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marecek05 last won the day on February 29 2016

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About marecek05

  • Birthday 05/03/1989

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    Slovakia, no sea anywhere what so ever...

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  1. Apart from US and Danes, I have seen every nation to have the rogue clan that decides to do what it feels like. The agreement without the devs' support is not enough.
  2. Sorry to interject, but shouldn't this be in Suggestions/open world section of the forums? This forum is for bile spewing name calling, role-play pretending posts.
  3. If the two rumours I mentioned were true (which at the time was an undeniable possibility), would relying on the British reinforcement squadron or attack be reasonable? What if US as a part of the NL alliance also pushed on the GB? They would have not come, but would be protecting their own interests (as is pretty much their "duty"). Than it leads to a choice whether a guerrilla warfare from Free Towns and Capital or admitting defeat and trying to build France as a nation that is able to chose it's own destiny (whether with GB, Dutch or Danes, or Swedes, or Spanish, or US, or Pirates). Your group chose the former, as is your full right and I wish you only the best in your endeavours (due to the confidence in your group for being gentlemen), while other French groups chose the latter. And honestly after the conditional surrender, we were still allied with the GB. However being called fools for not setting timers properly and demanding that we rescind our surrender does not help to build trust to rely on someone to come in the time of need.
  4. To summarize Black Friday from the eyes of the average French captain: Facts: GB+FRA+SWE were in alliance, while NL+DEN were in alliance. NL pushed south, met with French resistance, slowly overcame it and captured border ports. Simultaneously DEN pushed SWE and continued to northern French territories. Both nations pushed with most, if not all their clans. They coordinated it well, were dedicated and kudos to them. Since before there has not been any combined effort like this, we were caught off guard and beaten. At that time GB was fighting with pirates for Saint Nicks and Gonaives. Conclusions from the facts: For Denmark and Netherlands to be able to push with such force as they did, their western territories were not under pressure from GB. Rumours: 1. There has been negotiated cease fire and non agression between GB and NL+DEN that allowed them to focus on the east. 2. French called on GB to plan offensives against the Dutch and/or Danes, but were denied citing Pirates as the priority. This recap takes into account only Black Friday and Saturday since I have noticed several interpretations of the even already. EDIT: Deleted Spanish. I was corrected that at the time tensions with Spanish were mostly concerning only RAE and not the Spanish as a nation.
  5. Mostly, yes. But we also shared the boards and I remember your passionate posts about shit UK military rations ;-).
  6. To get this topic back on track. Although we disagree on server politics and approach to the game, I have nothing but high praise for the members of this group. Fun bunch to be around.
  7. If you want to have another pvp right after and he doesnt have the ship ready you do exactly that. Or you can name your ship "Monarch of the sea" strutting seas in your full victory in being better at internet ships than the other guy for a week, until he comes back with another ship just to repeat the process until one week he does not come, because he is playing XCOM now.
  8. Just let me say what would happen, if France was not offered this reasonable deal, but let's say only the islands. France would reject the peace, fight until only Fort royale is left and the rest of 3rd rates are destroyed, this would take, let's be generous a week. Players seeing slow destruction and frustration due to the inability to counter it, due to the current bad design of game mechanics would leave France. Some would go pirate to keep their stuff apart from outposts and keep playing. Some would just log off until the game is more developed. Few hardcore ones would stay in game and would start doing guerilla tactics and terrorist tactics as much as possible due to inability to be a threat otherwise. You would see mission ganking galore, you would see free cutters just suiciding into your constitution, since he would lose a free ship, while you would have to pay for the repairs. These tactics would drive out more players from your side, especially new players. Or you would be forced to sit around the capital and just be watching if these terrorists show up or not. Players would get bored. Gaming unfinished mechanics too hard is not fun. Game being not fun has no people. MMO with no players cannot by a definition be fun.
  9. If you want to just paint the world full of orange dots you don't need french, swedes danes, brits to do it. If you want to have fun, you need all those people. This is a game and people play it for 1 reason only and that is to have fun. Currently, it is not fun to be a 1 port nation. Thus, people will stop playing the game. I am not sure, if you were there, but I was there when the open world had 18 players max and it was so much not fun that even venerable Sir Caldwell was rather playing Europa Universalis. If you really just want to paint the world orange, let me suggest paint or another program, since at least that way, it will be never wiped.
  10. Luckily, this is a game and you don't fight for your life or security or well being. Luckily in this game is only 1 thing worth fighting for - fun.
  11. The only way for a corpse to achieve its goals is if someone trips on it.
  12. I just realized this. The galaxies are colliding :-D
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