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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. well probably some will, and some are not for your guestion: to give you the meaning of a troll: In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion,[3] often for the troll's amusement. This sense of both the noun and the verb "troll" is associated with Internet discourse, but also has been used more widely. Media attention in recent years has equated trolling with online harassment. For example, the mass media have used "troll" to mean "a person who defaces Internet tribute sites with the aim of causing grief to families."[4][5] In addition, depictions of trolling have been included in popular fictional works, such as the HBO television program The Newsroom, in which a main character encounters harassing persons online and tries to infiltrate their circles by posting negative sexual comments. cource: wikipedia
  2. well in most cases those screeners die,for the good couse, and did their job very well..for me thats a mechanic thats oke. only the reward for intercepting is not there
  3. first of all, i understand your issue: but i must say your defending screening group made a big mistake then..by not defending the 25 pb group you can not blamming the attacking screen group that they attack you..
  4. Well, i dont get it, now i need a calculator to ? if i am in a bellona and see a target , and i want to attack it, with my ten knots speed, i cant even attack an enemy tradder snow, is that what's going to happen now is the snow just going to pass me, and pulls a finger at my ship...(the enemy can pass on numbers) if a group of 4 Trincomalees see 3 enemy bellepoules they can t go to battle because they are one short.. or if you want to flip a pb with 25 vics , and they do not show up, or they come with 10 vics you can t attack the port ..?? i am confused now..
  5. Well the issue with that time is that :", mostly the "captain" of the ship, was the mogul trader, instead of the naval captain, thats where the proverb comes from ;3 captains on a ship always gives trouble" so the problem can be "how good are they individually presented in the game" back to the topic> My career comes from the possibility to do for example trading ,but i need the ports to do it;, greater ships means more different goods, so more different buildings in different ports . Ranks can give me the ability to have more ports, and therefore my career grows. thats why, i asked more ranks and ports and men. ps.when beeing a rear admiral and sailing a bassic cutter, i staill can be defeated by a simple captain.so that wont change
  6. Well i believe the game must provide you the tools to make your own career no matter what you choose you must have the ability to grow its your choice to take it or leaf it . therefore i think it is needed in the game
  7. Hi captains at the moment we have double balls and double charge (special ammo perk) chain has no restrictions. i would like to see the chain is going to be special ammo, and also has a limited amount of ammo on your ship. (not as a perk)
  8. exactly; every player seems to be a single pirate and there is no fear to attack a fleet in that case they have to rally a attack fleet to engage
  9. you mean, burnt a hole in your hand but, let we more discuss more about content and more go in-depth about it o7
  10. well you do know, escort ships exist to escort traders
  11. Otto whats the matter with you You cant command fleets any more just kidding
  12. well perhaps 1 ship..? and the post is not only about ships there is more ............
  13. hi captains / Dev's Well at the moment i have the highest rank a player can get sailing a ship but i am in need for a better career i suppose i need a Vice admiral, and a Admiral rank. (and admiral flags in OW/battle ) (just some thoughts) to go :full force with my fleet (every vice Admiral had his own squadron of (+4)ships ) where the rear admiral is a officer on the ship as a extra officer (2 perk ponts extra) and a 450 men extra >total 1550 men therefore i can take 2 more fleet ships in the total fleet aswell building 3 more outposts and 3x2 more buildings A Admiral gets a Additional political advisor, therefore giving the player (in the current political system 10 votes) but for the rank below of a captain only 1 vote, a captain gets 3 votes and so on and a +450 men extra > total 2000 men (also the political advisor is also the OLD lord protector [flagsystem flag builder] ) and is the only one to buy/ plant the flag) Captains how do you feel about this, don't you have ambitions to?.... discuss
  14. i/we can only use a constitution i have now blue prints in the clan for pb 4th rate (agamemnon) and also therefore no port battle 1 (l ocean) and 4 rate for our clan so there is a issue to... ------------------------------------------------------------------- and a Bellona(3th rate) would be great to for doing the the 4th rate pb (or perhaps a other new dutch vessel) the 3 th rate/> bellona could be newly rated to heavy 4 th rate (filling the gap)
  15. well that's not the only issue screeners for a port battle get nothing грохоты для порта боя получают ничего nothing at all nikkes nada, Niente, nothing , ничего the only thing they got is crew cost and damage repair bills .....ремонт повреждений счета
  16. aging by experience and knowledge is good aging from a sailor, to an admiral, and then to a regular sailor again, is not very commendable people can make a very bad decision for the game when that happens. what i rather like to see is when you age in the game you have the ability to have a real fleet in your command, and not only 2 ships in fleet, more officiers, tax reduction more influence in voting better sailors better ships (lower ranks did not sail a victory ) every rank has his own designated vessel and can not sail at/with under crew
  17. well flags are not coming cheap for instance, but clans must do something to make content for their members and that can cost something
  18. well yesterday 07-02-17 there was a freeze for all the ships in the OW for about 3-4 seconds and after that, the game catched up ,and we saw a 1-second speedboat > to the original time position in the OW map. (calculated after 4 seconds in 1/2 second) the game server just was running normal it seemed, but the connection to the server had a freeze or disconnection for 3-4 seconds that happened 2 times within a minute after that it was running normal again. it seemed a regional host data connection issue from our point of view
  19. Hi captains and Dev's i likes to see : in the new Ui, a system for taxation, - clan tax + - Harbor tax for the local ports or region
  20. Some of the dutch nation sailed into the wrong battle at Caracas 04-02 sorry :))
  21. hi captain drag and drop to your warehouse does not work? or right mouse destroy ? direct email in English to admin ?
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