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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. Haaa..sending all my ships to the shipyards refurbish department for new rigging and sails Let the crew on shore leave for boosting morale and have a chitchat with our officers at the Admiralty Ohw.. the shipmate enters the room with mail i think... Lets see... whats in that letter................... Mmm..A letter of Mark...?...lets see.....
  2. (moved from closed topic " The vicar and the devil " to assemble topic my 2 cents) -this is concerning a brand new upgrade- Hello captains sometimes when i see a pirate and trying to successfully get into battle with that pirate to board it I am going to get very confused .... When boarding a pirate i see... Marines on the side of the pirates That looks to me as... if /that... the vicar joint the devil (?) for pirates, pirates and marines do not go together the upgrade who puts marines on board a ship should only be assessable for regulated nations like for instance france /english/dutch/exc.,..But not pirates What i suggest is a upgrade for regulated nations > Marines (give bonus to nations ,and no bonus to pirates) and a new upgrade: (called)" Extra buccaneers " >for pirates only (give bonus to pirates ,and no bonus to nations ) from wiki (who explanes buccaneers) Warfare[edit] Buccaneers extorting tribute from the citizens of a captured city. Naval[edit] Buccaneers initially used small boats to attack Spanish galleons surreptitiously, often at night, and climb aboard before the alarm could be raised. Buccaneers were expert marksmen and would quickly kill the helmsman and any officers aboard. Buccaneers' reputation as cruel pirates grew to the point that, eventually, most victims would surrender, hoping they would not be killed.[11] Land[edit] When buccaneers raided towns, they did not sail into port and bombard the defenses, as naval forces typically did. Instead, they secretly beached their ships out of sight of their target, marched overland, and attacked the towns from the landward side, which was usually less fortified. Their raids relied mainly on surprise and speed.[11] The sack of Campeche was considered the first such raid and many others that followed replicated the same techniques including the attack on Veracruz in 1683 and the raid on Cartagena later that same year. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For me: Marines on a pirate vessel it is a no go......... The pirates need a new upgrade " Extra Buccaneers " Captains what do you think of it... Greetings Thonys o7
  3. or make it 2 minutes timer close at port (2 minute border) (just like capital reinforcement) and 3 minutes timer at 3 min sailing minutes from port entrance / reinforcement border in OW
  4. I think play time is crucial here players must have the time to engage in this kind of combat 2 to 3 hours is max
  5. Or.... experiment with a timer of........ 3 ........ minutes see how that goes. make a compromise if 2 is to short and 5 is to long .... 07 for a close distance at port make it 2 minutes (2 minutes border)
  6. everybody is waiting .... i lost a ex vic with a lot of very very expensive perms and ups we just have to wait an d see what happens in the mean time having a cup of tea ,feed the cats and do the dischess
  7. I believe this game/players took a major HIT yesterday (specially one dura vics) a lot of players are not playing ,and just waiting for the things to come also if there is a risk of taking your ship out ,no player is going to play and take there ship into a mission (even if they have a replacement) i can say there is a GAME BLOCKADE atm by players i see it in our clan, i see it in game (its very quiet on the shores )
  8. i lost a victory also still waiting for a restoration i believe a direct Roll back (status just after downtime was the best thing)was the best option it happened 2 hours after downtime now a lot cant even do there thing because they are waiting for there ships to play at least i am no play time for me ATM
  9. Hi dev,s this morning (12.00) there was a server crash or disconnect at that moment we(me and my friend flewfy1 ) where in a mission when it happened the ship did not respond anymore and at a certain point he where thrown out the mission and came in the loading screen, there we saw there was no ping with the server the only thing we could do was exit and restart what gave a no ping with the server and the game was disconnected with the server we waited 15 minutes and we could log in the game again it all resulted that when i was restarted at 12.15 i was in a empty harbor ,with no ship a exceptional vic was gone (and upgrades/perms ) (gone with the wind) i hope you can help me recovering my victory,and my friends (flewfy1) Bellona bug report was made. greetings Thonys
  10. designated fire ships in the game should have fuse timer to go off (special button when it is time to go on fire) and only 2 guns the designated fire ships where mostly with a few people sailing and limited guns (they where taken off the ship for that reason) it where even sometimes specially fabricated upgraded ships and had even a door on the side (and a small escape sloop to disembark)to escape when the ship was put on fire https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_ship#/media/File:Brulot10.jpg you can read more about it over here
  11. or you get the ship insuranced insured for modules and /or ship only but that is not in the game (yet)
  12. well if new players understood the working of the game and joined a clan they would not be that vulnerable to the experienced players in the game but newbies are ignorant sometimes,and therefore they pay the price (they think it is a single player game witch it is not) its as simple as that so i don t see any problem for the newbies (they learn it the hard way ,just as i did ,and there is nothing wrong with that) sorry to say people sometimes complain and cry..over a loss (well sjid happens sometimes,. just lost a pavel ,and i am building a new and better one )) ps. i never attack newbies i just dont have the time and the ships for that ) ,but if i see a greater enemy chasing the little ones ,he is mine (thats how it works) ( advise to all the newbies join a good clan first) OT:... huh..... NO ...no restrictions o7
  13. we won t tell....... We all know you are fench you where in the battle of coro this evening (and lost ) http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/487892961336241098/66BD39B2F65ECB5B0F7FAAA457976759CC12C8C3/ OT Hellshammy if you want a vic build just contact one of the members of PPP The marines ship builders
  14. ? Are you diplomatic twins in the other first* one you talk different then the second* other one just a joke carry on pls
  15. does that mean battle results are lost ? perhaps i going to be lucky
  16. Hi captains historically seen at the moment we see huge flags on the rope of the stern sail but normaly they should be on a flag pole also the size of the flag is a little to big perhaps in battle it should be smaller, say 7/10 of what it is atm what do you think...
  17. well you talks about balance i talk about exchanging lh from people who dont use it ,and want to sell it for gold it is not the same i think you miss the point
  18. well .. smugglers did not have marines/soldiers on boars (that would be strange to have the authority looking on your contraband) but the normal sea going vessels (traders) had soldiers (or could have) on board for the outpost in a a far away territory sea going marine ships (warships) had always marines on board ..(in peace a normal attachment, in war much more)
  19. well i like the damage to sails , but.... the other day our mission fleet tagged 4x a single pirate frigate ,and outrun us(in battle) ,(us with 2x frigate, renomee, constitution, pavel) by the far distance and the speed ,but most of all the accuracy of the front guns at that distance (they could not reach it)((longs)) the distance when going/comming into battle was really to far ,and could not do much damage to the sails on that distance it was actually a ridicules situation.. the real problem is actually the distance/accuracy to do damage to sails when going into battle for hitting the sails (tagging the sails) , the overall damage to the sails when hitting the sails there should be a bigger penalty to speed(tangled cables and howsers,and snaped ropes ) so hitting sails should be more affected to the speed in the long run if you are tagged in pursue(from behind) the sail damage should be tripled (in conjunction to speed 5% for a hit)((rear sail, 3 masts sails , and front sail)) the flank damage can be the same (as it is) so more: accurate front long guns more damage to sails from front long guns and more distance (fire power) to the front guns (if the distance for going/coming into battle remains the same , ) if not the a more closer engagement is appreciated(the gap is just to big) ps. my opinion is: when going into battle (you have already pursued the vessel in OW ) and does not mean "a sail at the horizon again" and have to pursue him later (in battle screen )for over 10 hours again (battle is battle ) and not looking at the rear of a ship for half a day.(so more sail damage from frontguns will help.) that said battles where close in those days it did not work that way in those days (as we do it now) we are not in the 21th century , so more direct reality is welcome...if i might say o7
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