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  1. The Admiralty Connection DLC can only be purchased once per account for $13.40.
  2. Thanks for the answer. 😀😀 It sounds like this required mission may be intended as a tough form of kindness for some players wanting to use the War server. It could act like a barrier to entry and may encourage some to apply for a refund, because they are poorly suited to the competitive PvP of Naval Action. It seems harsh, but it ultimately will be a favor. But it is possible to enjoy the trading, crafting, sailing, sightseeing, and fishing without combat. Perhaps rather than a forced fighting exam we could include a helpful message to use the Peace server. Respectfully, players can have lots of fun in a relaxed environment without combat, unless the test is designed to turn away weak players who are not wanted.
  3. Wow. This is bazarre. I've never had to use discord for any game to receive support. I don't know what a national cluster, or an alliance leader is. I wouldn't know how to find out. Will Game Labs provide a list of national clusters and alliance leaders so that players know how to obtain support, or are player's expected to guess? Doesn't much matter as I've always used the "Ignore" feature to adress offensive players. But if GL wants players to report all incidents of toxic behavior, the process should be clear and easy to understand. Perhaps it would be easier to elimate ALL in game communication and only allow a select few to post on the forums. Let players use third party apps to insult each other, and GL wouldn't have to be involved at all. Crazy times.
  4. Is there no way to bipass the mission and just play the game? Is every new player forced into combat before allowing them to play NA?
  5. This thread is a good read. Pleasant change from the doom and gloom rants of the "dieing" server mythologies
  6. A method to purchase extra dock spaces and outposts is available right now. Check out steam. Lots of dock spaces and outposts are on sale, for $17.37. And there is no limit. Players can buy as much as they want.
  7. Get on Global chat and ask anyone to meet up with you for some combat. They can jump into a battle with you and discuss tactics of your combat against AI. Have fun enjoy learning. This would not work on the War server.
  8. I think the OP must be trolling. It's hard to believe anyone could expect players to stop attacking players on the War server. We have a Peace server for those who dislike getting attacked. Rules for PvP server: 1) Don't risk what you don't want to lose. 2) You will be sunk, captured, and ganked. Repeatedly.
  9. That's brilliant. Seriously. Sending insults by PM, or Nation, or Clan, is still toxic. Players that want to be rude and offensive in a battle can still do so. Glad to hear ignore is fixed. It has been an effective solution for me in Nation, Global and Help for years.
  10. So ... they can still send toxic insults in a battle. Will there be any sanctions to this offending player? Glad to hear that "ignore" is fixed. It is a better solution than removing chat types.
  11. NA is a good game. The ships are very pretty and the graphics are beautiful. Admin is pleased with the combat.
  12. A timeout less than 20 minutes would be very disappointing. I doubt that it is by design. I remember Admin saying that playing AFK is acceptable now. The timeout was implemented when there were too many players for the three servers. When a server was full, new players had to wait to join until the population dropped below 2,000. We don't need a timeout at all anymore, unless the population increases.
  13. Excellent question. Many games do this.
  14. Respectfully, perhaps you misunderstood my post. I don't mind 5 hours of sailing to trade with others. I'm not snivelling about the game, or that you think your ships are better than mine. I disagree with you when you say "It's the same boredom for everybody. But some people do that grind even though it's boring. Others like you don't do it." It's not the same for everyone ... I say some players are not bored, and some never grind. Some players have fun sailing and trading. What you think is a grind might be nice for others. I don't like crafting ships. For me building ships would be a grind. And I would rather do other things that spend a half hour, or 5 hours, gaming in manner that was not pleasurable. This is not life. It's a game. I play games for interest and entertainment. NA is interesting and entertaining. Our Admin is pleased with the combat. The ship, sea and scenery graphics are very beautiful.
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