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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. FIRST OF ALL :YOU DO A GREAT JOB. Oke .......all features voted by players were done so this is it then... i never asked for fine wood of other stuff (and other idiocy) i only asked for Dutch ships (and a flag in OW) a first/ second rate a 4 rate and a 6 rate never asked for anything else ,but it seems this..... is.... it .......... the trading is strange and unlogical ,i see Ai NPC fleets and unbalanced stuff ...........and yet you see unhappiness on the forum well how on earth is that possible i really don't understand that (i better explain myself ...this is cynically meant, and .....not even personal ) i was seasick ( i told you )....but now....i have to throw up... STILL YOU DO....... A GREAT JOB Also That is what i have to say on the priorities in detail just as you asked greetings o7 ps: well perhaps i asked a little bit more ,but...i still dont understand the political system ,and many captains dont understand it so also this one is for the list to develop
  2. well my crew visited the "The Little Sisters of the Holy Mojito " and they were not satisfied and did not pay them ... i am still wondering why not....
  3. The surprise is the ship to use....... it even sinks a constitution ?... haha lol and shoots a entire essex and a constitution down... at/in their ass the surprise is the boat for sure. something is "magic" about that ship....... i am sure...... the devs think .......that we don't see it,... haha lol...but we do... Edit: Removed offensive words - Moderator team
  4. dont worry we all know now..... how it works... this will be the only way its is going to be ..........for the next months to come.....believe me
  5. Good idea pelasgos simply sad 10 -30 minutes before a port battle will rise to actual battle..you can not spawn close to the pb harbor...... from without a battle or a closed game or battle screen,and if you did ....you.. and others are automatically spawned at a distance of 5 minutes away from the entrance of the port battle therefore you have to sail..... and have to participate in the game mechanics this works only of cause when a p b is active...
  6. for what i know of...... this is the seconded time this happened.. and for the community "this problem" was solved there is a port involved: this case it TO HUGE to let it go or calm down or back off THE community , sailors and admiralty's,.demand answers or solutions for this crime..
  7. As a prosecutor of the Frisian Admiralty: i see it as a case for the tribunal as it is a war crime the case (PB on 4-11-16 danes vs US ) i want to see to trial all the Danish participants of the PB on 4-11-16 Danes vs US for the crime: The deliberate use of an known exploit : - A Attack with fleet logs in, in front of the port to circumvent the screening fleet by mechanic and not by skill! its an attack against game mechanic. its an attack on morals. and bad conduct it is even an insult : to all the sailors in front of the harbor who wants to protect it Demand: There should be a investigation on the participants on that particular event to see who they are And i demand a 2 weeks ban for all the participants on the danish side who used this tactic A apology from the participants to the US players Therefore i call to the stand : as an eye witness and to whom it concern the accused members And He who can provide a screenshot, and all participants who were involved in this matter to say whatever you want to say about the crime and even without a fair trial.......i let them walk the planks for it...
  8. well you are wright.. i totally agree with you ...... i see it a s a deliberate use of an known exploit it is even a insult to all the sailors in front of the harbor who wants to protect it but i even see it as a case for the tribunal its a war crime (PB on 4-11-16 danes vs US ) and i demand a 2 weeks ban for all the participants on the danish side who used this tactic even without a fair trial.......
  9. well i just dont like it anymore to many things have changed .... the whole game changed so much that it has become unplayable on many fronts- strange battles and .,weird unusable goods.,a enemy on 10 mile s distance with a timer of 30 sec.,stern raking fests.-just to give some examples i prefer a roll back to the old situation it was simple and clear
  10. well i do understand that for some it is difficult to comprehend but the answer to your 3 questions is : YES, see it this way if you go to the drug store to buy many things ,you only want two things,. and that is ...space..... for your wallet in your trouser...and a spacy hand bag for all the stuff you bought just to have your hands free just to keep your hands free in case you get mugged.... by a pirate
  11. but we can not remove free ports because they exists in the rl
  12. ageed outpost needs buildings to,......... even in a freeports they are only outposts because they had no policy on politics you can trade there.... so you can have buildings (with some restrictions ), ..and warehouses there as well ...
  13. Well just what it says.. by the change of the political situations and the many different goods i need i have to change so much ports lately i have to short of ports every day i destroy buildings every day i destroy ports as a good merchant it is against my nature to destroy things i need more ports and i need more building slots
  14. Jaheil ... do not think lightly about that achievement it is a Guinness book of record actually first to get the nation on your side to make it second to get all the time -gold and xp and resources up for this it is a huge accommplisment.. of cause and i agree with you on this .....the question on this should this be;. a 100 % victory in taking ports without having a fight on the water is this the way it should work? a solution i would sayis that : the War supplies are good for max 70 % of the total hostility (70 % war supplies max and at least 30 % ships for a total hostility victory i\s needed) on the other hand and i must say :applause to the danes
  15. well what is see is that i can not vote for the nation i want..... so.. for me the political voting system is weird...(and not logical at all) also the voting system for what it is now , end up in a reality where 4 nation groups are up against one nation what is in my opinion op.... to that one nation i t should actually not be possible to attack with four different kind of nations (build in restrictions to 2 nations only) only the/a attacker and the ally can attack a nation so that are 2 nations and not 4 so...for a solution if the ally take to much friendly other nation traders it will turn (for example by capture other friendly nation traders) against them and the ally STATUS WILL DROP TO NO ALLY and then they (attacker without ally)are on their own.... what will end up in neutrals >> (attacker and(( ally = neutral)) in the ally status for a certain amount of time (and neutrals can not attack/ enemy ...... or help former allys in any way) therefore 4 nations can end up in attacking a nation with only 2 aggressors were the 2 allies became neutrals (if they are not smart enough) what will give a better balance to war i think
  16. i guess... solving the problem with the grind of getting more specialized ships or ( bp [exeptional bp grind needs fine stuf] ) has if you ask me nothing to do with money still, we have the issue with the fine stuff that is not working well and needs rebalance or another solution for building ships after the new update, I did not even made one ship ....!!! for crafting : the game is coming to a HOLD (at this moment) I do not feel to go on sailing anymore just looking at the docks looking to the harbor and think..... what to do..... what to do , where to go if this situation is going on for the coming weeks more people abandon the game (decisiveness) until the next update(i see it already ,I feel it already ) so a quick update fix is needed...i think.
  17. Hi DEV S i have a question and a suggestion both at the same time perhaps you do not know this ,but here it is http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/17185-admiraal-de-ruyter-1806/ for the suggestion it is about a boat that floats in the minds of a lot of people and yes we have it all... .The many names : Admiraal de Ruyter=Admiraal de Ruiter .The wright TIME .The drawings .The looks .The paint .The guns( dutch pounds) .The community who wants HER .The 3d module makers are there we have water and the sky,we have the game but Do we have to vote on something ? perhaps one (1) developer can tell us something on this matter: (the question) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- perhaps i can tell you more with this song or a lullaby Every dutch boy and sometimes girls to ...knows this scene and practiced this outdoors So .......Where is my .........ship i m getting seasick ..and i am walking barefoot....its almost disgusting for english translation
  18. Is just to small for all the goods i have hi all/defs with the new upgrade we got new goods but with the new upgrade the space for all that new stuff is not provided .perhaps the def s should give the warehouse more space .different warehouses in port .also more port slots more slots is better for trading now those restrictions is holding me down on doing trading ------------------------- also small trading at sea for materials or small consumables would be great not the big logs and coal and iron ore (to big to handle at sea) greetings. what do you think of it
  19. its a buckle key a commodity to look nice ) around your belt chastity belt
  20. and it cost you five point s to lol
  21. i am kind of worried about the integrity of that server (because of the many incidents on server side- and DDOS attack [hardware issues only?])) i hope the security of the players is not in question?
  22. Auch Brace - 1 Brace - 1 Brace - 1 Brace - 1 0 hope you had some head way on the boarding
  23. hi all a disconnect occurred while playing the game could not log in again tried to log in by steam but was thrown back to the player selection field
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