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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. well the devs will understand it But,..Now i am beginning to be unsure about the phenomena: if you are a follower, of the "A lot of people" i have thought about it ,i am getting concerned and beginning to be unsure about it let hope you count in a slow manner....
  2. a lot of people don t read and think at the same time i totally agree with you ....at some point you can shoot a nail in the mast at 200 meters ,and 5 seconds later it is 3 miles away from your 5 seconds ago
  3. well it is a suggestion( not a discussion) but good good good good to have a discussion on the subject
  4. As the title say i would see a reduce on the tag timer from 20 till 2 seconds the reason for that if you tag a vessel like the lynx after the second 5 seconds it has 15 seconds to evade the tag by turning his bow in the wind witch end up in a to far distance in battle (in tag range ,but out of reach from the guns ) "but you made a perfect tag!!" if you made a perfect tag in his own circle, you must end up in a close correct distant in battle witch in my opinion at the moment does not represent the " the initial tag" so i would suggest a tag timer reduce from 20 till 2 seconds lets see if the distance problems are over now....
  5. Good afternoon ALL humm well hu... Mmm yes... what was the update all about this morning?? did someone noticed something or had a clou on something or..... is it a secret... what is it....
  6. Hi dev s JUST want to tell you I picked up Nothing....just nothing 3 hours waiting/sailing let me tell you all something else as well still wreck s in a similar way as before (events) how many times.......... do you have to bump your bow......... against a rock ??? removing of the social perk will end up in a total inactive server (do not think a poll is a represenitative amount of the active game communnity, the oposite is true) OW has become the fourth dimension where nobody may interfere with somebody(that is NOT open world ) i am..on the edge of surrender ...just to keep my men alive ..(if you don understand this sentience please tell me and ll delete the game immediate)
  7. hi captains well its all about Haze when you are on the water in the morning there is haze at night you have clear sky in the afternoon you would have depending on the weather bad visibility or reasonable good sight for in the distance you can see a sail on the horizon with no haze in the game we have a very bad haze all the time you could actually see ship for over a distance of 15 miles on the water and with a good glass you can see them clearly (specially in the high mast or observation platform) also the glass need more detail and clearer sights also a clean glass is normal practice a navy captain with a dirty glass would give a spank to the cabin boy -improvements: * so the haze needs tuning * time of day/ night needs tuning on developing fog on the water * clear nights * glass needs a better tuning (and clean as well) * clear view in the distance 15 miles on good days * on some points heavy fog and doldrums * also the water needs more high color (is all looking very grey/darck blue overall look or that is just my settings ) * in storms we need higher waves where tall ships are only visible by the recognition from the top masts (AND that can even be with good color, and not only grey) * brighter colors for overall game color therefore>> if ....weather conditions and colorization in the game is not that good implemented (as it is for now) i would actually suggest a removal of the haze at this point of development there is a lot to improve and i believe that balance will be found look for haze in the vid
  8. GhePhuhh..(spit) Ahh..I will keep it up.... let me refer to one of your letter: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/15479-importante-y-confidencial-informe-de-la-santa-inquisici%C3%B3n/ " Mijn kinderen, onverschrokken kapiteins van de koning van Spanje. Het is met grote bezorgdheid in mijn hart, ik delen met je aanbidt het volgende verslag, verzonden door mijn agenten van de Heilige Inquisitie, verspreid Cuba: SE Don Inocencio Botijo, Metropolitan aartsbisschop van Havana Palacio Episcopal, Havana, Cuba. De meeste Reverend, verklaart, zullen verwijzen de resultaten van de onderzoeken die onze officieren uit het uitvoeren in opdracht van VE om de stemming van het publiek en de adviezen die goede christenen hebben over de toekomst van de oorlog tegen de Marranos controleren Engels, sekteleden van wellustige koning Henry, de Nederlandse, afwijkende ketters, volgelingen van Luther, en Republikeinen rebellen goddeloze oud Engels voormalige koloniën ten noorden van Florida. " {28 July 2016 - 10:58 AM Hijos míos, intrépidos capitanes del Rey de España. Es con gran preocupación en mi corazón, que comparto con vuesas mercedes el siguiente informe, remitido por mis oficiales de la Santa Inquisición, repartidos por Cuba: S.E. Don Inocencio Botijo, Arzobispo Metropolitano de la Habana Palacio Episcopal, La Habana, Cuba. Su Excelencia Reverendísima, por la presente, le remitimos los resultados de las investigaciones que nuestros oficiales han estado realizando por orden de V.E. para comprobar el estado de ánimo del vulgo y las opiniones que los buenos cristianos tienen sobre el devenir de la guerra contra los marranos Ingleses, seguidores del culto del lujurioso rey Enrique, los Holandeses, herejes desviacionistas, seguidores de Lutero, y los rebeldes republicanos sin Dios de las antiguas colonias Inglesas al norte de la Florida. Como V.E. conoce bien, en tiempos recientes se han producido algunas derrotas que han llevado a la retirada de varios puertos al sur de Cuba, que con tanto ahinco defendieron nuestros capitanes, y a la pérdida completa de la Florida. Al mismo tiempo, algunos cobardes piratas enarbolando las banderas de estas naciones han aprovechado la presencia de nuestras flotas en los frentes de guerra para campar a su antojo frente a las aguas de La Habana, asolando el comercio y causando innumerables desmanes. Esta situación ha sido atajada en los últimos días por los capitanes Españoles que han derrotado a esos piratas en diversas ocasiones, causando estragos en sus miserables flotas. Tanto se estan acobardando estos rufianes herejes de mala calaña que ayer llegaron tan lejos como para lanzar una bandera de ataque falsa contra la ciudad de San Lázaro, para librarse del acoso al que nuestros capitanes los estaban sometiendo en esos momentos.} ----------------------------------------------------------- we see you on the OW water soon and there will be no... mercy...
  9. indiaman is still the biggest:)
  10. Well the developers can also make a perk "Refuse help from friends" you see.... when your trader got attacked by a pirate you will be glad that after 10 minutes you get some help from friends on the water battles did not take 1 minute (they took all day actually) and it is stupid to think that passing by vessels can not join a battle even after 2 minutes battle closed (after2 minutes ) is the biggest dumb thing there is look at the end of the you tube movie and you will understand... "did that seagull just fart !! ...or .."
  11. Well i would just appreciate that if some one put a post in the forum (specialy diplo posts ) he/she has his profile in order (country /clan/ will do) who is saying what to who v v just saying for big misunderstanding in posts but of cause most players don t give a sh**
  12. i do agree we need more higher ranks. (when reached 50 we have perhaps more fleet +1 on the 2 we have now)) also we need. more different kind of officers for instance next to the captain we need the merchant (second in command)((with his own perks ) under that is the officer (nautical)(( with his own perks)) when higher in rank after the highest rank we could have (+1 buy for ports ) when we can unlock the merchant officer (( +1 for buildings)) but i think it is for a later state of development i hope at the moment there is no goal for captains who made it to 50 of highest naval rank i do now there are higher ranks above the ranks we have now
  13. More ranks and different jobs and specialty's also a >> Merchant (rank )<< (HE was actually on the trader the second in command,but strangely he is not in the game as a civilian officer ) so +1
  14. well if it is ten points for me .... i take it or a perk for pirates staying in bs for more then one hour ,also... 10 points end of story.
  15. no...... restrictions on br...no no no.... i dont like that ......... restrictions again ....
  16. hi captains i voted for 30 minutes open just to give you a example this morning i was sailing on my indiaman (trader) near a outpost and was almost at the harbor to dock suddenly from behind there was a pirate who tagged me by surprise with a surprise (gank) i entered battle and he was shooting sail to 70 % and later on he shot at the hull i directly asked for help in national if there was some people who could help me and all took about 4 minutes when some one responded gave the coor and directions and 8 minutes later there where 2 captain who came to aid with some small ships (4 minutes + 5 min) in the mean time i was at both sides 40% the 2 captains who came in battle could not engage in a proper way so damage was done to my ship by the surpris and lost one side in the mean time after 15 minutes a frigate came in the game (he had to sail back to port and had to take a other vessel) and finally arrived in the battle (5 plus 15 minutes) that last incoming frigate turned the battle from a loss, to a flip of the battle the surprise came into heavy fire from the frigate at that time i was sinking and everything was on survival the frigate shot the heavenly damaged surprise and captured him the battle was over and i could reach the free port quickly and saved my heavenly damaged trader ship we all had a most acceleration battle time with a good working perk even the pirate surprise must have had great fun but if we did not have that perk the battle would have bin doll, and not as much fun as we all experienced i see a great future in this 30 minute perk ,and it would be a loss if it went (you just need 30 minutes, this game is not a fast game) its how you use it and if you dont like it you dont have to take it and i can recommend this perk to everyone , it s a beauty ,here in this example the ganker got ganked back instant ,he made a mistake by ganking to close to port ps: the people who says otherwise have no experience yet with the perk and are just blabbing around, and don t see the pottention on the game play
  17. No its a legit perk it works both sides
  18. well i must assume it is for the new UI but nevertheless ALL is a big understatment
  19. to be clear this topic is not about the clan leader but the group leader in battles> to hand over the group of players to a other player of the battle group also the size of the group and a hide /show text field under ( or next to) the ready button (for showing or not showing all the members in your group, on your screen )
  20. yes right mouse on a random member and > make leader also a very good option
  21. hi captains and devs (3 sugestions) sometimes the group leader needs a break :..eating or long phone call or whatever.. but , when un grouping the group that will end up in a total loss of the group because not everybody is in visual range > my suggestion is to put a extra text field (for groups) to the( group leader) where he transfers the leader ship to the second in the group (second in command) it look likes: kick member leave group Transfer leader (what we not have yet)to the second in the row > also expand the group from 12 to a bigger number lets say 25 (just as big as a pb group) and make the text smaller so there will be room for it... > also a hide /show text field under ( or next to) the ready button (for showing or not showing all the members in your group, on your screen ) what do you all think of it o7
  22. i think the gain of speed is to little (0.1 knots for all that extra sail) but that s just my opinion 1.5 knots would preferable for a full upgrade
  23. i assume that will be the " powder " monkeys uche uche {also a sneer in cynical Lordly fashion...} but for now! we can not know what the result will be ...can we! we just have to watch and see how the wind blows for you Hethwill : call me the breeze
  24. Well at least..... he is a true believer but are you and I a true believer that s the question no never . but blasphemy is tho .like the Spanish do los Holandeses, herejes desviacionistas, seguidores de Lutero, y los rebeldes republicanos sin Dios de las antiguas colonias Inglesas al norte de la Florida. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/15479-importante-y-confidencial-informe-de-la-santa-inquisici%C3%B3n/ we only need balance and smart thinking
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