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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. Yes historically right warships were more expensive than traders, 1/ 3 of the cost was for the build of the ship, and 2/3 of the costs where for the cannons[incluiding 23.000 kg =46.000pound of powder+ 55.000 kg of ammo] (82 cannons ship){dutch pounds 494gram/british pound 454gram}
  2. well players come and players go, people who promise to play a lot are gone in a zip ,not telling why they just stay away and there are people you dont here talking a lot and are still around.. some times it has nothing to do with the game,but some times more with commitment to a game.. lets hope the developers make just a nice game to play, just for the guys who doesn't want to leave..for no reason the only thing the devs need to do is not to listen to much to the guys who wants restrictions ,thats all to it...
  3. HI Just restart/reboot your pc if it is still there make a bug report greetings
  4. well to give you the other reason why the player base dropped was: (for the dutch...) after the discovery off the dutch player base, that there was an upgrade/ship scandal, there were several meetings where they ddecided not to play anymore and wait for the patch... they just didn t like the idea that there were still upgrades and op ships in the game to play against.also because of the fact that the devs new about it, and didn't do anything against this unfair behavior, it was a major reason to quit the game or leave it for a while until the next patch.. to put it in other words they have a holiday until the next patch... the good news is they will be back ..(i hope) cheating and foul play is not a behavior that reflects the dutch community in the form of standards, norms, and values and therefore it becomes a abanded game for many.. even the fact that there are no dutch ships, is seen as a huge insult to the maritime history of our country and their people who play this game
  5. oke first of all thx for the content ships but is have a humble question : do we get dutch ships in the game? greetings
  6. Thonys

    Black Sails

    well we have black wood in the game, but i miss the black pearls in the game ot nice series tho
  7. True and i agree. but sometimes ... if you hear the sound of seagulls you will notice they have different sounds..
  8. well as far i can sum it up, ....when i read all the stuff, there is only one big problem with this game... and that is: PVE /pvp whiners on this forum...(we want this, we want that, we want nothing)and developers who listen to much to a minority of forum dwellers why we have all those restrictions and total chaos and the split servers. let me tell you something in the days of SAIL all the captains and sailors were keelhauled for all the whining they do, and what amazes me more is that the developers take all of it. if it is a newly invented sport or behavior (and only when the limit is reached, they tell you to move on to another game or wait until it is a finished product, what means, well bury yourself because that will never happen) but all of this is done by the behavior of the players in this game and forum, me included... remember if there is no flag provided in the game, there will be no flag on your ship to show to the other player. the only thing most players think off is their own rudder on the high seas, and i can ashore you 90 % of all the players in this game, have never been there.or ever will be. well truth hurts, that's the truth
  9. i have just done it and it says only loss of labor hours not everything else so is just ok to go ahead also when i was sunk and back in harbor i saw also 5 redeemable i left them alone, best thing to do just ignore it now i wait for the patch all and all it took me 10 minutes to compleat the 2 servers just let yourself shot and sunk>fastest way:)
  10. i am confused on this point so every player will get his own server now (i think i said enough) does everyone think we do get the numbers up to succeed in a active and alive server? atm we still have 2 servers up and test bed, only the names change we get pvp eu(18 hours-downtime-flip ),pvp global(24 hours -downtime) ,and pve server(24hours missions -downtime) the point is, does the global server gets the pve missions as well ? i just don't know what the content on the different servers will be does it going to look like this; Pvp global : PVP + missions PvE ( the whole package) PVP EU: PVP + missions (only EU time) PvE: global missions ( without PVP) *and of course economy is on all the servers included ps. on what shipyard can i order a frigate without missen mast, top sails, carronade guns at top deck, swafleguns, and the rudder (don't need them ) also, you can shut down the lower deck gun ports(don't need lower deck guns aswell) and put ping pong tables on the middle deck for amusement for the crew when entering the doldrums.
  11. it seems after the wipe we go back to 2 minutes but i find 2 minutes to short . i find even 5 minutes against the wind even to short . also when finally reached the aria you will find the aria closed because of battle rating or when is sais battle too far when reaching it is gone or battle rating all restrictions who will not help to have a fight with friends who are in battle already i am so sick of it I would suggest the following: when in a group you must and can enter the battle even when the time is out, of there is a battle rating restriction .(dot) remember in war ......there are no equal fights or fancy battles in war you can not pick your fight... in war you get what you get in war everything is permitted (that's why there is the geneva convention) everybody says we need to restrict battle on an equal base , but when the battle is done they have raked the entire enemy fleet and let them walk the plank and laughed at it everybody who's every body who want split servers are in my eyes killers of the game...weak hearted kids who are in nature losers .. (please ban me) all complaining ahh...... well i call them a bunch of hypocrites to the max... its just deceiving the devs to have it there way ...yeah wright... o7
  12. well i do believe they learned theire lessons when it is fully developed and then there is a faul play ,it will be punished cefere i think
  13. well the same goes for contrabands, how do you know that from 50 miles away you dont have to see it or notify it...but it is possible to make the info available also speed and distance would be more apreciated then contrabande goods
  14. naming ships in eve you can even see it in your computer screen,andthere are sometimes hundreds of players in the same system in open world so possible yes its all about wanting it to make it happen...
  15. I will counter you ...hetthwill if the possibility is given ... also on the irony
  16. everybody who is giving a bad review should be called whinner by default ...by steam
  17. how about a counter attack during the day time for the defenders (in case of a night attack)
  18. you have a point there, thats why i am for clan alliance ,but that's a other topic i believe:)
  19. well i agree on all but what would you suggest then? perhaps a counter system ??)(for night time ) a socalled multiple stage system perhaps? a reinforce system during the day time (cool down system) triage with a counter attack ..? or a system where it is not possible to attack during the night , for defenders are asleep..?
  20. well i dont know men I just want a solution nothing more.....just to keep all the nations players together perhaps a random battle time, or a split battle, or no battle at all, stage battles, battle all day long, or a battle point system where an end battle time is set.....(with a window of 16 hours )with a counter attack system or port battle, battle time zones for a specific nation ( with a flag) i just dont care what it will be ...
  21. for what i read and hear there will be more than one server a global and an EU server just for taking care of the flipping stuff what also means a portion of the players is not on your/ my server to play....! perhaps I have a solution, but I'm am not a coding expert, so, I don't know if it is possible but I give it a go and see if it is possible.. For example( perhaps this is an option to overcome the split in servers; suppose the Danes want to attack the American ports. then that is only possible in the day time zone for the Americans up to 22.00 pm hours pm what means it is set in a window for the Americans to react on a decent time just doing this by coding if the Danes would attack, on a time where the port battle would start at 03.48 AM (in the night for the Americans), the pb automatically have a set back (or forward) to (let say)20.30 hours PM mid-American time at the latest. and Vice versa..perhaps that is possible by coding... what means we have port battle windows specific for a nation (to the other nation-specific)
  22. Also called game efficiency, and cost reduction combine play playstyles is a Good thing as a player you have a choice now to creating a win/win situation is always a Good thing. also the possibility, to create more content, it can become an exponential factor to expand the game in the same envirement on a far bigger scale, than to have a playstyle which is not combined with other playstyles.
  23. well never minds what's going to be implemented in the game what i do know is that we need a good economic trade system, and because this is a game, we also need a result page for the character we play otherwise, it's more like a shooter than a game where trade is also a important part of the game the era needs a base where it all starts, and for that time, it was trade, and do business a lot seems to forget that part too often one dura or 5 is not important, build ships is not important, you have to build and you will be captured/sink some time, so whats the point.. we actually need trade...as the most important feature, pve/pvp is not that important for doing missions/battle/events and casual battle, and pb or hunting ships the reason where you do it for, that's the mean goal for this game to many people make a big fuss over little things i would rather see the big picture, for me to survive as a player to have fun in the long turn, where pirate hunting and capture/sink ships is the main goal to capture business territory, to do bussiness but that means we need a good economic system. and its not the system we have now, therefore i say we need to focus more on that, than over fighting over 1 or 5 dura..thats way to much time over actually nothing.. we as a community needs to do/get our Q and A department wright. because i see to much time lost over little things.. remember: i am not a pve player but more a pvp player, and here you see the interaction. (just saying) pve / pvp put them togheter and you have yourself a game . ps the only good thread i see is the shipyard thread those guys over there are doing a great job, chapeau o7
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