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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. i dont know for what kind of server you speak ....!! but for global it is just fine .....i agree on timers 5 minutes its oke could even be longer .. without the gps>>> it should even be 25 minutes
  2. i always thought " the customer is king " and ruled by demand or did we invent a new sort of "dictator" .....dictators let "disappear" stuff ....they always do,( they told me)(- like in EVE HS is nerved, to nothing in there, i told them > it killes the community, and it did ,whatever they do now to get it up again. a other example: "when you lost your way ,you lost your destiny" ( GPS for instance, a little mistake... in the fast open water for finding sealed bottles- shipwrecks-) game restrictions are game killers, unless there is some compromise we can live with...
  3. on global, there is a nation( i aint going to tell which one )who does not have access to coal, it cannot make ships or cannons or do anything .....There is no coal ..... there is coal 6000 miles further on,(if an ally is online;( ) perhaps you can look at it ... or is it intentional (-) EDIT : we found the solution never mind
  4. lol ,My wife is happy because , i don't bother her anymore , you took a wrong tactic
  5. yep it think so even at very young or old age ...it's still a lot of excitement to handle in the link under this you can see where the servers are http://naval-action.arcantia.net/server-status.php
  6. well i think immersion and frame rate should be important for the overall performance and therefore a priority persang
  7. if this is it, it is quite normal that the hostility is not going fast so i believe it is normal we will see lager fleets when we are onroute after the wipe
  8. small ships raise small hostility big ships raise faster hostility than small ships a nuke bomb and you have hostility in a sec
  9. Hello captains and Devs perhaps there is a topic for or over it, (could not find it)but, Perhaps is it a good idea to have : : - the gunports closed when in Open world.- : - And open when being in the battle.- I do now there is an issue for manual toggle the ports (synchronization load ) at this point, we do not know how it looks like when the ports are closed, for me the open world is a stage where there is no hostility, and therefore the guns could be closed until we go into battle, when tagged, then we make a transition into a battle environment, so the gunports open automatically. perhaps it is a good idea or / perhaps it is possible /or not at this point, i don't have the answer on the issue, (hope to hear about it) so, what do you all think of this suggestion?
  10. that is why i call (cocuibacoa ) coconut >>> coconut freetow and the land above mitara " de kop van zuid" (the head of south) > because i am the captain
  11. Voted for GLOBAL nieuwe spelers zijn altijd welkom
  12. and think how do you want to do your missions if you can not find the swords ,if you all want to sail for 5 days wondering where you are just, turn your ruther once every 15 minutes ...and drink more rum you need gps especially the new kids on the block i sometimes think what some guys smoke...really... my clan does not need restrictions, and compromises , just more opportunities, more possibility's i need a compass and a time of arrival between 3 ports wind directions, and speed, and depth just my 2.5 cents
  13. We need a map ,at least my navigator does:) and if my navigator send me of course, i will let him walk the plank..... with steel balls around his ankles actually we need more tools ...and maps:) so gps needs to stay
  14. Overhere we call it "The silence before the storm" you never know what's going to happen ..and how it looks like
  15. Oh..boy, Do you Feel and hear the silence before the "storm" i feel it... i wonder when it strikes
  16. I must reject that assumption for obvious reasons. besides that, i was not alone, i had some "Angels along side"
  17. i dont need a speed boat to finish it (can't be everywhere) and it was a ow fleet(at a certain place).and not a mission
  18. exactly the wright point here " you got it" that's why i post it ..(just to lure you in the thread, of your future behavior :) the secret in this battles is, "this from now on..is.."." old school" you aint going to see it again, also it is not a mission, but a fleet in ow
  19. just to show some more "pve" heroes no mercy this time. 18-05-2017 what are your last battle ,put them in
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