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Everything posted by Macjimm

  1. Staun, You explained that very well. So many players complain about fast and elusive raiders running right up to Capitals and attacking traders, newbies, etc. You explain how a coast guard can patrol and be an effective deterrent to raiders. I see no griefing here. If we allow raiders a foolproof way to attack and escape, deep in enemy territory, there will be no countermeasure to raiding.
  2. I would be grateul if someone could be kind enough to explain the problem with F11 and how it is abused?. I'm not playing stupid. Seems like most people find it way to complicated to use co-ordinates. Are griefers exceptionally smart?
  3. Two player game Each player owns an opposite side of a chess board. A coin toss decides who moves first. One checker is placed in one of the center 4 squares of a standard chess board. Each player can move the checker any direction one square. Players alternate turns, of moving the checker one square, for 5 moves each. If the checker is moved to a square adjacent to a players side, the player who owns the side gets a prize. The player that gets a prize moves second on the next match. I read this whole thread and can't understand how anyone can be forced to stay in game. I often don't have time to play for hours. Seems like the way to succeed is so obvious.
  4. While I wholeheartedly agree with you, but the number of players who play Call of Duty, Rainbow 6 and Battlefield obviously like fighting for no other reason than ... to fight. There are tens, to hundreds, of thousands of people playing those games at any given moment, and they are not likely interested in any content ... except to fight. Perhaps some of those millions who enjoyed those games are here in the NA community. I think we may be outnumbered.
  5. This is bang on. I would like this solution. But apparently if we have a map grid we will use it to abuse each other. I'm not being sarcastic, but understand the grid promotes ganking. I could be confused but think that the grid was removed to reduce abuse.
  6. True. But if I turn off chat I'm at a disadvantage. If I do not use transparent sails I'm disadvantaged. I would just prefer not to be forced to see a magic position marker on the map.
  7. This could be true. Gamers are used to lots of hints. Like the magic icon/text that floats above players. But ...If the game is changed to add a position marker on the map, of a player's location, there will be no navigation. Without any navigation, sailing will become more boring. The ability to sail long distances and feel like you are finding your way, makes the experience interesting. New players learn quickly that finding their way is easy. If an arcade position marker is added to the map please include an option to turn it off. That way, those that enjoy navigating can continue to do so. Also ... The trader tool resection could be available only in port. Like the protractor is currently. But it doesn't hurt to leave it as is. Some players like it. A sextant would be helpful. Keep it simple. Just the grid co-ordinates.
  8. Not sure what you mean by "all their stuff". Ships and goods can be accessed. Outposts and buildings cost less to move than to establish. I have stuff in enemy ports. I like the idea of more player interaction. I used to be able to sell my labor to players, by crafting items in return for gold or other stuff. No-one wants my labor anymore. I offer to sell stuff but there are seldom players who wish to buy. The response that I hear, repeatedly, is that they have everything that they need and are self sufficient. Seems better to allow players to figure out how to trade, rather than creating forced mechanics that restrict players, but currently there seems to nothing I can transport or craft than anyone wants. Perhaps I just have not discovered what it is. I might be able to sell White Oak but can't find a source to buy it at a decent price. It may be that resources are limited only to players who do not have an alt. I should get an alt, and then I can trade with myself. Re-enforcement zones are not secure for new players, because they have such a high level of PvP. Veteran players advise new starts to avoid the re-enforcement zones and trade, or engage NPCs, in safer areas. This advice often goes unheeded. It would be interesting to see if the PvP opportunities decrease if trading and crafting is not available in the reinforcement zones. Dispersing the newbies away from these zones could result in less contact between traders and raiders. The economy is important. Not everyone wants to progress through combat. Some of us enjoy being merchants. Hopefully there is a place for traders in NA.
  9. The sextant is currently available in game as F11. Shrouded Recluse's map has accurate co-ords. I too would appreciate some form of sextant after release, when F11 is removed. Navigation is easy, but Preble makes a good point; it is difficult to navigate while reacting to enemy in a chase. Using triangulation with the Trader Tool is meta gamey. A sextant to determine latitude would be better, even if it were a simplified tool. Personally it would be fun if; longitude was only available with a moon (but that would mean the addition of a moon), and the sextant would work only when the sky was clear. I hope that a GPS icon is never added to the map
  10. I really should have included this comment in my previous post. Timing is very important in navigating. I like to pre-plan my route and determine the time I will sail on each leg of the journey. Not only is this interesting and satisfying but the prep enables me to spend more time scanning for enemy. As you mentioned it is very important to avoid distractions at sea, and maintain vigilance. There are a lot of ways to determine the timings of a journey; measuring on a map and doing your own calculations, or using any number of the user made maps. I find that the most accurate map for timings is Prater's https://namap.neocities.org/interactiveMap.html . I like to use https://na-map.netlify.com/ to determine the wind directions and then use the direction with Prater's. Along with an accurate number for my own ship's OW top speed I can arrive within a few seconds of when I've planned. For those who try it remember that, if you are fishing, your speed changes as the hold fills with weight. For very quick time estimates; https://na-map.netlify.com/ is great - and also http://burningsail.com/ Thanks again Norfolk for the efforts.
  11. Great little guide that touches on a number of navigation techniques and explains some details of a couple user made maps. Thanks for taking the time to put this together, and emphasizing that navigation is pretty darn easy. I get a lot of enjoyment from the user made maps that compliment this game. I don't understand why some people are angry that the Devs have not duplicated these maps. I fail to see why Ctrl Alt is a bad key combination but M is okay. Thanks again for your effort.
  12. I understood that people posted that negative ratings can be abused. We are free to form our own opinions of other players. The interactions are an important part of the game. I believe that there is a high number of great personalities in the community. But you have a point ... We can "like" a post in the forums, but there is no choice to hate.
  13. You can reduce speed, if you are willing to accept the risk. Other players will be rocketing about in turbocharged speed boats.
  14. Voi Ta I agree that navigating is fun and enjoyable. Thanks for the OP. In addition; 1) make a course plan before sailing and determine your heading at each waypoint and the time it will take for each leg of the journey. Then set a timer and begin. This way you can use the protection of the open ocean and focus on scanning for enemy. 2) If you are not allergic to meta-gaming, the trader tool on the map can provide enough information to obtain your position by triangulation. F11 and a map with coordinates is quicker and allows more attention to scanning for enemy. I disagree that there is much difficulty. Navigation with precision co-ordinates, distances to ports (trader tool), and the lack of wind or current drift, is simple and very easy. If a GPS map icon was added the game would be arcadey .
  15. Sounds good. Capturing nation could seize all goods. Paid for or not. Or the capturing nation could just leave the contracts unchanged. It could be a choice. But regardless, changing it won't stop Alts from setting prices. Although I disagree that contacts are too long
  16. Perhaps we could exercise a little patience. Contracts do not last long before they expire. We could also allow businesses a little separation from politics. It's not unreasonable to imagine that the actions of the merchants in a port may continue for a few days after a military take over. Sometimes when a regime is changed the daily commerce continues. It can often take a week or two before the change of leadership is noticed. .
  17. I would be okay with no safe zones. Would also be okay with having some safe zones. Having overpowered raiders in the game is alright too. But it's a rock vs paper vs sizzors thing. There has to be some way to evade the Requin if we want to do a little trade transport. Is it possible to use small traders like a T Lynx or T Brig with swarms of Requins ravaging capitals and free ports? Any ideas on how to keep a small business running? I've hear the following tips, but had less that great success implementing them: Stay aware. Keep scanning 360 when sailing. Meta game by using: Nation chat to check if the coast is clear. Free Look to scan for raiders before leaving port. Tow to Port when nearing destination. If you do get chased by a Requin, attack her first to gain the weather gauge in the instance. Position your ship downwind and then run or broad reach. Seek help with friends who will escort you with their warships. (This is most often not successful.) If anyone else has any helpful tips please share them. There has to some way to carry on trading without having to fight.
  18. Chat is important. Open World chat with all nations should return. Ignore should apply to instances.
  19. I'm fairly sure Scolytus Gamelabiensis is a disease, not an infestation. Are you sure you made it up? Good ideas. This kind of detail is what makes the game interesting.
  20. For a trader the Requins make travel very difficult. It is easy to get attacked, and these raiders can kite from most support warships too easily. But when they are defeated it leaves a sweet sense of pleasure lingering. Today I delayed a couple of pirates just east of Kingston/Port Royal. Lost my Trader Brig with half hold of Barrels. Was happy to see help arrive and kick the crap out of the buggers. Credits to: Jojek, Thomas Cochrane, Raven Graymount, Sir AS, Bobzillah, Monten, SIR Sean Hornblower and SteelKnight. COSTS Trader Brig 40k Cannons 20k Cargo 35k Repairs to Merc (fleet) 250 Satisfaction with seeing 2 Requins sink = PRICELESS If anyone want to work with me to bait these ships … I’m ready.
  21. The battles I have lost against superior players were over quickly. They did not last half an hour. The game speed is fast enough. Using time compression in an combat instance would not improve the game. Battling in Age of Sail Speedboats would be cartoon like. Lots of people watch movies, sports or performances for 90 min or more without a break. I would be opposed to compulsory game freezes at 30 min intervals. But I would love to be able to stay in an instance for 30 minutes after the battle ends.
  22. I never knew this is a thing. So there is no way to chat with players from other nations in Open World? And now there is no way to ignore anyone in combat? This must be a mistake. Surely this will be fixed.
  23. In other games there are safe options and the games are very popular with many players. There are options like solo play, private play and open play and everyone's assets transfer between the types of servers. I've never understood why there is such a strong opposition to allowing players to build wealth in a safe environment, and then letting them use an option to play with the PvP activated. The outrage seems to be a Naval Action thing. Having safe areas won't wreck the game. It will attract those who enjoy the style. Personally I like the risk, but I wish there was significant danger for warships that encroach on enemy ports. It seems really weird that a combat vessel can loiter near hostile ports swarming with enemy ships and there are no consequences.
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