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Nations should rally against the Pirates before its too late!

Hornblower V

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We speak again about peace but we didn't get any answer... Is there still someone to speak in name of the dutch nation or have the friend to speak with 10 diplomat to have an idea about what is happening there?

1. The dutch nation is ruled by a council, not a diplomat. If the council has met and there is something new, we let u know.

2. We are still waiting for an acceptable counter proposal, where the french council is behind and not just one diplomat.

3. In french forums it´s clearly readable, that you never wanted to stop the war and still you are making propaganda like this is not a game but a 3rd world war.

4. Based on what I heard, lot of dutchi´s have lost their respect and trust in the french diplomacy. The last arrogant comments and insults towards our nation and ur happiness about that the map becomes more and more black were also not a help at all.


Also funny, at one hand complaining about the forum "blabla" on the other hand making some "forum "blabla", well done kerrib. From my personnel point of view, just do what u said and push us back to Willemstad. Thats makes it easier for us to have a PB fleet again and to kick french asses like we did before when dutch´s were still active in the game. ;)


BTW, we had a rly good laugh about ur "the dutch stopped playing cos of the better fenchi´s" statement. ;)

Edited by praefect
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we changed to pirates to prove the point about it being broken...pretty sure that's more obvious now with 120+ ports and climbing.....


About PVP...... camping the newbie zones seal clubbing is never good for a game.  problem is the brit clans are all camped up in KPR. and don't really sail more than 3 ports.  I have not seen enough of the other nations yet to know but USA is all in east Florida and that's obvious from my limited time up there.  Dutch seem to be spread about but I have to go look.  Vieques was fun for a few days but they tent to fleet up rather than play equal numbers....too much ganking not enough equal combat opportunities....thats a problem too.


All im saying is that to PVP using the existing mechanics is broken.  Port battles are mostly vacant.  we dont have to teleport our ships we normally have heaps of them. our crafting well exceeds our demands however even when we are on the front lines of our ships it is rare to see anything to attack.  you have to basically sailup to their house and kick the door in for them to come play and then they send everything they can because the are feeling threatened at home instead of just getting a comparable fleet together.


You seem to think i have done something wrong to acheive my goal of playing PVP in a PVP game.....yes i have 25+ Port battles in the last couple of weeks and a significant amount of time sailing around the front lines and enemy territory.   Please explain to me how PVP server is providing me PVP when i use the designed mechanics?   Sure you can say timezone but itake ports during the aussie day and the aussie night at the aussie early mornings.....Im spanning timezones..



I simply do not believe this. What exactly did you prove by that? That you can do the same as all the other players who switched to pirates?

You guys were pissed about how things went in your nation and left to the only nation where you could carry over your BPs and stuff easily.

And this is a well known flaw in this game on which I never saw a statement from devs. All they say is pirates will be overhauled, but we are not in need of an overhaul, we need to stop people from doing exactyl what you guys did, turning pirates in 2 clicks, because you want to keep stuff + BPs without too much hassle.


Apparently they ignore this and don´t even comment on suggestions to turn the ability to turn pirate off (by attacking friendlies). It´s not the pirate nation mechanic which is broken...

But well I´m getting tired of repeating it all over again. No point in arguing about all this stuff...it is not my game and I´m not a developer...it is their game so let them do whatever they think is good. I will simply concentrate on more enjoyable stuff and maybe some day, when the players all try to create a more balanced game and the devs care to even comment on suggestions that are deemed necessary by a lot of players, I might invest time again.

Guess I cared too much about the game.

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We speak again about peace but we didn't get any answer... Is there still someone to speak in name of the dutch nation or have the friend to speak with 10 diplomat to have an idea about what is happening there?


Hey Kierrip,


Most players in the Dutch Nation are hibernating. The goals were reached of pushing you guys back and most of us declared it done and over without your consent. You guys were beaten up enough. Most others that are still online will not test RvR further as the game time it demands to maintain a well deserved status quo after a victory is too great and the results after a few months fighting in RvR are good enough leads for the developers to see what they can add or change in future.


So further diplomacy is not needed much, other than keep in touch and perhaps do a battle a few times just for the fun of it; or even watch you guys plough your way to Willemstad this time under much amusement that it took the loss of more than three quarters of our own active players for you guys to be able to get anywhere.


I still have much respect for a lot of French players, good captains, great persons. For the diplomacy side I think it all a matter of trust, not respect that is the issue. Too many misunderstandings due to language and the obvious cultural differences of honour vs. pragmatism.


Still love you guys and best regards,


Lytse Pier

Edited by Lytse Pier
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I simply do not believe this. What exactly did you prove by that? That you can do the same as all the other players who switched to pirates?

You guys were pissed about how things went in your nation and left to the only nation where you could carry over your BPs and stuff easily.

And this is a well known flaw in this game on which I never saw a statement from devs. All they say is pirates will be overhauled, but we are not in need of an overhaul, we need to stop people from doing exactyl what you guys did, turning pirates in 2 clicks, because you want to keep stuff + BPs without too much hassle.


Apparently they ignore this and don´t even comment on suggestions to turn the ability to turn pirate off (by attacking friendlies). It´s not the pirate nation mechanic which is broken...

But well I´m getting tired of repeating it all over again. No point in arguing about all this stuff...it is not my game and I´m not a developer...it is their game so let them do whatever they think is good. I will simply concentrate on more enjoyable stuff and maybe some day, when the players all try to create a more balanced game and the devs care to even comment on suggestions that are deemed necessary by a lot of players, I might invest time again.

Guess I cared too much about the game.


ask the council how many months ago we were telling them we should all go black and force the mechanic to change....


some people got upset, some of us were ready to turn pirates months ago.

Edited by Fastidius
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  Usa got destroyd by 1 clan not the "pirates"    is all a question of organization, wise choices, and determination. 


Dear Vicious,


last time I checked USA is still a Nation, TF and TDA are still clans and we didnt surrender... so what did you "Destroy"?

I must be missing something




Captain Saintjacktar


Australian Flotilla

Tattered Flags

United States




Any faint pretense of dignity. 

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Every post like that delays the pirate mechanics and diplomacy by a month :)

Just by saying the game is dead - you have just delayed the fixes till august. Game have not yet launched - players are playing a testing alpha version. 


I think I will add fishing first instead

Soon there won't be many players left to test.

Btw game is dead, i want a delay till september and food and drink for the crew added instead plus farms as buildings.

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Your nation in 3 months since stars left not have a single victory, i call it a destroyed nation..        TF cant even fill a fleet by yourself, if so, make one and attack pirates cmon try

They didn't have victories? I guess you must be sleeping. They captured enough ports from you. Try to troll again dude.

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nation should have not rally against French at first to ask after the French to rally on them...

French speak like they play, we don't use duble language.

Last week swedish and dutch proposal for peace was everything north grand anse on sweden, everhthing south of cariacou dutch or french-british alliance vs pirate and we could get more ports but not all of them.

You make an ultimatum to us and we refuse your 2 proposal.

The first one because french won't surrender and betray his friends

The second one because french won't surrender and be treat like iroquois or cherokee in US.


First of all we didnt give you ultimatum, just peace proposal,first version for further negotiations

2nd we made step back in proposal on Sunday last week during meeting FRA-SWE-VP, and Swedes took few steps back in demands too,

3rd French didnt made any step back in their demand, new proposal was promised to us and Swedish till Thursday by Kaiir (french diplo), no offer arrived till today (Saturday)

4th I likely wlll continue negotiations with Kaiir, couse he looks like only french diplo who speaks in name of french nation not only one or two clans.

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Every post like that delays the pirate mechanics and diplomacy by a month :)

Just by saying the game is dead - you have just delayed the fixes till august. Game have not yet launched - players are playing a testing alpha version. 


I think I will add fishing first instead

Its attitude like this is killing the game. NA is already practically dead when I first started playing there would be a wait of up to 4 minutes to get in the game with over 2500 in population in the game, Now the server pop at most is 1000 and by 8:00 EDT pop is under 300 that is just the facts. If this dev wants to kill it even more then thats on him

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What will happen if pirates are reduce to what you wish to reduce them to and another nations steamrolls ? You leave the game and start moaning to the devs to give that nation the same treatment ?


Do you think for a second that IF a clan is displeased with a nation it won't change to another ? Wrong. They will and they will fight back just for the sake of proving a point :) after all is a game about war.


It is a social game, wake up. There are no barriers you can erect that will stop players from changing allegiance, spying or backstabbing and even more importantly... organizing themselves to a war.


Pirates are something that will change but they are not the problem. Problem is people giving up and not even showing to fight.


Classic nation chat - "Someone should defend!" or "Anyone going to defend ?" syndromes

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What will happen if pirates are reduce to what you wish to reduce them to and another nations steamrolls ? You leave the game and start moaning to the devs to give that nation the same treatment ?


Do you think for a second that IF a clan is displeased with a nation it won't change to another ? Wrong. They will and they will fight back just for the sake of proving a point :) after all is a game about war.


It is a social game, wake up. There are no barriers you can erect that will stop players from changing allegiance, spying or backstabbing and even more importantly... organizing themselves to a war.


Pirates are something that will change but they are not the problem. Problem is people giving up and not even showing to fight.


Classic nation chat - "Someone should defend!" or "Anyone going to defend ?" syndromes


Hethwill, the problem is that the winning conditions are player defined. This is not a problem if there is a safe hearth to go back to after a great deal of exertion and effort. See of it like you have a great game of soccer, you work hard, do some nasty stuff in the defence, have some nice tricks in the offensive gameplay and then the game ends with a result you deserved. After the showering you go to the clubhome and talk about what happened in the game, the things you liked, the things you could have done but didn't do; all under the enjoyment of some rest and a good drink. Then a few guys of the opposing team enter the clubhome also seeking some refreshments and some nice aftertalk chitchat about the great game you all had commences with a few rounds of ale that were all well deserved.


It has nothing to do with people giving up, it has nothing do to with the shirt you wore during the game (even if it was black with a skull on it), it all has to do with the fact that from your safe clubhome you know that next week the field is there again with a round ball that can go either way and again opponents that made the experience great.


With the last few weeks I have always felt there was no time to enter the clubhome after a shower, drink some ale with my friends and opponents; and wasn't sure which game everyone was playing, but it certainly felt I was a soccerplayer on a tenniscourt. This means the game needs more work in the RvR, not players with different attitudes like you are now suggesting. We all know it and it is perfectly acceptable that the developers, to continue the imagery I set, are still looking a bit around to see whether they set the rules for tennis or for soccer in their RvR game.


Until then, my clubhouse will be in other games a bit.

Edited by Lytse Pier
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We need more trafalgars damnit! On a side note, this game is much more enjoyable if you dont get your panties in a bunch over the little stuff (ports and rvr) and you stop caring about duras. Ships are a commodity to be liquidated for game enjoyment, not to be stashed away. Large fleet engagements are what keeps me playing outnumbered or not. Have no pity for fair weather players who cut and run when the chips are down and they face the possibility of defeat (clowns who "leave" because of pirates). The funniest part is il bet every one of the players making those posts about the devs not listening and the game is dead are the same people who had nothing but praise for the game and devs and preached patience and fortitude 4 months ago. You should understand by now that getting pushed back to a few ports makes the game a thousand times more fun and guarantees constant action. I also understand taking a break, sometimes its necessary, but you don't need to leave a goodbye post shitting on the devs and what they are trying to do because you will be forgotten in a week probably less. This post isn't aimed at anyone in particular just a "bored asf at work rant".

Edited by Potemkin
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Every post like that delays the pirate mechanics and diplomacy by a month :)

Just by saying the game is dead - you have just delayed the fixes till august. Game have not yet launched - players are playing a testing alpha version. 


I think I will add fishing first instead


Even when there is a Smiley and written by an Admin itself - i would say that this is extortion and shows the clearly the way how Admins and or Devs are dealing with the personal meaning of people here in the forum.


And also when an Moderator wrote that he would collect all the names of people which wrote "the game is dead", because the "Pirate problematic is a know problem(?!) since month.


I think an apology would be appropriate. So, Admins/Devs/Moderators are you man enough do to that?

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What do you mean you have no idea when a patch will come? We provide updates every month its even stated in the first announcement on steam.

PS this would be the features if this was rust.

  • Permadeath (you have to restart from 0 on death)
  • Ports are fully robbed on capture (all resources are looted, all ships taken, all buildings burnt)
  • Ships have 1 life
  • No teleports
  • Food, water requirements for you and your crew which dies if you don't have water after 3 days at sea.
  • No NPC traders - all have to be player delivered
  • NO NPC ships - only players!
Can you guys handle this like rust players? We can make an experiment one day. But we know what will happen.

Plz god, i want play this game !!!!!!

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And here comes Lord Vicious with some shit eating comment about how he is infact better than everyone else.....wait for it!....Wait for it!! XD

P.S - Bach you're on Vicious' sphincter like a Goanna drinking arent ya?

SORRY was still US Stars & Stripes when the pacts with Denmark & Spain were made.

That was the doing of the pirate coalition, made up of KOTO, RUBLI and a few others.

ALL HAIL King Kuthera! Who doesn't even play the game anymore.

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Lytse, that is a great assessment of the future development of the game. We shall have that Setup, with time in advance to fight and plan strategies. Hell, even with naval bases and other War infrastructures or mechanics who knows... :)


Everyone agrees, and especially the devs which have all the data in their hands, that the Conquest system is simply raw but we voted for it to change and it is coming right ?


The information is public, the devs explain exactly what they plan to implement for testing. If a interested player tester reads the Admin threads the big picture becomes more clear.


Change is inevitable, that is a fact in a game under development. The cheese is always moved to another part of the maze for us to rediscover to way to it.

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