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SAFETY OFF - Raiders Start Attacking Ports

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6 minutes ago, Yettie said:

Нет нет, тут написано что боевой корабль получает 325 очков а транспортный 15, смысл же был другой, транспортный получал раньше 325 (300) а боевой 15 (10).

Я не об изменении 300->325 и 10->15

А, так тут оно явно просто перепутано местами.

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20 hours ago, admin said:

This is first a game
And even if it was not - landing and invasion fleets could and did carry troops which greatly exceeded crew. Essex hull could fit a lot extra troops for a short period. 

Short version: Complaint not accepted, you being in the army saw soldiers packed in planes and transport ships.

Yes it's a game, but 

Ok so the Essex is a troop transport?  Than it wouldn't have 20% marines of just the troops.  It would 20% marines of the ships crew,  cause most of those soldiers are ground/land soldiers that aree prob sea sick, throwing up and not fit for fighting on a ship.  They are packed in the hold like sardines not out manning the guns and shooting at the enemy ships.  Troop transport are also lightly armed and tend to depend on escorts to defend them.   Troop transports where easy pickings along with cargo ships if they where unprotected with little to no escorts.   Over loaded like that the ship should be sluggish and not defectively combat.  Normally to over load a ship like that you have to strip it of a lot of things too.  Even in modern day Military (which I was in the Navy)  the Navy has dedicated troop transports and landing craft.  Seems ya'll just wen the cheese route like you do with most your balance, add more stats to something to make it harder to kill.

The comment that elite NPCs can only be killed by players who have no life is very weird to be heard from you. Because this comment is not true. 

This comment is out of place. Please stop thinking players are idiots, please stop treating players like imbeciles. 
This is a game for intelligent human beings and every player can sink an elite NPC with proper preparation. Its not clicker heroes and we will have hard enemies. For everyone. Just like WOW.  

Do you even play your own game?   I play with a clan and other folks of my nation and I hear what players are saying about Elite, AI and other things.  Along with my own experience.  Many in my clan are casual players.  There is a reason I'm still Commodore even though I had 5 Rear Admirals before the release.  I don't have the time to play 24/7 like I did before and more of a causal player that puts in a few hours every couple of days.   The feed back I get from actual players is not what your saying.   I'm sorry but it seems the feed back you get are from your elite little  buddies like Revers who have a lot of time to play. Us casuals can't spend 3-5 hours doing Privateer missions or Raids (by the way there is no way 6 players can do 6 raids without returning to port we proved you wrong cause of timers on chest).   

It's poor game mechanics when my board fit SOL or 4th attacks a 5th rate and he has more marines than I do (cause of mods percentage and all AI having 20% marines).  All along while they are out DPS my ship with double shot that never runs out or something.   Than you capture the ship to find out it'''s only Teak/Fir or some crap like that and moved like it was Fir/Fir but had armor of a LO/WO ship.   All the while having faster reload and full board fit mods.......?   Call me stupid but something doesn't add up here even if it's an elite ship or normal.  You make up for poor AI mechanics by buffing them.  

19 hours ago, Never said:

Agreed that some of the bonuses on AI feel a bit overkill. But I think it's mostly about perception; players see an Ai ship called 'L'Ocean' and directly compare it their own player owned L'Ocean and expect it to be close to the same. But in every game out there all Ai is overpowered; if they weren't then they would fail to beat any players. To make the Ai more challenging it needs to outnumber the player or have more bonuses. 

 Most MMO's I have player the common mods where lower than players, only the boss's and elite chars where more powerful than a char.  This is fine and they are balanced for the average char, not for some one that has all the best gear and trinkets.    If a person that has a L'Ocean 3/4 Blue comes out and fights a similar L'OCean AI they should be equals for the most part.  Now take a totally decked out 5/5 Gold ship and it should be better than the AI.  Of course Elites should be up there with that gold ship, but it should have the stats of one if you capture, not a Fir/Bermuda ship that just out performed, moved and had way more HP's than you did and bounced shots all while carrying a full marine load out.   Than you get the note and open it and it's fir/Bermuda or some stupid build like that that isn't even close to what you just fought.


I would love to see an actual video of Admin doing a fight with an elite ship, Raid/Privateer and doing it with a group of actual players not devs and not any of the Elite Streamers....like an actual group of casual players that don't have all the mods and ship knowledge's unlocked on the char.

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11 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

Most MMO's I have player the common mods where lower than players, only the boss's and elite chars where more powerful than a char.  This is fine and they are balanced for the average char, not for some one that has all the best gear and trinkets.    If a person that has a L'Ocean 3/4 Blue comes out and fights a similar L'OCean AI they should be equals for the most part.  Now take a totally decked out 5/5 Gold ship and it should be better than the AI.  Of course Elites should be up there with that gold ship, but it should have the stats of one if you capture, not a Fir/Bermuda ship that just out performed, moved and had way more HP's than you did and bounced shots all while carrying a full marine load out.   Than you get the note and open it and it's fir/Bermuda or some stupid build like that that isn't even close to what you just fought.

I can agree with you that ships fighting with invisible buffs is rather silly. A fir/oak ship should not fight as if it's lo/wo with fir/fir speed. I would prefer if they made AI ships even elites just real ships with actual books and upgrades and wood types, all according to their ranks. Just making elites non capturable I guess. It makes players feel cheated when they fight a ship that's super tough to sink and it turns out it was some cheap crappy build that dropped a trash upgrade. 

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3 minutes ago, Never said:

I can agree with you that ships fighting with invisible buffs is rather silly. A fir/oak ship should not fight as if it's lo/wo with fir/fir speed. I would prefer if they made AI ships even elites just real ships with actual books and upgrades and wood types, all according to their ranks. Just making elites non capturable I guess. It makes players feel cheated when they fight a ship that's super tough to sink and it turns out it was some cheap crappy build that dropped a trash upgrade. 

That are remove some of the bad wood picks.  Like I got a Oak/Cedar ship, which wasn't bad stats, but it wasn't what I just fought.

I liked the concept of having them have pre-mods installed when you open the note.  That would make up for why they had boosted armor or HP's or speed even.  

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So in the latest PB defense, the NPCs had 18 Endymions and 6 Indias.  The BR was 5940 in a 5000 point battle.  The AI changes the wind in battle to suit it, it's not the same as the OW wind.  Since you can't scout to see where they enter, we didn't even get within firing range of the one group before we were kicked out of battle.  This whole thing just keeps getting stupider.

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On 11/15/2019 at 7:56 PM, admin said:


Safety is off and losing port battles to NPC Raiders will lose ports (ports will turn neutral and all investments will drop 1 level).

  • Raiders attack rich ports based on a combinations of factors including investments and tax rate. Which means the attacked port can have zero investments but very high tax rate.
  • If Raider attack fails they will ignore the port for at least 2 weeks. 
  • Attacks always happen on saturday and sunday. 
    • War Server
      • Raiders will attack 3 of the 10 richest ports 
      • If raiders win port will turn neutral with the random timer
    • Peace Server
      • Raiders will attack 9 ports richest random ports over weekend (one per region) (Saturday and Sunday) to provide every region access to at least one defensive port battle.
      • If raiders win - Port will turn neutral with the random timer
      • As you can enter any port and craft there the only negative is the loss of the 1 lvl of investment and loss of taxation privileges. 
      • Small clans should try to add friendly clans to the friend list to defend the port together

Raiders sailing military ships will drop a raid chest on kill starting next week. This week they probably carry standard loot. 


  • Any modestly trained clan can defend the port.
  • Join the battle before battle starts - If you miss the timer battle will be closed - so arrive early
  • NPC Raiders always pick the best wind - take positions allowing you to intercept them on the right course
  • Number of Raiders depend on port BR. (more info below)
  • Your goal is to not let the fleets reach capture zones. 
  • Once Raiders reach the capture zones they get points
    • Traders (transports) give 325 points 
    • Combat ships give 15 points
  • If all transports reach the circles you lose the port battle. 
  • So your strategy should be 
    • focus fire transports and sink them before they rich the circle (high risk must do task)
    • and then methodically eliminate combat ships (low risk task)
  • Don't linefight just get into carronade range and destroy the transports. 
    • If you miss ALL the combat ships - (all combat ships enter capture zones) its just 270 points. 
    • If you miss just 1 trader transport - its already 325 points
    • Bring several carronade ships for fast resolution of the transport problems.
    • Invest into one fort or tower - they will absolutely devastate some of the attacking light ships
    • Don't enter at piers - join the battle - and join on time (not on signal) but as early as you can 
    • You wont see NPCs until battle starts - so no point to send scouts.

Enemy composition UPDATE  7TH DECEMBER

  • 15-18 combat ships - 325 points each (on reaching the capture zone)
  • 4-6 transports - 15 points each (on reaching the capture zone)
  • NPC raiders try to fill the battle ratings lowering the class of the ship
  • So for high BR Port you will see 18 first rates, for medium BR fort you will probably see 18 frigates and for lowest BR shallow water port you will see 18 cutters. Keep this in mind.

NPC Raiders are ELITE ships and require precision and focus fire to win. As described above - you main goal should be to eliminate transports. If you eliminate transports you buy good amount of time.


A lot of this post is just wrong.  They do NOT attack the richest ports.  Also, only one port in the Gulf of Mexico has been attacked since this started. We had the 6th highest tax rate, but our port was the only developed port attacked.

They do NOT take advantage of the existing wind, they pick whatever wind direction that makes it the easiest for them.  Since you can't scout, it's just a guess as to what direction they're going to come from.

They IGNORE BR totally.  We just fought a fleet that was 18 ENDYMIONS and 6 Indias for a BR of 5940 in a 5000 BR limit PB.

And then the admin screwed up the update, the traders are worth 325 points, warships are worth 15 points.  

It's fairly upsetting to first not get the info you need to make a plan, and then to make matters worse, the info we do get is quite often totally wrong.

Edited by oldcrankyman
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the battle timer was set and the attacking fleet attacked within the time that was set for it
the Dutch coast guard awaited the enemy fleet and destroyed the enemy with skin and hair.

thanks goes out to all the captains for participating in this disgusting attack on our nation port from those privateering pirates

Edited by Thonys
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14 hours ago, Yettie said:

@admin скажите пожалуйста, вы не ошиблись в написании сообщения? Вы поменяли в игре очки транспортным и боевым кораблям или ошиблись в данном сообщении?


325 транспорты
15 боевые

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4 minutes ago, admin said:

thats obviously a typo
Traders are 325 
Warships are 15

To you and I it's obviously a typo, but people with no knowledge of these battles DON"T know that.  I tend to check things before I post them.

I notice that you chose not to even address my other points.

Edited by oldcrankyman
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I would really like to understand the devs thinking when it comes to NPC design and implementation.  The devs mentioned WoW specifically and Im wondering if they ever played WoW. most mobs (AI) in wow is pretty simplistic, but has stats lower than the player in almost all cases (except elites)  This makes it to where you can add multiple enemies to an encounter to add dynamics and much more fun that one on one fights with some simple AI.  NA hasnt been done like WOW at all. Aggressive NPC fleets cranked with stat boosts packed into huge fleets that defy all speed logic in the game? Why do you always crank it up to 11? I for one would be happy if even on the pve server that some form of aggressiveness in the AI (a la wow) if the ships the AI used played by the same rules as us.  Why dont you try putting the raiders as normal fleets, non elite status ships and see how that goes?   I like how you always defend these choices with some kind of real history (IE the essex carrying troops) but things in the game are about as far from realistic as you can get.

Bottom line is the overall feeling from the forums and talk in global chat is that the player base is not happy with the buffed up ultra elite Ai in the privateer fleets and PB, because its not fun.  You said this is a game. games should be fun, end of point.

Now a suggestion I have for this.  You want to show off your ability to crank ship stats up to ultra levels, you should give players a path to climbing to this place. Ill use wow for example. a level one player doesnt go straight to the boss in a dungeon and fight him over and over until he figures out how to beat him. He builds his characters abilities and his own skill and knowledge on lesser mobs before rising to that challenge.  A possible way for this is to have tiered attacks on ports. Say the first raid on a player port is a level 1 attack with basic ships that follow the rules that players have to. If the players win, then they have a breather of two weeks and then the next attack is say level 2 with ships get slight buffs to be a bit more of a challenge. Players will know this and work up to it. As long as the players win the attacks get stronger each time (and hopefully reward more) until finally getting up to the uber elite ultra AI in service today.  If/when the players finally lose the tiers start over, along with the loss of investment level etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Just now, Liq said:

Anyone know what the exact battle join timer is?

Fairly sure it's a minute? That's for both sides after the instance spawns, but the side with lesser BR will be open for quite a while after that. Not sure if there's a timer for that or not.

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1 minute ago, The Geth said:

Fairly sure it's a minute? That's for both sides after the instance spawns, but the side with lesser BR will be open for quite a while after that. Not sure if there's a timer for that or not.

you got one minute to join the npc raid? if you dont it's closed?

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57 minutes ago, Liq said:

you got one minute to join the npc raid? if you dont it's closed?

Only if your side initially has a greater total BR than the NPCs. Otherwise you've got a lot longer to join, I don't know how much longer exactly though. Would love clarification on this from anyone who knows better.

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On 11/15/2019 at 10:56 PM, admin said:


  • NPC Raiders always pick the best wind - take positions allowing you to intercept them on the right course
  • Your goal is to not let the fleets reach capture zones. 
  • Once Raiders reach the capture zones they get points
    • Traders (transports) give 325 points 
    • Combat ships give 15 points
  • If all transports reach the circles you lose the port battle. 
  • So your strategy should be 
    • focus fire transports and sink them before they rich the circle (high risk must do task)
    • and then methodically eliminate combat ships (low risk task)
  • Don't linefight just get into carronade range and destroy the transports. 
    • If you miss ALL the combat ships - (all combat ships enter capture zones) its just 270 points. 
    • If you miss just 1 trader transport - its already 325 points
    • Bring several carronade ships for fast resolution of the transport problems.
    • Invest into one fort or tower - they will absolutely devastate some of the attacking light ships
    • Don't enter at piers - join the battle - and join on time (not on signal) but as early as you can 
    • You wont see NPCs until battle starts - so no point to send scouts.


At the New Smyrna defense week before last we defended against the Raider AI attacking fleet. Per the original post explaining the mechanics if the Raider attack and how to defeat them, part of which I have quoted above, we did exactly what that post said to win. And we still lost.

1) We sunk every one of the enemy trader ships before they ever got near a capture circle. According to the what the developers wrote, this should have been enough to win, since the enemy requires 1000 points for victory and the remaining warships, all Essex, could only generate 270 points total even if the ya all got to the capture circles.

2) We also sunk 25 -30 percent of the Raider warships before they got to the capture circles. Once again, per the developers instructions, the Raiders should not have been able to generate enough points to win.

However, we did notice that once the first enemy warship entered a cap circle that circle instantly went Red indicating the enemy captured it. Then we noticed a slow but steady gain in points by the enemy, perhaps 2-3 points per second, and the rate at which the enemy earned points seemed to increase as more enemy warships entered the circles. We continued to fight the warships at the circles but soon and very rapidly, the enemy points reached 1000 and the battle ended giving the Raiders the victory. The player fleet however was not accumulating points over time for owning all three circles in previous defenses against Raider attacks. We were not even allowed to capture them once the capture timer had expired. 

In the developers instructions there is no mention of the enemy being able to earn points over time just for owning a circle. It does not say that the enemy instantly captures a circle when one ship enters it. It does not state that players cannot capture circles and earn points over time for holding them. 

The enemy does not "pick the best wind". The wind does not match open world wind in Raider attacks as it does all other battle instances. The wind is instead is positioned to favor the Raiders wherever they spawn and the Raiders will spawn based off of where players enter so as to force player to sail against the wind. Essentially Raiders get to "scout" but players don't.

So is the enemy supposed to be able to accumulate points over time for having one or more ships in a circle IN ADDITION TO the 35 points they get for each warship that gets in and 325 for each trader? 

And is the player fleet not supposed to be able to capture circles, accumulate points over time for holding the circles, and stop the enemy from doing so by having more ships or BR in the circle than the enemy? 

It seems the battles are either not working as they are supposed to or the developers post describing how the battles work is very inaccurate. Because if the Raider PBs work exactly as the developers posted then we should have won the battle at New Smyrna week before last.

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53 minutes ago, Liq said:


In a british port raid a few days ago (I believe it was a port somewhere southern cuba), it was only victories and indiamans. Today in San Juan we had only L'Océans and indiamans. Any reason behind that or just random?

Yesterday in VC Oceans and Vics... I think that it is random.

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On 1/17/2020 at 7:28 PM, Liq said:

Anyone know what the exact battle join timer is?

When Port Raid (PVE PB) will start, you have only 10 minutes to join into the battle. After that Battle will be closed.
And if the BR of the defending side has reached the BR limit, then you can not join into the battle too.

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1 hour ago, Alex B. said:

When Port Raid (PVE PB) will start, you have only 10 minutes to join into the battle. After that Battle will be closed.
And if the BR of the defending side has reached the BR limit, then you can not join into the battle too.

Ok thanks

And is it random if the raiders are full locean or victory? Or what is the deciding factor here?

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2 hours ago, Liq said:

And is it random if the raiders are full locean or victory? Or what is the deciding factor here?

Yes, Now it is random setup of the ships - or Victory only, or L'Océan, or Santísima Trinidad.

In the nearest future warships setup may be mixed.

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