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Everything posted by Macjimm

  1. There should also be an option to reject the XP. Accumulation of XP increases rank, and a player should have a choice to remain at a low rank. I prefer the slow progression because, currently, there is no way to refuse promotion.
  2. Macjimm

    Account Reset

    Perhaps we could disconnect the links between reward, XP, tutorial, rank etc. Or ensure players are rewarded only once for completing the tutorial. I would also like to have the option to restart at a low rank, below master and commander. I have never completed the tutorial and have no intention to.
  3. Appreciate your preference but help me to understand the nuance between using the 'm' key, and 'Alt-Tab'. You lost me with the connection to 'Alt F4, why would we use Alt-F4 to access a map? Also, NA is not the only game to use 3rd party apps. Many developers are now encouraging the creation of apps to enhance their games. Brace yourself because use of outside apps to may become essental. I realize that some players may have old outdated systems, that can barely run the game, and need all their resources to operate the main application. With that aside, why are some players yearning to have the all of the game functions purely accessed within the game itself. I use multiple applications when playing NA. NAMaps and Prater's Map, Google Chrome (Google sheets, and Docs), Photoshop (Shrouded Recluse's map) and SnagIt. Specific software has powerful advantages. I'm just not seeing the benefit to expecting NA to do everything.
  4. Hemp, my compliments on your style. 😀 Sailing is more enjoyable when I am calculating the time en-route. Anything that we can do while sailing increases the experience. Simplifying sailing increases boredom. If you want admin to notice this thread, I encourage you to put some tags in it. Other players have said that it gets their attention, not sure if it's true, but it can't hurt. Regardless, your suggestion stands, and mine may be helpful for a few players.
  5. Player to player trade - It would be great if there were more ways to source and buy stuff. Currently rare woods and repairs are just about the only items, in demand, for traders to sell to other players. Perhaps with the new patch trading will have more options. I would love to see more trade options that provide incentive to sail.
  6. Can't figure out what is so scary, or game destroying, about this concept.
  7. Not so sure that's what the first post was about. I'm trying to figure out what "outlaw battles' are. Seems that there is a range of definitions.
  8. The whole point of an MMO is the gameplay between players. It's a mistake to remove names and reduce communications. Why not leave the choice up to us. Allow us to hail an enemy player and if the hail is accepted we can chat with him. We could be limited to one hail per day so we can't spam. Summary: All enemy players look like they do now, just "Enemy Player". If we get within range we can hail and wait for a response. If the enemy player accept the hail then chat is opened between them as a PM and both players can see each other's name, rank and clan. Or just simplify everything even more and; keep chat open to all, with names visible between all nations. Makes the game so much more interesting, and opens up so many more opportunities. Ignore is a good option that should also work inside a battle instance. No-one should have to see a troll's text.
  9. Very well thought out. If I'm afraid of PvP against scary players then I'm going to be frightened more often if I can never see who I'm fighting. When in doubt ...flee. The fear of the unknown is the greatest fear.
  10. Removing the names makes sense to me considering that the names were removed from Open World. All enemy ships in game should be simply "Enemy Player #" No name, rank or clan. Why do we have the information in the battle instance? Players can run or flee after tagged. This way players will not flee from players with high rank, or fearful reputations ... or so the logic goes. The logic that was used to remove names from OW. The after battle screen can display the identity of the Enemy Players. And comms should be opened by a hail inside the battle, as well as in OW. Players who don't want chat shouldn't have to see comments from trolls. Players who prefer to text should be able to text friendlies and enemies, both in battle and in OW. If comms are opened, then the name, rank and clan is displayed.
  11. That's it? No option for any other nation to attack itself? Simple change. Big effect.
  12. I've read the whole thread. What is an Outlaw Battle? Explain with detail, I have difficulty understanding battle mechanics.
  13. I understand that grids on the ingame map is considered to promote ganking. Removing the grids was an effort to reduce ganking. Perhaps when F11 is removed the Devs will add the grids back to the in-game map.
  14. Cymru, Are you referring to the tow to port option that is a safety mechanic to be used in the rare event when a player becomes stuck?
  15. Seems like having an option for agressive NPCs will provide the best for everyone. Have a flag that can be hoisted in port that will cause NPCs to attack, then players seeking more content can enjoy NPC hunting them. NPCs will never attack a ship without the flag. It would allow relief to other players who don't want to be annoyed, by NPCs interupting their game.
  16. Actually it could be much simpler .... just show the last noon sighting on the Player Info window You can determine where you are, knowing where you were at noon. If you want accuracy, stop just before noon, obtain the location and then set off to the next waypoint. I would be okay with this. But I suspect most players are too impatient to use this. I just sailed from Guibara along the N coast of Jamaica and then W to Puerto Escondido. The trip was about 170km in 18min. I would have obtained 1 location at noon on day 1. (Except it was stormy and the sun was obscured.) A noon sighting will yield a position every 20 min. Timing ones departure will be important for traders. Considering the noon sighting, and the wind direction, will be key for a safer arrival. Considering the alternatives I think a sextant key, that reveals a location grid number would be the best compromise. I'm happy with a daytime noon sighting ... or nothing. Location on a clear night should be available at any time. I'll be happy to see the trader tool triangulation removed. It seems too gamey. Although because; some players enjoy it, and I don't have to look at it, it's fine to include it. I would very much dislike to see an icon or location circle on the map. It would certainly spoil navigation. If a GPS location (rough circle or point) is added to the map, I truly hope there is an option to turn it off clientside.
  17. Good point jodgi. I doubt many want that much realism. I'll make do with whatever. Hope it is a grid location, rather than a circle, or icon, on the map though.
  18. A noon fix seems ineffective. If I were lost I doubt I would wait till noon to determine my position; more likely just find land and then a port or a landmark. When trading it is important to avoid the coastlines, stay out on the open water, to reduce the chance of meeting hunters and allow room to flee. Knowing the ship's location, and timing the weather guage, is key to a safe approach into port. Arriving on a trajectory straight in from the open water at high speed is often best. A noon fix would result in alot of waiting just to determine a position. I think the traders who think a "noon fix" can substitute for a sextant (F11) will be disappointed.
  19. If we were to have a sextant, we want a grid location that corresponds to a map. I want the grid whenever the sky is clear enough to see the sun or stars. But sounds like we don't get a sextant, due to worries about its current abuse as a overpowered ganking tool. Regardless, no-one has to sail in just straight lines. Use waypoints, stay at sea, avoid coastlines, learn to time the legs of your journey.
  20. So just to recap. Four ships attack seven enemy ships. The four ships are powerful but a little slow sailing close hauled. As the battle progresses a smaller ship, from a third nation, sails quickly along side one of the seven victims. The small ship is commanded by an ADMIRAL. The Admiral's crew jumps aboard and quickly steals a single valuable book. Then the Admiral's crew disengages and quickly sails away from the bigger, slower, attackers. The Admiral said thank you as he fled and had no intention of fighting. The attackers did not have a fast small ship, in their group, to address this type of encounter. This sounds like a raid by an Admiral sailing a fast small ship. Even if the attackers are disappointed, I don't see anything that needs to be fixed.
  21. If we could manually sail in OW, you could tweak your speed, and I would enjoy sailing more.
  22. @admin No plans to add; OW, and instance, trading with enemy? Comms with enemy? Ignore feature for instance chat? PvP server.
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