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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. I believe it is a" letter to the king " >>to the king himself ...... not to the captains who intercept the message (they have to keep their "find" hush, hush) ohw :and the Dutch Nation did not know this duplication exploid ... perhaps that has to be told in the letter just for diplomatic reasons :))
  2. Captains doing trade in a port is not always free of tax tax has to bee introduced to keep the business going in the town/port so, therefore, want to introduce 3 kinds of tax harbor tax (1 %) of the profit/amount, by trade in the harbor nation tax (for the ships/captains, who have no clan (10 % of the profit -fixed quantity,) clan tax for members of a clan, tax ruler from 0% to 99% --------------------------------------------------------------------- *Freetown do not have nation tax only harbor tax trading at sea has no harbor tax clan tax has tax everywhere Nation tax is not there when you have joined a clan captains ,what do you all think of it *ps clan tax is there to benefit clans, to join clans for the favorable conditions on taxation, and therefore pushing the captains to join a clan (that is one of the main reasons to have taxation as a player (a clan can have 1 % taxation for example) and therefore there is a benefit to join a clan, and it also benefit the overall use of the warehouse for members to have some purpose for the overall clan activity o7
  3. As a good navigator on the map i need some tools like a: . drafting compass . ruler guide pointer where i can draw a line a compass pointers where i can put other ships/notifications on the map a pointer where my own ship is perhaps it is possible to introduce this? what do you all think of it
  4. i can attack ai fleet whenever i want so do not see your issue but that is on pvp1 server
  5. in the context of the OP it has nothing to do with economy or affect grind so dont know what you are thinking its all about logical game play if you ask me Also to note: Upgrades in their current form will be removed from the game. They will be replaced by ship knowledge or skills ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^this^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ for instance, what has powder monkeys (part of the crew) has to do with economy ?.. (i think nothing) so the sugested patch ,it s a good thing i believe. the balance for that matter will be a thingy, but we don't know how it will be atm, so we have to wait and see
  7. Otto > Who are you to make such statement ? he is don dimacho ,you can see it on the upper left side:)) not yet, they need some time to fix it, but probably tomorrow there will be a fix, that's all, how it looks like we do not know yet.we will see that in the next couple of days
  8. Oke, i feel screwed ....... i am done with this game until a fix No pb. from my clan No screening .from my clan no testing/playing from our clan anymore
  9. Hi is the loot from the raid from the market shop, or is it not affecting the shop, or is it RNG
  10. Well i dont see anything strange here... Did you rus and danes ask the Americans how late it is on there side of the world ????????????? no .. or did you??? i think you did not figure out what the consequences would be if you attack a American port
  11. well that can be the case but the view is not attractive ,and we are in need of a more clearer view at ALL weather conditions and even the night looks not dark enough, it looks like early evening in the afternoon.. we are in need of a more clearer far distance ...
  12. well perhaps it is 50 miles but it is grey and fog what you see after 1 one mile,(and it is all over the place.......
  13. H i captains and Devs i rather want to see more clearer weather in this game it is always foggy at the horizon and overall very grey and no clear colors of the environment even the sea is not very clear to give some examples: i hope the game engine can handle this kind of weather .... ; clear distance winter summer
  14. Well why don't they shut down pve2 we finally get rid of that stuff over there they can concentrate on one server perhaps that will speed up some things they allready have a testbed server so....
  15. well now you mention it, when do we hear from the devs about some stuff? ohw, and something about the pb, if you just hop in a pb and do not join ts or any other communication app, you will go down in no time , i do not think that will be appreciated very much ,so if you want to join ,seek the channels and sign up for the pb,and have fun together, and good comms. if you think you can join a pb with a belle,and a trinc and a cutter atm, that will be a certain death sentence, no only for you but also for the entire fleet in the end and with elite i think they mean the right ships in the pb
  16. Hi All a suggestion to the dev s can we have a kill board like in EVE EVE kill board example
  17. yes for many clans there are these problems i dont understand why the defs do not implement a system where after 3 weeks of absence a vote system comes in place to make a new clan leader (3 officers vote within a minute voting and 2 mil each on the vote) its killing clans and most of all the game
  18. well i just don't understand why there is not a specific nation poll with several ships of that nation that would be a far more interesting solution specially because they would do some starter packs
  19. I personally prefer 1 dura ships upgrades and slots and permanents are only possible by the included build of the ship i do know its a hard way to ,but i sometimes hear people say "who cares i have ten of them in my ports " what mean the ship sometimes have no meaning of them at all and that has to change to, for making surrender situations to save a crew/or ship from being sunk .. when making a ship 1 dura they have to think more to make a good decision
  20. and that is my problem with it he can get away in a basic cutter (he pulls a finger to me, as a captain, because his basic cutter is invulnerable ) the solution to that is: give me a letter of mark and that problem will be solved then but if not, i dont like the whole scenario.....
  21. when i am attacked in a vic vs a other vic and i sink and afterwards is see him again in my 3 dura vic again, outside the port putting a finger to my vic (because he want to get away in his basic cutter or scout) i must have the ability to kill his basic cutter pod to....(its called revanche) and in this system it is not possible (that will drive people away, that's called kitty stuff, its about the captain, not the ship ) or letter of mark (kill mails ) must be put in place.
  22. captains in my opinion, the whole system is going to be to difficult in some point i rather see a ow where there is no br (and throw it overboard) and free to attack i rather see a protected area, for beginning captains (till captain level) where they have help from the coast guard in that area(just like eve in HS ((space police/coastguard just when they are pulled in to battle give them 2 ai ships to his side with devastating fire power))) when they are attacked by a experienced captain, outside that area it is free to attack. when there is a pb there is a circle area (the event circle)where the br circle is in count with restrictions (that's fine,just to even the ods) the psychological effect when a captain attacks a ship(outside protected nooby erea) and sees it can't do anything because of the restrictions of the game will drive them away make it a mens/womans game not a kiddy game (in that context I also see rather 1 dura ships where the upgrades are not attached to the ship but to the builder or the captain) and a other thing > where the powder monkeys (a upgrade) are also a part of the crew management system instead of drop(upgrade) in a mission game it must make sense, just to give you my 1 cent
  23. i, Miss 3 options : >> only players ships in fleet >> only Ai ships in fleet. >> More AI or/ playerships in Fleet * DEV's this post/poll is narrow on less, instead of achoice of more this poll must considered not valid for the community
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