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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. well it s about money so here it goes (remember this is beyond our saying s always) but this is what i find acceptable there where i say a no go aria,...... is game breaker for me and is in line for deleting this game from my pc (and yes..... i deleted wot.... with the mods ) in this topic point 11 is a out .....for me for sure (and not only for me )
  2. lol,- there was one second in my mind where i thought..... he would miss this one , but he didn t it took him 3 hours 30 minutes ot: problem solves
  3. hi captain well perhaps the guns are switched is the 24 long, a medium ....24 pd and the 18 long a long 24 pd long we never can tell did you make a f 11
  4. Hi All this morning 10.10.16 we where in OW and me and my Mate where grouped up to do some contraband trader hunting a trinco and a belle we found a trader right outside Fort orange and where attacking the trader i tagged the contrabande trader and went into battle with it after 20 seconds (200 vs 10) my mate was in the circle but when i looked around i did not see my grouped up clan mate i asked him where he was, and told me: he has not entered the battle, and he could not even join the battle so here is the problem he can not join a grouped up battle against a contraband trader brig in OW within the 2 minute timer ( in the battle circle or on the battle circle) the battle closes normally after 2 minutes my mate made a re log to see if the problem was fixed ,but it was not fixed after that we made 4 f 11 reports to see for logs we also tried is the other way around (tagging and joining) but i did not solve the problem hope to here from you all for some advice greetings
  5. and if you are a pirate: you sail faster and sink slower have better grape and turn faster its all RNG
  6. Well Actually there where supply ship on hand at major battles with crew and ammo at the battle aria in the evening they all replenished their ships for the next day
  7. rebooted and put Ccleaner cache and register cleaner over it it seems the problem is gone and the program works again
  8. login problem revision 32091 cleanOW prodx64 Steam : Steam API_Init() Fialed already reboot the system and login made a steam update reinstaled java/ and gpu drivers what is the issue and what to do
  9. Mmmm.....................Soon TM well..... i still miss... something... it floats ...and it does not give me sea sickness...........
  10. You seems to forget you attacked Fort Zoutman. you can/could attack anything... but certain things you keep your hands off i do not rape your mother... do i ....,but you did..... (your Spanish nation ) i did not rape your pope nor your sister but your nation had the nerf to do something unforgivable... you had your talks (or whatever, to whom ,or what so ever) but you did not understand them...... you just started your 80 years of war you will never see peace again .... you and your Spanish nation made a BIG mistake .. attacking something you must have left alone but you didn,t on your hands is something we do not want to get in contact with... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for the french nation there is a issue to why did your rape our father ........Fort ORANGE We have to speak about that to...(first things first) you will hear from us (remember waterloo) for every nation..... if you see our sister Las aves again .....you got trouble to you see.... we fight for our Country and King,... our family..... and our brothers and sisters.. You touch it ....you will feel our anger....(sooner or later) we will not forget.........NEVER... Greetings
  11. it was actually never performed for lowerdeck guns because of and by the ware and tare issue of the barrels only upper decks would load grape
  12. first of all boarding ,demasting and graping are different things well lucky things happens some times other factors are mostly the case when the winnings go to the underdog (mutiny, moral, the will to fight, exhaustion ,lack of food and rum, for example) but that does not mean when rare things accure it counts for every battle in this game it work in one direction a fast frigate against a slow turner is a full grape on the back of the sol (on the side even over a hundred men) (what is in the heaviest recorded case was 40 men in one grape )
  13. No actually very easy 1 -1 = 0 0+1 is one but what is stronger then....... 1 (if 2 is not there....) it also means:Your sig _______________________________________________ - - when I"m bad I"m very bad - -Thonys -_______________________________________________
  14. Wij bouwen. We handel. Wij vechten. ja vooral op text ..... WE HANDEL goed fout vind je ook niet wij bouwen wij handelen en wij vechten als je het over je eigen groep hebt . praat je over het algemeen (derde persoon) is het ,We bouwen , we handelen ,we vechten. heb je het over jezelf dan word het > Ik bouw, Ik HANDEL , Ik vecht.
  15. i agree the graping of the ships has a way to much influence on the win chance of the graper a ship who can stay behind the back of a big sol always wins ,and thats because the sol is to slow to turn i real time it does not work that way \ and therefore i call it actually a exploit a frigate would certainly not come closer then 400 meters to a sol because that would mean a certain dead of the frigate in this game the frigate can stay behind a sol as if the sol is defenseless to any ship who comes behind a sol in real life they would tow (or enter ) (harpoon) the frigate in > to board him if he came to close also i think some frigate type ships are to maneuverable, and sol are to slow on turning.. rework is needed on that mechanic (ps ,at some point at the actual life of the constitution that ship was balanced so much (by one of his latest captains) it could reach up to a speed of 13.5 knots )
  16. Well....... just to prevent mutiny ....no boats
  17. well i told you guys and kids there would be a revolt very soon look in the distance a fight its 2 miles away oke...... let go for it... let s help my fellow country men ohw no..... the battle is ...CLOSED! whut ,,,,.closed...! what is that for secret weapen
  18. well bin on the forum a couple of hours this morning but the more i think about the game the more i think it has a wrong name this game is actually more about and should be called : TIMERS Time to sail, time to craft, time to wait ,time to load,time to jump,time to you name it, ....... well its .........time to exit
  19. so i must conclude you shoos option 1 then.. together, we hethwill get your mind set...
  20. (where are my gloves ) firs.....t i do not think the devs belong to the "Alotofpeople" family but let me give you a question ; what would you see in the first place: 1. - reduce tag to 2 seconds ?= tag of 2 seconds 2. - reduce tag by 2 seconds ?= 18 seconds for me i do not care what you shoos just tell me ....1 or 2
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