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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. there will be a time.... pirates will have only..... water and bread
  2. just make a bug report and see what happens there are more bugs then dutch ships ..atm have a nice day to
  3. "P.S. This whole idea of the "revenge fleet" is ridiculous. I play as a US national in the game. If a few Spaniards decide they want to go look for something to sink deep in my home waters, they better be ready for retaliation. Any sane friendlies would respond to the report of enemies! How can I be one of only a select few people that understand this??? If you are in any sort of danger from this so called "revenge fleet" you are patrolling the wrong area, it's called local superiority. Let's stop demonizing players that want to protect their territory please. Please understand that for any one of these ideas to be effective, the other two should be considered! I'd love any feedback, so if you guys have ideas, feel free to type away. Cheers." -------------------------------------------------------- you are not alone in your way of thinking i totally agree on this matter but.... there are a lot of people who are trying to turn the game in their favor ,and you get a lot of bla bla bla and whining about staying in the pc memory is a legit way of the game ( in my eyes abuse and exploit) ps .what i really don t understand is why dev s haven t changed it 1 whole year ago ,that s what really baffles my mind ,i really don t understand their way of thinking anymore
  4. i haven t heard it or seen it here but,perhaps a system of standings (for pirates ) is a option to a good pirate / or a bad pirate a pirate who attacks other pirates gets negative standing to that faction a pirate who does not attack pirates in own waters keeps his +1 status and can flip after a amount of time (200 sailing hours) to a nation (if he does attack only Danes and french and dutch/ he can flip to the Brits or US for example) if he attacks all then there is no flip also
  5. i also would like to see that only clan members can vote ( for the purpose of joining up clans sooner , and for political involvement as a clan) it also roules out lonely alts and rogue people
  6. a simple solution will be if you log of in battle screen you have a absent timer for 4 hours simple you where going to bed and sleep at least 4 hours so no harm done..... wright when you go to the shop you are also gone for hours ..so no harm done ... wright when you have to go to work you work for your boss takes also 6 hours ,so no harm done ..wright so implement a timer then simple and effective to overcome the exploit (i bet they wont listen to my arguments for a reason)
  7. well for a start (on the cynical way) log of in battle screen is a very realistic tactic........ the captains..... they all did it in the 17 th and 18 th century and at the beginning of th 19 th century (only when the iron clad era began it did not work anymore:because of short-circuit ) in the old age they just pushed the escape button on the wooden steering wheel , waited 30 minutes and where in safe waters again... but...... it was a very big secret ! and that s why you never heard of it in the history books So yeah ... very historical .... ppfrrrpfff.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i hope they figure out some tactic to overcome this issue i see it as an exploit(help of the computer)..... i dont like it either... to much time consuming for the guys and girls who just missed the 2 minutes timer and just waiting in ow to get their chance Tip: Out of range = a escape , and not a missed ball for 1 minute
  8. los Holandeses, herejes desviacionistas, seguidores de Lutero, y los rebeldes republicanos sin Dios de las antiguas colonias Inglesas al norte de la Florida. yes the former colonies give hell back...
  9. hi devs we have at the moment only rolling -10 % upgrade for the rolling i would also suggest a balance for the pitch (up and down) of the ship or perhaps a combined upgrade for rolling and pitch specially needed For the small tag ships greetings
  10. please do so And in the mean time ,can some of you get your profile in order,. i sometimes dont know witch country is talking ,its confusing some times...
  11. hi I believe that after the upcoming Diplo patch/clan patch it should not be possible to swap anymore ,and have to stick to the pack (just to escape from your actions) and if you do and reinstall the game into a other nation, i believe you starts at 0 (zero) its a game, and should not be a escape from reality
  12. same here ,for me... no switch... but id understand one thing ..this happened now ,it can not happen a next time(for various reasons) i hope the dev s learned a lesson about whats going on with the servers this can not happen again (fatal and disastrous )( precautions should be made) i wonder what the players drop tells them.. because it will give damage to the amount of players for some time (i hope not) http://media.mtvnservices.com/embed/mgid:arc:video:southparkstudios.com:f7fd0bd4-ed00-11e0-aca6-0026b9414f30" fire a warning shot at it ^^ http://southpark.cc.com/clips/efo5tk/close-encounters-of-the-internet-kind?xrs=playershare_digg
  13. Well watch out .... look at the classes the perk is for look at the class the ship is registered
  14. you are totally right ... I NEVER LEFT !!!...and never will : I shall burn down with the capital if it comes to that Pugno Pro Patria
  15. well the full potential of the game will only be reached if you know the game well... i do see captains who are already in their fourth rank and do not even know how to build a ship or know how to make a knee or plank the biggest problem with them is also ,they dont care at all mostly they have no interest in a clan (for various reasons) cumming to ts is a problem for them because they think they can manage on their own (and when they end up in a fight, and get sunk ,they aint thinking "why do i get sunk" as well) the ignorance is huge for some player who are not willing to cooperate and at some point they will get bored and disappointed as well for me as a clan member i have time to short to do everything so i do believe that being a member of a clan is a must in this game ,and if you are without a clan you have to find one immediate,its a must other wise you get sunk every time you get out of the harbor. seeking for knowledge is better then to learn nothing , and to learn from someone else his mistakes give you a step a head all the time ,but you need contact for that with other players ,it does not come with the wind.
  16. Stop the eating stuff ,i m getting hungry lets eat paella where is the paella.... where is it ,....mmm aahh i found a map Hola Hola Hola...(or something )
  17. do you really want to know why we need dutch ships? for more reasons, but one of them is... for example and i can give you even more :The dutch wood was conserved in the water (against rotting )under the flood line the English did not do that this way ..What in the end gave them a huge repair bill there was a reason we had expensive ships for sale they lasted longer you even have a dutch ship wreck under the English coast in rather good condition after many hundreds of years tell me where i can find a English wreck in that condition even the flying Dutchmen still sails over the ocean in rather the same condition as it was hundreds of years ago you know there was a advisor to your king :he told the king that the dutch navy was bigger as the French and English fleet together it scared the shictk out of them.. and for a good reason to and the enlish did not like our prices? well if they where such good ship builders they would be content with their British build ship (builders prices)and had no intention to buy from the dutch so there where many reasons to have a dutch ship you may have payed more, but you would get a fine ship what lasted longer and had no huge repair bill for many years to come besides that, they where beautiful... for me myself ,i get seasick on those foreign ships and if there will be be no dutch ships in 4 months i have to retire early for health consideration because of seasickness (i see it happen ((thats what they told me)) with many dutch captains already) quote:Dutch shipbuilding in the 18th century was considered mediocre by contemporaries...at best (see Blaise Ollivier´s REMARKS ON THE NAVIES OF THE ENGLISH AND THE DUTCH). The British didn´t quite like their dutch prizes, either. well of cause not they where nationalist by nature.... quote:If you want excellent designs with relatively shallow draughts...Sweden and to a somwhat lesser extent Denmark got those. yes and they where called row boats,,, o7
  18. true true.. but i feel sick all the time on those foreign build ships (seasick) and i also want to know, whats the dev point of view on this matter..... do they ad a docter on the ships ? in the mean time ? because it is getting worse and worse-er day by day hope to hear there answer soon... (my goodness i used soon tm ) o7
  19. hi captain quote: "All crew members (powder monkeys, Marines, boarding parties) should all need to be recruited and will take up crew space on the ship and should all be required to replace if they are lost in combat." well Powder monkeys are not Marine related they are boys of 12 to 14 years old and part of the ship crew They have to stay out of it if you want to change something marines related if we do that we have to make a difference to .... between ....sailors/ gunners /kooks/carpenters/ and so on..
  20. Hi captains well we have the shipwreck loot but what about the sailors? why not a mission bottle with > Help us whe are stranded on the shores of xxx in enemy territory and to rescued sailors> who becomes then new crew (* go... and look for them if you are low on crew)
  21. What i also want to see is having the choice > to craft : > Bronze cannon ( more expensive ) > Iron cannon (who needs a cool down, and therefore a slightly longer loading time then is counterpart the bronze cannon) > bored out cannons: (for more shrapnel ) refurbished cannon ( where a 12 ponder becomes a cannon with a wider bore for more: glas /lead/ and iron parts/ and stone to injure crew) this type of cannon had a dedicated role for shrapnel
  22. Hi captains well the biggest friend is ...darkness... when i am sailing at night in enemy territory i always light up, as if i am a lighthouse on the water what attracts more pirates from a long distance i always ask my boatswain to shut down the lights but for some reason, he is not able to dim the lights he for some reason can not find the key button ( L ) " for lights off " because my vessel has a hidden place for it .... so my question for the devs would be, make the key button L active for toggle the lights Captains and dev s what do you think of it is it a good feature, should it be implemented ? if so thumbs up and like pls Greetings o7 Thonys
  23. well i miss it to but i do understand why it is gone. (they did not have reconnaissance planes in those days ) in battle it is still there.... because it is in a restricted aria i use the telescope more often now in OW
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