission ? Why does this battle stage exist if anyway the battle has to carry on ? I always played this battle stage previously by doing nothing, not loose a single man as it's helpless for that long multi-stage battle. Thx for your possible explanation.
  10. Personalmente os aconsejeria de buscar un trato con los Prusianos. Cuando la Faccion Española tiene su arma magica "el espiritu de Mantua" como ultimo muelle, no se si hay un semejante espiritu entre clanes Holandeses...es que pasan muchos clanes nomadas en VP, se quedan un tiempo y se piran. Pregunta: Teneis un clan [LIONS] y los Prusianos tambien ?! Igual hay demasiados alts en esta Faccion ? Suerte !!
  11. Hola Reconquista, Gracias por tu post, esta bien explicado y siempre es bueno conozer las condiciones de jugadores Españoles fuera de la Faccion. El problema es el consejo Holandes donde cada clan tiene que respetar una decision "unanima". Ocurre que hoy sois pocos clanes quedando os en Holanda y los que quedan, que sean activos o no, tienen un voto. Me parece que la historia de esta Faccion siempre a sido : Faccion comerciante y de crafteo en su principio, Holanda ha tenido repetidas temporadas de vacillo, casi desaparecia del mapa, y temporadas de reconstruccion con la llegada de nuevos clanes ambiciosos (uno recordara los 7UP y su lider impetuoso). Prusia tiene viento en popa estas ultimas semanas, me parece razonable conseguir un acuerdo con ellos visto que esteis en un rincon del mapa. Si no, teneis que votar de nuevo y contemplar otras posiciones : una neutralidad ? un pacto de cooperacion con Suecia o Rusia ? Prusia se proclama neutral frente al conflicto Sueco/Ruso, eso tiene su importancia. La logica geografica y politica pondria un pacto con Suecia mas coherente, terminando con las amenazas Españolas y posiblemente ofreciendo un alto al fuego con Prusia. De hecho Suecia y Francia os pueden ayudar de manera reactiva. Un pacto con Rusia podria garantizar una postura amigable de los Prusianos pero la region vuestra estaria muy presionada desde el Este. Si vuestra Faccion a perdido muchos jugadores desde luego teneis que ser muy prudentes y optar para una postura razonable hasta poder reconstruir vuestro playerbase Holandes. Gracias por exponernos vuestra situacion, Suerteee !
  12. Since Spain has decided to join Sweden in the current coalition war, it is nice to see Spanish fleets being deployed else where than Spanish waters. It is a positive evolution in general RvR. Thank you to those who made it possible/feasible. Let's hope we'll see more territories being handed over to small (friendly) Factions, it's healthy for every one. How about Danes getting some safe ports in the Gulf ? How about France with new ports in important strategical map area ? These two Factions should certainly appreciate fresh air (waters) since they are slowly strangled in their home waters. I guess it would improve the RvR since both Factions include a good bunch of active players, like it has happened to Spanish Faction. Cheers Frog
  13. Ya sabemos que hay muchos casos de tacticas que se encuentran al limite de las reglas, de hecho cerca de ser abusos o exploits. Sabemos tambien que las nuevas mechanicas suelen revelar fallos, y siempre hay jugadores que acaban por utilizar aquellos fallos de manera logica. El post del tribunal tiene importancia superior al contexto del RvR, sin mas. Esta tactica puede simplemente convertir un puerto inatacable con cooldown repetitivos.
  14. Hola Jorge, Zapa posted in english, so i guess it's better to carry on debating in english in this thread. I know your reply was spontaneous 8)) cheers m8
  15. Let's try again in case someone missed it.
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