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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2017 in Posts

  1. Still digesting the core...but to help the business model, sell us for RL $ (or and rewards for amazingness) Sail decal's, Figureheads, Adornments, Colour Skins and Ship Names. Do iiiiiiiiiiit. Ya know, Elite Dangerous $2 for a skin, 2$ for a decal, $3 for a combo etc.
    11 points
  2. Macjimm, truth be told just before I attacked you I tried hitting an Indiaman with an escort ai but ended up pulling in 3 SOL's and another Trinc with the giant ROE circle. You just happened to come along when there wasn't any fleets around....which there honestly is quite a few of typically. I really was only hoping you had some crafting resources not the trade goods you were carrying. Next time you are on hit me up and I'll give you your lost money back!
    9 points
  3. After waiting days In Port Carlisle for the prices of my investment in Lancashire Iron to improve I set out in my trader Brig for Port Morant. I had my head up was watching vigilantly. I noticed a small Pirate Lynx that passed me heading west as I rounded the point east of Carlisle. She came about and shadowed me to our stern on our heading. With my fleet of a cutter and lynx and the proximity of several healthy British war ships, and our capital, I was not seriously concerned about the little pirate. Then as I was on approach to Morant ... a Trincomalee charged out from Port Royal our west bearing down on us. From the Ships Log DAY 1 13:30hr 22:05rt Steady w-WNW Pirate Lynx bearing E - Heading E on our stern. She maintained this course and steadily gained. After a few hrs a Pirate Trincomalee also came up fast from west out of the the inside passage (SE of Port Royal) It was Blackjack Morgan. He slowed on approach to match my slower speed and engaged. First as I sat with no canvas he did nothing. Then as I started to move he fired some shot into my sails I ordered my fleet to escape and dropped my sails. Morgan approached our portside for boarding and I ordered all crew to the sails and repair. In spite of the horrendous damage to the sails they repaired them with lightning speed as if by magic. Ordering full sails I tried first bearing away to the east but the Trincomalee was much too fast so I turned to starboard and tested the ship on a beam reach. Still we were much much slower. Then Morgan connected a volley with our main mast and carried her away. We hailed him and indicated that we surrender and he replied to do so formally. We did. And In a heartbeat I was alone on the ocean. My ship, my fleet and Morgan was gone. My losses were very high. Over $200,000 which is the majority of my investment. I have not counted the losses to manpower. (Officers and crew). Now although I blame myself entirely, I do wonder if it does not seem reasonable to expect some level of protection in the home waters so close to our Capital. Are these pirates permitted to operate with total impunity, entirely unopposed.
    8 points
  4. Where did the idea of elimination of the hostility mechanism come from? Perhaps it still needs refinement, but to return to the bogus flag mechanism is moving the wrong direction. Hostile AI was widely despised for wasting our time. The game will fail if you waste our time.
    8 points
  5. This kind of crap is why admin is more than a little inclined to stop communicating with us testers. There's ways of saying this without going out of your way to paint the devs as idiots. Ask for clarification, say you hope they reconsider, state your preferences, be frigging civil about it. Pretend you're talking your grandmother or something. PS - This isn't directed just at you Ned. This is more of a blanket rant. There's a ton of people in these forums that routinely spout off at the devs like they're leaving snarky comments in Reddit. NA is a game, but the devs are not fellow gamers you can talk smack to and expect it to just roll off.
    7 points
  6. The good: -Raids -True Pirate mode The awful: -Eliminating hostility, you "buy" a port battle? How does this create gameplay? How does this create immersion? -Return of Lord Protector just about ruins this game for anyone not in Euro time zone. At least players around GMT have the ability to wake up in the middle of the night if they want to PB for an American time zone port. People in American time zones do not have the same option to simply take off work in the middle of the day to PB on European time. The idea that all timezones are equal for a Lord Protector system is inherently flawed. -NPC changes. AI should never attack players on a PvP server. That is why we play on a PvP server, to fight other players!! Back when NPCs still had aggro, it would ruin PvP to have to dodge ridiculous AI tags from ships that posed no actual threat of harm or fun. There has NEVER been a PvP fight that was enhanced by the sudden addition of an AI ship, "elite", or not. Now we have to deal with this again. Why???
    7 points
  7. Content plans for 1H of 2017 We will keep it short and only focus on new features or important points Admiralty Certain activities will provide marks of victory, honor, conquest that you will be able to convert to exclusive content or buy other activities. Hostility system will get dropped and port battles will be arranged by purchasing them in the admiralty (simliar to the old assault flag system but without exploitation). Lord protectors might return to provide some clarity for port battle timers. Mission changes We believe the game was actually better before missions existed. As a result missions might turn into dailies. Hopefully we have enough time to tie them to admiralty orders and admiralty related organizations which will provide their own missions. Raids Raids will be implemented. Pirate mechanics reversals Pirates will be able to attack each other again. We found the way to eliminate exploits in levelling or hiding. Implementation of rookie zones and later admiralty events now allows us to do it. Pirates attacking pirates will create a unique FFA instanced battle. We are not sure yet if we want to split pirates into two groups The Pirate Republic of Nassau under black flag acting as nation and Outlaws – real pirates under red flag of Moody with no Capital. Smugglers might get disabled. Initial goal of smugglers was to provide risky trading with enemy nations, but exploit fixes made this feature something else. Officers Officers will be removed and will perks will moved to the Captain him/herself. Officers might return in the future in a more traditional role and implementation. We are also considering a reset/retire option for veterans who will be able to retire, and start a-fresh continuing a dynasty. NPC changes Bots will change and will start changing from January. Privateers will be added to the OW attacking players and traders in enemy waters. Elite NPC captains will also sail around and join battles from time to time (like before release) User Interface changes Self-explanatory Localization into main European and Asian languages Self-explanatory Final player ship voting event - previous voting can be found in the shipyard. American ship pack Kickstarter event. We constantly receive requests to improve USS Constitution to the level of new ships like Endymion. Constitution was the second ship we built in NA. To make it happen we will arrange a Kickstarter to fund this project. The Kickstarter will also contain additional US based ships on stretch goals. If this event is successful we will set up such events for other underrepresented national vessels too. Content tuning, fixes, improvements of current features Community relations heads up In 2016 we have been very active on the forums, responded to you multiple times a day, participated in the discussions, argued with you and sometimes fought with you. We found that our openness/directness started to be used against us, sometimes because of us. We will be doing some changes in the way we talk and discuss things with the community. 2 Half of 2016 development list is here Once we get more clarity on the estimated time to code everything in we might provide the list split into monthly patch plans.
    6 points
  8. Капитаны, в данном списке в основном представлены новые элементы геймплея и важные моменты, которые мы хотим донести до вас. Адмиралтейство. Различные действия в игре будет вознаграждаться знаками отличия - побед, чести и завоеваний. Знаки отличия можно будет обменять у адмиралтейства на эксклюзивный контент или получить одобрение на другие виды деятельности. Механика генерации напряжённости уйдет в прошлое, вместо нее игроки смогут назначать портовые битвы, получив одобрение у адмиралтейства - аналогично механике с покупкой флага, но без эксплойтов и с двухдневной задержкой. Лорд-протекторы также, возможно, вернуться в игру, регулируя таймеры портовых сражений. Изменения миссий. Мы считаем, что игра была интереснее без миссий. Возможно, текущие миссии превратятся в ежедневные квесты. Мы надеемся, что у нас будет достаточно времени связать их с приказами от адмиралтейства. Помимо этого, возможно, будут организации, связанные с адмиралтейством, которые будут давать свои собственные задачи. Рейды. Механика рейдов будет добавлена в игру. Изменения, связанные с пиратами. Пираты вновь смогут атаковать друг друга. Ввод в игру зон для новичков и запланированные приказы адмиралтейства позволили создать механики, которые исключают злоупотребления (прокачка, укрытие в сражении), связанных с атакой пиратов друг друга. Подобные сражения будут стартовать в уникальном режиме "Все против всех". Мы еще не определись, хотим ли мы делить пиратов на два типа - пиратскую республику с текущим флагом пиратов, которая сможет заключать альянсы (т.е. вести себя как нация) и пиратов-изгоев с красным флагом Кристофера Муди, у которых не будет столицы. Возможно, мы уберем механику контрабандистов. Изначально механика контрабандистов задумывалась как возможность торговать с врагами с риском потери своего корабля и груза. Однако, после исправлений эксплойтов, данная механика перестала соответствовать тому, ради чего она создавалась. Офицеры. Офицеры будут убраны, перки от них перейдут непосредственно к капитану. Возможно, в будущем они вернуться в игру в другой, более историческом, воплощении (ближе к сингловым Корсарам). Также мы рассматриваем дать возможность капитану-ветерану уйти на пенсию, тем самым создав династию и начать играть за нового участника фамильной династии, получая ветеранский ранг (что-то похожее на ветеранскую механику в Counter-Strike) Изменения НПЦ. Первые изменения, связанные с НПЦ, будут в январе. В открытый мир добавятся каперы, которые будут атаковать игроков и торговцев во вражеских водах. Также появятся элитные НПЦ, которые будут иногда заходить в сражения или появляться в них и событиях (как это было до выхода в ранний доступ). Интерфейс и локализация. Будет разрабатываться новый интерфейс. Игра будет переведена на основные европейские и азиатские языки. Голосование по кораблям. Будет создано финальное голосование по кораблям - предыдущие голосования можно посмотреть в подфоруме Shipyard. Кампания на Kickstarter - американские корабли. Мы постоянно получаем просьбы об улучшении модели USS Constitution до уровня недавно введенных моделей кораблей, к примеру - HMS Endymion. USS Constitution был одним из первых кораблей, которые мы создали в NA. Мы организуем кампанию на Kickstarter для финансирования улучшения модели корабля. В кампанию, помимо модели USS Constitution, в качестве дополнительных целей, будут включены и другие корабли американского флота, которых нет в игре. Если идея окажется успешной, также будут организованы кампании для кораблей других наций. Изменения в отношениях с игроками. На протяжении 2016 года мы активно общались с игроками, иногда даже споря или воюя с вами. Мы пришли к выводу, что данная открытая модель общения в основном играет против нас, иногда причина в этом - сами мы. В новом году модель общения с игроками будет изменена. Прочие вещи. Исправления багов, прочая доработка текущих механик, балансировка. Предыдущий план по разработке игры на вторую половину 2016 года находится здесь. Как только мы определимся с примерным временем, необходимым для разработки всего контента, возможно, мы предоставим план с разработкой по месяцам.
    6 points
  9. Players are warned to avoid such behaviour. We will provide different mission resolution. We found the way to solve this problem by design. The Case is closed.
    6 points
  10. Sweet. Jesus. People. Its CLEARLY NOT PAY TO PLAY.... Its saying if enough people are interested in UPGRADING a ship that many of us wish looked better, they will do a Kickstarter to update and replace it in-game for EVERYONE. If you dont want to, you certainly do not have to contribute. Do you not understand how that works? But more likely, its the same people who cry holy hell about having to contribute a little something will be the first ones to use it once its introduced and say how great it looks.
    6 points
  11. Mostly good changes, but the removal of missions is a bad idea IMO. Sometimes we only have half an hour, so we just want to jump in and have a relatively quick PvE fight. I see why that shouldn't be required to building hostility, but it is not in the way of anything, it is just an extra option for players. They just need some more diversity in ships and starting positions. Why would you remove that?
    6 points
  12. I paid $39.95 for NA, and I guarantee you that paid for minutes of development time. I don't know what the dev team size is, but I'd guess probably 3-4 people minimum. Just for perspective - back in the day 20 years ago, yeah 20... I was paid on salary but it worked out to about $25 an hour. When I became a manager it went to over $30. I would also venture a guess that GameLabs isn't operating out of anyone's garage. You want more perspective - Google how much it costs to lease decent office space. Add in other overhead like paying the people in charge, computer equipment, office support staff & supplies, utilities etc. Having a workplace isn't cheap. So - just to drive the point home. A 4 person dev team working in an office is going to run north of $300 an hour to keep the seats filled and the lights on. Think how the devs feel - now that after been given FAR more than what was targetted, some ppl in here are squawking blue murder about a voluntary kickstarter event for *some* players to help fund the effort to craft even *more* than the 38+ ships we currently already have. This dose of reality has been brought to you by a former software developer and manager with some clue as to what he's talking about.
    5 points
  13. Cash Grabbing....REALLY? Let's calm the freak down people. The bottom line is Game labs is a BUSINESS. To STAY in Business they need to make money....GASP! NOT MONEY! THE ROOT OF ALL EVILS.... If they do not make money they close up shop, they shut down servers and then what are we all going to do? Dream about the thousands of hours we played Naval action? Do this. Take the amount you paid for naval action then divide that by the number of hours you have played. Is the hours of entertainment worth what you paid? For me, with over 4K hours playing I've paid less than a cent per hour of play time. A dang good deal. Game labs has not made another cent since I purchased my copy a few years ago, but I have continued to benefit from playing a game that I love. So hellya I'm willing to pay more to help development of Naval action. How much development time do you think your purchasing of Naval Action paid for? One hour? two? What is game labs going to do when they can no longer pay for more development? Either they find ways to make more money or they SHUT DOWN.
    5 points
  14. имао продажа красок ,носовых фигур,кормовых галерей и ПРЕДОПРЕДЕЛЁННЫХ разрабами флагов и парусов (не дай б-г это будет отдано мододелам и всем подряд) принесёт больше профита чем твинкопродажа и спонсирование штатовских кораблей
    5 points
  15. Spanish ensign captured at the Battle of Trafalgar, belonging to the San Ildefonso. The flag had been hung in the crossing of St Paul's Cathedral during Admiral Nelson's funeral service on 9 January 1806. San Ildefonso was captured after only an hour of action in the battle. The ship came under heavy fire from the Revenge and Defence, together shooting away her mizzen and main masts. With 34 dead and 126 wounded, she surrendered to the Defence. San Ildefonso was one of only four prizes captured by the British at the Battle of Trafalgar, along with the Bahama, Swiftsure and San Juan Nepomuceno, surviving the storm that followed the battle. She was used as a store ship and broken up in 1816.\ Source: http://www.rmg.co.uk/content/identifying-san-ildefonso-flag
    5 points
  16. I kind of like the idea of AI attacking on the open seas, no more AFK sailing. What I do not like is AI being able to enter a battle, if I read it right.
    5 points
  17. These puns are to much, I need a drink. Does anyone have some Meade?
    5 points
  18. Don't be so hasty with those puns or you might get an Early ban. Yeah, that's what I got.
    5 points
  19. Gentlemen, please remember that the road of puns is a Longstreet to travel.
    5 points
  20. Just spent half hour composing a detailed reply to this only for the whole thing to vanish.So the condensed version. I think pve and pvp can complement each other so i wouldn t like to see missions vanish entirely. I think rework the hostility rather than reintroduce the flag system. perhaps keeping hostility missions open and higher the hostility the more accurate the location of the mission is shown on the map to all players. Threre s definitely a market for cosmetic microtransactions, sails,banners,figureheads as well as paints. Let s be passionate about what we want without resorting to being impolite to each other.If everyone is talking but noone is listening then there will never be a constructive conversation. Ultimately this game will never 100% fulfill all of our desires but that doesn t make it a bad game.
    4 points
  21. На ру форуме нам удалось найти баланс прямоты (когда можем друг друга обложить, забанить, разбанить а потом выпить) на ру форуме ничего не изменится
    4 points
  22. This would be my suggestion to the DEV team: We have tested flags and we have tested hostility....Both have their problems and both have their merits. Can we not work with what works for both to come up with a combination of the two that plays to their good points and increases PVP? This is what I propose: Raids are triggered by purchasing flags like the old system. Raids are used to generate the hostility to trigger a port battle, the amount of hostility generated depends on what is accomplished during the raid. PVP kills/capture generate (or loose) some amount of hostility, destroying buildings do the same. 48 hours after hostility hits 100% a port battle is triggered.
    4 points
  23. NA is not a game yet...We are testing a project. As long as we understand that important detail, we can assume that our satisfaction (i mean, us, the testers) is not the goal of the dev team. Their goal is to reach an acceptable gameplay balance by progressively keeping or rejecting features in order to "finally" get the relevant marketing basis of an official NA game to be released. Dev cannot take into account our wishes, they just utilize our comments, suggestions & reports. they own that project, we don't. However, We testers, paid for participating to that project, We gave creditability to it. So as a mark of gratefulness, could you please give us clear feedback about what main features have become final (there must be some) ? Today I'm still confused about what final NA game will look like: - Port battles = finalized ? - Hostility system = not finalized - Pirate features = not finalized - Economy & trading = ? - Ship crafting system = ? - XP systems = ? - Diplomacy & alliance system = ? - Mapping & nations geography = ? - +++ Thank you
    4 points
  24. В условиях информационного вакуума ничего иного и не получится. Разработчики для меня этакий черный ящик - сигнал в него подаётся, в ответ ни гу-гу, потом вдруг что-то вываливается, причём совсем не то, чего ожидалось, зачастую и без описания - сиди и исследуй.
    4 points
  25. Pirates should work at clan level, By default all pirates are enemy to each other and enemy to nations, but clans of pirates can create "coalitions" and become friends between each other while remaining enemy with all other nations and pirates Split pirates in 2 nation make pirates content even worst then is now (if is possible lol) since pirates lack of numbers and inability to have allies make impossible to contest ports vs coalitions. Pretty much pirates for work need to have their own political structure, wich is more an internal pirate thing then the rest, while nations can offer for money to be allied with a certain pirate coalition exactly like they vote now for be allied between nations. is obvious that if pirate coalition z accept to be payd and be friend with spain for 2 week, cant accept proposal from enemy of spain during that period But this require a lot of different pvp content, wich now is 90% only pb, from wich pirates are excluded simply becouse they cant compete vs coalitions, Pirates mainly live from ow pvp, so raids mechanics must have a big sense before splitting pirates to be even less significant.
    4 points
  26. Perhaps, next time, arrive Early and find a nice Hooker. If you get along with her, perhaps you can Battle between the sheets for Seven Days.
    4 points
  27. Good pun, I'll Grant you that.
    4 points
  28. Well .... You know, if you've seen one Johnston, you've seen them all.
    4 points
  29. Name me a Age of Sail game that comes close to the quality of Naval Action. The combat is amazing, we have a really nice ship variety and it looks gorgeous. Tweaking needs to be done in this stage of development. But for an alpha it's one hell of a game.
    4 points
  30. People paid for this: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=259130636 A promise that new things like ships would be added to the game forever was never made, nor is it reasonable. Paid expansions are completely normal in video games - additional ship packs can be thought of as paid expansions if you like. Either way, this idea that somehow the community is entitled to new things forever at no additional cost is a fallacy.
    4 points
  31. Why is it still a thing to force people to pve? Even now the big circle makes most pvp fights to a stupid pve shooting. Why we get everythime so many features destroying clean pvp? Its a good suggestion for a pve server but a wrong decision for the pvp server. Remember the time as AI fleets were agressive and how many people complained about it that pvp turned to a pve fest and it wasnt possible to sail some miles especially in front of ports without getting attacked by AI. For me i left every instance as i got attacked by Ai and it was just annoying because i want to pvp and not to pve.
    4 points
  32. For the first time in a while, France has a clan with more than 1 or 2 people in it. SINK. As of today, we have 5 clan members and are looking to recruit additional players into France. This clan is initially focused on developing new players and getting them promoted in rank / crafting level as quickly and effectively as possible. If you are looking to change nation, please contact me or any of the SINK clan members for help moving across to France. ElricTheTwo for France on PvP2, or message me on this forum. Any donations to the French rebuilding cause would be welcomed... Ships, redeemables, BP's... anything that would help (like a few regions for crafting - hint, hint)....
    3 points
  33. After spending hours sailing around empty PVP events looking for any players I'd like to make a suggestion. Please give a few points for time spent in the PVP event area, this would make going to the PVP event worthwhile even if you can't find any other players. To avoid someone exploiting the mechanic, require the the ships to remain near the center of the PVP event to get the points.
    3 points
  34. Protesto enérgicamente!!!!! Para poner en evidencia a Lobogris, ya nos bastamos la nación española. Si los piratas queréis denunciarlo, tenéis que llevároslo primero.
    3 points
  35. A player can capture NPC Wappen von Hamburg and get random properties, this is not a bug or exploit. Perhaps random properties will be reworked in future but right now it is how mechanic works.
    3 points
  36. How's the weather out there? Should I put on my Hood?
    3 points
  37. No, the other one. The fence is more of a Pickett.
    3 points
  38. Is that the one with the Stonewall around it?
    3 points
  39. Follow the Longstreet to the tavern on the Hill.
    3 points
  40. I actually think SC has a better model for player interaction and funding... hell ... I have a hangar full of ships there waiting for release so have 10 times more money in that game than the measly funding required here. Devs should also visit the SC site to see a different way of both funding AND presenting results and plans
    3 points
  41. No hack/exploit there. If a ship is controlled by AI (EG, Player AI Fleet - Or captured player ship on which you have put some crew). Then when you capture the ship off the AI, the ship will change quality to a random build.
    3 points
  42. True, but without puns we'd be left in the Wilderness.
    3 points
  43. General Lee speaking, I'd prefer if people kept their Johnston's on the south side of the Tennessee
    3 points
  44. Something needs to be made clear that wasn't addressed in this post. The game community needs to know if/when (round about time) there will be a wipe. As a clan leader I have many people waiting to know. In your plans for the first 1/2 of the year you have not mentioned it. No doubt there are Hundreds of players that are waiting for the wipe to come back to the game. The wipe rumor is wiping out the player base. we need to know when/if this is planned. Would like to hear it from an admin not a moderator pls.
    3 points
  45. The six month roadmap is very discouraging in several ways to include the potential for play-to-win and the developers becoming frustrated over the feedback from testers. I remember many times in reading the forums how we are ONLY testers and the game is still in beta. For the developers to walk away from our feedback at this point in time is dangerous to say the least. I am also deeply concerned over the lack on new content in the game and the appearance that the game is no closer to going "live" than it was months ago. Specific comments on features: 1.Admiralty - looks like another rework of the Port Battle system. Is this the proverbial third strike? Certainly the current system has pretty much reduced port battles to a rarity and any improvement in both quality and quantity would be greatly appreciated. Personally, I recall the summer port battles as both engaging and fun with lots of fighting and screening. I would not mind getting back to that period even if it includes some sort of flag mechanic. Screening for port battles nowadays is pretty much a waste of time. 2. Missions- really? better before missions? Not sure where you are getting your feedback but try again. You have a function that works in the game but you are going to delete it because you don't like it. Sure missions are boring and it is a grind to level but without missions how are you going to level? Dailies could be fun with the right incentive but I doubt they will be anything more than fancy missions. If it ain't broken don't fix it. Please expand on why you think missions are bad? 3. Raids - okay this could be fun and perhaps new content but without more information hard to tell. 4. Pirates - do they still exist? Only kidding. Something needs to be done. Personally make a decision pirates are either a nation or independent scallywags and go with it. Right or wrong you will have a position in place and people can decide what to do from there. Remember, you can't please everyone. 5. Officers - why change things? Again, what is broken with officers? The mechanics work and they do add variety to the game. 6. NPC changes - I hope this includes the return of traders. NPCs are more of a graphics enhancement (nice to see other ships sailing) than anything else. The elimination, almost, of solo traders really hurts those who just want to capture a trader for a few minutes of fun and to get their cargo. 7. Kickstarter - bad idea. If we are talking about only the "skins" fine but if you are talking about paying for better quality ships this would be a huge mistake. Many people are already frustrated by the fact that Heavy Rattlers, Aggies, and Ocean Blueprints are not readily available. Personally, I think that all blueprints should at least be available, perhaps not easily obtained, but not by some random luck in an event. 8. The other items are pretty much self explanatory and do not warrant feedback. Bottom line, no new content and breaking things that are not broken simply for the sake of making changes (my two cents since no explanation of why missions and officers are broken). This game had so much potential but I fear it may have peaked this past summer. Also, for those out there who are bemoaning PVE, please realize for this game to work it will take many types of players including PVPers, PVErs, Crafters, big guild types, solo players, hardcore players and casual players. Yes, PVP is fun but if you want a PVP sandbox this game has developed (hopefully) beyond that. There is room for everyone if we think big.
    3 points
  46. Por nosotros encantados de repetirlo. Abandonaste a tus propios aliados. Incluso los Bellonas se quejaron de los "aliados" que habian huido dejandoles abandonados. Te puedo asegurar que sacamos muchos mas puntos de los que perdimos. Despues de esa batalla enganchamos a un español, no diré el nombre, del clan Celti. ´6 vs 1 se le ofreció duelo, lo aceptó. Luchó como un jabato en inferioridad (consti vs endy) mientras nosotros 5 mirabamos (y eso en pleno evento, que nos podría dar kill y asistencias). La batalla terminó en tablas pasada la hora y media. Nosotros (con todo el respeto), no consideramos un 6 vs 1 como venganza ni como combate justo. Linchamiento se ajusta mas. Y ofrecemos duelos (y los respetamos) incluso en evento, donde 2 o 3 asistencias nos vendrían bien. Y sí, nosotros también atacamos a solitarios y los hundimos. Pero no acemos ostentación subiendo vídeos y llamandolo venganza. Vuestra localizacion no sale en el TS. Y era la misma que la suya cuando le enganchasteis. No creo que dar tu posición a tus compañeros sea una practica criticable, además que ni nos dio su posición. En cuanto a este mensaje, Enri solo nos dijo que le habian enganchado cerca de La Navasse, no dió coordenadas. Él iba de camino a unirse al grupo que estabamos cazando por la capital británica (y logicamente por el camino por el que ibamos a volver). Y coincidió que cuando regresabamos vimos que salíais de la batalla. 4 piratas contra 7 españoles. Cierto que llevamos 2 bots, así que teníais un barco mas. Nosotros teniamos una consti y un indefatigable mas pesados, y los españoles algo mas ligero con renomee. El resto endymion por ambos lados. Difícil evaluar el equilibrio, creo que, de los supervivientes el unico que no estuvo a punto de hundirse, fué un bot. Todos los demas, sin la reparacion, se hubiesen ido a pique. Fué una batalla muy entretenida. Este es el otro punto de vista de lo que relatas en tus mensajes. Un saludo a todos, en especial al clan CELTI, muy buena batalla contra Caramon. Vamos a estar recordándosela mucho tiempo.
    3 points
  47. I think that it will affect more than just PVE. It will be much more difficult for new players who join the game on one of the PvP servers to rank up.
    3 points
  48. Its not about shipstats Its about the remodeling of the complete ship. Compare her ingame appearance to the real thing. You will see that we are sailing a "nicer box" (sry for the exxageration) and the real thing looks more like our ingame belle poule in regards to her curves. What I personally dont agree with is the priorisitation of the americans bevore nations which dont even have one single vessel representing them. The dutch nation is not represented and we are talking about a ship bundle for the americans which already make up 20% of the ship lineup. (ignoring the variants - only counting the basic ship models) The danish get one vessel. The swedes, too. The spanish have one vessel. But they did play a role in shipbuilding throughout the 18th century. All in all your changes sound good. One concern: removal of missions. What do the PvE players get in return? Do you keep missions on the PvE server?
    3 points
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