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Fresh RVR History (from 06-2019)


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Dear all,

Thank you to the one who will first post here, (Rediiii, Anolytic, North Viking, Babay, Des Moines, Gorge, Cassard,  and so many others) 

It would be very interesting for all players to follow the NEW RVR SITUATION in this topic.

Large clan leaders or their embassies could let us know what are they fighting for, give us your propaganda here.

By doing so you will greatly serve the community who needs RVR dreams, RVR history, the forces of each current groups, the balance of strengths, the existing "agreements" between clans, etc... 


Sincerly, a good RVR story might give the will to old players to restart again   8))

Respectfuly yours


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Cannot not say that we are picking on Poland when Poland throws the first punch.

 @rediii ,Sweden will always have Denmark's and France's back if external powers make a push into our waters. We expect the same. Hit BORK up if you need help with anything.


also that Polish post, that is a nice watercolour and ink piece. 

Edited by Davos Seasworth
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Thank you for these RVR NEWS !

What is the situation for the British colonies ? the Dutch ? the French ? the united states ? please report back here gents.


In case some peeps are not aware about it, Spainish Faction has had a very difficult kickoff, on the very first days after the great wipe several groups of players decided to leave the Faction.

Big foss within its community...So the situation for this faction is presently critical (compared to others) with much slower steps done in the crafting race, and therefore a lower competitivity.

In regards to RVR the Spanish Faction will take some time to manage new ports conquest, so if you all want to see an healthy Spanish colony tomorrow, let them breath a little to allow growth.


Carry on posting gents, RVR is the saoul of this game !



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11 hours ago, Gregory Rainsborough said:

What's wrong with old thread? :(

Hey Greg,

This intent is only trying to make clearer and simpler the understanding of the New Map RVR Evolution

It might help newcomers to perceive the main strategical streams between Factions & clans, and a fresh RVR reporting should come along with fresh Map, shouldn't it ?

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Attacking France is an attack on Danmark and Sweden. Dont care who the leader of Poland is. They are going after an area with very few port expecting us to just accept them into the area. Also not raiding Sweden? You are going to do that anyways when you moved into the area. There is plenty of regions and ports elsewhere. 

Edited by Davos Seasworth
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2 minutes ago, Liberalism said:

No one is attacking France. We're going there to help them defend their waters from gankers and seal clubbers from Denmark, Sweden, Dutch and any other nation. We can see every day Swedish and Danish players clubbing already weak French nation while the Dutch are attacking them from the South. You don't seem like a very friendly neighbour for them, yet you want to defend them from Poland. Seems counterproductive.

buahahaha, your funny, Sweden seal clubbing french and Dutch? put the booze down buddy, we don't need to do that.

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44 minutes ago, Liberalism said:

No one is attacking France. We're going there to help them defend their waters from gankers and seal clubbers from Denmark, Sweden, Dutch and any other nation.

Nonsense. Taking Basse Terre disrupts everything in the Eastern Islands. The three nations divided up the regions and we agreed France should hold the vital RvR port of Basse Terre. We aim to maintain that as well. If you do want to help France against PvP gankers go after the Dutch and defend Frances underbelly. That is where the Ganking occurs.

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Sorry but acting like the knight in shining armour is utter rubbish. You attacked a French port. An important one for the entire region which all three nations want to remain in French hands. As agreed upon before you started blundering into these waters, Danmark and Sweden will help defend what French controls. We are doing what all three nations agreed to do if the other is attacked or asks for help in RvR. French players asked for help and their port is being attacked.

Edited by Davos Seasworth
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Just now, Routan said:

Well honnestly don’t think Danish care to much abouth raiding. Guess  Havoc would welcome only to sail out port to get PvP,  and DNP to. When Russia held Fort Baai. Oure streamer with friends was there alot. Can’t really remember ppl crying over it.

HAVOC and DNP tend to travel to the northern part of butterfly islands but that is it. Really no French sink. Focus more on Sweden. Aggravating but its reasonable since we understand a PvP agreement is silly and impossible to maintain.

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2 hours ago, Liberalism said:

No one is attacking France. We're going there to help them defend their waters from gankers and seal clubbers from Denmark, Sweden, Dutch and any other nation. We can see every day Swedish and Danish players clubbing already weak French nation while the Dutch are attacking them from the South. You don't seem like a very friendly neighbour for them, yet you want to defend them from Poland. Seems counterproductive.

That makes no sense. I hardly see the Swedes getting into conflict in French waters. Most of the time they stay near their ports so we can't touch them anyway. Besides, French, Danes, Polish, Russians, and Dutch are entering Swedish waters every day and attacking anyone they see. To say that the French need protection from us is laughable. If you want to stop the dutch, that would make a bit more sense, but not when you're taking ports on the opposite side of Fort Royal.

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I think Sweden are the guys who need protection right now, not the ones to be protected against. At least thats what I've seen as a French player. Swedish raiders are few and far between, Danes, Russians, and Dutch are far more concerning to me at least.

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2 minutes ago, Capt Aerobane said:

I think Sweden are the guys who need protection right now, not the ones to be protected against. At least thats what I've seen as a French player. Swedish raiders are few and far between, Danes, Russians, and Dutch are far more concerning to me at least.

As much as I hate to admit it your probably right. Not weak but definitely not the glory days when HRE was supreme. Hence, why we like to see Basse Terre remain French. It is a vital port to them and to us in Sweden. 

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13 minutes ago, H982 FKL said:

What kind of moron agrees to ANY "no open world PvP" agreement?

Or A long term RvR agreement for that matter, why cut a sizeable portion of the potential targets out of your sights?

Well, I suppose if clans want to honor... then fine... but the nation wont do that...


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