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Patch 25: Open world user interface update.


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7 minutes ago, victor said:

do not worry about NPC gold ships, they are not that thing: still crew + wood type

but i do not worry about npc ships its about the ones that you craft your own..

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Do people not understand what the term Rare means? It means its a low chance on getting it and its all RNG. Strange there are so many complaints on Rare items that do not drop as often when in for example World of Warcraft you run through a specific dungeon houndreds of times for just one Rare item without complaining

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2 minutes ago, Wyy said:

Do people not understand what the term Rare means? It means its a low chance on getting it and its all RNG. Strange there are so many complaints on Rare items that do not drop as often when in for example World of Warcraft you run through a specific dungeon houndreds of times for just one Rare item without complaining

Oh i would complain, which is exactly the reason i do not play games like that

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1 hour ago, Thonys said:
  • Capturable ports now give better chance to build a exceptional vessel.


made some new ships in a capturable harbor but it is disappointing what i got only bleu 3/5 and no 4/5 or 5/5

so no chance at all? or ?? what are the chances ??

Thats the thing with RNG, even with increased chance its still random. For example if you removed another number and put a second 6 on a dice you would have a 2 in 6 chance of rolling a 6 and that is a large increase percentage wise, but you could still roll any other number other than 6 for quite a few throws.

Since the patch I crafted 5 ships, 1 x Pirate Frigate which was 3/5, 4 x Bellona where I got 2 at 4/5 with one having additional heavy rig and 2 at 3/5 with nothing extra. So from my small sample it is a large increase but it is still down to luck.

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Yep. It is a chance of. Meaning "grab the dice and roll good".

From your sample, as small as it is, we can see a good indication of it. Maybe the next days we see a lot of clans moving their stuff to their holdings and clans that do not hold ports going on a Conquest drive to establish their new shipyards.

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Rare should be rare. Captains, please sail 3/5 ships with the perks, books, and mods you possess and don't worry about it.

It's when these rare things become too common that they become OP. 

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16 hours ago, Sir William Hargood said:

Also, generally speaking in battle, after the first broadside, it would be up to each gunner to "fire as you come to bear". Effectively, once in a melee, its something more akin to a continuous random fire. In battle, full broadsides would be for specific occasions, for instance stern raking.

This really depends on the situation. There was a chain of command and individual gun captains would only "fire as you bear" if that order was given by the Captain. In the RN and USN you also had lieutenants in charge of a division of guns. If the ships were maneuvering you'd have more controlled broadsides. If the ships were broadside to broadside you'd more likely have guns firing independently. 

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2 hours ago, Farrago said:

Rare should be rare. Captains, please sail 3/5 ships with the perks, books, and mods you possess and don't worry about it.

It's when these rare things become too common that they become OP. 

Crafted another 2 Bellonas today one was 3/5 with Cramped and the other was 4/5 with nothing extra, so at the moment maintaining my 50% hit rate for 4/5. Will probably go the next few days just getting 3/5's.

Thing is they will become common as people will keep crafting till they get the better ones because the economy is broken that mats, money and labor hours are plentiful. The other side of it is that there should be plenty cheap 3/5's for sale.

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10 hours ago, Knobby said:

Oh i would complain, which is exactly the reason i do not play games like that

then go play a single player campaign game then where nothing is rng and you have to do exact things to gains access to items/abilities.

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10 hours ago, Eleazar de Damas said:

Numbers of days at see disappeared too! ( @Banished Privateer)

As time in day (clock), and click on the port to see the name (entry in PB will be more difficult in some ports)

its in the fleet info tab :)

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1 hour ago, Archaos said:

Crafted another 2 Bellonas today one was 3/5 with Cramped and the other was 4/5 with nothing extra, so at the moment maintaining my 50% hit rate for 4/5. Will probably go the next few days just getting 3/5's.

Thing is they will become common as people will keep crafting till they get the better ones because the economy is broken that mats, money and labor hours are plentiful. The other side of it is that there should be plenty cheap 3/5's for sale.

Which is great because those who don't want the 3/5s and only the better ones sell these 3/5s and then I get some cheaper ships.

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11 hours ago, DeRuyter said:

This really depends on the situation. There was a chain of command and individual gun captains would only "fire as you bear" if that order was given by the Captain. In the RN and USN you also had lieutenants in charge of a division of guns. If the ships were maneuvering you'd have more controlled broadsides. If the ships were broadside to broadside you'd more likely have guns firing independently. 


On 6/24/2018 at 3:53 AM, Sir William Hargood said:

In battle, full broadsides would be for specific occasions...

The Captain would indicate his intentions and his officers would relay the relevant commands.

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39 minutes ago, Sir William Hargood said:

The Captain would indicate his intentions and his officers would relay the relevant commands.

That would be a hugely attractive feature to add to the game.  Sigh ...

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3 hours ago, Macjimm said:

That would be a hugely attractive feature to add to the game.  Sigh ...

Really? I suggested to add that to game? Did you follow the context of the conversation. I think not. doh....

The string of posts was in reaction to: Starting with:

On 6/23/2018 at 1:28 PM, rediii said:

remove stabilized cannons. If your ship rolls midbroadside cannonballs should go where the ship heels to and not like now

On 6/24/2018 at 3:25 AM, Sir William Hargood said:

No!!!! This is not historically correct. A broadside would not be a rolling broadside or random fire as in game. The guns would fire simultaneously for exactly the reason of avoiding the roll. The opposite of what you are requesting. Rather give me a simultaneous fire broadside.

Read all the relevant posts and you may understand the conversation. I'm not going to post them all here. Please do try and keep up!!!

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2 hours ago, Sir William Hargood said:

Really? I suggested to add that to game? Did you follow the context of the conversation. I think not. doh....

The string of posts was in reaction to: Starting with:

Read all the relevant posts and you may understand the conversation. I'm not going to post them all here. Please do try and keep up!!!

You may have misunderstood my post.  It was an expression of preference NOT sarcasm.

I would enjoy the game much more if I could issue commands and my crew would respond, leaving me free to walk the deck and watch the action from the first person view.  

The "sigh" at the end was a sad acknowledgement that my preference will never be realized ... At least not in NA.

Sorry if I did not communicate well.  Tone can be easily misinterpreted in text.

P.S.  I did not think that you had suggested adding this to the game.  It is I who was musing over the addition.

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On ‎6‎/‎18‎/‎2018 at 11:41 AM, admin said:

Update 26th June 2018

  • Additional tunings for the leaks/speed curve
  • Recently killed status visualization is added
  • Fixed spelling on the Open World Map (thanks to players feedback)


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20 minutes ago, NethrosDefectus said:

Sorry, but what is meant by "imported ships". Is this basically referring to the DLC ships? 

"Imported" = other name for "premium" so yes imported is referring to dlc ships

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23 minutes ago, NethrosDefectus said:

Sorry, but what is meant by "imported ships". Is this basically referring to the DLC ships? 

Yep, admin prefers the word "imported" - hence the "strike-through" every time he talks about Premium imported ships. It seems a bit odd but I'm sure there's a good reasoning behind not calling them premium ships despite them being a paid-for DLC that grants players premium content at the cost of real-world money.  And the fact that these ships are refered to as Premium ships on the steam store page. :)

Steam store page description:


Hercules Frigate is a premium consumable ship.

First flagship of Argentina’s Navy has a very rich history. 
She was built in Russia as light ship Legkii (Lightweight), surrendered.........


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1 hour ago, Ink said:

Update 26th June 2018

  • Additional tunings for the leaks/speed curve


Let's imagine that my maximum speed is 13 knots at 135 degrees or -2.5 knots against the wind.

What maximum speed will used in this function?


Допустим моя макс. скорость 13 узлов при курсе 135 градусов и -2.5 узла против ветра.

Какая максимальная скорость будет использоваться в этой функции, т.е. при какой скорости я быстрей утону?

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