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Everything posted by charognard666

  1. Oui c'est certain, vous vous ennuieriez sans doute moins sur le PVP, on peut tout a fait jouer pve sur le serveur pvp, suffit d'etre plus prudent pour eviter de se faire chopper
  2. Dieu merci, enfin un capitaine avec de l'humour Serieusement, je suis incapable de discuter de ce qui est bien ou pas pour le gameplay sur le serveur PVE, je trouve que le jeu se prete tres mal a un environement 100% pve pour etre interressant en ce qui me concerne. Mais j'espere que cela changera pour vous
  3. Le monsieur est sur le serveur PVE... Boulet
  4. Dsl j essaye de rester en dehors de cette discution qui ne vole déjà pas très haut mais la on touche le fond... Si vous êtes pas capable de comprendre pourquoi un clan loyal en arrive a se barrer, et en arrivez a penser que c edt pour troller, on peut rien faire pour vous. Demerdez vous entre mougeons, et a bientot pour se fritter la gueule en toute courtoisie en ce qui me concerne.
  5. Personne peut rien faire parce que tu as un probleme software ou hardware, mais sa semble bien etre un probleme software. Si tu ne vois pas d'ou vient le probleme, une belle fresh install de ton windows ne fait jamais de mal de temps en temps et resoud a 99% tous les problemes de ce type.
  6. Reading you is annoying captain, if it say, you need more space, it's simply because you try to TP with too many ships into your actual dock i think. Can you ask or report bug with some calm plz and clear and usefull informations
  7. c'est vraiment etrange.... mais essaye quand meme de faire une regle manuelle sur les ports tcp/udp cité plus haut. Juste desativer le firewall ne suffit parfois pas.
  8. Peut etre une maj de la boxe, essaye d'ouvrir ces port dans ton interface de boxe, et desactive ton antivirus quand tu jous, ca peut aider.
  9. Admin say today, these materials will be add to loot tables
  10. Well you know dutch hunter can do the same ? And we catch 2 pirates surprises using this tactic few days ago without difficulty... Nothing wrong here, just you can't successfully stop them cause a certain lack of... something.
  11. i think agreements and diplomacy is a big part of the RvR, sometimes more important than any Port Battle... You are working for your nation, and PB's and war are just one side of how growing your nation. No ? If you can't gain a battle by strength must'n you try anything else ? You need CM, you can't win them, well find agreements and some allies...
  12. Have verified your game files ? Have utried to let the game running something like 5-10mins ? When it happen to me, it take a little time, but after some mins, i was unstucked.
  13. I totaly understand, i'm not born today and it's not my first EA ! But when feedback and suggestions hurt the concept of a game, you reach the critical point of acceptable feedback/ suggestions.
  14. Well no i will not asked anything, there thousands of games waiting to be test or played. NA is in EA and it is in my library, if tomorrow there are 100ppl or if i'm bored or if an another game call me, what's the problem ? Are u dying irl with a game lol ?
  15. We aren't guilty because guys buy a game with slow progression and time consuming, but ppl can't ask forever to change the game to make it fitting to them. Well it's not arrogant, it's obvious, game is hardcore, a simple fact. It's not your taste, i have no problem with this statement, and i respect it. Anyway, what i love with NA, Devs make the game they want, we can agree with it or not, but i like this politic and at the end, we'll see if enough ppl are ok with them and make the game living. Actually, we have +1000 online players all nights, it's cool. Even if the game die, there no reasons for drama, we'll simply move on another game with memory of the thousands of hours passed on NA
  16. lol, it's funny how ppl who don't want dedicate time for video games can be arrogants, and have assumption on others... You haven't time ? Not my fault, if you have only few hours by week, you'd better to stay stick on console games or solo games. Try NA legend, it'll fit better to your life and time. About me, i'm a worker since my 19 and i'm actually 40, with a wife, 2 kids, a full time job taking 9h of my life every days, and for information, i have a real life with friend and a big garden with a big pool and a nice car But, unlike you, i know find time to play games i like
  17. Really, trading need a thread and a guide Oo ? But, may be it'll make more full traders on the commercial routes
  18. Because Darwin ? NA is a niche game, difficult, with grind, where soloyers will have an hard life... I don't think we need to adress anything. We need polish the game, make tune on mechanics, and ADVERTISING the game for what it is. By the way, all casuals and instant action fun and gratz will stay away, and don't post bad reviews. My 2 cts.
  19. I'm really hostile with the "ship grind" system. And for now, i'll don't unlock a single slot until all our clan economy was fine and my bank account full, may be after, if Devs haven't remove this system i'll take the time to sail all ships... But really, i'm fine with the ship XP system, the only problem is the need to sail a ship in order to unlock the next... Devs can make ship XP longer to gain, but the actual system is really a pain.
  20. Well, if you can update it, but, plz, let the trader tool in game, it's really usefull for trading.
  21. You'll really don't take the mark now ? Well, you re a gentleman captain.
  22. Intention isn't a crime. I can want to kill you, or plan it, but it's not a crime until i effectively kill you, or try
  23. Useless with pirates or any hunter, cause he'll sunk you, loot you and get the Mark... Or cap your ship... What's the point to trade with your encounter, he have nothing to win by dealing with you, because he can simply take all The part concerning the cargohold transfer between allied ships is an interesting suggestion.
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