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Beat to quarters: Port battles return to War Server


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3 hours ago, admin said:

4) Patrol zone improvement (attack by lineships in frigate zones will be locked)

Nice, thanks for listening to your community. I hope you dont forget the one/s who proposed this in the correct topic :P 

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Over time, all game modifications are increasing the power difference between old and new players, and in turn, between small and large factions.

Does anyone believe that this is healthy for the entry of new players? How many of them have regretted their purchase after verifying that they can only stay afloat being sponsored by a large clan and / or faction?

Now, I am also seeing that the utility of DLCs is decreasing. What gaming experience is offered to those who buy the game and make investments in DLC with the idea of playing mainly with them? Offer prey to "premium" players? ...
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59 minutes ago, Torrente said:

Over time, all game modifications are increasing the power difference between old and new players, and in turn, between small and large factions.

Does anyone believe that this is healthy for the entry of new players? How many of them have regretted their purchase after verifying that they can only stay afloat being sponsored by a large clan and / or faction?

Totally agree.

A new player as soon as he sees the map knows that he has 2 options: stay in his faction and survive or go to the dominant factions, make RVR, PVP, have good ports, unlock ships with little risk, good woods, good resources ... because nobody likes to lose. There is more and more distance between factions and that is killing the fun in the game except for the dominant factions of course. Go back to the alliance system.

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20 hours ago, Malcolm3 said:

That could be unused port owned by quite active clan

I think my comment was not precise enough.

When, within one week, less than 3 clan-players leave any port on the map, not necessarily their own port, to sail, the clan can be considered inactive.



I suggest, that every nation below a certain number of port (I would say 15, in a first attempt) will not be attacked by raiders, no matter how under-developed a port may be.

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2 hours ago, BoatyMcBoatFace said:

and we are all tired of old players using new players fallacy to try to mend the game to their own liking

You say that because now the game is to your liking, isn't it? Well, to continue like this, that when you are all Russian or British to see who you fight.

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11 hours ago, admin said:

How do you define a dead clan. Mathematically?

It seems like there are numerous ways and obviously you could adjust the numbers if you saw it was going to cause too much disruption but...

How about if clan officers average less than 3 hours per week in game for 3 out of 4 weeks? So, if it happens for 3 weeks, they’d receive an in game email telling them to get sailing or risk their port turning neutral.

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1 hour ago, Sento de Benimaclet said:

I only know that the drift that the game leads further imbalances the factions in number of players. 

They must solve this already. 



So? You want the game to just give you stuff for free because other people work harder for their things?  


There is nothing to solve. 

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2 hours ago, BoatyMcBoatFace said:

There is nothing to solve. 

right, much of that can actually be happily ignored 😀

it's a pity the game doesn't evolve e.g. the sailing model, weather and waves or some actual boarding mechanic and instead endlessly fiddles around grind/minimax drags, but i guess those are which drive dlc purchases.  it has explicitly been described as 'done' in that regard. so, yeah, nothing to solve. it's done.

just keep the ball rolling as long as possible.


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15 hours ago, Frosty said:

Do you plan any improvement for the AI port battles? @admin
I can accept one or two every week... but possibly 1 everyday is a bit too much, isn't it? Not all nations have the playerbase to do that stuff every evening... and I still think nations that are not in the top two/three shouldn't get these raids.

I thought we accepted and praised them going away, so the fact that they are back and we are forced to accept AI port battles is, in my opinion, ridiculous.


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Honestly I am struggling to understand why a mechanic that almost everyone finds annoying and just pointless was added back into the PVP server. It's just a horrible mechanic that should be removed, it just annoys nations by attacking random ports that they then have to waste their time going to recapture or defend them. 


Edited by Runic
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On 7/5/2020 at 10:47 AM, admin said:

Welcome to the Caribbean expansion is almost finished.
Here are the last touches that needs to be done before we move to Crew skills and Karma system

1) Finalize woods
2) Cannon re-balance
3) Ship thickness balance - ship thickness will be reworked
4) Patrol zone improvement (attack by lineships in frigate zones will be locked)


По поводу перебалансировки орудий ( 2)  ) есть одно наблюдение:

Видел в продаже мелководный корабль с флотскими бугелями и элитным французским рефитом, у которого мачта толщиной 117 - ровно на единичку больше пробоя из 9ф лонгов с 50м. Т.е. из распространенных на мелководье 9ф лонгов (практически максимальных, если не считать 18ф лонги снизу у Геркулеса) такая мачта в принципе не сбивается без модулей на пробой или развитого бонуса gunnery или перка на применение повышенного заряда пороха - все эти меры не распространены, не пользуются популярностью.

В то же время такие мачты относительно легко сбиваются 32ф каронадами проходами по корме без всяких модулей и бонусов. Какой быстроходный мелководный корабль носит 32ф (!) каронады и одновременно с большим отрывом перекручивает все остальные мелководные корабли 5-6 рейта по маневру? Шнява (snow).

 Поэтому направлениями перебаланса орудий могут быть:

- понижение пробоя каронад в сравнении с лонгами (медами) или повышение пробоя лонгов.

- сглаживание кривой пробоя каронад при возрастании калибра (например 24ф каронады не должны так сильно отличаться как от 32ф, так и от 18ф).

На мой взгляд это приведет к возрождению тактики обстрела лонгами с дистанции (в том числе прицельно по стеньгам), большему разнообразию по сравнению с распространенной тактикой перекручивания и рейкования в корму при боях "рея к рее". Станут ставить модули на пробой или прокачивать gunnery в портах. В то же время 18ф верхние каронады Сюрприза, Ратла и некоторых других перестанут быть бесполезными при тактике отличной от рейкования в корму.

Ну а шняве, конечно, что нибудь понерфить (калибр каронад или маневр или скорость) :)

Если же говорить про средние орудия, то на мой взгляд единороги правильно понерфили, но редкие конгрейвы надо повышать - по совокупности характеристик они из ряда медиум-орудий не выдаются.

Edited by Rolando
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On 7/5/2020 at 8:47 AM, admin said:

Welcome to the Caribbean expansion is almost finished.
Here are the last touches that needs to be done before we move to Crew skills and Karma system

1) Finalize woods
2) Cannon re-balance
3) Ship thickness balance - ship thickness will be reworked
4) Patrol zone improvement (attack by lineships in frigate zones will be locked)

So impatient for this upgrade...

I do hope that this re-balance will help Frigates and smaller ships than 3rd rates because at the moment there is no room below Ingermanland. I spent the entire last evening searching for something to do in Prince or Niagara... Nothing. Even the Swedish Wappen I tagged in my Prince ran to his fortress... @rediii, please send even your Grand'ma to help Swedes!

And this can have a huge impact on player retention if you can't do a anything else being a victim during your first three weeks of game-play.

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On 7/5/2020 at 8:35 AM, admin said:

How do you define a dead clan. Mathematically?

Clan Member list, run through all member with a logic that just checks lastonline for each member - todays date. If all members have been inactive for 30 days or more that clan is dead.


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6 minutes ago, Tiedemann said:

Clan Member list, run through all member with a logic that just checks lastonline for each member - todays date. If all members have been inactive for 30 days or more that clan is dead.


Is not.

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On 7/6/2020 at 2:34 AM, Runic said:

Honestly I am struggling to understand why a mechanic that almost everyone finds annoying and just pointless was added back into the PVP server. It's just a horrible mechanic that should be removed, it just annoys nations by attacking random ports that they then have to waste their time going to recapture or defend them. 


200 % agreement right here ^ 

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29 minutes ago, Je maintiendrai said:

200 % agreement right here ^ 

Dont keep neglected ports in your portfolio. If Raiders see a neglected port they take it back. You have a counter - invest. If you invest more than others your port is safe. I know some don't like it. But i don't like lazy port owners too. Dont capture the port if you dont want to invest in it. Leave it to other nations. 

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