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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. Well everybody is making notes? but i i want to buy some tar and there is none if you want to buy cable and howsers ..there is none if you want to buy iron fittings there are none so i dont think the current system is working the notes are to expensive and that this system does not work properly even the buy labor hours in the chat does not work and are heavenly abused by some players so overhaul please.. OT: the notes are to costly should be reduced to 50 LH for the high 40 for mids 30 for low notes are not that.. important..
  2. thats exactly what i said before we just dont know what is exactly going to happen we definitely need more output/input .. we are in need of a timeline and upcoming changes otherwise our input is pointless... there are so many suggestions on supposed features we cant see the real story anymore
  3. Request: Please change outposts docks accordingly and start re-positioning your forces ^^ ? 1. What does this mean ? can i have a explanation ... give some examples please.... 2. Is this game becoming more and more arcady ?? the ow was a sandbox if you ask me i just dont like arcade with RNG
  4. Agree but i mentioned it more or less for Beta of cause...
  5. perhaps you can give us a a time phrase of the upcoming development of major things atm we as a community have no clue of the pace of development you can give a rigid time frame if you want, if development implements earlier its just a plus.. (Then we know whats coming or nor) atm the community is not knowing how implementation (in development point of view) is affecting gameplay. exc .exc..
  6. i also believe pirates can only capture ships like (not higher then) normal frigates pirates never sailed marine sol ships so pavels and santi are a no go area for pirates they did not even build ships they only stole them so pirates in my opinion are a restricted nation as a hole historically seen you could ask yourself the question >did they have a admiralty to sent ships to >the answer is NO.
  7. oh boy... Well in that case i do believe the developers are in a big need op a public relation manager /advertise manager before you know it, this game will be in the dungeons of steam... press accounts are just core business of game development/advertisement that poll you mentioned ,was a no go area...
  8. well not everybody is allowed to do that also when you are in a small clan you can forget it so i can understand the op point of view
  9. MMM.... and they sell it on the chat ;( and thats my point its already being done so why not doing it on the market for secure reasons on the market you can restrict it as well
  10. or a max per day lets say 250 lh what means roughly 1/4 of your daily lh income per day max just restrict it when it becomes unbalanced i am a carpenter who can hire a plumber ,just to help out a bit
  11. if you have to buy a hour for 1000 gold> i think you think twice ) (1000x 1245 {conti}=1245000 gold only hours(??) so infinite is not in your pocket ) i think...
  12. Hi captains, atm you can only trade labor hours in the chat why is there not a option to rent them in the shop you buy/(hire) labour hours for a later time on the opposite side you put your labour hours for rent on the shop for people who wants to buy them for there development so a new option> Hire labor hours is a idea for the shop i think because atm it sucks in chat and not trust able by default Greetings
  13. You forget the best dutch speaking clan V O C [ppp] Dutch speaking only (with dutch and belgian members)
  14. Diversity is good the more the better but: the pace of speed should not hold the game back
  15. well if you ask me the proposed system is to complicated i read about : timers ,time zones .port battle openings i think to many restrictions are on hand and will be a chaotic and time consuming game play just clan systems with on top a alliance and a clan who can join is a more simpler system good things are : war cost money and war time restriction( lets say 7 days) here you can see i like the eve system as one of the best systems simple and effective
  16. Do we get a button> declare war (for 7 days )>> per clan/ admiralty/squadron/ or > (alliance or nation) ? if so: we need clan wars > with color scheme (friendly or foe ) first with flags on OW for identity(or clan tag) and identification (EVE situation)
  17. yesterday a 3 rate was attacked in front of a harbor by one pirate (suddenly ) the pirate tagged the 3 rate and within a 1.5 minute there where 7 pirates in battle a uneven battle where my friend lost his 3rate but what actually happened was : or they came out of the harbor (six pirate) of out of a after battle screen in front of the harbor or the 1.5 did not work so in my opinion there is something wrong with: 1.the visiblity in front of a harbor is wrong 2. after battle screen has a wrong implementation 3.or the rating x1.5 does not work solution i think pirates or gankers have to be visible in ow for 2 minutes and 20 sec before they can attack the aria around a harbor needs a couldowntime for more then 2 minutes or you have to sail for at least 2.20 minutes before you can attack after 1 minute visiblity before they can atttack if that is implemented the battle tag timer is closed before the gankers have a succesfull gank /afterbattle screen attack in the aria of a harbor
  18. well i do believe it is not about doing this or doing that pvp/pve or abuse but more about game development and game experience thats what is the issue here it needs more clarity from what is going on ,to take counter measure or evasive actions or whatever (for example to give you a ideas if the BR isx 1.5 how do you know whats your BR in a group .mostly you dont know you dont even know who jumps in a battle with you together because of the BR i for certain dont know whats the BR of my group..its a big guess ,and that should not be the case in the first place..)
  19. "ï m sorry but really this thread is ridiculous" shall i take you by the ears.... and walk the plank with you together... oeps,,i'm sorry.... man overboard.. OT; well good for you and your clan .. but for some of us pirates and scippers.... it needs to be said... and adapting to my brain is a little hard....maty..
  20. oke, fine but... to close in the battle circle...???? and before that is see: to far from the battle.. and then i see: the battle is closed... still need to use, more than half of my brain... and a phd.. ​the mechanism needs much more clarity ..(without knowing the first /second/third book of enemy engagement ) tag timers in red to green ,distance to effective tag for example..and most of all seeing what is happening..(lets say tagged by hettwill for example)so you see what is happening or the battle tag is full/filled by br (from a distance) now, you have no clue what is going on ...
  21. I just don t understand the tagging system anymore........ how can i be to close in the battle circle ????? tagging and nothing happens ????? what kind of professor do i have to be....... to attack a enemy....!! It suck s for me atm 2 minute 4 minutes 5 minutes Give it counters then so i can see whats happening .....! or colors or what ever the tag system needs a big upgrade for sure i am not happy with the system .. its chaos
  22. well you have to sink some time.... but if you want to be blown up more...or catch fire more... i would say ask the devs for a burner/fire ship , im sure you dont want to meet that ship.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_ship#/media/File:Brulot10.jpg pic of a specific fire ship look at the door and the escape vessel
  23. i like it +1 and i hope the pirate gankings from without the battle screens are somewhat over now (it was a weird exploit) i also hope that the tag closing for friends groupmembers (pecialy in case of head winds ) is increased from 2 to 4 minutes
  24. You can always trade with the dutch we take your gold for goods and the side affect will be .....you don t loose gold on sunken ships in battle...
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