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Patch 30: General feedback

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59 minutes ago, admin said:

Hotfix was deployed today 19th March

Contents of the hotfix

  • PvP Missions
    • Hunt tasks are now given in groups of ships instead of individual class
      • 1-3rd rates
      • 4-5th rates
      • 6-7th rates
    • rewards are still in the process of balance
  • Tutorial changes
    • Endurance exam player ship replaced from brig to Rattlesnake
    • Endurance exam spawn distance increased from 500 to 800m
    • Final exam player ship replaced from Cerberus to Surprise
  • Fire changes
    • Fire damage to hull and structure reduced
    • Fire spread from getting hit by cannonballs increased
    • You will see ships explode more under focused fire, and they will burn out much slower.
  • Lootable chests contents rebalanced and slightly improved. PVP chests are now the fastest way to acquire books and combo book parts.
  • Solo patrol radius decreased
  • Fixed the bug that occasionally blocked entry to patrol battles (especially in shallow low BR patrol battles)

Excellent. Time to set the world afire. Can't wait to try it out.
Thank you.

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1 hour ago, admin said:

Hotfix was deployed today 19th March

Contents of the hotfix

  • PvP Missions
    • Hunt tasks are now given in groups of ships instead of individual class
      • 1-3rd rates
      • 4-5th rates
      • 6-7th rates
    • rewards are still in the process of balance
  • Tutorial changes
    • Endurance exam player ship replaced from brig to Rattlesnake
    • Endurance exam spawn distance increased from 500 to 800m
    • Final exam player ship replaced from Cerberus to Surprise
  • Fire changes
    • Fire damage to hull and structure reduced
    • Fire spread from getting hit by cannonballs increased
    • You will see ships explode more under focused fire, and they will burn out much slower.
  • Lootable chests contents rebalanced and slightly improved. PVP chests are now the fastest way to acquire books and combo book parts.
  • Solo patrol radius decreased
  • Fixed the bug that occasionally blocked entry to patrol battles (especially in shallow low BR patrol battles)

is it just me or have I only just noticed a change from a previous patch ,,,, but the port battle BR for each port has disapeared  is this a bug or something planned ,,,?


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3 hours ago, admin said:

Fire changes

  • Fire damage to hull and structure reduced
  • Fire spread from getting hit by cannonballs increased
  • You will see ships explode more under focused fire, and they will burn out much slower.


Sounds like a nerf to fireships? Basically less control over the "fire shock" status on your ship, unless you shoot your own fireships I guess... I'd really like to see more effective fireships, not complete BS where they can suicide bomb you with a lynx but rather make fireships more potent.

Have fireships ever been used in a portbattle between two potent high skill clans to any success? When was the last time? Not meant as rhetorical question, I actually don't know but I have never seen a epic RvR win due to fireship tactics, which I find rather sad... Things like mortar brig and fireships really add more depth to combat and mix things up a bit, I think those playstyles should be rewarded more and take more skill. Higher risk / skill but also higher reward / damage.

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5 minutes ago, Sovereign said:

Sounds like a nerf to fireships? Basically less control over the "fire shock" status on your ship, unless you shoot your own fireships I guess... I'd really like to see more effective fireships, not complete BS where they can suicide bomb you with a lynx but rather make fireships more potent.

Have fireships ever been used in a portbattle between two potent high skill clans to any success? When was the last time? Not meant as rhetorical question, I actually don't know but I have never seen a epic RvR win due to fireship tactics, which I find rather sad... Things like mortar brig and fireships really add more depth to combat and mix things up a bit, I think those playstyles should be rewarded more and take more skill. Higher risk / skill but also higher reward / damage.

Not sure I see this as a nerf to fireships....  I see it as perhaps the opposite actually as so many times in the past the ship would sink before detonation.  This change apparently will alllow the fire to spread more quickly, increasing the chances for it to actually reach the magazine.

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4 hours ago, admin said:
    • You will see ships explode more under focused fire, and they will burn out much slower.

Ok we better get some good videos guys , I want to see that focus fire and "BOOMS"........lol  and with my luck it will be me blowing up...lol

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On 3/16/2019 at 12:14 PM, Captain Reverse said:

1) u can leave city and and attack the first comer NPC Fleet. 2 hour and u can kill maybe 3-4-5-6 NPC fleet?

and get invade during 20 min because with a 0 knowledge ship you don’t attack a stronger BR fleet and finaly get sunk by invader’s..

Dev gives new player’s No chance to développe or improve their ship just to please a small number’s of historic player’s..

2) U can go to patrol area. 2 hour and u have 70k damage=10 Combat medal. I give u 100% 

and get ganked after 2 min by 5 player’s In OP ship’s Why you are sailing a shitie one bought to admiralty

3) If u love trading, u can go trade. 2 hour - 2kk reals profit +- 

4) U need ships and craft? 2 hour and u can collect all resurse from nears city

5) Epic Events? 2 hours - this is 1-2 epic events with good chest

6) Maybe u wont RVR for VM? ok, u need 2 day, 2 hours each. DAY 1 - u come flip city. DAY 2 - u come try capture 

easy with your nation and your band of brother...not thé case for thé majority....



YES, THIS IS VERY EASY GAME with many content for 2x hour per day.


just need to turn on the fantasy :)

Hello Sir

Sûre you are one of This hard core player’s Who can find it Easy.

How do you explain thé great success of this 300 player’s Open World....

It’s Time for dev to ask the good question..

Are théy  doing a hard core elite game for 300 (minus alt...) or a fun game for a large number of player were causal could find some interrest and not only be a pray sailing a shittie ship becausebthey can’t get anything else....

Why all this PVP or RVR spécial reward’s ? Bécause your élite status and ego néed to be rencognize ?

PVP hard core gamer’s need to Earn their Life in thé OW..just increase PVP Kill Reals reward.

give reals for any lord defender’s Point 

etc etc

and make everything accessible by real’s 

I am an hold player so i don’t care of farming i havé and can get What i need but i am really bored to see this Nice game destroyed update after update to please a minority..300 player’s ....30 000 on a stupid game like World of Warship’s...

Wake up dev it’s Time to think différent...

You make thé choice of an open see instead of an arena so make your open see attractive and fun and not only an arena for hard core PVP gamer’s

thanks for reading



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Crafting is now pointless.

Why these combat medals? I simply can't craft a surprise until I have 4 medals. Why? This means I have to collect them by PVP but what if I have no ship to participate in these events because I can't craft it -- the dog bites himself in the tail or did I miss something?

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2 hours ago, mikawa said:

Crafting is now pointless.

Why these combat medals? I simply can't craft a surprise until I have 4 medals. Why? This means I have to collect them by PVP but what if I have no ship to participate in these events because I can't craft it -- the dog bites himself in the tail or did I miss something?

CMs are too easy to get, because they now give them in the PvP Zones even for attacking AI....so it negates them being PvP Marks and are actually Combat Marks instead.

1 hour ago, John Hill Regard said:

They want PVP but good ship are becoming rare so player's won't risk them ...so less PVP....

They are doing exactly the opposite of what they should do to encourage PVP ....I'm really obsete...

I watch plenty of streams who always find PvP. I, myself, a crap PvP player always finds PvP every day. Anyone saying PvPers won't risk their ships because of rare woods scarcity are just being too picky about woods. My Oak/Oak Indefatigable picked off a Trinc, an Aggy, and an Endymion in PvP. Certainly not all at once and certainly I took harsh damage, but it works. My Teak/Oak Trinc did great damage against a rat Frig and a Herc, altho we called a truce after much damage on both side. People just need to stop being picky. Either you want to play with what you have or you don't because you want only the best and won't settle for anything else. In that case, may I suggest your nation overtakes the rare wood ports. 

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21 hours ago, admin said:

Fire changes

  • Fire damage to hull and structure reduced
  • Fire spread from getting hit by cannonballs increased
  • You will see ships explode more under focused fire, and they will burn out much slower.


https://youtu.be/OrsgDDKMBs0 🙄💥💣💥

Now I am afraid to fight against a large number of ships. It can not be controlled. Just random 🤔

After patch with new damage system avoid damage is not possible - takes damage structure with masts or board. Now, shooting from any angle will blow you up.

Getting fire shock is easy and you can not hide with him :)

Edited by Moscalb
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9 minutes ago, Moscalb said:

https://youtu.be/OrsgDDKMBs0 🙄💥💣💥

Now I am afraid to fight against a large number of ships. It can not be controlled. Just random 🤔

it's not random and it can be controlled - by another side. 
If you are on fire - every cannonball spreads the burning pieces of wood and cloth around the ship. Enemies if they want you to explode will shoot you to spread the fire faster. Explosion only happens when fire reaches the magazine. 

Previously the fire spread from cannoball hits was low - it was not enough if you were on survival and firefighting actively. Now as an enemy YOU can speed up explosions if you want it. if you do not want the target to explode - do not shoot hull.

Ps. we not sure yet, if it is a greatest feature ever - let's get more feedback in. Looking at your video people love using it ;)

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10 minutes ago, admin said:

это не случайно и им можно управлять - с другой стороны. 
Если вы в огне - каждое пушечное ядро разносит горящие кусочки дерева и ткани вокруг корабля. Враги, если они хотят, чтобы вы взорвались, будут стрелять в вас, чтобы быстрее распространить огонь. Взрыв происходит только тогда, когда огонь достигает магазина. 

Раньше огонь от ударов каннобаллом был слабым - этого было недостаточно, если вы были на выживании и активно боролись. Теперь, как враг, вы можете ускорить взрывы, если хотите. если вы не хотите, чтобы цель взорвалась - не стреляйте в корпус.

Ps. мы еще не уверены, является ли это когда-либо лучшей функцией - давайте получим больше отзывов. Глядя на ваше видео, люди любят его использовать;)

I edited littlebit :)
Random - getting fire. Next you need to hide. If there are more opponents than you, it is almost impossible.

P.s. that is, I worry more for fighting in the minority.

Edited by Moscalb
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39 minutes ago, admin said:

it's not random and it can be controlled - by another side. 
If you are on fire - every cannonball spreads the burning pieces of wood and cloth around the ship. Enemies if they want you to explode will shoot you to spread the fire faster. Explosion only happens when fire reaches the magazine. 

Previously the fire spread from cannoball hits was low - it was not enough if you were on survival and firefighting actively. Now as an enemy YOU can speed up explosions if you want it. if you do not want the target to explode - do not shoot hull.

Ps. we not sure yet, if it is a greatest feature ever - let's get more feedback in. Looking at your video people love using it ;)


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28 minutes ago, Moscalb said:

I edited littlebit :)
Random - getting fire. Next you need to hide. If there are more opponents than you, it is almost impossible.

P.s. that is, I worry more for fighting in the minority.

Why are 2 Russian speaking people communicating with Google translate? :)

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32 minutes ago, Vizzini said:

wtb buckets

I actually have a couple of them, finally get to us them.

31 minutes ago, Anne Wildcat said:

If you are on fire, sail towards your opponents. Maybe they will run from you? I’ve seen it before when fire used to be a thing. 

I remember one time in small battles/dual room I had an inger with firshop fitting.  I would toggle surviva to fan the fire but never go into fireshock.  It was funny cause every one on the other team was running from me the shore fight lol

21 minutes ago, Wyy said:

how can we know where the magazine is?

It’s historical location on each ship.  Not all them had them in the same spot.  I use to light up certain AI ships easly cause I knew where they are located on certain ships.

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34 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

It’s historical location on each ship.  Not all them had them in the same spot.  I use to light up certain AI ships easly cause I knew where they are located on certain ships.

But for people that haven't studied each an every ships magazine location how would they know? (i got a solution, already shared it and No Feedback from admin) 

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