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Player-selected ships 2015 - Final poll


Final poll  

856 members have voted

  1. 1. Choose your favorite ship

    • Rattlesnake (1780, American 20-gun corvette)
    • Amazon-class (1773, British 32-gun frigate)
    • Hermione (1779, French 32-gun frigate)
    • Amsterdam (1748, Dutch 42-gun Indiaman)
    • USS Bonhomme Richard (1765, American 42-gun Indiaman)
    • HMS Indefatigable (1784, British 44-gun razeed frigate)
    • USS Independence (1814, American 54-gun razeed ship)
    • Wasa (1778, Swedish 60-gun ship)
    • HMS Agamemnon (1781, British 64-gun ship)
    • Téméraire-class (1784, French 74-gun ship)
    • Christian VII (1767, Dano-Norwegian 90-gun ship)
    • Océan-class (1788, French 118-gun ship)

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I really wanted to go with the Indiaman but I fear its set up as a war ship won't make it the merchantman that I had hoped would be in game for the open world so I went with the wasa for two reasons. A unique nation and the fact that a 60 gun ship fills a gap.

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How can a merchantmen excite people?!  ;)




Trollope was extremely happy with Glatton '​s seaworthiness, handling and general fitting out. He wrote to John Wells, the shipbuilder and her former owner,[10] "I sincerely hope... we may meet with a seventy four in the Glatton...she would either take her or sink her in twenty minutes."



The real Glatton with her carronade armament was formidable, she had an interesting encounter with a squadron of 7 french warships (5 frigates, one of them a razeed 74, plus a brig and cutter), ended up losing all 3 topmasts but drove off the enemy (inflicting serious damage in the process) and pursued them into a french port.

deal with it

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I recognise that last quote :D


Was describing the battle from memory, and its not even a very good description. 


For a start, I said 7 ships, it was in fact 8, not 5 but 6 frigates, one of them a razeed 74 larger than the Constitution (and 250 tons heavier than the Glatton) armed with 24lb guns, two 18lb and three 12lb frigates along with a brig-corvette and a cutter.


Glatton encountered these ships off the coast off Flushing, and despite believing they were the enemy and the numbers disparity Glatton closed to check their identity. For some reason the French ships did not attack Glatton, allowing her sail up alongside the largest ship (the razee Brutus) and hail her. Upon being hailed Brutus hoisted the French flag, whereupon Glatton demanded her surrender. This was answered by a broadside, Glatton's reply was immense and devastating. Brutus sheered off, only her origins as a 74 saved her from being completely disabled by a broadside heavier than that of a 1st rate. Glatton then engaged in a linefight with the two 18lb frigates and Brutus, they firing at her rigging to dismast her and drive her onto the coast. After around 20 minutes fighting the larger frigates they had taken enough and withdrew, their places taken by the three 12 pdr frigates that had up to this point only been firing from long range. Despite Glatton having lost all 3 topmasts at this point these three fared no better and were forced to retreat like the others.


With all 6 frigates in flight now the brig and cutter abandoned their positions on Glatton's stern and fled after them, aided by a couple of broadsides as they did. Glatton carried out rough repairs during the night, and finding the french still in sight the next morning then pursued them into port. There are unconfirmed reports one of the French frigates sunk in port from the damage received (there is no official french report of the action but fishermen afterwards informed a British ship that a frigate had sunk in the harbour and 3 or 4 more were heavily damaged).


So yeah, don't underestimate Indiamen (especially in converted warship form)  :D

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The one that gets the blood going... Indefat, definitely. Think about Pellew's unbelievable exploits and it's a no brainer. How can a merchantmen excite people?!  ;)


Agamemnon is another really interesting choice, as it is at the bottom of capabilities for the rating but had an amazing career.


The most historically important though has to be Temeraire, especially the Duqesne flavours...


But of course, I'd love to see them all.



EDIT: I'd really like to see things like Portland class 4th rate and most especially, ship rigged sloops like Cormorant or Merlin class, but I'm just getting greedy now.  The 'tech tree' for this game is amazing if honoured!


How can a merchantmen excite people? ......http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Endeavour

Even the most humble ship can do great things in the right hands..

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I voted for temeraire.


Merchant might be useful in open world so I am not against it.


The ship of my dreams to be added is Tonnant... sadly it wasn't even named in the initial poll :(.


Although Bucentaure was and didn't do too well :(.

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My dream ship would be the HMS Centurion,closest damn thing that looks like it would be the Wasa.An absolute breathtaking stunner that looks awezome on a poster.

Voted for The Temeraire though as the game needs third rates(they did all the main line fighting back in the day) and that would look awesome if it was a merchant with changeable loadouts(merchant dropping guns for cargo vs SOL(ship of the line) dropping cargo for guns)

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Do people read anything on here before posting? Half the comments on here are what they think the game "needs". It has been said many times to vote for what you like not what is needed. The admins have tons of ships they are putting in to fill the gaps. Vote for what you like! 

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Danish ships are wanted.... Denmark had one of the biggest naval fleets... before England stole it.. 

Denmark-Norway ! :D we gotta remember that back then we were one nation till the british/swedish ruined that together with our great fleet :)

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